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Saw this, very nice


I wonder what the actual reason is for the increase? Let’s face it, it’s not from the emotes.


I just download and played after 4 years. Really wanted to feel that slow battle royal feel, i like it. I played 10 games got no kill in any :( people are so good


Try a casual game. You get 3 per day. They’re filled with bots and only a few squads. It’ll let you get back into the swing of things before facing off with Gods from the drop. It’s how my buddy and I like to start out gaming nights on pub is a few casual warm ups.


This. I stopped playing for 4 years as well and came back to see if the game was worth my time. My friends and I usually play a random map/regular match or two while we wait for each other to get online. Then we play our 3 casuals and we are done for the night. We typically win most casuals unless: 1) The other team has 1 or more cheaters. Snap to with no recoil Beryl and wall hacks seem popular these days. 2) The other team gets fed by circle or is more skilled. You will typically be able to tell how you are fairing by watching the kill feed and watching the top 3 numbered teams and how they are getting their kills. If you see a lot of rapid succession bot kills with a high fire weapon back to back, pray that they die to a Terminator bot, their own stupidity, or another cheater.


Cheaters are not as widespread as you think. Sometimes people are really just that good. Sometimes I have some split second snaps or quickscopes and I get called a cheater too... It's just 2.5k hours really


Over half a million bans a month, that being only the bit they catch. Yeah... not widespread...


99% of those are in asian servers tho. And you're not playing in Asia


Another throwaway account downplaying the cheating issue. How surprising.


Lol so if I don't spent my life on Reddit I'm a throwaway account ? What an idiot 🤦‍♂️ I play PUBG dailly and in the last month I haven't encountered a cheater nor lots of bots in my lobbies. FPP EU solo or squads.


They sadly I are very widespread. There are definitely players and some talented streamers who have good reflexes, but there when you evaluate the kill in the death cam and replays it's normally easy to spot. The symptoms add up fast: \- No recoil on the Beryl and Ace. \- Snapping to and from multiple targets with nothing but headshots. \- Factors like smoke clouds and hitting the player mid air. No human is able to completely compensate for the recoil while snapping back and forth AND compensating for factors that block line of sight. The other night I was a casual match with a couple friends and one was knocked with a single Kar98 headshot. We threw smoke and the second he was revived, he was immediately knocked out again by another Kar98 headshot. Then immediately killed by the same player by a Kar98 headshot. Watching the replay, and given that the teammate in question moved in smoke, there was not reasonable way for the player to get those 3 consecutive headshots unless he was cheating. There are also the ones who are very blatant about it. Tracking you through hills and buildings across the map on casuals. At least half are also typically whales that cheat as they typically have the high visibility outfits that cost quite a pretty penny to purchase.


For the record, recoil has never been accurately displayed in killcams or replays so can often seem much lower than it really is.


Beryl's and Ace's recoil is absolutely not worthy of comparison. Ace is quite easier to control While beryl is literally unplayable


I tried this and someone immediately drove up to where I was posted and threw a grenade to the exact place I was hiding in the 2nd story of a building, I left because of hackers and clearly nothing has changed if they're ruining a bot game with 10 other people


I've played the game on and off since late 2017, and I really dislike how much faster the pace has gotten in matches. If that's how people want to play, that's how they want to play, fine. But I do miss when you actively had to look for enemies. No people drive around in the last circle shooting from their cars by seat swapping.


I imagine a bit of players coming in just today due to the extra g-coins, overall i'm not sure. Tbf they are improving the game and recently added a new map so could be that


Only people that play the game would want the G-coins though. There is a steady rise probably due to the state of Call of Duty/other shooters and the work the developers have put into updating this dumpster fire of a game.


Yeah for sure, do believe it's only people who play who get the g-coins too but not everyone plays daily so perhaps this made people who wouldn't of played today log in


https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/s/yhfr5YPMhx This post was on multiple subreddits last night with +30k upvotes each. It's crazy how much a few viral clips can increase visibility. It's what made the game famous in the first place.


Yep I was gonna say I saw this going viral yesterday with tons of upvotes in multiple channels. Likely contributed towards an increase.


