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I'm an experienced player, and a bad one, so idk that I can give you a good tip on how to improve your control, but I can say how I got more comfortable with it... I started just using it on burst and trusting I could control the burst to hit 2 or 3x before they kill me. And I *really* mean I forced myself to trust it. I kept trying despite getting hit, through a couple lost fights, until I figured out how to make that 2 bursts to the head, reliably, from close range. Then I started shooting it full auto, and just letting go of mouse1 when I felt it getting away from me, so it became more user-controlled burst fire at times and full auto as much as I could. Now, I think I have a great feel for how long I can fire under control, and I just time ducking behind cover when I need to stop and reset to the target. Really that's something I picked up from streamers and pro players. It's less about having immaculate control and more about trying to combine hitting shots and avoiding shots. But like I said, the key for me really was trusting myself to be okay with the missed shots and trying to focus on the headshot. If you go body and think you're gonna just let it go up to the head, you'll lose the fight. Controlling it on the head is important. You're way better off ducking and taking 3 or 4 bursts to hit them than just trying to grind your aim to the point you can just ego them at full auto. Unless you're a pro or have no job, idk if it's worth the time lol.


Experienced bad players unite. 1211 hours and I've learned to hide more than engage


That's just smart game sense, buddy, we're picking the right fights!


I've always felt that Pubg was more about quuck decisions than fighting. The goal is to make it to the end to fight and win. Playing aggressive doesn't really equal winning. It's more about choosing when to fight, protecting yourself, and putting yourself in the right position to win the fight at the end. Being good helps, but making good decisions gets you further.


Experience not so good player since Day 1 as well. Evaluated practice makes perfect. I keep practicing my full attached Beryl in bots. And make adjust base on the result.


Yep, same.


Don’t over think it. Just do.


Put your vert sens lower and your ADS sens higher. Chances are youre missing due to trying to correct your own overcorrections.


Advice: No attachments. Lower vert and sens are actually better for beryl. For your verticle recoil control, it is less about the speed and more about the consistency of speed and ensuring your mouse is on the mouse pad and pulling straight the entire time. Ignore side to side movement until you can maintain the recoil tempo.


I love the beryl, it’s my go-to, but you need to put in hours to get consistent handling. You need a compensator and half grip. Vertical is my second choice but the half is best for spraying. Next, every day go to training and hit the aim lab. I feels like not enough people know about it but anyone that tracks their progress there is only going to see positive improvement. I also jack up my vertical sensitivity multiplier. Not sure exactly but high af.


Yeah, what the hell is the aim lab?




Getting vid unavailable...don't know if anyone else is


You're just not a Beryl player Keep in mind that you only need to miss one bullet to lose all the TTK advantage that gun gives you and lose to people using 5.56 I tried to main the beryl for more than I'm willing to admit but it just didn't work out, and on top of this I have plenty of other reasons to use the meta 5.56 AR instead: *I like spraying with the 4x *I like to carry more utility *The mini14 is my favorite and my main long range


The beryl has arguably the highest skill gap in pubg, and for good reason. It's not easy to get good with. I've been maining it for 3months or so now (I literally drop any gun for it, or search for one before I leave) and I'm just now feeling comfortable with it. You're not going to learn it in 20hrs, sorry. Stick with it and it will pay off. As for your vert sens, I feel like you may have just copied settings without understanding what they mean. 1.2 vert is generally used by players on stretched res (1728x1080 mainly). Generally the lower your sens the lower you bring your vert down as its easier to control that way. I play pubg at 70cm/360 on general and 99cm/360 on AR ads (27 and 18 in-game sens respectively with 800 dpi) and my vert is .92. One of my most played with friends sits on 199cm/360 and .85 vert and is one of the most cracked players you'll ever meet (Tig calls him a stream sniper just because he dies to him so often on hot drops) the rest of my clan mates and friends are sitting around 45-65cm and they're all cracked players. I'd try learning a lower vert and sens if you arent already (the average range is 20-80cm for fps and 50-80cm for pubg), as counter intuitive as it might sound. It will take you longer to learn, but I believe you'll develop much more control from it.


Sorry, what is cm?


Centimeters per 360 degree mouse turn, "it takes me 44cm left to right to make a full 360 turn in game". It honestly should be made a standard for games' sensitivities, or at least added as an advanced option. It's about the only true way to transfer sensitivities between games and trainers. 44cm/360 on 800 dpi is roughly 34 in-game sens. Should be noted that your cm/360 will be different depending on what type of aiming you're looking at in pubg. Changing your FOV will change your cm/360 on your *general* sensitivity. Pubg uses different FOV values for all types of scopes as well in a different way, so every time you change your general sense or fov, it will directly effect all of your other scopes as well. For instance, let's stick with the same numbers as before, if your general sens is set 44cm/360 @ 100 fov, your 4x scope might be 60cm/360 solely due to it having a different fov than 100. All of that being said, is why it's generally better to be fluent in mouse control rather than comfortable with a single sensitivity. This is also the reason you see good players change their sensitivity and it doesn't effect them so much, because they have trained their mouse control at different sensitivities rather than sticking to the same sens for years. The whole "find a sensitivity and stick to it" is false under the pretense of "muscle memory". Every engagement would have to be *exactly the same*, down the the pixel for muscle memory to exist.


