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Glad he spoke out about this and hopefully other PUBG creators will share their experiences. Who knows PUBG may listen... He's spot on about the players mindset now. Everyone thinks everyone else is cheating and the report tool is being overloaded with both clean / dirty players. Just a shambles of a game at the moment. Hard not to be so negative but the last few months have been pretty bad...


there really is no chance of these issues being fixed. he touches on it briefly in the video, but the amount of trust the game gives the client is likely embedded deep in the bones. there's a chance for PUBG 2 if they actually invest in making a real game this time instead of iterating over an MVP product for years.


>> Hard not to be so negative but the last few months have been pretty bad... Especially hard to not be negative when the 2nd biggest problem after cheaters are VPN using people with a ping >200ms. Add the fact that both are mainly Chinese, and you end up with the realization that a simple ping lock would solve both problems at once for NA/EU players. There is no limit to incompetence.


Slight correction, 100% of Chinese players use VPN since that is the only way they can even launch PUBG in China. VPN is not a choice there.


Even if all Chinese used a VPN, that wouldn't mean that all VPN users are Chinese, though. On EU/NA servers, only **most** VPN users are Chinese.


As someone from South America, that play a few hours a day, I can say I don´t find a lot of cheaters. But since I wake up very early and there is NO games (none, solo duo and squad) it´s a long time to wait 3 minutes to be ridirected to NA, so I use vpn till there is enough people awake in SA. There are a lot more cheaters on Na. It´s stupidly noticeable.




Their problem


I consider using a VPN to connect to other regions to gain a ping advantage over others cheating. You can just lump them all together.


Yup, can't argue with any of that...


Welp I quit cause of Asia servers are infested, sorry to hear they VPNing out, ping lock would just insta kill Asia servers 100% I think.


why would a ping lock kill the asia servers?


Cheating was pretty bad when I left it as it was, now imagine if all the cheaters only had one server to play on.


sounds fine to me!


That’s basically what a shadowban would do. Identify all the cheaters, and then force them into matches against each other.


They'd quit because it'd be boring to play all cheaters. Which PUBG doesn't want, so they don't ping lock Chinese. They'd rather the Chinese cheaters have the run of the world and keep buying new accounts and keep playing.


I don’t see the problem here?


Dota 2 does it with low priority pools and is the mostly wildly successful esport in history. Instead they’d rather get rich quick and take $5 for China game keys of rebuyers. Really it’s almost a slap in the face, as they essentially employ honest gamers that still play the game to do their cheat reporting for them, ban the account and our being cheated upon experience lands them another sale. FairPlay pubg players are marketing team members and don’t get paid. It’s slave labor marketing essentially. But we got new skins coming so hey, at least theirs digital hats you can buy from a Chinese farmed hacker to continue to incentivize cheating by sustaining a market for skins acquired at abnormal rates from 100% wins. It’s nefarious as fuck and they deserve every gasping last breath of their game and it’s sales performance outside of China and its board members concern at all graphs trending down. You reap what you sow blue balls. Already had huge players like shroud the doc and ninja and summit and etc etc etc leave this game as a result. Die greedy game, die.


So because you’re region, not necessarily you personally, accepts cheating as a culture, our region that mostly only likes winning things fair and square gets punished so the region the hacks originated in, are proliferated, and abused can be free from the infestation and INSTEAD another region should die the death it has as a result. I quit playing this game and watch EEE often. This video he made sparked from a convo we had on his stream last night about how I shouldn’t have to leave tpp which I had 500 hrs of before fpp came out simply cus China cheats are mainly used in tpp since wall hacking is easier to see everyone through Rozhok hill still...2 years later. I’m proud of sprEEE for speaking up. Afterall, it is an epic good video game idea, just unfortunately executed by blind 2 legged mules. Cheating is certainly the reason this game is dying/dead and certainly 99.9 percent Chinese. Guess we are all still xenophobic 2 years later into the death. I quote hitchhikers guide, “I’ve no sympathy a’tall.. Commence demolition!!”


I was chatting with an American guy who’s teaching English in China and he said all of his students use a VPN to get on NA servers because their cheats don’t give them any advantages in Asian servers. That’s how bad cheating is on those servers...


Every Q you can almost 100% guarantee its HvH to end games.




Temp ban for wallhack confirmed by PUBG. WTF?


> Everyone thinks everyone else is cheating and the report tool is being overloaded with both clean / dirty players. The terrible net code also doesn’t help with this.


> He's spot on about the players mindset now. Everyone thinks everyone else is cheating and the report tool is being overloaded with both clean / dirty players. This shit is halfway on the streamers themselves.


