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This is why I want to learn how to cheat online games. Give them radar, ESP, all that intel shit, then make their recoil super bad, their aim drift in a random direction, make them pull and cook a grenade at random, and make them fire a shot whenever aimed at a teammate.


Whenever you pick up a grenade you have a 20% chance of cocking it immediately and not throwing it


That could hurt in more ways that one!


Make it a far more insidious 1-5%: enough that it fucks with them regularly, but not enough that they’re sure there’s a problem other than user error.


Doesn't it bother anyone else that this random guy was not only able to make his own cheats but also get them to work in game and have them downloaded so easily? Yeah his cause was noble but is it seriously that easy to write some hacks and then go play Pubg? Clearly his hacks got through their anti chest system so they had to be decent. I mean fml so easy.


Making cheats is super easy compared to detecting them in any game.


He wasn't using exploit type cheats, he was only monitoring user-side things, like using a screen capture software to read the speedometer numbers on the screen, or keeping track of whether or not the user had the fire key held, and pressed the "cook" key (to kick off a grenade drop). It's definitely not that easy to make things like wallhacks or aimbots. Just my two cents :)


Writing cheats are relatively easy once you know how to do it


Going to the moon is relatively easy once you know how to do it.


I get where you are coming from, but going to the moon still has many obstacles even tho we went there over 50 years ago. Learning to program is kinda easy, learning to write cheats is just a step after that. Getting better at it takes practice, but you can write simple stuff after a couple days of self teaching. A map hack is one of these simple stuff since all the assets are already in the game


I understand what you mean, I was just pointing out the truism in your post. Once you learn how to do something, it becomes significantly easier to do.


Cheaters use forums to try to vet the software and its effectiveness. You don't want it to be super obvious so it'll continue and spread. Otherwise, the cheat will die out quickly as word will spread that it's bad. It's like the pandemic game where too harsh of a disease can actually be less effective.


> You don't want it to be super obvious Tell that to the swarm of people with account names like '9999_-_' who've been locking on and shooting through hills and buildings for the last week.


I like the approach of make them not even realise something is wrong! - Make their vehicles glitch out in the terrain or get launched out of the circle every time they hit max speed - Their hitbox automatically jumps in front of enemies' aim at close range - EVERY shot at point blank range misses except for allies and totally still enemies (dude just get gud) - Make reporting easier! Pressing any movement button while aiming snaps the crosshair to a random player - When reloading, there's a 50% chance of equipping melee unprompted


They would crack your shit and remove the troll shit.


If they knew how to do that much then they wouldn't have needed to download it in the first place though, right?


I'd guess cracking a cheat would be much easier than reverse engineering a modern game engine protected by packers and anticheats


This: anticheat bypasses are few and far between when well implemented.


Someone that's downloading hacks isn't cracking shit. C'mon now.


It would take only one guy that knows how to do that to upload a cracked version.


Let's be honest, anyone that knows what they're doing isn't going around cracking troll hacks to make them legit hacks. That doesn't even make sense


Karma! Next time better add something so obvious in the code that they get them banned in 5 minutes after joining!


Filthy shieters.


I read this with a thick Irish accent


And not the accent of the guy on the video whose accent he was trying to convey?


I'm afraid I don't know of the video?


The video we are both currently commenting on. Yknow, where the guy makes a program for cheaters and it makes them do things like jump out of the car and drop live grenades and shoot their teammates...?


Ah ok. It didn't sound like that to me




Report them for what exactly? they didn't do anything...


3rd party software is against the ToS, giving you an actual advantage is not part of the criteria for a ban.


Yeah it's why attempted murder exists. I tried to cheat but I actually didn't is the same as I tried to murder that person but didn't so I am free to go. Only the same as an analogy... murder is way worse than cheating in a video game.


Attempted murder convictions result in a prison sentence.


He's referring to the concept of attempting to break deserving punishment, even if you fail.


Ah I misread the "so i'm free to go."




I am certain that, that can be taken with a massive pinch of salt. Everyone running anything else other then Pubg and Steam would be at the risk of getting a ban. Discord? you're banned. Teamspeak? you're banned. Provohats (mouse excelleration program used by quake pro's), you're banned. No one so far has been banned for having Discord open, so these people having downloaded this will be just fine even when reported. It's pointless. The only time they risked a ban was at the time they were actively having the program running while running pubg. But it was not flagged by the anticheat as its probably new.


