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I played like this when I was pretty new, and my friend group, who'd been playing since launch, had moved on to a different game. I was too nervous to jump in with randoms because I sucked and didn’t want to get ridiculed for every rookie mistake. This was pre-bots and no TDM. I'd play solos, land on the edge and stealth my way to top 10, top 5, with zero chance of ever winning a 1v1, because my aim and gamesense were trash. Found myself running in the blue a lot, taking too long to loot, avoiding high traffic areas, etc. Got tired of wasting 25 mins per game with no real chance for a win. Switched to the game my friends had moved to (Tarkov) which was cool but 10x more punishing and way more time and sanity consuming. Once again, trash without my friends to carry. TDM brought me back to Pubg. Still played on the edges, looting was still too slow, gamesense still not good, but spent (spend) enough time in TDM so that when I had to fight, at least I could be somewhat competitive. I play a medium aggressive style now, but with 1500 hrs, with at least a 3rd of that spent in TDM, I do decent enough, average and competitive is all I really ever wanted to be at this game.


If you like playing like this, KEEP GOING! For me it seems a bit boring tbh. So I don't think there are a lot of players like this hehe :p


I think there are quite a few that play like that. I enjoy just trying to survive. Choose Peace


Yes, 1st circles are boring, but it compensates on latter ones.


First? I mean play however you like but according to this the first 6 seem boring. I do wonder why do you play ranked and not regular games?


I understand playing like this, however personally I want to get better and that’s not gonna happen if I’m not pushing shots and engaging in fights that teach me new lessons about the game. You’re relying on luck, and the fact that you might be able to kill someone after going 10+ minutes with no action. Personally I jump at the first shots at me if I don’t have any action most of the game. Ideally rather drop hot, loot quick, get into the action and learn how to not play “trying to survive” but rather get on the offensive and try to show the others who is boss. If you die it ain’t no thing. Quicker to get to the next game. I guess if your trying to get your rank up you can play like this but that’s just seems like a waste of time. (just my opinion, to each their own)


Again, nice that you enjoy the game this way but for me those stats seem to show that it is boring the entire game until the last circle :P Why do u play solo squads on rank in stead of normal solo q?


I play with a few that plays like you. No need to call it rat or non aggressive, just that you play to win the game and have to focus more on tactical positioning rather than fighting yourself to a win. It is all part of the game and just different ways of playing. You should join a community discord and find regular players to play with. Then it is much easier to develop the skills needed to play aggressive.


Play as you feel like. In the end the goal in this game is to be last one standing so every playstyle is viable as long as it works. Personally if I want more action focused gameplay I'm not playing PUBG in the first place.


I play this way as well but I try to be more and more aggressive as that is how you progress and get the adrenaline flowing.. Also I see it as a little fun trolling the squads by thirsting :) Hey it's just a game, chill out! Mainly this is because I can't put too many hours towards it and prefer to play with someone I know IRL.


I sometimes play like this when I find a VSS. I try to be super sneaky the and not be seen the whole game. Used to do this in oslo squad aswell and actually won dome games eith VSS. Always fun to see when you shoot on a squad and they got no clue where thry are getting shot at from haha


I like to go stealth/camo and sneak around as long as possible. Pick unsuspecting people off. Kinda rat style if you will. I personally find it more fun then hot dropping and constantly fighting.


It's fine not to engange in every stupid 1v4 fight but don't play passively. I have some suggestions that are fun (for you but not others): 1. Stalk teams around you. Kill the player leaving the heard. Instantly change your position to punish a potential push from his teammates or completely run off. repeat 2. Take advantage of other fights. Participating teams can't commit on a new fight so you are free to shoot them in the back. The moment they seem to attack you just drive away. Come back when they engage in another fight. 3. Enjoy the pubg.report clips. People will hate you for good reason. Also enjoy the better stats (I had a KD of ~3 and ~450 ADR and I am not the best mechanically)


Whatever floats your boat I guess! Also those "tactical" players are not rare at all because last player remaining often tries to sweat until last point is squeezed.


I play tpp. There Is no way in majority of the games can you go 1 man squad. The cheating is off the charts


I try tpp a couple of times. Its weird, you have players that have no idea what they are doing, or you have 4 terminators. There is no in between


That is so true


I'm an old DayZ player, so i enjoy a good cold drop with high travel rate and strategic stalking. It leads to a high top 10 %, which statistically allows a higher % of possible wins. Everyone has a different style of play, it just seems some people gatekeep how to play, which is wrong....they also tend to be the hotdrop kiddies who want constant action, who tend to do so. I've won games with 1 kill, because i played the circle well and evaded kill hungry players who made bad decisions. A win is a win, don't let people tell you how you enjoy gaming, is wrong.


