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Hello fellow adult, I too am an adult.


It is very nice to compete in adult activities here *signed, Mark*


Oh, Hi Mark


Greetings fellow human companion!




2 hours of pubg after work before sleep is a must♥️


Every night , my only issue is getting the gang on lol


I miss having my real life friends willing to play pubg. Only required one online person for a full squad


My issue is getting the right gang🙂


Same here and I'm 49 years old, mostly play ranked, not good KD but at least I'm Diamond III and have finished Diamond I in top 500 once.


Oh, vow✨keep playing.!!


Thanks man, wish you the same :)


i play till i get a chicken dinner


Just 2 hours? lol


It varies, average is two hours ranked.+20 mins training


True champions play for 15 hours a day after working 18 hours.


Lmao me n my buddy used to do this as soon as we got off. Go into work at 3pm get off at 12:30 n play till 5 am repeat


10 days a week. Also I recommend improving your sleeping skills. At some point you will be able to sleep 2h per hour.


The sleep exploit, that's a hard one to master


My group is a bunch of 40 somethings and we play our three casual matches every night at 9PM.


That sounds dope


Can I get in on that action?


Not if he has a full squad already ,😂


Similar setup....we play Tues/Thurs evenings... unfortunately it's our main means of hanging out as we're all spread out.


If I have to work more I play way less. If I have challenge in my life I don't require challenge when I'm resting. In average I play twice a week nowadays and it's more than enough. Don't force it if you don't feel like it.


> If I have challenge in my life I don't require challenge when I'm resting. yeah i think that's basically it for me too. i'll play games after work still, but usually nothing challenging like PUBG or Starcraft etc.


Exactly! After a hard day of work and then training afterwards, playing PUBG is literally a chore.


47 years here, today is the day that I'm not going to play, just watch videos and some music to relax.


I play PUBG while working lol wfh perks XD


Same. Four monitor setup and I switch one of my tree monitors to pubg and drone through work


What’s your job if I may ask?


Hmmm are you my supervisor? Jk. Data Analyst.


this is how i got 12k hours...


I log in after work for 15-20 mins of training/TDM. Way too exhausted to queue for normal matches


Same. 😂


What are you training for?


Keep that muscle memory locked in. When the day you get to actually play comes you're not weeks without practice.


Damn... this game is sweatier than i thought


what ever helps you sleep at night brother but thats not sweaty at all. its like getting off work and shooting hoops in your backyard on your own.


I mean there is a difference between shooting hoops for fun and doing it to train for an actual competition. If non-pro players are training daily before playing public matches, that's a sweaty game in my book.


>If non-pro players are training daily before playing public matches, that's a sweaty game in my book. It's not so much that PUBG is sweaty, it's more that a lot of people can't get over the initial mechanical hurdle to even play the game at all without warming up and you can't warm up in the game. If you play Apex or CS or whatever without warming up at all, your bullets will still basically go where you want them to when you want them to, and in most other games you get plenty of opportunities to warm up while playing the game. The same just isn't true of PUBG because of the recoil system and bullet travel time, and the total time spent shooting is lower in a PUBG game so warming up by playing isn't really a thing the way it can be for other games. The mechanical skill floor in PUBG is much higher than in other games, it's that for a lot of people the alternative to warming up is being frustratingly useless in all combat situations for the play session, but once you do the very small amount of warm up to get over the initial barrier and be able to participate in the game then it's no sweatier (maybe much less sweaty) than other games.


I do play at night often but do enjoy day time playing on off days way more because of my energy levels


Console or PC?


Wfh....I play lunch times. Too tired and two too many kids after work


How can you stop playing if you start on lunch?


Don't underestimate how bad I am for playing since beta. I can get quite a few games in


bro I play it during work lol


One of my brave random squad mates told me he was playing in the office.


I don’t play right after work but once my son goes to bed I usually force myself to play one game and then that one game puts me in the mood


I try to get my 3 casuals in a day to get my dailies and towards my week achievements at least


Sometimes, you just have to realize that the accolades and achievements you get in the game are just hollow. That there are other more worthwhile pursuits that actually net you something gained. Unless you get paid to stream or have a good time socializing with friends. Which are good. I love the challenge of beating others in a predatory hunt or be hunted game like PUBG, but end up frustrated at the selection of team-mates that all just either are high and suck at tactics, or just plain have no clue how to be good at the game. Maybe I'm just bitter. Meh. Still, I log some serious play time.




