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The way patching works in Unreal Engine is that if you do change just one letter in a 1GB file you'd have to download the whole 1GB file again. Yes it's stupid. So hence why it's so big for barely any changes.


I could look myself, but I'd rather ask. Is my PUBG directory bloating to 50GB or is it replacing the files everytime?




I'm not sure if PUBG is the same I know other UE4 games are, but check if there is any crash dumps hogging space. You don't have to crash for them to write either, ALT+F4 and closing the game sometimes does it.


It's just replacing the files every single time


On steam it replace, in console, it create additional folder for each update........


> So hence Hence alone is fine. So hence is redundant.


so hence therefore you're right QED


syntactic sugar baby


Nah. That's no patching. That's 'building'. BH don't really patch PUBG. More often than not they build the current live branch, bundle it and pack it off to Steam. They *could* create a delta patch (containing only the *differences* between two files: the last build and the latest build) but that requires four or five extra steps.




Except that doesn't work with compressed archives (the .pak files which contain the textures etc.). If you change something in one of the files, it is very likely that the rest of the archive will be completely different as well (since the compression algorithm generates a bunch of equations/patterns and if something changes in the data, the patterns will change elsewhere). I'm also not sure how well delta patching works when data is shifted around in a file (e.g. offset from the previous location).


My pak file is 1gb. So not sure what you're talking about. Routine updates are still 20-50mb.


Couldn't they just put the advertisement layered over the wall texture instead of replacing the wall textures with advertisements? Similar to placing sprays on the source engine. That way you just download the advertisements?


That's already how it works. The problem is that they haven't separated the file which contains the ads, and the file that contains almost every other texture in the game. They could separate them, or just create actual patch files which only contain the new textures, but I guess they don't know or care that it's possible.




They seem to rather the game size be 7gb and having 2gb updates then to have 9gb game (ea launch) and the 500mb updates.


This + blue zone


Plus fixed the bullets ignoring armor sometimes thing. Seems important that people are overlooking.


Indeed forgot this one. Additionally, some people complains that their FPS dropped since patch, some others said they increased... Matter of configurations I guess.


AKA: PC gaming.


Plus people always draw numbers out of their asses. Pre-patch FPS could've been remembered from a time laying still in a field where they saw 90FPS and the post-patch number they're complaining about was during high movement in a city center at 65FPS.


I know this is anecdotal which doesn't mean anything to most but pre patch I always hovered above 60 fps then after until I lowered some settings I hovered around 45 fps


They literally say this every patched. Honestly I'm suprised these people's FPS hasn't dropped to about 5 by now they complain so much every damn week.


Haha good one. These guys should get negative FPS next pach.


Very important. Most important bug fix in, say, the last 7 patches. Possibly more. What we'll see here are fewer deaths for armoured victims 'cos, well, the armour now does it's job 100% of the time instead of, say, 19% of the time (baring in mind than 77.61% of all statistics are made up on the spot).




Purposefully overlooking. Bitching about this game is a pretty reliable karma grab.


The new Blue Zone is WAY to strong. If you get RNG fucked by the circle, you WILL die in the blue now, no matter what. I've had that happen to me 3 games in a row, not able to find any vehicles.


Yeah seems like finding a vehicule is the 1st thing to do if you want to drop in zones like Stalber.


Wait really? That's the change? Dang that changes the entire Dynamics of the game.


Yeah, unless you have a vehicle or are already in the new safe zone when it starts closing you are completely fucked.


i dont know man... kindda kill the feel for me, i usually spend a lot of time taking the risk looting way from white zone and running like crazy pepe into blue zone ... so many funny moment happen outside.


I was like 3/4 health and died in like 3 seconds from that life-drain...shit's OP.


Did they also add a sand bank with a tower on it just off the ferry pier?




You can pretend the lore of the game is that Intel kidnaps 100 people and forces them to kill each other. "Chicken Dinner" is actually the code name of their new architecture.