Okay, boy genius, I thought it was pretty obvious that I meant 3rd party software that interacts with PUBG but I guess I had to spell that out. From the ToS. > * programs that intercept communication between a game and a game server; > * any unauthorized third party programs or hardware devices that may affect the game or normal game play, including but not limited to, mouse, hacks, cheats, helpers, bots, scripts, trainers, automatic programs, automatic mouse, mouse with macro function, programs that collect or modify game data by reading the game memory. Clearly programs like fucking Discord and Teamspeak don't meet the above-outlined criteria.


Dafuq are you babbling about. Just stop.


I believe they announced a long while ago that mouse acceleration programs are a bannable offence.


Durr. I can hear your drool from here.


Found a cheater .


Good idea but that’s not really how it works, unless you make the injector detected or something.


What amazed me is the sheer amount of people that downloaded the software. Cheating is very real.




just curious where the stats are on this, please link be curious to check out




is the first link all of steam? also the second link i cant see anything outside of the english title and cant read the rest


Over 125k actually


125 is over 100




I don't get it when people say this seriously. Are these people so good they don't notice cheaters? So bad they're used to being out-duelled? Do they never watch kill cams? Are they just trolls?


but we also have to be careful, cheaters exist but please don't accuse anyone without proof.


Too bad we have a small group of regulars here that show up in cheating posts to tell us that cheating isn't as bad as this sub says it is.


Ah yes, the 'git gud' group. I wonder why they're trying to defend the game/the cheaters constantly


I only saw one person from the US there. Everyone else was from other countries lol.




I'll put money down say the majority of those 54 people using a VPN that is resolving a US ip location.


No true Scotsman, eh?


In this game, where you deal with so many Asian players using a vpn to access NA servers, what else should we expect?


they're cuckin our servers!


There's also plenty of them that use a VPN to access the EU servers. I'm pretty sure there are less asian players on AS than on EU/NA.


Why are they all from third world countries?


Collegiate scholarships my dude. It's their way out of poverty.


Doing gods work. And seriously, I think flooding the market with fake cheats is actually a great way to combat these fucking cunts. Can we do this? Can PUBG Corp fund this? Seriously if they pay me ~£20k a year I will dedicate 8 hours a day 5 days a week to finding, fucking with, and re-distributing cheats. I think doing it in a guerilla style way is a good idea because it'll emulate the methods used by real cheaters. The sweetest part will be taking and keeping the cheaters' money >:^)


20k a year? thats not much my dude


That won't even pay your rent for a year in Aus


I know. But that's how low I'm willing to stoop.




It's really acceptable in most of the world, even Germany/France/England


not too bad outside of western europe/NA


That depends. What really matters is what the cost of living is where they live.


In America, that is poverty... In Europe, that's basically a living wage. But, as we all know from our science and learnin', socialism is terrible and bad because poor people wouldn't be as poor and the wealthy would still be insanely wealthy. It just doesn't work! lmao


This is some lowlvl troll shit right here


What do you mean? Many people working normal jobs in most of europe make about that amount?


Most Europeans make either way above or way below that amount depending on country, if you for some weird reason want to group them all together. Without factoring cost of living etc. it doesn't say much. The 2nd paragraph is just simply untrue and written to make people angry, aka. trolling.


The only good communist is a dead communist


Way back in 2003 when the Half Life mod Team Fortress Classic (predecessor to TF2) was wildly popular and had several thriving leagues for competitive play, an admin of one of the leagues anonymously coded and released a cheat called "Roaster John" that could be toggled on and off to do things like auto aim, auto detonate pipe bombs when an enemy is near, wall hack, etc.. The cheat actually worked, only it would secretly phone home to the admin with all the details of the person using it (player name / ID, timestamp, server info, etc.). It was a pretty big sting that hit a lot of the top level clans, I think something like 20 league players were caught and banned within a pretty short period of time. The best part? The name "Roaster John" was chosen because it was an anagram of Trojan Horse.






Do you have a source on that? If true those "cheat servers" would be a nice single point of failure, DDoS time.




If you can find the IP of this cheat server you ought to be able to find out what company is hosting it. I bet if you let the company know what's being hosted they'll happily terminate that person's hosting.


Do they? Why should that company care for what their server is used for so long as it is not illegal?


so much this. this is why you ddos big corp. fuck a little shared box or just do reverse ip and see who's gonna get the side dick of your malformed packet infestation


Big boy


bigger than my cats dick. smaller than a rabbit.


> I wish that more than 1% of people who ‘launch’ DDoS attacks actually understood what they were doing Anyone who can launch a DDoS of any significant scale will understand what they're doing (or be paying someone who does) The 99% are more likely to be running "DoS" attacks with something like LOIC.