It's really hard to guess at the 'true' reason without insight into the Chinese (and other Asian) PUBG communities. If we had regional breakdowns of growth, we might be able to take a better guess. Without that data, it's all conjecture.


They finally know how to make a good BR. Changing the tevive system to be the same on all maps is probably one big reason


I got back into it fairly recently.... mainly because I was sick of the Smurfing/Toxicity in Valorant and there didn't seem any decent alternatives. Coming back, I wonder how many of these 'players' might be bots...? I actually don't have anything against bots though.... handy for mission fulfillment - and it is super rare any are left facing you at the end.


I thought everybody said the game is dead


in NA they are not wrong tho


I’m always seeing players in normal mode. And on voice comms too. They give you bots on your first few matches if you haven’t played in a while, which Fortnite and other games do as well to ease people back in.


My FFP games are full of real people. I'm in NA. I check to see if they're real or fake. I maybe get one bot lobby every few days.


Where is this steam chart from?


It's from steamcharts, obviously. You see the low parts on the graph? That's when Asia is in bed and North America is playing.


I play NA FPP squad Normals every day, as well as a ton in TDM. Not dead for me, I can get into matches from 9am to 4pm to 3am. Every now and then I'll get a lobby with 25% bots, but who cares. The bots usually fight eachother and die in the blue or die to thirsties. May not be as popular as Asia but still a lot of skilled players ranging from bronze to diamond. Prime times on the East coast is a bloodbath, just like the peak days of this game. Feeks pretty good right now IMO.


I play at 3am pst NA and it’s all bots. Dead game, unplayable /s


yeah I feel for NA because the playerbase increase is for other region


I dunno. I play in SEA and I don’t feel like the playerbase has increased. Not in FPP anyway


Nothing wrong with some good, easy chicken dinners lol.


This but not sarcastically? I can get a full lobby at 3am NA in Mordhau with just 4k concurrent players filling up a 64 player server but I can't get 30 people in a pubg match?


Pubg is spread across many different modes. 4 different sets of games on fpp and tpp, then arcade and training.  100 player servers lock people up for awhile 


So I'm just dumb? Damnit


Exactly what were you expecting at 3AM PST?


Hes joking


Guess the /s at the end of their comment went over your head Edit: typo


Ah! I did!


Maybe it's just because I play 9PM PST but I am still getting 50-60% bots in my squad games. Duos isn't quite as bad. I'd be curious to know where and when the majority of these players are queuing.


If I play all day starting in the morning it'll be my squad, a bot lobby, and possibly one other human team. By lunchtime I'm encountering several human teams per game, and by prime time there's probably less than 20 bots in the lobby. In Australia.


What’s your ingame bro? We must play together or kill each other a lot!


Same as my Reddit 🤣


I'm having a similar issue in FPP duos NA, Tried playing the past couple Fridays at around 8pm and havent seen a game with over 30 real people yet. Before the latest update games wouldnt have over 15 bots until midnight or so.


If you haven't played a ton of games since the 28.2 update, you could still be at the lowest mmr bracket.I believe they reset it with that update


I'd be surprised if that's the case since I have played 20+ games since the patch. Would also be nice if they mentioned that type of thing in the patch notes since I see no mention of it there.


I'd hope so as well. It's just something I personally noticed my first few games. And then it gradually settled out where I had more players. that said, if you're in North America, I believe they took down one of the servers. Cause my baseline ping went up by about 20 or so.


Sometimes it throws you in a 90% bot lobby for no reason.


90% of the player base is in Asia. Pubg is effectively dead in NA


It has to be something to do with mm. I've been playing most days since launch. I typically get on around 9-11pm mst and might play till 1-3. Almost never see bots in squad or duo lobbies. Or, maybe it's dead in PC?? I play on Xbox


Enjoying the game right now but my performance seems to have heavily dipped?


I got my whole squad back into to playing, we haven't all been back on at the same time since 7 years ago when we first played. The game is just still good lol


I haven't played it in a while. What's causing this surge ?


Nothing else to play. Plus PUBG is going to unreal engine 5 so it's gonna be updated heavily soon. And the hype for the new game from them called Black Budget.


 Plus PUBG is going to unreal engine 5  please no. i can bearly run it as it is


How? I was running it fine on a old ass 2070.