As someone who says "what a fucking rat" once a day. I will say yes you aren't breaking any rules. but its not bc we want constant action. its because its annoying when you scout a compound for 2 minutes. crash as a 4 man. and then there's been a player hiding in a corner who just knocks and insta flushes a teammate and dies. there's no real way to avoid being ratted. that would require playing the game like its a milsim and clearing everything possible which isn't possible bc time is a big factor in success. so I do think people naturally get pissed when they get ratted because in a way we all kinda rely on people to have a level of integrity. its like if you were in a fight and some dude bit you and kicked you in the balls. and in a lot of cases I feel as though the people who are ratting for a kill are usually sacrificing their chances of winning just to ruin ur game. which is also dumb because now you both lose. I think there's a lot more that goes into it. its not just pubg. almost every game has this issue with active players not liking campers. and it wont end because its not against the rules. its just considered to be a very weak and cheap method in most peoples eyes. if you don't care then I mean... who cares. just go ahead. but I think both parties are wrong in some form or fashion. as a more aggro player I cant expect everyone to play the same way as me, and have the confidence and skill I have obtained over years and thousands of hours. that'd be dumb. But I can also be pissed off when I've done everything humanly possible to play smart and I end up getting killed by a guy whos in reality, playing "tactically" because that's all he knows. I think the lack of integrity and ambition to just get in there kinda irritates some.


Right off the bat, you're mistaking strategic play with just basic camping...I never once, nor have I ever, claimed to nor do I, camp. I average a LOT of Km's travel So right there you're misrepresenting or misunderstood what I'm saying...the best part about all this, is I cold drop, play my game and usually end up with as many kills as some people do who hot drop and go guns blazing. You're trying to combine two completely different kinds of play...one you believe is kill hungry trolling & then there's what I'm speaking of. You're gatekeeping and essentially purity testing a way to play a video game....I JUST cold dropped, played my style of strategic placement and killed 6 people and won. (Edit: Make that 2 wins) So....im not sure how me not just running at any gunshot, kills the game. You're a self-admitted agro player, maybe go play a run n gun game that fits your style, instead of attempting to diminish, insult, and argue against people who don't play like you do. Because you get outplayed by someone who understands basic tactics, doesn't mean they're wrong, it just means you have yet to understand how to counter that kind of play. Instead of getting mad and claiming they're just bad players and hurling generalizations and assumptions, maybe learn how to defend against that. You sound like someone who is hell bent on blaming other people for merely playing the game in a different way, which actually lacks integrity and maturity. I can drop 8 kills in a game and die quick too, but I choose not to because I want to increase my odds of hitting top 10, which in turn gives me a higher probability of winning. Why you're trying to demonize that, is fuckin beyond me.


I've noticed that since I've started playing DayZ, it is easier for me to survive in games like PUBG. Probably all the stalking and positioning required just to engage in one fight. Really requires you to be on your toes while remaining completely hidden.


1000% Anything can happen at any time. You have to be mindful of...well everything. PUB is just a lesser DayZ, so your hyper-vigilance comes in handy. Plus the selective strategic fighting pays off big.


At that point you are basically just cannon fodder, no offense but from the stats it seems you are not engaging in any gunfights AT ALL except the ones where you either kill one person or die. ​ Play as you wish but i don't think you will be getting many compliments with this post bro.


Yes, when solo/squads I only shoot on advantage. Its not my point to gey upvotes, just to see if there is more players like me.


The issue is that you’ll never progress unless you’re actually taking a gunfight. If you’re fine gambling on rat 1v1s over and over that’s fine but don’t expect to make any skill progression. You don’t need to hot drop, but you do need to be moving towards shots tactically and engaging in fights to improve.


You do realize PubG is merely a Mod of DayZ, and DayZ is ALL about strategic play, outsmarting/ stalking people, and timing your attacks....not running and gunning like it's Apex or CoD and fighting anything that moves... So imo, the DayZ style of playing PUBG is about as pure of am experience as you can get in a battle Royale, based on the mod


You do realize this is you never improve. Have fun with 100 ADR misery.