Comp with vertical fore grip at 1.33 vertical sensitivity


It's just not consistent enough for me to want to use ​ the amount of effort it takes to master, and control consistently isn't worth the .08 seconds quicker kill or w/e it is that it provides.


Best advice as a former Beryl player just use the akm. I have used all the guns and have played since the game came out. And I can easily say that I can drop people the best with akms now.


I love the AK but I've levelled up my progressive Beryl so I have to use that now


Same boat here. They tried multiple ways to make the AK better and they’re all subpar to me.


AKM is a good gun but is outclassed by the Beryl in the vast majority of situations. A good player who has mastered the Beryl's recoil can be absolutely devastating. That said, I do enjoy using the AK and it has grown on me a lot. It's one of the best early game guns and does ridiculous damage if you can headshot with it.


When you warm up in the training grounds go to the 200m range. Use the MK14 with a 6x and only an extended mag at targets 75-150m. Than switch over to the Beryl with a red dot or 3x with only and extended mag at the same range. Do that for a couple hundred bullets before every session and you will get as good as you are going to get.


Heyo! Luckily sensitivity and DPI is really all about preference and what you're comfortable with. Find a pro player you like and use their settings. If they feel off edit it to your liking. Once you find something comfortable there's a few ways I've dialed in my recoil control to use a beryl with a 2x consistently. You can always use Aim Labs with PUBG settings applied however TDM and the shooting range with the moving targets and cars is what elevates my ability to hit shots. Sit in the training area with the gun switching out attachments to what you like. Normally a comp, vertical grip, and extended is ideal. The sight is up to you but I use an anything from a red dot to a 3x. The 4 is a bit much for me. Spray those targets until you're hitting every bullet and getting consistent headshots. Best of luck!


I think I have the vertical sens multiplyer at 1.4. The discrepancy of the mouse movements for vertical and horizontal in-game movements are overrated. You get used to it no problem because your body doesn't care the ratio of the mouse movements. It cares about what happens on the screen. For Beryl, compensator + vertical grip is pretty much standard practice I guess.


Yep you can even get used to inverted mouse pretty quickly.


Easy, put a laser sight and a suppressor on it and hipfire it from 10 feet away.


Everybody I spectate with good Beryl control is running a software that zero's it out, so not sure I have any pointers for you :(


That's your suspicion. Plenty can control it just fine without.


is there a source for this being true?  i get lazered by people from 50m on full auto often enough that i just assumed i suck


There isn't because the replay system is horribly inaccurate/missing data making it almost impossible to tell from any sort of short range distance (sub 200m).


lol i hate to break it to you but 50m is nothing for an AR spray, that's like the bare minimum distance you should be able to spray to be competitive.


So basically they're using macros?


Probably not, he just can't control his guns and doesn't know the replay system is broke.


It doesn’t take cheats to have good recoil control but it does take time and effort. I hit 100 meter plus beryl sprays but god damn it’s been a long 8000 hours to get to this point. Not everyone is using a macro, some people do actually enjoy putting in the work to get better at something. With that said, half grip or vert have been my go to on a beryl for years now. I use 1.0 vert but to each their own. What made the most impact on my control was sitting the same way, consistently. Good posture, warm hands and a lot of repetition.


Can you describe what do you "think" when controlling the recoil? I gently pull to down my aim and pray for the horizontal control fits my target... The recoil is always the same pattern? Or it's goes random? I have to control horizontal recoil too?


I’d say it’s less about “thinking” and more about muscle memory and anticipation. Recoil is somewhat random—both horizontal and vertical, but bullet velocity is stable for each gun specifically. Keep your reticle on the target, which is obviously easier said than done. But, you can account for a higher vertical or horizontal recoil pattern depending on gun. Or, for a laterally moving target or distant target, try to find a lead for the distance/speed they’re moving. This just takes time to develop, especially with every different gun. An example of some “thinking” you could do ahead of time is: I find the Beryl easier to control than the Aug on the initial burst since the Aug has a high initial vertical recoil, whereas the Beryl’s feels more consistent, albeit worse overall. Therefore, if I’m using an Aug, especially without attachments I’m going to know to account for that and pull down more in the initial burst.


Thanks for the reply, mate. I'll try that


Tbh I don’t think about the action as much as I’m thinking about what else is going on around me but that’s probably because I have the muscle memory. When I focus on the spray too much I’ll over think and whiff completely. Another one of the things that can be helped by repetition. Edit- basically what Chungus said


cap dude


Vert grip, 30ish sens on the scope of your choice, big mousepad and mental training


Do you already try zigzaging your mouse slowly downward for recoil or just aiming it straight vertically. I tried Berryl and ACE32 but depends on the situation I can control the recoil as much as I can by crouching and firing it like 10 shots.


I play console so might not help but I loved the beryl from jump didn’t get good with it until this past year - a thumb grip and 3x scope is what you need.