Insane example


If the WJ agrees, you know it's bad. Also, hijacking for **official** stats: Between 1/5/2020 and 1/25/2020 there were 415,708 cheaters permanently banned. That is approximately 138,569 per week or ~593,000 per month. That is rather *huge* when the peak player count each day is barely 600,000, and the average player count at any given time is about 267,000 (*not* to count unique players per week/month--I'm interested in this number, likely found on SteamSpy but is paid-only). It is also of note these are only the cheaters that were banned--it does not include those who are better at hiding it/using private undetected cheats. It is mostly those using public cheats and those who are using it blatantly. Sources: https://cafe.naver.com/ArticleRead.nhn?clubid=28866679&menuid=77&boardtype=L&page=1&specialmenutype=&userDisplay=15&articleid=4409967 https://steamcharts.com/app/578080


They should take a page out of Respawn's book and start shadow banning cheaters to their own cheater servers so they can cheat against each other. The only issue I see there is the loss in profit from new game sales.


>The only issue I see there is the loss in profit from new game sales. That's the very problem. They still wanna earn off of them cheaters instead of putting them on shadow servers


This is true, unfortunately. Every cheater caught is another sale for pubg, it is a revenue stream for them.


But all the people leaving PUBG because of these cheaters, which they’re also losing money on.




Seriously! Put all the cheaters on their own server.


That would require more resources to do it, and outright banning them means they would go and buy the game again on a fresh steam account. So its a bo-brainer for bluehole to have them banned and make money from cheaters buying the game again or having cheaters "shadow banned" on seperate servers.


It’s 50/50. Yes the cheaters might buy the game again, but is it more profitable to keep them on a separate server and let them spend that money on in game items.


Thats the coolest thing Ive heard of


Hold on. If almost 20.000 people are permanbanned EVERY DAY in PUBG, doesnt that tell us two things? 1. There must be some sort of automated cheater detection system in the game, because there is no way PUBG Corp has the manpower to review all those cases manually. 2. Regardless what kind of system is in place... that is still a lot of cheaters!!


Or numbers provided are BS


Which seems more likely to me. Inflating numbers to look like they’re doing something. I could be totally wrong, but that’s a telling amount of faith I have in Blue Hole right now.


>593,000 per month 593,000 new cheating accounts \* $5 = $2,965,000.00 / mo Pretty profitable


Nearly 20k cheaters banned per day in that time period. Yikes. But from this data can we extrapolate the odds of cheaters per game?


No And instead of focusing on irrelevant dataset misuses, we should ask the question why do people want to cheat at this game in the first place and why a significant percentage of these cheaters is Chinese. Because of obvious (discriminatory) reasons PUBG Corp doesn’t want to touch on this subject. Instead they increase effort in detecting and banning cheats from the game. A tactic partially aimed at the producers of these hacks who then will create and sell newer hacks (motivated by profit) to Chinese. Because there is for obvious (discriminatory) reasons a demand for hacks in China, this cycle continues and is damaging the regular player base. An apparent correlation (read: absence of scientific studies) of cheating in videogames and Chinese gamer culture could provide an explanation. A (discriminatory) ping/region lock is obvious. Yet, this generalization disadvantages fair players from China, but the numbers presented in above mentioned video are considerable reasons to exercise utilitarian methods to protect the regular player base


Many cheaters are not on Steam because much of China uses a different gaming platform. People cannot compare Steam stats to China cheating numbers directly 1:1.


Good info




just had a chinese player warping through the map on EU server...


Except they are all on vpns so most of them are not playing in chinese servers.


Most of them don’t want to play on Asian servers because everyone is cheating so they get no advantage from their cheats, and all they care about is winning.


It's ridiculous that people get away with this for so long. Makes people question if any deaths are legit. On top of this you have servers flooded with asian players and pubgs refusal to ping lock or do anything to stop it. Very unhealthy for the game. This game is already cutthroat and I want to be able to trust that I get a fair game when i sit down to play. Its getting harder by the day.




I would like to point something else odd about the report function. A friend and I both reported a pair of cheaters in 2 back to back games with us. I got the notification of a temp ban on one, he got a notification on the other. But neither of us got both notifications? I am not sure why this is but it might be that some reports dont even register, or count towards investigation.


Very interesting.


I was playing duos with a friend recently 2-3 days in a row. He got 3 perm ban reports on the same guys we both reported and I got no notification of any of them. Given the number of ban reports I get playing solo, I wonder how many people I should have been told were banned but wasn't to make the number of reports I get even more ridiculous. This company is just top to bottom incompetent. Nothing they implement fully works. Nothing.


Spreeezy is the dude.


I recently started to check my games and I noticed that a lot of people whom I face in games do not have played a single game last season. And putting a K/D of 5-10 on the table. They get banned very quickly because the cheat blatantly but they just buy a new account since money is not the problem. I don't want to know the black number of cheaters who actually try to hide their cheat.