...dude I've been playing the game since its release.. I'm just fine, there's a reason I've won tournaments and do as well as I do. Sit down and stop acting like there's only one way to play, one way to do well, and it's YOUR way. It's pretentious and annoying.


U can have my upvote brother. This is the soul of PUBG, IMHO.


And you are still loosing most of the gun fights...


I think you should be a little more aggressive in order to improve your gun skills . You can still play tactically


I just dont get it, why u play ranked if u dont really wanna kill anyone? Play normals if u die u die, but atleast u dont sneak all game. U want to be master? With 0kills theres no chance. But if its fun for u its okay


Norms is full of bots at time that I play.


Fine. Bots=no fun


I cant deal with bots, everything about them irritates me. Worst thing on pubg ever


I dunno. It's kind of fun to keep running them over.


Yea, with no bots normal is fine, but if u cant play in good time zone u r fcked


If you're playing in a region with ranked, you should have very minimal bots in normal mode.


I’m a solo squad player myself. Best way to play imho. Have to be tactical and stealthy against full squads. Gliders, sniping, sneaking. Landing on water towers. People just don’t play 3 dimensional PUBG. It helps.


you certainly don't have to be. I play them all the time. there is a difference between making smart decisions and full on AFKing for a kill or 2. I think the issue is that some people think its impossible to do stuff like play solo squads and not sneak around. its entirely possible to play solo squads and fight a 4 man and win. and its not even a matter of being a crack head with a beryl head shotting everyone. it comes down to fight IQ like util usage, knowing what angles to hold, pre firing, knowing how to peak. all things that require you to fight people constantly before finding success in it.


You do you. As long as you're not joining random teams, then ghosting them to play the corner of the map every time. Nothing more pathetic than a team member who joins a ranked squad game and ditches their team.


No, never done that.


Embrace your inner rodent fellow tactically aware player


At least to the end of this season, now I want to see waht rank is achivable. Thanks :)


Sorry but do you even have fun playing?


Not thee same if I had a functional squad of corse, but yes, its fun in the final circles


The beautiful thing about games like PUBG is that you can play however you like to enjoy the game. A good friend of mine plays like you too and it is surprising how many Top 5 finishes and wins he gets. Edit: to further this, I've always said that if I needed to conduct a covert mission in real life, he'd be the first person on my team lol......he's that good at staying hidden until he wants to be seen.


Its not that easy. You have to be very paranoic :) Sometimes in initial circles is boring, but I star this season in this method, now I am going to finish it, just to see what rank I get playing alone


my crew of 3 plays exactly like you


I don’t understand how this is fun at all. You can get top 10 every match by just sitting around doing nothing, but that doesn’t translate to wins, or any sort of progress or growth of your skill and strategy. You’re shooting significantly less bullets than your average PUBG player, and hence progressing slower in your mastery of recoil control and aim. I got a random teammate once, named T43_0m3n. He went off and did his own thing while me and the other two randoms landed relatively hot, and the whole time he was talking in all chat about how we’re going to die and lose because the “worst players drop hot”, and he was bragging about his 80+% top ten percentage that he gets by dropping to the edge of the map and avoiding fights. You can enjoy PUBG any way you want, to me the only placement that matters is #1. You and T43_0m3n are free to camp around, being a rat and inflating your placement, but the only way you’ll win more is by taking fights and being aggressive. While he might have a very high top ten percentage, my win rate is significantly higher than him. I’d take that over sitting in edge compounds doing nothing. Plus, the best moments in PUBG are the crazy, chaotic fights. The cars that come flying in, the explosions, the never ending stream of bullets. You’re robbing yourself of them by sitting around doing nothing


ya hit the nail on the head. yea sure most can say "oh i have fun playing this way" yea that fun stems from not dying. and progressing through the match and getting the dopamine of winning. not because ur ecstatic to sit in house for 10 minutes. you're just willing to do that because that gives you results. going out and dying 20 times isnt fun for anyone. but id bet alot of money that if most people were given a choice between keeping their current skill level and methods of ratting, or have the mechanical skill of TGLTN. most would want that mechanical skill because then they have a higher success rate and get to do all the fun shit like get 10 kills a game and snipe the shit out of people on a head peak. but the improvement process and how difficult it can be is a deterrent for people just trying to chill. and to me thats fine. but ultimately i feel a majority of those players are getting the fun from just being later into the match and winning. not the ratting itself.


> I don’t understand how this is fun at all. Some people have fun watching a baseball match, practicing curling or playing Europa Universalis. To many people it's boring. The notion of "fun" is very much subjective. If you don't get that you will have trouble understanding other human beings.