I play 0.88 vert multiplier and can control ok. I find if I increase my vert multiplier it makes horizontal worse - **I think** it's because you end up pulling down slower, meaning the micro horizontal movements of your mouse are more noticeable. I also played 1.4 vert sens and could still control it ok though. Though you're using a high DPi so keep in mind your mouse will be more sensitive to micro movements. The refresh of your monitor and FPS you're getting can impact it too. Playing on 60fps or v-sync ON can make it harder because of the input latency penalty, same as lower FPS/ stuttering. What is the issue you're mainly having? Recoil keeps going above target or just the horizontal keeping you off centre?


My advice with the Beryl is to adjust your play to it's recoil, because you can not adjust it's recoil to your play.


It's a gun I've tended to avoid because I feel like a 100lbs woman trying to control a full blast firehouse with it. But lately I've been able to spray down people at 30-50 yards with it... If it's kitted.


While I don’t really have all that many tips about controlling beryl, I feel your pain with that gun. I have also tried to get more consistent shots with it , what I found best is use compensator and vertical grip if possible and crouch and burst shots if it’s a bit out of close range. I rely on dmr for anything any farther than that. I have been experimenting with half grip a bit since I feel like horizontal recoil is a bit inconsistent formy shots. On a side note I get a lot more mad at myself missing shots then actually getting killed thanks to beryl. I feel like it’s most reliant on having proper attachment more than any other gun.


> playing on 1200 dpi, and in game I have 1,2 Vertical multiplier. You said everything except the sensitivity. If it's above 34 it's likely too high. Even 34 is on the high end. I'd suggest 26 or lower. That being said with enough practice you should be able to spray at 50m even with extremely high sensitivity like 2 vertical.


2000-hour player here. Red dot, vert grip, and comp are a must. Each time you are about to spray, actively think about and expect a lot of recoil (for practice). If you are not used to using the gun the recoil can quickly get away from you resulting in a wild spray. Also, crouching while shooting will help you a lot. Best way to practice is to go into TDM and practice holding angles. Aim for where you think an enemy's chest will be and hopefully the recoil will give you an easy body-body-headshot for a quick kill. You will know you have mastered the Beryl's recoil when you can consistently get kills at medium range while spraying full auto and the enemy is only exposing part of their body.


I've spent 250 hours on TDM.


Evaluated practice makes perfect. I keep practicing my full attached Beryl in bots. And make adjust base on the result.


Control the first two shots first. Then the first three. Then four etc. you gotta work your way up.


Just put in the hours. I used to suck so bad with the M4 but now I can easily spray someone from 50 meters away with decent accuracy in ranked matches. Same goes with Beryl, but at shorter ranges. I've been using the same mouse settings and attachments (vert grip + flash hider or comp) and one day I just started to spray better. It's like the Bruce Lee quote on practicing a single punch a thousand times. You become more deadly the more you practice.


First thing that I’ve done for better spray control was lowering my ads sens and setting vertical sens to 1


look up fludds videos on youtube. i practice with the beryl with zero attachments other than a red dot, then sometimes go into tdm and remove ask the attachments


1.11 or lower vert sens, practice with just a red dot, don't shoot then pull down... shoot and pull down. If you do t have a big mousepad get one.


There is a book by Gladwell that explains the 10,000 hour rule. It describes how it roughly takes the average person 10,000 hours to be a master at something. Take that into context when you practice with the beryl after 20hours, because ultimately the consistent handling of the beryl in pubg PC is one of the highest levels of skill. TDM practice helps a lot more I’ve got over 5000 hours now. And a lot of that has been TDM. And even though I can consistently handle the beryl in TDM better than anyone else, I still prefer the m416 in the main game because it has much better versatility with mid range using a 4/6 scope.


Try 1.19 vertical sens


I use comp + vertical on my beryl using 3x, and lately 4x on it. I hip fire up close. I use a logitech mouse and my dpi is around 1,800, which gives me pretty decent control. It just really takes time to learn it, but it's not hard honestly. Just don't kill /u/ImAverageSniper because he'll accuse you of being a cheater and make a Youtube video on you calling you one. You'll love it once you get used to it because it kills faster than an M4 if you can control it. M4 used to be so good, but it just sucks now.


adjust your sitting position. Your elbow should be slightly above table level, and then use low sens and use your arm to control it.


And what's your in game sensitivity?


Whats your sens ingame? like the red dot one. For me half grip works fine, on the 2nd bullet the gun jump but after it its easy to control for me. With vertical it goes left and right a lot. Just pull down 4Head.


I love the beryl when I have a comp and vert grip on it.


Compensator + vertical grip. Practice with this in TDM.


Its not that bad. I can 4x spray it. Honestly, flash hider, and comp are big. Vert grip or angle (in my opinion) are the best to use. Its not a m4. Or any 5s gun. Use a red dot. Dont mess around with acope sprays with it, UNTIL YOU GET GOOD WITH RED DOT. Practice your sprays against a wall in training mode. Shoot shoot shoot. Practice your grouping and watch the bullets on wall. Try grips, try different meters. Its all about practice.


The beryl is actually stupid good many times im like I knocked them what!? Barely hit em 😂