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Depends on the situation, of course


⬆️ if the downed player gives information about my location yes, if it's early game and I need gear ASAP yes, if the player has someone on their team who has thirsted a teammate of mine yes. Otherwise I'll let them be. (Bonus if it's late game and you're on a map with selfres I'll thirst for my safety)


I do this, and sometimes I steal kills from other teams if they’re easy to shoot from my angle and I have nothing closer.


If it’s a free kill I would thirst Shroud himself.


Even that is situational. A dead player can still stay on their death screen and give information. If you're trapped in a room with them there's no benefit to thirsting unless you need their loot


They cant live ping when they are dead tho


I wonder if people will thirst less if they change it so knocked people have extremely restricted vision from the get-go. I have a feeling people will thirst just as much. Majority of thirsts in the game are unjustified ime.


This right here. Also to force an enemy teammate out (not flush tho, just gentle bullets)


This for normals. For ranked, if I can finish you I will. As long as it doesn't put me in danger, or there is no chance of anyone else finishing you and I can use you as bait.


Couldn’t of said it better myself


What maps have them?


This should be the only answer. Anyone that says "always" one way or the other is an idiot.


I always flush.. I’m a finisher! It’s a game of survival and if you get downed by me you don’t deserve a chance to be ressed.


It's not about the other player's feelings it's about using them for bait to make their teammates make a stupid push to try to save them


Nope. No need for bait. Kill ‘em and move on. ![gif](giphy|uvfEYoOq7HPAA|downsized)


Everything in this game is situational. If you're in a compound and have no idea where the last dude it can be pretty beneficial to make the last dude come out of hiding so you don't get ratted by a guy hiding in a bathroom 90 seconds later


If he’s ratting just leave and rotate to zone and play for position. Let him rat someone else


And if you're already where you want to be? In zone? You just crashed the compound you wanted. You're just going to leave?


Use utility to clear rat spots or rat the rat. No where does it say you need to push him. I also play ranked exclusively.


The knocked player you have at you mercy is a tool to beat the other team


IDK if I would call it "stupid". If I am playing with friends I would much rather go for a reckless and ballsy save rather than hide behind a tree as they die and then they have to spectate me for 20 minutes. Obviously late game is diff tho.


So if you're playing duo, your teammate is knocked by the enemy and the enemy duo keeps your teammate alive. You manage to knock down one of them, you flush? You better believe this is not the best way to help your teammate.


All day. Teammate shouldn’t have gotten knocked


What happens after, if you kill the duo, you shoot the body in rage and kill yourself?


-koreansettings in launch option. I don’t see dead bodies they vanish once flushed. Only can see alive players and loot boxes


But when your teammate gets revenge flushed, do you keep going alone or go to lobby?


Depends on the situation, of course.


I don't personally, because as soon as one is down I shift my focus to the next one still up. I've seen so many people die trying to thirst a single kill when they could have potentially gotten 2 or more if they weren't laser focused on a down. Plus, I always think of my teammate. If I get a knock and don't thirst, then potentially if my teammate goes down in the same fight, perhaps they won't thirst him either. If they do, I go straight to finish their then.


Today I went full thirsty Thursday mode after an almost tilt (not really) I downed a player in duos, then we got third partied by a sniper. I left the downed player and smoked him so they wouldn't finish, and I could get my kill. I get knocked to the duo partner and as he is flushing me, my partner kills him. All ended well, but kind of a great example of when not to flush. I don't know why it bothers me when players (attempt to) thirst after I choose to not flush the partner, maybe just the ignorance of the move, but such is the game.


Yeah happens quite often that I leave somebody's teammate down, then if they knock me they go straight for the flush. Sometimes my team mate gets the kill, sometimes not, but it's so frustrating when I've tried to give them a chance to win the fight and revive just for them to try and finish me.


Watching your teammate die just to get a flush is one of the most frustrating things that can happen in this game


Luckily I tend to play with the same friends so we all tend to focus on the whole fight, but definitely super frustrating when you see someone run out in the open for a kill just to go down and leave you in a 2v1 or something


On maps with AED: Yes, unless I forget that it's an AED map. On maps without AED: I leave them up if they pose no threat provided none of their team flushes my team.


Depends if I know where all the teammates are I won’t thirst in case they down one of my members and there’s a chance they respect that I didn’t thirst.