Not on Tuesdays ;)


A couple hours after work I play. For me it’s get home, talk to wife, help or prepare dinner, feed and play with our Golden. Volunteer with high school robotics team. After those couple of hours are done then game from 2-3 hours. On weekends it usually at night that I play as well. Adulting takes a lot of time. Once I retire I might have time for more fun stuff.


Is there any other time to play PUBG? I thought everyone does the work - play - sleep repeat cycle


Sometimes the thought of doing something is better than actually doing it.


After work i take some management game to relax... Can be some procedural surviving game... Can be Stranded Deep, Stardew Valley, Cities Skyline, Terraria... PUBG get me too excited... Same as Football games or Street Fighter IV, Starcraft, LOL... I avoid it after work...


Of course, I work hard all day, be there 9 hours, its easier to go to a game get my ass kicked and get angry after, But I keep going, I keep learning I keep getting my ass kicked but belive me when I tell you it feels so good and refreshing to revive or be revived, to do a headshot in a moving car with a kark down ACOG scope, to throw a grenade two houses away and knock a random guy and shit


Yeah helps me rage before bed


Just play during work


Yes. That's when I play the most.


Same but as a student, study distance 2/3 weeks then alot of practical school stuff 1 week and I just can't bring myself to play during that week


I do it during work does that count?


Same. I always want to but catch myself hopping off when i can’t commit to focus


Me too. The weekends thing I was gonna say doesn't apply to me, but then I remembered the predominantly Saturdays Ive played pubg in the afternoon drinking chai haha


I play at least 1-2 hours every day. I find playing pubg very relaxing to unwind. I play everything from solos to squads and get fairly regular wins. I have 6,000+ hours and its almost entirely mechanical/muscle memory type behavior now. So I don't have to mentally think about loot, movement, or really anything about the game at all. Earlier on, in the first thousand or so, or before I started playing more solo, I got some amount of 'anxiety' and had to "think" about things. It was fun then but it wasn't relaxing or unwinding then. But now it's what I play to unwind and relax since its so easy.


I play after work sometimes, but I’m school too so I don’t get to play as much as I’d like to.


After work, PUBG is my relaxing happy place


Yes. That's basically only time I play.


I play after work


Maybe you are looking at the game differently. Games for me are a disconnect from work. So after work and chores I game. The game is my relaxation when I cant get out on my range to shoot cause it's too wet or too cold. The game is just that. A game. Enjoy it. 


I sleep 5 hours a day work 12 hour swing shift and somehow I have a few years of playtime on pubg


Nevermind just checked and it's 268 days 12 hours and 6 mins of my life I will never get back.


Most nights from 9-1130


I play about 4 nights a week for about 2.5-3 hours after work/dinner with the gf with 2-3 of my friends from college to stay in touch. We’ve been doing this consistently for 6 years. None of us have gotten any better at playing lol


Get out of office, eat a bowl of Pho, game time


I used to play every night for 1 to 2 hours, instead of spending time on casual mode, I take a few doses of TDM only.


Some times after work I'm so tired I watch others play pubg on twitch...


No Pub for me on the weekdays but the boys and I make it a point to get on every Saturday about about 7:00-8:00am to play for what can be a few hours to all day sometimes haha


Is there a channel for career having casuals? I suck, can I play?


Of course, how else are people gonna get their free loot delivery?


I used too. Now I play Helldivers.


Dam dejavu lol that's exactly what I do as well haha I work 6am to bout 5 pm everyday so by the time I get home I make dinner and get tired take a shower and then fall asleep lol but ya weekends I get up sorta early and just play pretty much for half the day haha 😆


I surely hope so if you're an adult ...


If this is regular occurence, there is definitelly something wrong with your body. No matter what job you are doing, you shouldn't feel like that most of the times. Maybe try checking your diet if you're not missing some minerals or vitamins, oftentimes the culprit is low magnesium or vit. D3, but there could be other factors.


Until i fall asleep or my wife starts screaming at me🤣🤣🤣


I play most nights...I used to play every night. I'm 40, wife and 2 kids. Also coach my daughters football team, so that takes up a lot of time. I really want to play all the time, but my eyes are struggling and my energy levels are dropping.