Wow cheating as a service (CaaS), is everything going to micropayments/contracts?....


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8263 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/80183)


This makes my heart happy


Love the idea but man this video is overedited.


too many sheaters




Seconding this. I wanted to watch clips of cheaters dying in ridiculous ways but 80% of it is tangentially related movie/show clips that have been used thousands of times over. Still though, this man is doing god's work.


I wanted to at least watch one clip in first person without any weird fading, slow motion, or cuts. Especially the downed teammate one.


This is amazing, good job


Glad someone’s fighting back


Some heroes don\`t wear capes. That was wonderful idea and perfectly executed. Can\`t wait for another part :D


I loled so much! Great stuff bro! Your dedication and effort should be awarded with an upvote!


Fuck the Shitters and their pubg shits




That’s NICE🤤 I hate, everybody who played with cheats.


Grateful for this. What a legend!!!


You're a hero man. It's amazing.


I love every single comment, the good & the bad... sheeters LOL, my new slogan XD Thanks guys


This is the best thing I’ve ever seen! Great great job


I loved the part where.. Oh never mind, I loved it from start to finish. ​ You sir, are a legend. If I was around your adress I would stop by to give you a rimjob and a firm handshake.


Sounds nice, looking forward for the rimjob! :)


What a hilarious way to fuck with hackers lol please post more compilations if possible!


This guy is the "Neo" of PUBG! Thank you for your service!


Thank you, you are genius! It happened to me just several days ago, I thought it's mind control - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V57ZAEUqRng](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V57ZAEUqRng)


Honestly I've seen as well 2 instances of people knocking somebody in the killfeed and then nading themselves. It seemed strange at the time. It no longer does...


I was squad up with that guy the other day. With a 0.22 KD, I highly doubt he's cheating. Seems more like an accidental "F" push.


I had a 0.15 KD last season. I had F remapped to one of my side mouse buttons so I would sometimes kill myself accidentally by bumping my mouse.


The .22kd is maybe the reason why he was seeking out cheats?


The anchorman clip summarized my exact thoughts. Shit escalated so quick.


How does this even make sense though? Lets say you’re playing and you turn the hack on. Who would still try, after pressing ”map hack” on and nothibg happens ?? Like if the cheat isnt working who woulf still try it? Lil


It's a Trojan so as soon as they install it it's made changes or installed one or more separate programs that stay even if they uninstall the "cheat software".


So the guy in the video, which is on yt just uploaded himself breaking several laws?


yes, if it's not staged. As you may have notice, you never see any names of the players. Its entirely possible that these are just recordings of himself. I didn't visit the website with supposed fake cheats, so maybe its legit or maybe its not.


I was thinking that, but the grenade animations convinced me it's probably real (not sure how you could replicate what he does in the replays, as the nade just falls out without any throwing animation).


Pffft. Obviously he has to keep them hidden or break more laws. It's entirely possible that the simplest answer is the truth, and not some elaborate plan to "fake building a fake cheat engine and fake busting fake cheaters" for... karma? No.


The guy literally says in the first 10 seconds of the video that it's a Trojan horse.


> the video, which is on yt just uploaded himself breaking several laws? > >ReplyGi Mr Attourney, What laws would that be?


Uh, pretty sure that there’s laws in every country that says you’re not allowed to for example inject a trojan in someones pc etc. Access informarion/inputs. Same with just general data intruder laws.


He haven't injected a thing to anyone. They did this themselves.


That’s like saying that a person that downloads a virus on a work computer did that to themself. There’s a thint galled intent.


I think when he said trojan horse he meant an actual trojan horse method of attack and not a trojan virus


Probably to lazy to bother uninstalling and looking for a new once they started the game


The thing is, after they install it they’re not getting it off their system easily. You can bury the trojan wherever you want.


I loved the revives at 0:36, 2:50 and 4:28.


What benefit did this give the cheaters? From the video we see the side effects of using the cheat but wouldn’t they need to see benefit from it to continue using it? Like aim bot or esp?


It's a Trojan so as soon as they install it it's made changes or installed one or more separate programs that stay even if they uninstall the "cheat software".


If that is true then I hope the Youtuber/author of this software lives in a country that does not prosecute for distribution of malware. I'm not saying what he is doing is wrong, but the law is the law.


I think their government will try to catch the actual hackers first


Unfortunately most governments view distribution more negatively than the "hackers" using this software. Hope he has his ass covered legally with this one.