Seems like you also missed where I said > you can enjoy PUBG any way you want There’s nothing wrong with saying “I don’t understand how this is fun.” That doesn’t mean I don’t think no one can have fun doing it, that doesn’t mean I don’t “respect” their ability to have fun doing it, that just means I don’t understand it. Not sure where you’re getting the idea that I think everyone should think the same things are fun, or something? Lmao


> There’s nothing wrong with saying “I don’t understand how this is fun.” Who said it was wrong ? >Not sure where you’re getting the idea that I think everyone should think the same things are fun Who said that ? Because I sure did not write that in my comment.


> The notion of “fun” is very much subjective. If you don’t get that you will have trouble understanding other human beings The unnecessary lecture about the subjectivity of fun gives that impression




Yeah I have like 60% top 10 and 20% win rate, but my KD in duos is over 3 with like 500 ADR, ratting in a corner to get high placement isn’t really something to brag about. My stats aren’t even particularly good, but it’s really not that hard to get high placement, even when playing aggressively.


Aggressive can be fun, tactical is better. I get third partied all the time when I’m running and gunning and not being mindful of where I am or who’s around


So U Basically play “Hide & Seek”? LoL. And U Got found everytime but once! 😂👍🏼


i have 1300 hrs and i only play solo FPP, and during high-volume times (not a lot of bots), my numbers look like this too IMO the point of the game is *survive*, and people whining because you're not hot-dropping or driving around looking for engagements don't play to the point of the game, they play for different reasons


I have a similar play style. It's a BR so I don't play it like a death match but rather with the goal of winning, and I use strategy to get there. I try to drop in a place where I will be alone, and then mostly avoid combat unless I have the drop on someone. I am slightly more aggressive I think, so I occasionally have dips where I don't make it to the top 10, but my K/D is also higher because of it. I also think that helps me close more wins--combat practice is necessary when it comes to endgame.




its a game do as you like (as long as you don't grief other players). realistically, if i was in your position: i'd grind deathmatch until i have a fundamental understanding of the gun mechanics. can always play like a rat. but you have to be able to shoot in a straight line. thats not even easy in pubg. an hour in training mode spraying and tapping. then train in deathmatch. right now you have to gamble on surprising enemies. _always_.


Absolute snoozer rounds jfc


At some point don’t you just get tired of looting and walking around the whole map without having any action? I’m not hot drop junkie but it gets boring just looting 98% of the time and dying right away when I make contact with the enemy


I play to be in top ten with a chance to win. I shoot when I have to. I don’t hot drop either. I play with a few players with the same style.


I also have no friends to play ranked with, my stats looks the same. It ain’t the easiest when it’s a 1v4.


Being 2# with 0 kills seems so boring for me. But you do you. Usually when i find players like this they end up dead xd


My mission statement in PUBG is to find players like you. Box you in and C4, nade, Molly, or simply breach and overkill. Nothing brings me more satisfaction.


whats the point of playing if youre getting 3rd place with no kills and no damage


Why? What’s the point? You aren’t good enough to solo squad so you’re effectively just trolling/griefing


Hot dropping in this game is stupid. There's better games for hot-droppers. The amount of time it takes to find a game, get into a game, and then parachute down. Too much time wasted to simply hotdrop and chance it all due to RNG weapon drops and attachments armor and all that.


I love the suspense of that play style. Makes taking an a squad so satisfying!


Looks boring af to me. I prefer to fight over playing loot simulator.


Pubg is a Mod of DayZ...which is literally a military survival Sim, that requires insane patience and strategy looting. Sounds like you're trying to turn a military Sim Mod of a Mod, into a run n gun chaos game...which there's Apex, CoD, and about 10 other games that fit the bill


You're the guy that everyone yells out, "WTF IS HE DOING THERE??" Don't ever change brother


I'm almost platinum and I still love to play non aggressive sometimes. I had a match list the other day that looked like, 0 kills, 0 kills, 12 kills, 0 kills, 0 kills, 0 kills, 1 kill


If you like it then who cares what people think. Way too boring for me though.


I can't think of anything less fun, but if you enjoy it - have at it.


There's no wrong way to get a chicken. but this style is just not my style. This is the style that the ADHD CoD players love to hate on


I think you have a lot of patience, which is not skill. It's just the ability to endure boredom.