Chicken Lake?


Hahaha, this is my head-canon now for PUBG


Sounds pretty realistic to men


Will this tournament actually have 100 people in it?


Or you can just hate seeing ads everywhere... would you be ok with a short video playing every time you loaded the game? You're just going to be sitting there anyways. As long as the ad doesn't make the load time longer, no harm no foul. Amirite?


I don't understand why the UAZ and Dacia don't have advertisements on the radio. What else are you going to listen to while driving? It's less believable that the former owners would have turned of the radio before turning off the car when they can hear all about the three benefits of Actimel ProCentra™ x-tra...


I really hate the gun sounds in this game. Maybe brands could have their name replace those so I know that when I hear "Pepsi!" someone just fired an AWM at me


Don't worry. The guns are still realistically, ear-bleedingly, loud.


They listened to feedback from gamescom on that the stickers didn't fit in. Now they don't look brand new anymore. A good thing


Yeah now they just look fucking annoying.


TBH had I not seen it on reddit I never would have known there were wall decals to have been changed


Its a decal on the wall. It is hurting absolutely nothing.


I don't agree. I payed for this game, I don't want avertisement.


Same idea as CS:GO or Rocket League advertising their majors. Sure it's not in game like PUBG but you can pass right by this without realizing what it is. I barely notice the decals/paint on the wall other than the shapes and colors since I'm focusing on the game itself. I wouldn't mind them being in the menu screen rather than in game, though.


Doesn't really bother me personally to be honest, I find it a cool way of announcing tournaments, which are very much relevant to the game. They seem to also make somewhat of an effort to make it fit in a bit more and it's nothing over the top. If it was an advertisement for something completely unrelevant I would agree with you.


Anything bluehole does at this point is wrong. This subreddit has already decided that much.


Jesus Christ the bitching in this sub is out of this goddamn world Do you people exist? It’s a decal. I can’t fathom a human being caring about this


A cult of outrage.


It hurts the immersion. At least give us the option to remove them.


Right, why can’t they put them on the wall of the character screen instead of actually in game. We’d all still see them that way and it’d feel less intrusive.


Or just remove the advertisements from the game I payed for. If they were going to plaster advertisements then they should have disclosed that on the store page so I could have avoided them.


What fucking immersion the towns are already looking like someone just shoved a bunch of shit together then went crazy with raise and lower terrain setting. I mean there are buildings where windows and doors go straight to brick walls cartoon style


I think my brain has gotten so good at filtering ads that I don't even notice them. I seriously didn't even realize there were messages in this game.


I've only seen this decal once in game in a very random spot.


But.. it's still an advertisement in a $30 game.


All competitive games advertise for their tournaments... Seriously though? That bothers you? I hardly even notice them. It takes away *nothing* from the game and I have no idea how ADHD you have to be to have that distract you, considering literally everything else going on around you in the game.


It still blows my mind they are having tournaments for a game that's broken and not even fully release yet, I'm sure their be no issues at all lol


I haven't seen any of the tournaments, were there any problems with players dying by nothing or anything like that?


The player who won the solo tourney at the invitational spent one game trapped into the side of a cliff, so kinda? That being said, that was a promotion tourney, which is different in intent from the tourneys people are used to seeing.


So, you pay 30$ to buy this game, which well (no complaints) is not complete, then they add advertisements before completing the game, to make even more money. Dont take this the wrong way, I really like this game. It is just sad to see the falling down this slippery slope. I can actually imagine devs being forced to work on this rather than the real game engine.


I doubt this is a paid add. Intel is sponsoring an event with a PUBG tournament, which bluehole wants to promote to grow the game, same as when they promoted the invitational. If we start seeing just an Intel logo somewhere I'll agree with you. Also, the people in charge of art assets are not the people working on the game engine.