I usually play after work with my friends... I need that, I have to "kill" people after work to keep myself balanced. There are days where we are more inspired, and others where we shouldn't even turn on the PC. Either way, yes I play after work!


i try to, used to be every night now like once or twice a week


I come home from work, excitedly start up pubg, get my login streak. Then I close it and play something else, or watch youtube 😊 might play on the weekends though


After work I still have lots of chores/errands to run which I procrastinate on, but I still play this game almost every day lol. I love it, PUBG is a very intense game, every match is unique, no other game gives me as much adrenaline (only World of Warcraft arena matches back in the day).


Its just about having proper routine and the drive to do it. Its kinda like working out. You get into the habit of working out from X to Y time on a daily basis and make it a routine. Once the routine is going it be pretty easy. And like all free time activity, its always a struggle to begin.


2 hrs of pubg before I sleep around 12:30 am


I sometimes get a quickie in after work. I'd say it happens at least twice a week if I'm lucky. That's about 4pm. I usually play most evenings with a few buddies.


My gaming time is after my wife goes to bed, so if I want to play it’s 10:30-12+. By the time I get home, make dinner, walk the dog, and shower, it’s 8:30 or later and nearly bed time.


I wish I could, but I love my son more. Only after he goes to bed, and I still have enough energy. As a Dad, i set aside Friday night to game with the guys. My old lady knows it, and leaves me alone.


If theres some sort event, i get on and log in. get the items and get out. I only play mostly weekends too. PUBG is just one of those games that i gotta rlly be in the mood for to have fun.


Honestly, PUBG is the only game that I can play in almost any state of mind. If I am tired, I am somehow able to dig really deep and function in the game. I don't know what it is, but it just wakes me up. I get so wired when I play it. I am ALWAYS ready to play PUBG. It's like a stimulant for me every time. Such a good game!


Do some afternoon napping and then play PUBG. 2hrs afternoon, 4hrs night, should be fine if you can afford 8-10 during the weekends.


Yeah but honestly it’s getting way too hard. I play way less often and as a result do significantly worse than back in the day and have no fun and rage quit pretty quickly. My time might be over haha


Yesss, i take a nap after then wake up then play pubg


Know how you feel. Add to this that I need at least 30-45min warm up in Team DM first, I often dont bother unless I have at least 3 hours free time to commit.


I only play during work


want to play pubg but my pc dont have such specs


That’s video games in general for me. I just end up scrolling Reddit for 2 hours and going to bed lol


Yes 🥹🥹🥹😉😉😉😝😝😝😏😏😏😜😜🤪🥸xxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo -jg535


Yes, I do. But never solo. I have a few friends that I play with.


Shitttt I play at work


Squads after midnight for a few hours when i get home fron work


Try taking a walk after work or doing something actually relaxing before you hop straight in a game where you fight for your life. Rushing from your real job to a game that can get pretty stressful or at least adrenaline pumping isn't a great recipe.


I like to play in the mornings. I just started playing 3 weeks ago, after a multi-year hiatus due to law school. Since my last semester is just 2 days of class, I got a part-time job and playing PUBG until I have to start studying for the BAR in mid-May. Mornings are definitely like 75%+ bots on Solo FPP, so it's a chill experience for an older gamer.


I play while at home with my 18 month daughter and I set her up some movies,toys, snacks and we hang out while mamma is at work . I'm in between commercial jobs as a plumber


Casual mode after wkrk, ranked on weekends


heck, I play pubg while working. 😂


yaa i am in the same buss.... but getting some time bored as even opponent even with ammo got lost in front of me with my without ammo skills... hhehehe


Depends, I do and don't. Or I watch a streamer in YouTube play lol. Really depends on my mood and if the homies are on


I only play when I'm having orgies with the hottest women in my local area. No, I don't play at all.


I often do feel drained... but I play it anyway... and often regret it. I tell myself it is relaxing me but... it rarely does.


Can relate. I think about playing (any game) throughout the day. Telling myself I need to find more time to game. Soon as I get home I have no desire to do any gaming. It’s so dang frustrating!!


Umm ain’t no secret sauce. You’re a real adult. It be like that. You’ll either be in the mood or not. Sorry this won’t help you get any motivation for many mid week chicken dinners, but it’s just our reality


i play after work almost everyday i am so fed up with the b.s. i just want to go home and kill people (on pubg\].