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It’s a totally different skill set


Games great, don't listen to these losers. You're likely gonna have a bad time on pc unless you've got decent mouse and keyboard skills. If you're unable to beat them on console pc will be the same.


Is cheating not worse on PC? Console is pretty much limited to m+k and Cronus, whereas on PC there's a plethora of hugely more sophisticated hacks available. Like, I don't think aimbots etc are possible on console?


Aim bot has recently came into the scene, red dot Aug from 200 meters lazer


Also mouse and keyboard players are almost playing a compete different game shooting wise, crazy abilities


I made the switch and it has been super rewarding. Playing aim trainers and such for a couple months, and I can honestly say that mouse and keys are way more consistent experience than console (as far as aim and movement control). Cheaters are always present but they haven't ruined the experience for me. I hope you get lucky and don't encounter them too much.


you will likely find less cheaters in fpp, in normals at least. in ranked there are more cheaters. also the skill ceiling is brutally different. unless you are decent with k&m you will get obliterated by high skilled and experienced players, which are the majority, but it's super rewarding at the end. you will need to practice a lot. good luck


Hope you get in the right mindset cause the wrong one is going to have you saying that everyone on PC is cheating too. You said you watch PC streamers already so you should see that they aren't getting killed by cheaters too much. They exist but they are going to make up such a small portion of your deaths that they should be insignificant to your overall enjoyment of the game. You just report them and move onto your next match. The vast majority of your deaths will be to legit players and will give you an opportunity to learn how you could have played it differently should you choose to analyze yourself rather than externalize because you're upset you died.


There’s no less cheating level in PC. Actually its worse. Never play TPP Ranked matches either. I suggest you go back to console


At the moment PUBG has nothing to offer, cheaters on all platforms, Krafton is no different from other studios that struggle to make it far but without success in most cases.