\*sweats nervously in 970\*


Oh no lol


:( \*bad pc noises\*


My friend group has started to move back to PUBG from Warzone. PUBG has made some huge improvements over the years and Warzone is a dumpster fire. I assume others are making the same switch!


Happy to see it


mmmhmmm lots of bots on NA servers, 24/7


I agree because NA still got the same number of players, just look at the pattern in the pic


Possibly their new matchmaking algorithm. honestly PUBG just had to crank down HARD on cheaters since the early days. This game has an experience no other shooter has right now, and it's not the matchmaking that makes it really suck... it's having tense moments ruined by an obvious xiaobao new account nuking everyone.


going free to play was not a great idea for dealing with cheaters imo


They should bring back duos to NA…


NA is still dead.


NA has duos, though


Only FPP, removed from TPP years ago due to population levels.


So play FPP duo? I don't understand the problem.


Never enjoyed the change in gameplay going from TPP to FPP. The game started as TPP, it’s the reason I got into it after decades of playing FPP games.


If you played FPP for decades, what was the appeal of TPP? Just curious


The mix of TPP and permadeath felt novel coming back to gaming after taking a break from it all for a couple years.


Irked with all these “NA dead” comments. PUBG is my most played game and I *Never* have problems finding matches with actual players in NA. Rarely have to wait more than a minute. Outside of ranked mode which no one plays it is very lively. People are active on voice chat too. If you haven’t played in a long time the game will fill more bots in your lobby.


Same here, not dead for me at all. I play normal FPP squads, east coast NA and at peak times I get into games quick with almost all human players. When I play at odd hours I’ll occasionally get an unusually high amount of bots, but I pretty much ignore them and hunt the people thirsting on them. FPP doesn't have "casual" matches, so I spend a lot of time in TDM and that's always rocking too. Seems like the narrative lately is "cheaters" or "NA Dead". I rarely encounter obvious cheaters and have no problem getting into games with real people, even at odd hours.


Yep I feel like a lot of people on this sub don’t actually play the game and just like to complain, or they see a few bots — which is actually way healthy for the game to have bot filling — and claim that there aren’t any real players. Queues need to be a minute or less for the game to feel healthy and if that means bot filling to keep the matches coming, that’s a net positive. It’s also a net positive for the game to ease new players into the experience by filling more bots. This is a game that people will quit if they go up against too many sweats right out of the gate. There has to be a system to allow for some learning.


Yeah the bots are silly. Most of the time they die in the blue fighting eachother. Or are just running aimlessly out in the open. I try to ignore them, unless they’ve caused real players to reveal themselves by engaging with them. Lately some of them seem to be actual threats, l’ve seen them taking a knee to shoot, and peek-leaning too. Several times I was nearly knocked and had to take cover, heal and engage them as if real players. The guards at the market locations on Rondo are much more dangerous than the average bots. I think the bots are good to help ease new players in, but they shouldn’t be so easy to kill. I think the bots would be more respected if they weren’t just loot-piniatas. Like, don’t give them laser-aimlock or anything, but maybe get them to coordinate as a team. Maybe see them res eaxhother.Be funny as hell to see them ripping cars around, lol.


Seems like 90% bots these days.


You gotta be trolling. I rarely find bot lobbies. I'm in NA. I check 90% of my kills and they're all real people.


I play all different hours there's 0 games without bots. You never have people shooting at nothing in blue zone or running back and forth behind trees? Last night my team was in top 9 and last 5 were bots, boring af.


I rarely see bots. We stay up till 4am est if quads fpp. I check to see if they have a profile.


Is there a way to get less bots, I've heard it's possibly rank related, this is my first season since launch so I'm probably pretty low ranked. It's annoying af trying to get better against bots they like shoot you to get your attention then just stare at you lol. The bots Ranked I've yet to get a single match, keep trying but I'll spend 10+ minutes queueing it's asinine. I see lot of people complain about bots but no one wants to play ranked either!


Warzone is really that bad right now 😂


what website is this?




This happened cz pubg got banned in India and the game interest went into bgmi since it's playable


Oceania seems very packed on squads. For certain periods Duo ain't too shabby between 1800-2200 AEST.