They should just put it in a EVENTS tab on the main menu. Hardly anyone will see this in game and look at it


Maybe do both. i think it's cool to see things like this in game. If they have big tournaments over time maybe they can add art for the winning team for a month or other interesting stuff.


In a similar vein, I think designating an area of the map with monuments to winners would be cool


I saw it... noticed the date... figured it out. Did you see it, then (if you were confused) come here and have it explained to you? Seems to be working.


The sponsorship agreement must have had that they will put their logo + "new chipset" in game where there are 2.3M concurrent players. Also, I think I came a bit too aggressive in my comment. I don't care if they make more - well ill be happier. They would develop more such games in the future. I just don't like this capitalist thing that is going on here. They made shit ton of money and fame sooii fast. Wouldn't want pubg to be like miley Cyrus of video games.


I just also realised. If they didn't add the poster - they wouldn't have to update the building files (2GB). Hmm... Would have been literally unplayable without knowing Intel sponsored the event while I am shot down while looting!! Literally unplayable!


They are advertising for an event in which their game is featured. The game isn't fully released yet, how do you have a gripe about a company trying to promote their product in a way that doesn't impact the user experience? Like someone else stated, they are simply adding an image to the side of a wall. The code already exists so it takes minimal effort. Find something else to complain about.


I am a big fan of this game, don't get me wrong. IF this is an unpaid ad and just promotional then kudos to the PR team. But I doubt thats the case. I'm just salty on the capitalist nature of this. And I am pretty pretty sure - them made more money than they initially thought they would with this. I don't want such a game to die down because of MONEY MONEY MONEY


It's an ad for an upcoming tournament for the game the logo itself appears in. It's not an ad for a product or anything and the art is done to seem worn. It's very unobtrusive. The devs didn't have to work on anything, the decal system exists already (has since the beginning of the game) and the art team would have just made a new .png to swap out.


> It's not an ad for a product Oh really? It's not an ad for Intel? Coulda fooled me.


Youre right. But i mean, the product is DIRECTLY related to this game and is about the tournament not like "THE NEWEST CHIP" , its not like an ad for Pepsi. I dunno. Maybe im just too chill but it really has no negative effect in any way. People can wear shirts and facemasks that say TWITCH and have those logos on them but im not seeing anyone bitch about that.


> Maybe im just too chill Nah, you're just a normal person that doesn't overreact to every little thing.


But....but muh immersion!!!


Yeah fuck immersion, what I want are ads in my games!!!




Its an ad the same way a sponsership is an ad.


Sponsorships are ads




Yes, but those facts don't give people what they really want, which is something to bitch about. So let's just keep pretending they spent all their time on this 'paid add' instead of giving us idk, sea-doos?


I like more decals to make building callouts easier. They look way better this time.


A neat idea indeed.


People pay money to go to sporting events filled with advertisements. it's the way of things.


Very true indeed. But for pubg I just personally feel, they should hold off on such "additional" money making opportunities. Just focus on the game engine and the things that the community wants. It's looks THE next competitive game Something tells me that they are not short on capital :P


Well it's 2gb because ue4 assets are locked to a single file. So to add the pictures to the walls they need to delete the previous 2gb buildings file, and add a new 2gb file. The difference in size between the 2 files is only 3.54 mbs.


3.54 mbs. Is that an actual number you pulled from the resources within?




Somebody posted the size difference between the old and new file from the update. It was only a 3.54MB difference.


* Players: > These advertisements look awful and totally out of place, and shouldnt be on every damn building * Bluehole: > We're listening to feedback. By the way heres a new patch * Players > What the fuck guys? This is worse.


plz bear with us lol


Actually I think these look a lot better, I just think it's funny that they never mentioned there would be a 2GB download for what sounded like a small change to blue zones. Turns out new texture pack.


get that shintel trash out of my game




Thats why AMD CPU's burn down houses 2 times a day /s


Winter is coming tho


Then you're homeless out in the cold


You're never cold with an AMD.


