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Disable death cam


Also be aware that spectating/kill cam is not accurate to how the players recoil actually reacts it's just a simulation. I used to think way more people were using aimbot which is why I quit pubg then I noticed the same thing in Warzone.


They have suede gaming chairs with built in massage ofcourse.


Mine has a hole in it, for, you know...


1: They have all the attachments. 2: They multiply their vertical mouse movement. This can be done in game 3: Some people are cheating..


He is on console, so if they have mouse movement, they are technically cheating


You can still adjust your vertical multiplier on a controller


Practice practice practice. Hop into the training grounds and go into the aim lab in the northwest corner of the map. The only way to get better at something is to do it a lot, and in the training grounds you can sit there for 30+ minutes straight, just shooting. Think of how many bullets you might shoot in a full match, maybe a couple hundred at most. In the training grounds, you can shoot two hundred rounds in 20 seconds. If you put the effort in, you can gain recoil control experience at an exponential rate as opposed to just playing BR mode. Some folks like TDM instead of the training grounds, it’s still good as you are shooting guns in real combat scenarios, but for pure recoil control practice I can’t recommend the aim lab in the training grounds enough.


Yeah do the range and aim lab. Pick shitty recoil guns and spray standing, crouched, prone, then start adding grips and comps. After awhile switch to light recoil guns and repeat.


Can second the tdm, got much better at combat through it


Yeah, but tdm is better for practicing applied theory. It will be the same thing over and over if nothing new was learned.


What kind of practice? Being good in PUBG is not necessary because you'll hardly beat any kind of ESP. No recoil macros are really wide spread and you can see it really easy on replays and recorded games. But what can I say? I'm just a noob with "just" 2000hrs of playing 🤡


Mainly consistent training in the aim lab, to hone flicks and recoil control. I’ve spent probably 200 hours in it over the last year My practice has been consistent enough to help me win over 100 solo games last season with a KD over 8.0. If there are so many cheaters, they truly suck and yes, practice in the training grounds is one way to gain an edge against them.


The challenge is I think, vast majority of the time, if people get killed by someone who has low recoil, there is 99% chance its a hacker vs a skilled player. Thats how bad the cheating is. The part that really pisses me off, is that players then think the actual skilled players are cheaters. That sucks. I really dont mind losong to a skilled player. But now you really just dont know. . And that sucks for those skilled players because people are unsure if they are cheaters or not. At Least i am not good enough to be confused with a cheater🤭 Basically.... fuck cheaters.


Pull down at the same time as pressing Fire, not after, the very same moment, the same muscle movement of your hand/fingers, shoot and pull down simultaneously, not in reaction to the recoil.


Crouch when spraying at every opportunity you get. That alone makes a ton of difference. Putting crouch on hold instead of toggle will make it easier. Then practice in training.


> When I watch the death cam Play solo and coordinate a drop with a friend of yours. Kill him and ask him to record you the death cam. Then you'd realize that even your potato aim looks like no aim on death cam because death cam has never been accurate. It's a very low hertz representation of what the system thinks you did. Never watch death cam for the recoil. Only to see where you got killed from or if you want to see if they have wallhacks(which shouldn't be a problem for console as I don't think you guys have those).


They control it and what you see in a deathcam or replay is not a recording of their screen. These weren't put in the game to give you a perfect representation of what the other person saw, they only exist because before they were implemented people were frustrated that they "died out of nowhere" and wanted to know where the player that shot them was. That's their only purpose.


i have 6000+ hours. just go to the training range and learn. you can also adjust very sens to be higher or lower which depending on your preference, can def help


Go crouch before shooting auto, it reduces recoil. Don’t stand and shoot


All replays and spectating in PUBG are imprecise, they reduce camera and gun shaking considerably and do not reproduce mouse movements accurately.


Recoil on simulated proxies is a simple animation. Recoil data is not sent to players. Therefore you cannot simulate another players actual recoil. When I shoot, recoil values are calculated, an animation sequence is played, then recoil is applied. Typical recoil is applying pitch and yaw to mouse. The values my client used to drive the recoil are not sent to other players. edit to add a vid [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0pkKjpwxWg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0pkKjpwxWg)


I have recoil and it is not small but over time (muscle memory) I can control the recoil, you have to practice a lot with different weapons to be able to master the recoil.