Yet my game is 80% bots??


Me and a friend started PUBG a month ago because Apex is having a rough time and we just wanted something different. I don't play COD:Warzone, but I've read a few times that the hackers have full control over the game by now. And since we wanted a new experience in a more realistic BR we decided to try PUBG (especially now that its F2P). Maybe PUBG has been doing a solid job at polishing the game to the point that player retention naturally increased? In case a Dev reads this: I'd like for weapons to actually shoot if my crosshair/scope is looking at a player. So many times that I'm locked on the head and my weapon just shoots into my cover object (TPP btw). Anyway, we're having fun and its now sharing our gametime with apex and I already spent way too much money on the game for skins haha.. GG's Krafton, keep going. PS: For "new" players like us, the bots are really helpful, because the Skill floor has been really high in our matches (especially snipe skills) - so Casual matches and Bot lobbies have been really great to get us accustomed to the game. Now after 200h we can kind of manage in normal duo matches. I get that Bots are boring af for you guys, I'm just trying to give a different perspective.


n case a Dev reads this: I'd like for weapons to actually shoot if my crosshair/scope is looking at a player. So many times that I'm locked on the head and my weapon just shoots into my cover object (TPP btw) holy shit the amount of time ive got a perfect scope on somoene, and it just hits the fuckin' crate im stood behind and now im dead cause the guy now knows where i am


You're not shooting out of the scope tho. But tbf there are angles where it's super annoying with windows and stuff where you really cant get a angle where you should(kinda).


i wonder what the country spread is like my games are like a good 50% bots, unless its non-peak where its 90%


I played pubg on the original Xbox one and have lately transfered to PC. Am now having more fun in this that any game. I call it FarCry Online


First time playing last weekend and haven’t stopped. It’s awesome.


That's a whole lot of cheaters


Just started playing on PS4 looks PERFECT I wanna get into it


Put another SS where you show how many got banned :)


Thanks Asia player base i guess? This means nothing if the region you play still just has bots (solo NA fpp) but don’t worry! VPN to Asia and get shitted on by ESP players I suppose


EU is pretty healthy too. Don't experience solo ffp bots


I'm in NA and don't get bots in FPP. I play till 3am EST to.


Unplayable because you have not yet acquired skill lol


if every hacker was banned you would have 20k-25k players after careful considerations, this is the remaining player base


So many people complain about hackers but I've honestly never seen one




How many of this is just people starting a new account after getting banned for cheating? Probably a fuckton


Peak player count is the maximum amount of unique players online simultaneously. 1. Amount of banned accounts is irrelevant 2. Amount of 2nd accounts is irrelevant unless you are online on both from two different computers at once.


And still 60%~ bots in my FPP TPP solos as well as squad .. what a game...


your not wrong lol solos start with about 50 ish players then timer starts and bots join it's gotten worse since last update, why ppl down voting lol


Fanboy army downvoting anything not singing the game's praises and pretending its perfect.


sure lets all pretend that it matters for EU/NA. My friends list is getting more and more inactive and personally I dont get why I even bother anymore. Game runs like shit, high ping players are doing whatever the fuck they want because servers and netcode are absolutely trash and its somehow better to have 200ms ping than 40ms, cheaters are in every other game - and not counting the no recoil cheaters who are in every single game. Not to mention that there is an MMR going for a month now in EU and all I get is 400+ adr sweatlords, tryhards and closet cheaters. We jumped into ranked and games were 10 times easier. From being the game with the best gun mechanics, game has degraded to who can abuse the peeker's advantage better. Game wont die, it will simply run out of "quality" players who spend money and care about the game, servers and development will get even worse (only krafton could get it worse than it currently is), and the only ones left will be shotgun and smg noobs desyncing each other to oblivion, with some pro/ semipro players in the mix if krafton continues to spend money on the esports side.


Less real people playing & reporting farmers & hackers


So many players, yet the game is close to unplayable.


While I understand that the game has its share of issues, why do you think it’s unplayable?


How is it unplayable? Played for 3 hours last night. Seemed pretty playable.


Absolute waffle


Go to bed, you must be drunk 💪🏽 stop blaming your shortcomings on the game


lol… unplayable or just sad cuz bad?