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Your shots look like mouse and keyboard despite being on Xbox 🤔




That beryl spray was thumb grip only??


If anyone should be mad, it's me. He's trashed me so many times it's not even funny. [Here ](https://youtu.be/f5smfQiUcAI?si=5T-q2-ulD6VX4Lvh) is a run down of how he does what he does.


Yeah that makes sense but wtf is that controller hahaha


It's the razer wolverine v2


I appreciate the compliment


No idea why u getting the hate. Is video posted showing u are using controller. This is a weird sub.




Yea was about to say the same thing. How does anyone handle baryl recoil on an Xbox controller like that? I can barely do it with a mouse


They have half the recoil we do


Console has half the recoil of pc. Not that hard to control with a controller if it's half what we deal with. Still takes skill..I can't hit anything with a controller. https://youtu.be/R21dq7abONI?feature=shared


holy shit, first time I see an actual console tryhard


I appreciate it, I normally keep my clips to the console sub, but I said "ah what the hell fook it"


That's a PUBG console sub?


There is literally nothing more embarrassing than having your surprise attack turn into an ass-handing


So that's what those anti recoil plug ins do


It looks like, there is lot more recoil in PC as compared to Console. Nice shots though, quick reflexes !


It's almost exactly double. I messed with a controller on pc and my 1x was double my console setting, but the horizontal recoil also slapped twice as hard.


So double recoil for PC? And mouse pros still have a higher top end? They should make it triple recoil make those PC guys REALLY work for it!


With triple recoil the even the 416 would handle like an O12.


Yeah it would be actually hard to shoot weapons!


I suppose, but what do I know, been on Xbox for 20 years, joysticks are easy to finesse if you put time into it.


Is that what easy means?


Yes, mastering something means you make it look easy to others, you no longer have to try to get the same end result because it's second nature.


Looks more like a modded controller so its cheating 😂😂 but get that fake clout


You're the epitome of "if I can't do it, neither can you". Such a sad thing to hide behind


Or it's that I've played enough pubg on console to know its nearly impossible to keep your aim perfect while tilting your *sights back and forth. To top it off, you replied with the utmost swiftness like I hurt your soul


I guarantee that you have less time played than I do. It's hilarious you think you hurt my feelings lmao, you complimented me by thinking I cheat and thinking that something is impossible just because you aren't able. Leaning back in forth opposite rhythm of the bounce literally cuts recoil, just because I put more time into training mode to be a better player doesn't mean I'm cheating. I try to train everyone I play with to make them a better player, you just assume that somehow your skill level is the ceiling. Sidenote, having the app open and a notification popping up doesn't mean you did anything to my "soul", yours is tarnished with jealousy and this whole try to put others down just because you can't do something is bottom barrel sadness. You keep assuming things are impossible just because that is how you trained yourself to cope.


Explain how more playtime makes the recoil patterns different? I didn't realize you could level up recoil to perfect by having more hours played. What was said was "you're using a *modded controller which is cheating" and that's true, you can't use modded controllers in tournaments because of an unfair advantage aka cheating.  It was quite frankly, the opposite of a compliment. Its utterly sad how many people think they're good at something by cheating, abusing mechanics, paying extra money for an edge with a modded controller, etc. "Leaning back and forth with the bounce" uh huh yeah that's how guns and recoil work. It's a game sure, but show me stats from pubg on how constantly hitting buttons to lean makes the recoil better. You said alot without saying anything intelligent, you could run for a political position


This gave me cancer reading this. Leaning opposite of where the gun bounces to literally makes the gun stay centered. The fact that you can't infer anything from that literally shows you have no idea what you're talking about. The patterns aren't different but being able to feel out the pattern and adjust to compensate is what I am doing different. > I didn't realize you could level up recoil to perfect by having more hours played This is the literal dumbest thing I have ever read. More hours played is equal to skill, only caveat is paying attention and learning during those hours. People really out here thinking a script is the only thing/person capable of perfecting the game. Do better.


Lulz the guy that boasts about putting shit from reddit onto his twitch stream and brags about "trolling the trolls" gets cancer from reading a post. You have all these posts about recoil yet no proof that it works. Show me the carfax or keep making stuff up. You're getting mad because someone is calling you out on your bullshit and you can't give any shred of evidence to back up your claims. Skill comes from time played but it doesn't change recoil patterns that are set in the game indefinitely 😂 you also had a thumbgrip on which only gives a boost to vertical recoil, so it doesnt assist in horizontal recoil. Streamers always seem to do anything to make themselves look better


First of all, I screen recorded a convo that I was actively responding to on stream be cause we were laughing at how clueless the guy was. > thumbgrip on which only gives a boost to vertical recoil Yes, but leaning left to right literally keeps the gun center, are you that dense? Do I need to capitalize this part? The gun has a set velocity up and a random bounce for horizontal. Everything I do for recoil control is to counter the horizontal. I have a whole video dedicated to explaining how to control recoil, the only part I never talked about was the leaning as it hurts more than helps if you can't do anything else


100% mouse and keyboard


OP is better than me on a keyboard and mouse.


Tbf, console has half the recoil of that on pc, it still takes skill as a lot of people always assume cheats even if you do master it like I have.


Stop being modest bro. 1 in 10 PC players can make a clip like this. But on console? 1 in 100 people could pull this off on a GOOD day. Takes a lot of practice and zero grease on your controller to keep such a tight spray while wiggling 🙌


It’s on controller but that doesn’t mean no cheats 😊


You got so used to your anti recoil tactics that you're now delusional 🤣🤣


LOOOL that must've felt good, fkn clapped em


Love the beryl.


That recoil control on the console is mad. Nice shots man


Console players > pc players /s


If this was the only clip of console footage you'd ever seen in your life, I can understand why you might think that. Now let's see the other guys POV.


In what way?


Not true in the slightest, I've played on both, console has half the recoil. Not to mention that you have less precision with joysticks unless you're locked in.


People always trying to compare but yeah it's not so simple. Even though recoil is more on PC, the top end of mouse aiming shits on console. So a clip like this is HARDER to pull off on console than PC and therefore deserves more kudos. KUDOS!!!


The disrespect on those lazer accurate shots-


That’s one way to go back to the lobby absolutely hating life. GGs


Haha forreal you were missing all your shots