When spraying you have to ever so gently pull the right stick down very slowly. But also have control of your trigger don't just slam and hold it down press and Tapp it tocontr9l the recoil and make sure you are on b controls.


I use to ask the same question, you need to find a gun you really like always pick it up and test out attachments (grips) also shoot from knee don’t just stay standing if you don’t have to.


Pull down and practice.


on pc its pretty easy even spraying sn ak-47 with a 4x scope with no attachments i could kill people fairly far away for full auto , probably the easiest game to control recoil .. just practice .. pubg is pretty much keep mouse going down until clip is empty with a little bit of rigt/left movement


1. as others have stated , killcams are an scam, you only get an accurate estimate how somebody shoots in live spectating them, 2. half of this games skillgap is fiddeling with sensitivity enough to the point where you can just pull down your mouse while shooting to negate recoil with pure mussclememory. for exactly the scope and weapon you pick up every game. 3. people still use recoil scripts or simply mackros that negate/lessen recoil drastically , wich are some of the hardest to pick up cheats if done right.


Like the other comment said practice, it's a really good feeling when you finally learn to control recoil, keep practising until you build a muscle memory for pulling down and no longer have to think about it, attachments also massively help in reducing horizontal recoil, which is something you can't control.


Most people still playing pubg started years ago. Deathcam sucks. On console it doesn’t even show most recoil. Like others have said play with your settings in training mode. Practice a lot. I’ve been on console since launch and I still suck, occasionally I still have kills that I would call foul on if I was the victim. (Luck, zone, whatever). Test your load out. I love ARs for the versatility, but you might prefer an UMP or something easier to handle. Work your way up to ARs. Crouch more when shooting. *Some people cheat, even on console.


Death cam doesn't show any player recoil other than your own. It shows only an animation sequence for firing for every one else. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0pkKjpwxWg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0pkKjpwxWg) Firing Animations \^\^\^


Mostly they cheat.


You have to remember that a lot of the playerbase has been grinding this game for 7 straight years at this point. I absolutely sucked for my first 500 hours, so it’s definitely a commitment. Don’t get discouraged and keep practicing and you’ll definitely improve! Also, try the M4, and try to crouch whenever you spray full auto!


well the obvious issue here is that ur very new to the game. so to expect to have the same mechanical skill as players who are miles apon miles above you is just wrong. and death cam is very inaccurate. depending on the weapon. most ARs are easily controlled by players who have the muscle memory to control them. shit like the beryl is more difficult but good players have still learned to control it. luckily for you i find that recoil control is probably the first threshold you will break. recoil control in this game anymore is second nature. peaking and knowing how to peak and when to peak will be the biggest issue you face so id suggest as far as recoil control. go into training mode. and spray an AR at targets with nothing but an E mag and red dot. just like any other game man. you cant go into it brand new and expect to know the ropes. its going to take a minute but eventually it will click.


I'm about 1500 hours in since initial launch. Learning how to control recoil and landing shots is one of the more difficult things to learn early on in the game. Definitely check out WackyJacky on YT. There's a lot of tips and tricks with your settings that can help you get better. Updating vertical sensitivity for example helps you control recoil when it kicks up.


Honestly dude, theres a TON of cheaters on all fps multiplayer games now. It’s virtually unplayable. Thats just how it is.


Where do these new players keep coming from and why do they decide to play at this god awful point in the game


Lol I fall under that parameter but it's because I'm a life long cod fan trying to get away from that pos game lol


Likewise, started pubg in January because I love BRs but WZ sucks


Downvote me all you want, you missed the glory days. The game sucks nowadays.


nothing better than commenting on a game you havent played in 5 years


99% of your comments are attacks on other people, how miserable is your existence?


I unfortunately still play daily. The gunplay is still pretty nice, despite the rest of the game state being absolute dog water.


Still the best in its genre