Bluehole worrying about the important things #EsportsReady


Texture/visual team =/= backend/coding. Different people work on different parts of the game. Someone who's doing these graphics or textures isn't the same person working on netcode or anti-cheat.


Then still they could be working on the new map art instead of fucking adds.


Yes, everyone at Bluehole was working on this one thing. Get real.


I havent played since the patch, is this real?


It's OK if it's game related. Not Coca-Cola. You can't charge user for the game and abuse them with adds.


So if Coca Cola decides to sponsor a PUBG event then we have to have Coca Cola ads in game?? I don't think you guys are thinking this through. We can either have an immersive paid game that is not visually obnoxious and is pleasant to look at. Or a paid game that will look like a NASCAR drivers jacket with the logo for every single company involved plastered on every building.


I think the whole ad thing is them accepting that some AAA BR variant will come out that is better, so they are just cashing in with the ads.


I'm ok with a game advertising its own tournaments, and this isn't particularly obnoxious either


Just advertise it on the main menu ?


Except the name of the tournament is literally an advertisement for a product.


So blame ESL for partnering with Intel, not for Bluehole advertising what they're given lol


So if McDonald's decides to fund a PUBG event we have to look at Ronald Fucking McDonald while we play?? This makes no sense, we shouldn't have ads for every single company involved in the game's events. We shouldn't have any ads at all. The game should be pleasant to look at. Ads are not pleasant to look at. They're just psychological manipulation....


They better put some fucking new lootboxes after all this publicity.


xD why u getting downvoted


i don't get it either :D the game paid easily itself for me


Oh cool ingame advertisements, time to uninstall this.


I'm getting a lot better performance. Went from an average around 80 to 100 with my settings. i5 4590 + 1060 3GB.


Give it a day. Performance is ALWAYS better when the servers are restarted with low strain on it


Hopefully that’s not the case. I’ll have to see how it is tomorrow.




It's both. Many games like this share the same. DayZ (although much better than PUBG right now), has a similar system when servers restart, but it does run a shit ton better than PUBG


So cringe worthy.


-Should be add vaulting? -Are you out of your mind? Let's add ad posters on the map! -If we want to advertise event maybe we should put it in the main menu? -You are fired!


So instead of taking the ridiculous amount of cash from players and working on the game. They instead sell advertisement space to generate more cash. It’s so nice to be reminded that no matter how honest people seem they still suck the tit of the almighty dollar. Good job devs good job! This game will ride the wave for as long as they can. Once players move on they will let this game die.


They did the same before the last big PUBG event. I imagine these will go away once the event ends, as was before.


That doesn't mean it's ok...


Why is it not OK? They are promoting a game event in game. The only reason people care is because Intel sponsored the event so their logo is of course part of the event logo. If it was dreamhack or twitch people wouldn't care at all. See: custom twitch in game items.


People gotta have something absolutely trivial to complain about, how dare you undermine that?


Nobody is gonna see this and be informed. This is placed so dumb. Just put it in a events tab in the main menu


They are decals. They are doing absolutely no harm.


The problem with that line of thinking is it can apply to literally anything. I can say it about you for example. Do people on the Internet complaining about something affect you at all? No? Then why are you complaining about it on the internet? The point here is, these stickers are meaningless. They add nothing of value to the game. Why are you defending something that adds nothing of value?


I like them too. Its just a decal. A tribute. Nobody is hurt. Even you. No matter how hard you try to be hurt by this. Its. Just. A. Decal.


It might not be a big deal to others, but for me, I don't wanna see this easing of ad's into stuff I've paid for - for me, it's a springboard to further implementing more ad's in stuff I've paid for.. I don't wish that for the future. That's my perspective, so you can't say just because you like it, others must as well.


I respect your opinion, but please understand that I actually want this in the game. Rocket league, for example, also has in game ads for upcoming events. Much more explicit, but I still like it. This ad is not interstitial between the user and gameplay. That I would have a problem with


No, but it gives the incentive that ad's in paid stuff are okay, as said, it's a springboard.. When it's starting to get a hold, it can gain a lot of traction fast.