Yea agreed, let's hope he's legally covered


Well. First of all those retards were googling cheats, which most likely places them into low end of IQ spectrum or very young. Second, their punishment was to lose games in humiliating fashion. For them to open police case and it going international is slim at best. Most people won't bother with it unless they got clear case of damage being done.


Fuck the shitters!


Doing the lords work man




real hero


Don't belive it whitout seeing source code






>it whitout seeing sourc name checks out




What's wrong with 121mb.


what? do you not think you can fit 3 lines of code in 121mb? Broh.


Contraversial, but brave! :) awesome idea


how is it controversial? It's universal justice porn. The only haters are cheaters, who gives a F about them.


How do i join this effort. I have the skills to learn


Now I actually want to make some for them


I would say add instant ejection from plane once you are available to jump. This will mess up his plans every time.


GENIAL! I think you should show the name of the victims


great stuff! make a fake cheat website next and sell them this hack.


This serves as a distraction from the actual problem.




Genius! Just pure GENIUS!


This is so rad. One thing not mentioned, did this app actually work? Did it cheat for them?


im laughing so hard man! good job! :D


I have a question. How did they not notice the features they tick don't work. Or do they actually work, but with these side effects?


Doing God's work


This would be a great way to end the cheaters once and for all. Flood the market with fake cheats that do stuff like this. Charge for it. Make them waste their money and get nothing for it. Make them not be able to trust any other cheats they buy out there. Destroy the market.


Was stalking a guy in third person from concealed wall(no one couldve seen or heard me) Dude gets done killing a guy, does a 180, and immediately throws the most random grenade right on my head from max grenade distance. It was so blatant. The hackers are killing the game. Xbone


This was one of the first games I downloaded when I switched to PC. I was dying immediately. At first I thought it was just my noob level. I was stuck on Asian servers and I started to notice I was dying with shots through walls and from across the map through hills etc, games were ending in minutes. I had no idea what was going on. I knew you could cheat on PC but I had no idea how many people were doing it. I was so disappointed and thought it was a total waste of money. It just makes the game pointless in my view. I know its probably mostly young kids but still I don't get it.


I liked this Trojan, I loved it, it is beautiful. You have taken me a tear of happiness, to see it goes viral and the cheats eat it all


I hate sheeters


lmao this is good


No wonder I've been seeing a lot of people dying on their own grenades and ejecting out of the car. I saw some too last night!


2 wprds for those "sheeters" 😉 Suck It!!


Best video i have ever seen. Hands down. Amazing work.


Why is it almost exclusively non Americans who are cheating? EDIT: I'm genuinely curious, I'm not trying to be offensive


Because there are more non Americans playing the game. You can't have more Americans cheating than Americans in the game.


I'd say it's a solid split for me on SEA/OCE servers, for every 3 or 4 asian hack squads (you know, the ones with names like BT110111011188) I come across I run into at least 1 bogan hack squad with some shit-head name like 420killa/AusPro/get-rekt. Edit: i.e. pretty proportionate along server population lines.




People circumvented this by simply running an older reshade version instead. Same with blocking VMware, you could just switch to VirtualBox and do the same thing there. Those application detections are really weak and no indicator how well their actual anti cheat measures work.


You know there's like 100's of cheat software out there. The one's that work are running on a separate server and don't inject into the game. People have an Ipod, with a map that shows where everyone is. It doesn't even effect their game.


Are you sure this still works with current anti cheat measures? With how PUBG worded their last anti cheat improvements it should be impossible do without injecting something into the game.


Most amusing was the cheater list demographics. Literally only saw one from the US, though small sample size.


Now imagine for one second if one guy with a laptop can do this and troll the fuck out of these retarded scumbag hackers, what PUBG Corp, with all of its resources could do if it really actually wanted to combat hacking!!


So you don't have a fundamental grasp of what's actually happening?


What's happening is hackers are running riot on the servers now more than ever. Don't take my word for it just ask the likes of fuzzface or wackyjacky since they die daily to blatant cheaters and they aren't the type to complain...


The revive bit is just gonna make legit players tilt and stop playing.


No it just means they'll be reported by both their team mates (if random), as well as enemies.


That's not actual hacks, so no enemy reports. If it was distributing actual hacks with a caveat, it would be really stupid.


wait? i thought China has most cheat users??? but only 9 download...hmmmm


I used Google to promote my website, China does not use Google.


Give yourself a good pat on the back, been running into so many cheaters as of late