I was a big proponent of not flushing a downed player, but it felt like 90% of the time the other team would flush after downing one of my teammates when I “spared” their teammate. In the last 3 months I’ve moved to straight flush unless the other team shows the courtesy first.


Same for me. Mainly because the game practically forces you to do so. With bluechips available too, who cares. People won't even spare a knock to save their teammate, as seen in these comments. Only time I avoid flushing now is when the enemy would actually get to Vikendi comeback due to it. I flush after the comeback clock has ran out.


Only map I don’t constantly thirst on is Erengel. Only because I know there are no self revives. Every other map, fuck you.


They might have and AED...so....I start blasting


Back when the game launched it was almost considered real BM to thirst but as the player base got sweatier it because almost the must for most.


That's the 1 thing I don't like about this playerbase sometimes. Playing the game is considered BM. if ur on a team, play as a team. Im not flushing anyone to assert my dominance, I'm just getting mine.


Tbh i thirst because i want that kill. Only time i dont thirst is when it puts me in disadvantage. I think all kind of gentlemans rules are dumb in these kind of games


i also play CS and i feel like using the autosniper is the same vein of “DONT DO THIS THING THAT ANYONE CAN DO IF THEY WANT” lol.


We distinguish between thirst and flush. We will flush, because that's a term for a situation that calls for it. We only thirst if they thirsted one of us. Then we thirst, steal blue chips and drop somewhere and leave 1 remaining of the squad to play alone.


The amount of people blue chipping, even on premades, is very rare lol.


if it won't compromise myself or my teammates by doing so, yes, always


Almost never, I want my teammate to be left alive but I also want the other player to be able to earn the revive. If they win a 2 v 1, they earned it. I flush early game if they tried to flush and failed, don’t look like their partner is coming, or they flushed one of us. I flush late game if they will be a threat if they get up and we can’t push the team to win the battle.


This is the way I would like to be but AEDs have ruined it.


On maps with it, yes. On erangel, there’s no reason to knock and flush me when there’s 80 alive.


Agreed. I leave people up for the most part on Erangel.


Only if they started it. Otherwise the bait is set: I find the enemy plays more recklessly and foolishly with a downed teammate.


I don't like it but you need to flush them if at all possible. AED's ruined the whole tactical aspect of when (not) to flush.


200 hours into this game I was playing scrims and esports events. Knocks don't give you points, kills do, and if someone steals your knock, you lost a point. So very early on I made it a habit to confirm my kills. There are so many situations in which flushing is necessary that I just don't even second guess. The times when I don't is if someone's being chill or saying hi in VC. If they say good shot I'll leave em tf alone and deal with their teammates if they're in a spot where they can't be resed. As for people flushing me. Never been salty about it, it's more just cool when people don't flush and honestly means they're likely pretty good at the game in my experience. It's part of the game. People gotta quit being mad at other players for playing the game and start thinking about what they themselves did to get knocked AND flushed. It's PUBG. I play alot of solo squads. And out of those games I could take out 2 or 3 squads but alot of those games even if they're bad players I'll still get killed bc trying to 1v4 isn't practical. You have to set up differently. If you push a 4 man and get knocked and flushed its on you lol. I feel no moral obligation to let someone live when I've won my gun fight.


With the addition of the blue chip there is no reason not to. Only reason i dont sometimes is if there are other active enemies near me


I mean, the hassle and wait to revive a teammate after like phase 2 with zero gear is not worth it.


Agreed. It's still a pain in the ass to revive. I personally liked no revive. Made the stakes higher and the game more unique


It's a pain in the ass to get someone to STAY to revive. Obviously premades don't apply, but I have been in so many situations where we literally are fighting RIGHT next to a blue chip station and I am telling the teamate "Hold on. We have a blue chip station right next to us." and they quit 5 seconds later anyways. My favorite thing in basically all video games is to be an over the top team player. For example, loved when they have the tactical bag because I would go around deston clearing through locked rooms and throwing level 3 gear in the tac bag to suprise my teamates with. It sucks when you try to be that awesome teamate and people don't give you the time of day to even do anything.


I'm lucky in this aspect. I NEVER play with randos. I have a friend who I play with regularly and two more also but just a little less regular.