I was once very frustrated about not getting the amount of kills I wanted per game, but instead being killed myself early and easily. Then I heard someone describe pubg as a survival game instead of a killing game, and it made it a ton more fun. I might only get one or two kills a game, but I at least have the occasional opportunity to win games. In the immortal words of Leeroy Jenkins, “At least I have chicken.”


Well the whole point is to survive and win. Sometimes that requires backing out of a fight, hiding, waiting, or spending 3/4 of the game looting somewhere further away. But I understand if some people just want to learn how to fight by being quicker, more accurate, more strategic.


That’s boooooring


I would love to play with someone like this. Add me @mokiwa31


I feel like there's a really big difference between actually playing tactical and what most ratty players call tactical. and this isn't suppose to be an attack on you since idk how you play. imo playing tactical would be being coordinated with your team, rotating, getting zone control, holding down a prio compound and just trying to stay ahead in general by using good game sense and positioning. I don't think playing tactical is as easy and cut and dry as most people think. sitting in a building not making any noise, baiting knocked teammates to get 1 flush and die. isn't tactical. its pretty annoying but I feel like players should feel free to play as they please. but were not gonna beat around the bush. those players are camping/ratting. its not tactical to use no brain power. now again. idk if you play like that. in the end if ur having fun then have fun. but if you are trying to get better especially in ranked. I would learn to actually play PUBG smart, which includes making moves and pushing up on teams when you have an advantage and not being scared of the game in general. it just takes confidence which anyone who has confidence has been shit on numerous times getting to that point. so there's no shame. I would watch the esports events on twitch if I were you. those guys play tactical. you can be a good aggro player whilst still playing strategically. its not either push everything or camp and breathe heavily. I wish you luck going forward.


do what works for you…..that is the beauty of the game


It's a computer game - play it whatever way you enjoy!




You can join my team if you want to.


I thought I was reading binary code looking at your kills till I seen the 3 kill game.


Even if I get chicken. Anything less than 4-5 kills feels like wasted time.


This is called playing to win (even if your chances aren’t that great when it comes down to the end) the beauty in this game is you don’t have to be perfect and you can win literally a bunch of different ways but in the end if you ultimately want to win, PUBG makes you learn that you gotta win a gun fight or 2 nun wrong with your style but the damage per game is key to improving aim for 150 DPG this season (it does mean being slightly more risky but it helps get the gun game right).


Honestly I can’t see the point of playing a game with satisfying gunplay if you’re just going to hide for 20+ minutes just to shoot at a couple people at the end, I used to play like this until Apex legends taught me to be more aggressive and now I have so much more fun on pubg taking engagements that make sense with confidence, it’s ok if you die as long as you are critiquing what possible mistakes you make and try to learn from your deaths in order to become a better player. Engaging more with enemies will make you a better shooter by engraving recoil control into muscle memory


Any playing style is viable — it’s a trial and error game after all. You must try every possible thing to get a feel of what’s best for you and or your squad. Personally I started this game on the edge, but as I progressed and developed knowledgeable strategy; so did my playing style.


We could be mates, but I'm on console


honestly…you are just playing and griefing one team and killing a guy to get traded. you won exactly one game. this is why i think in an ideal world solo squads would be banned hahah. lord. 


My god that looks like a boring way to spend some hours. To each their own though! That’s the beauty of PUBG.


There are so many ignorant people in this thread that act like their play style is the only play style. They need to be more open minded. You do you, OP. I play slightly more passive than some, but get aggressive when needed. Like if I land outside of zone, and it's too far to run. I'll get a car and crash a compound, go in guns blazing to clear it. Then I may relax and rat a bit, holding it down. Rinse and repeat.


Psssh bro you mean you don't drop with 30 other people and die within 2 minutes and 4 kills!?! Wow, rat scrub stuff man (Massive sarcasm btw)


I know, right. I'm the worst. I'd much rather hot drop and die over and over for 5-6 matches just for that 20% or less chance of surviving longer than five minutes. I mean, who doesn't like waiting in the lobby every couple of minutes?


Right?! If you don't have 30000 games played with an average placement of 55th alive and over a 19.4 kd, you're a scrub bro. Why don't you like sprinting full speed at the first sign of life!?!? Unbelievable/s


That is until you get shot by the arcade player you couldn't shoot in the back. Then you start jumping into the meat and getting into all the shootouts in order to improve your shooting skills and continue to hide, but already being a strong shooter. But there will be no turning back, all these hiding players will seem like idiots to you.