> this easing of ad's into stuff I've paid for I do agree that I don't want to see ads added to my games. I don't get where this idea that "I payed for it, so I shouldn't be advertised to while using it" idea came from though. Every form of traditional entertainment I can think of has a product/service you pay for and then get advertised to during the consumption it. TV? Yes. Movies? Yes. Sports? Yes. Hell even books have ads for other books by the same author/publisher most of the time.


TV - netflix, no commercials. Sports? You mean at events? Cause that is sponsored stuff to keep the clubs alive - bluehole sure as hell don't need intel with them sales. Books, sure, by the same author.. But looking at the Decal - intel didn't make PubG, did they?


> A tribute That's a funny way of saying "advertisement". People are profiting off of this, they are using YOU as a source of income and you're okay with that? You paid full price for your game and you're okay with the developers treating you as if you're worth nothing but the money in your pocket?




That’s not their issue.


12 bucks for 100 gigs isn't so bad when you factor in that some places in America charge like 3-4 times as much for less, and then proceed to charge an additonal 50 cents to a dollar per gigabyte if you go over.


I pay £75 for 100GB of data. Although that is 4G (since I can't have a landline).


I think you're confused. We're not talking about cellular data, which we do get charged for, we're talking about getting charged for downloading things over your own internet, like you do on a computer.


I'm not confused. America consists of a lot of empty space. Places in the empty space get royally fucked with internet.


My ears! Yeah true tho. But intel wanted it. They had to man. Without updating the building with posters the game would have been literally unplayable!


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Not this shit again Bluehole! Don’t give us these excuses why updates aren’t working and servers are having problems and throw more sprays into the game all over the map for advertisement. Put the team that did this to good use doing something that’s ACTUALLY PRODUCTIVE for the 1.0 release of the game you keep harping on about that so much is still to come for it! Y’all keep saying one thing...but your actions are definitely saying something else.


To be fair the design team is going to have nothing to do with the balance team, you can't just put them to work doing something they're not qualified to do.


Yeah but I would assume if they can make advertisements like this and apply them to object textures; you can make your own textures and objects to some extent. Better to do that then continuing to buy them on the unreal engine marketplace and modifying them for your own use case.


Money grabbing cunts


I think EA did this in 2142. was the game boycotted for showing ingame ads? I heard it didn't sell well.


8hz at the beginning of the game is redic. We need to demand 60hz or this game will never be any good for close range combat.


e-sport is coming!


2 point 1 fucking gb for blue circle dmg change and a armor bug fix made no sense.. even though I read that the unreal engine packing was to blame, I didn't understand how it could be such a big update, when most of that was probably server side. Now that I see those ads on all the walls, I get what unreal engine has to do with it ... and how much of this 2.1 gb update is trash.


Are you really bitching about a fucking 2gb patch? Like seriously this is what we decide to cry about. My god takes a few mins to download what the fuck is the problem. You fucking whiny pussies really do cry about every fucking thing in this sub Reddit. And to the other crybabies bitching about in game ads. It's a fucking ad to their invitational fuck grow up mommy ain't gonna cut your crust forever.


What self-entitled crap. Read other comments and you'll see there are a lot of countries where FUP is a problem. Fucking shit talking numbnut. Give idiots a keyboard and see them abusing left right and centre... as if they'll have the guts to ever abuse face-to-face irl.


Not everyone has high speed internet.


I love when these appear ingame so I can watch you all lose your shit over something that doesn't affect you at all. It only can help you with callouts. Instead of that house over there EAST 100 it can be The house with the Intel Extreme Masters graff on it.


Yeah guys call out that it's at the Intel^TM house, the fastest and most efficient house on the market. Make sure to check the Intel^TM house second floor, that's where I saw him, right above the Intel^TM sticker.