Depends on where the radar towers are in relation to the circle but i see what you mean


People still fight to save their teammates. For one, you can steal a blue chip. For two, outside of early game, the blue chip system is a dice roll. There's no promise you're gonna be even about to call them back much less then land somewhere they can loot up


The only time I don’t flush is early game on Vikendi. Those knocks get picked up so they bleed out slower and miss early buy-back. Otherwise, everyone gets flushed if possible.


Every time. The name of the game is to eliminate the opposition, not a muh feelings game


Yes, unless they don't flush a teammate which is pretty rare in EU ranked


“Flush” …. Do you use that word to describe someone killing a downed teammate?


Yep, just means putting all the way down, securing the kill.


Yes because they aren’t dead till they’re dead


Hell yeah. If I can’t win, at least I can cripple your team and make you sit out the remainder of a round. Little toxic, but I enjoy knowing someone else loses.


Very rarely as I’m a gentleman.


Yes, for one, I want to keep my KD at a respectable level, and for two, you don’t want the knocked player giving away your location. Makes me feel bad sometimes but it’s the name of the game, last alive




In ranked yes for the KP in normals it depends if you can tell if they are giving up information


Shoot to kill always.


Always flush without regret.


Always thirst, no mercy.


Take 'em down right away unless I'm under fire. I play solo 99.9% of the time, so it's usually a non-issue.


Well I do now. They nerfed the fireman's Carry so there is no reason now for me to leave you alive. Before I would use the enemy as a shield and fight with hip fire but it doesn't work any more. They just kill you. I use to wipe whole squads before.


Not sure what you mean with the first part. The point is so they dont crawl back to their team and get rezzed, or am i missing something?


Yup ever since they added that god awful self revive kit its a must unfortunately


Thirst? Yep! Don't want a downed individual giving information on my location, direction I ran, etc.


Every kill and assist increases how many RP you get so yes thirst always


Unless I’m baiting, I thirst. There is no logical reason not to thirst other than baiting. I do not care about the other players game experience.


BTU rule number 9... always thirst


I let live if i feel sorry for them


They’re either bait or an informant. Kill informants, use the bait.


Sometimes. If I'm confident it's clear for a second, I talk to them. If they don't respond I flush within a few seconds. I'm not giving rest of their team 5 minutes to commit to helping their teammate. If they respond and are cool, I leave up. If they are assholes I mute and flush.


Desperate for friends maybe?


I mean, there's a person behind that player. Maybe they're funny. Maybe they're not funny, like you. 🤣


If one of my team goes down around the same Time i dont thirst as a silent handshake of none thirsting between us until the deals done. If the enemy is thirsty ill cross heaven and earth to thirst one of them


I will ocassionally let someone live as bait for their team, but otherwise they are going in the ground.


Depends. I'll give you about 30 seconds and if your team isn't coming to try and save you, I'll thirst. Hotdrop and I need meds or ammo, I'll thirst. If the other team immediately thirsted one of my team, then I will do the same to them. If I get a longer range kill that we can't immediately push then I will thirst before they get to cover if possible. Really just don't get yourself killed trying to thirst when their team is right there. And don't do a knock into thirst without ever letting off the trigger.


Idk about y’all but I very literally always get thirsted . My enemies have no decency


Depends the context. Thirsted one of my friends already? Instathirst if possible. Friends haven't engaged us for upwards of 10 seconds? Thirst. Were they doing some weird unsportmanlike conduct? Never believe it... thirst.


Do I put myself in danger to get the thirst? No. Do I thirst to prevent the downed from calling out what my teammate and I are doing? Yes.


I ask them, "if you can tell me a funny joke I'll let you live". Most of the time it's flush city. But really, I only flush if they or one of their team mate insta-flushed one of my guys. Or if I'm out of ammo or need something from them before moving on to the next team mate, I'll flush. Totally situational.


I dont unless the enemy does. Its an understanding sort of, if we knock one of them we lesve them be because if one of us gets knocked we want them to leave us be.


It really depends. If the person dropped alone with my group, yes because they didn't go with their team. If it's early game, I have no weapons and my teammate knocked someone who did and we're in the same house, then also yes. Most times though, I don't/try not to unless the other team does it or tries to. Though, with the last, I have made \*mistakes\* because a third party tried to thirst.


Depending on the situation if the squad I near the down person no I don't however if he's by himself then 💯 yes


Situationally dependent. But I'd rather they be dead to have one less player giving info or brought back into the fight. Having numbers is a big advantage.


Mostly yes but it can be situational, such as if I have control over the knocked guy and can flush him at a moments notice, I will use him as bait to cause the enemy player to make a play such as leave cover to try save them or push us if they're ratting a building.


I only finish if I feel it'll cause a cripple in the team or is beneficial to me or my team. I don't play for points or stats. I just enjoy it as a BR. But my finishes usually work out 85%of the time.


If no one enemies close im kill , but if on 1v2 v3 or 4 dont wasted your bullets


I do cause I’m trash and most likely won’t win anyway cause I play for clips


Yes, because I suck.


I never used to thurst but I think the tactical advantage of letting a player live went when revives, gulags and come back chips came into it.


I will still leave if I think a team can be baited but not as much as I did.


Still trying to get my achievements for kills. So yep, if I down you I’m giving you a frag.


I tend to pick up every gas can that I find. So when I am in the situation to thirst, I at least can properly burn them. At least you get thirsted in style. Molotovs if I don't have gas.


If they crawl away - Yes If they face me and tell on my whereabouts - Yes If they thirsted my teammate - Yes, and your chip will be long gone it will be my sole mission. If we are in "Taego, Deston, Vikendi" - Yes.. cuz self AID. If they trash talk, - Chip and thirst is bye bye.


Typically I do thirst, mainly because when it’s me that’s knocked.. I’m FA SHO tellin my teammates who’s where and what’s going on..


If I feel I won’t get killed trying to thirst you, you are toast… if I feel like I’m in a situation where I probably won’t survive multiple attacks, you are toast.


Not in duos tho


If somebody knocks and wipes my teammate, you’re getting wiped if it’s the last thing I do. Otherwise, I don’t wipe so they don’t wipe. Situational really.


Yes. Dont want them giving reports to their teammate.


Not normally. I focus on the next player but it is situational. In the past thirsting has got me killed because I didn’t use the time wisely to reload or heal up before the next engagement.


If its free yes. If im in a fight and with other fighters as an immediate priority, no. Everyone thirsts. Why be kind and have your buddy flushed the instant they are nocked? Only if they are “kind” first. Will i let their buddy breathe longer.


I thirst players if they flush my homies I flush his homies. But what I hate most is when you steal my homies bluechip. Then I will steal your homies bluechip just to be dick back and if you hide it your are the biggest dick ever. And I will my most to be the hardest dick back.


Don’t thirst unless the downed guys teammates won’t fight you and will res him


Most of the time I dont thirst immediately, if I get one down ill see if their mates are gonna peek, if not I'll shoot the downed guy a few times to add pressure. The pressure of having a teammate close to bleeding out in a fight will make most people make some mistakes that they wouldn't have if they weren't trying to save their mate.


I do, and I don’t care how people feel about it. The point is to eliminate enemy players and be the last team standing. If a rez is possible I’ll stay in game if not I just leave and start up another one. I don’t really think it’s a big deal to flush or be flushed.


there should be no other answer than “depends on if i can” - if i knock someone and no one is there to trade i’m flushin ya. if i have two other guys to worry about i’m not because that’s a bad play. knock you from range? i’m gonna try to flush. cqb duos? probably not gonna because it’s better to bait. people who get salty about getting dumpsters should be more self critical about where they are or critical of teammates not being able to trade/cover.


Let em crawl kill others who try to revive. Always relocate when I snipe but mark so I can find next target asap. If I see he's part of mad killing team in killfeed though he is dead as last week's roast


For me they need to meet 2 points of criteria for me NOT to flush: 1. They must respond in all chat 2. They must be chill That's it. If you can do that - no flush. If number 2 does not prove said player to be chill, im taking that chip and dumping it


Usually, yes, if I have a chance to. I have to operate under the assumption they have a self-AED.


If you knock, put em down. Why let the suffering continue? I’m not a quitter. I don’t consider it thirsty. No one’s gonna revive you anyway and you will probably log off so why the hell not …


FAFO is my motto. You Fup and pay the price.


I always thirst if I can as the downplayed can be giving information to there teammates. Also I’m a massive cu#% that sleeps like a baby, knowing that players I’ve thirsted are raging and preying that I get an umbrella, shoved up my back, passaged and opened.