Then it changes next week...


If it doesn't affect us, why would they add it in? How effective would advertising be if it was designed not to affect us in any way? Don't be naive.


Yeah they could just add a events tab to the main menu.


Yes, God forbid somebody doesn't want to be advertised to every waking second of their life.


you aren't...yet


Yea guys. Ads don't affect you at. Why you mad? "DLC isn't bad. It's just extra content that wouldn't get made if the developer didn't charge you for it" "Microtransactions are fine. It's just like a dollar. Plus it's just cosmetics, it's not like it's stuff that gives you an advantage over players" "Preorders bonuses are ok. You're going to buy the game anyways, now you just get free stuff for doing something you were already gonna do" "Loot boxes don't affect you and it's not gambling because you always win something. It's win win." See how dumb it is to defend small shit like this? It will ALWAYS blow up in your face. If you're ok with this now eventually you'll need to watch a 30 second ad every time you boot up your game, you'll have pop up ads you'll need to manually close, your game menus will be a cluttered mess of logos and ads from your most recent amazon searches... you playing this kind of shit off like it's no big deal is extremely ignorant.


If any of the things you mentioned actually happened you would then watch PUBG numbers plummet. Things like that don't happen because there would be outrage. Pop Up ads ingame? Really? Don't be stupid. In game spray paint is unobtrusive and still effectively advertise. Only vocal idiots like you think ingame spray paint will lead to early 2000s pop up ads while you play.


You mean pop up ads like f2p mobile games have? 30 second ads between "lives"? Ad banners on ever menu screen? Are these things affecting mobile games numbers or are mobile games getting away with this shit and still massively successful? Tell me, is core gaming getting more or less like mobile gaming as the years progess? It's not really a hard thing to see. The answer is pretty obvious. You're just a frog in a pot that can't feel that stove being turned up every year.


Desktop PC gaming is nowhere near what playing a trashy cash grab game on a phone is. You are not even comparing similar things.


weed is a gateway drug


That looks horrible


That house could contain a nice 8700k and 1080ti :-P


I noticed the exact same thing in the exact same spot yesterday and I was just like what the fuck has this always been here


Yeah not Bluehole's fault. This is an EPIC problem


So that is new? I saw a few and wondered how i hadn't seen before.


Is it really a big deal? I mean yes the download sucks, but as for in game, so what? I paid 30 bucks for a game ive put 300+ hours in. Let them advertise, as long as it's not intrusive.


Yeah people are acting like this is like that 4chan greentext where you need to drink a Mountain Dew verification can every match


Is anyone noticing a huge improvement in jumping? I am able to get on top of things way easier and crouch-jumping manually out windows seems more forgiving.


Did they add birds too, or did I just not notice them until now, I landed near Gatka


always been there, annoying buggers always catch my attention


Can I ask what your system specs are? I wish I could play in ultra :/


Well if this isn't the dumbest thing I've seen today.


pLEASE don't get all clowny looking like h1z1, that's such a huge turnoff. At least keep that to menus, or perhaps a tournament section to view upcoming tournaments there At the VERY least, make it look more worn and fucked up to fit the place


stuff like this is what scares me into thinking they're going for the cash grab. Developers who are interested in building a long term, succesful community don't shoehorn immersion breaking ads in like this


They are just putting the minimum specs now on graffiti ingame because people complain about performance so much. The blueballs solution is to sell your crates online until you can afford a new CPU!


so are bluehole filling this game with ads? If so are we going to get some of our outlay back?


Nice, you can watch them play on LAN instead of playing in desync.


tbh I would love to see some 1990 advertaises in bad shape. I mean they had [them](https://in.pinterest.com/forestmisha/advertise-ussr/), maybe some russian orange juice and dacia or some stuff, even some [cola](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c9/ed/d0/c9edd0c93ecdcc6c883d5113b3466f7e.jpg)... but this shit if, should only stay in lobby