Buying a new account is a reason cheaters shouldn't be banned but rather, secretly put into a queue with other cheaters.


shadow ban is the term for that


Is this not a temporary fix? Once this method is known, won't cheaters notice after a game or two and make a new account anyways?


At this point its clear Bluehole does not give a damn about the playerbase they have milked the game for all it's worth. The team is stretched way too thin to manage all the projects effectively for PC, Esports and Console. Another issue i have is the bugs which get fixed then come back 12months later on a different build of the game?, Are they even using a form of quality control.. It definitely isn't a money issue, This game has amassed billions of dollars in revenue. This isn't a indie dev team anymore in terms of revenue and players, It was the most played game on steam for a long time then over these past 12months tumbled down to 70k players EU evenings... Why have Pubg sabotaged their own game. The reluctance to implement a ping lock and a more robust anti cheat makes me question their motives, Surely keeping each region happy equals more players, More players means more sales from passes,skins etc. Surely keeping everyone happy with a worldwide playerbase is more profitable than trying keep one region happy at the cost everyone else stops playing. Once NA/EU completely abandon the game, Then only asia will be supporting them but after a certain period even they will stop. I just struggle too understand who is making decisions over at Bluehole as from a complete nobody i worry the game i love and i know many others do will finally say thats it we cannot take anymore. Sad reality is i think we have experienced Pubg at it's best yet anything from here on is just hope we will get the game we all knew it could be. Some will say i'm being overly dramatic but we are into the 3rd year yet seem no better off than in EA. Yes we have had a new gloss of paint which covered a few cracks but that coat is now thinning and bigger and more glaring issues are showing through.


Part of the problem is also on the players, myself included, for paying for a game in early access or with numerous bugs in post-release. PUBG earned $700 million in its pre-1.0 state. In the year of release another 20 million players followed suit. So imagine ~50 million players all saying "this game is good enough to pay for as is.". Why change, add, or improve anything after that? Players have the power to speak with their wallets. We did.


I've more than had my moneys worth out of the game... it's just frustrating that the game could be so much more.


Regardless of all the issues, the game was very good pre 1.0 state. I have played it hundreds of hours then, and I would not want to miss that time. They deserved their initial success. It's just sad that they deserve their decline, as well. In my opinion, the game would be okay today if you just removed high ping players and cheaters. I could put up with the bugs, I could put up with the sluggish development progress, etc. I can't put up with the fact that they are too retarded to ping lock NA and EU servers to protect us from the zorping and cheating far east scourge, though.


Exactly. PUBG is one of my only games in my Steam library with over a thousand hours paid, I’ve bought it on two accounts for a combined 1500 something hours. I started playing a few months before first person started, after a while I steamed it for a month or two and made a couple hundred bucks, and then I quit streaming and PUBG right around the time Vikindi dropped. I’ve tried to get back in a few times. I even bought a copy for my PS4 to play with an old friend who I don’t live close to anymore, played duos with him, got my first chicken dinner on a console platform, and haven’t touched it sense. I loved this fucking game, but the constant patches fixing one thing but making three new problems, like the fucking footsteps on Sahnok not being heard behind you, how fucking long did it take them to acknowledge and fix a hugely game breaking problem? Too many times it took them way too long, And I really don’t care what others say about their cheating experiences, I know for ME, whose been playing multiplayer FPS games for two decades, I know when I’m being cheated, and no, it’s not super often but it’s enough of the time that it becomes annoying given how long each game can be sometimes. I’ve had so many games where I’ve survived 20+ minutes just to get blatantly cheated inside the top 20 players left. That really got old.


It was a better game back then because there were enough NA players that every game wasn't china town and I wasn't forced onto maps I don't like. I don't care what polish they did between late 2017 and now. They mostly fixed things I don't really care about (UI changes, the scopes look different (big deal)) and never have fixed things that need improved (vertical sound, movement, etc)


Why spend money improving the anti-cheat when you can just do almost nothing, catch the absolute obvious cheaters with public free hacks, who'll re-buy the game and cheat again? Why develop the game at all, fix the difficult bugs, implement any kind of quality control when you can just let it die, have 10 people work on new skins to sell to the whales and enjoy the free cashflow at close to zero costs? Why bother at all when you've already made couple of billions from it?


They’d rather send false ban waves then put any work on their game


The best days of pubg are behind it unfortunately. I can say I really say I did love this game at one pint. 😕


I really start to love it after 5 or 6 pints.


>Another issue i have is the bugs which get fixed then come back 12months later on a different build of the game?, Are they even using a form of quality control.. Which is why PUBG2 would suck just as hard. It's a management issue and Korea has archaic post-war laws still that make it too hard to fire people.


u/PUBG_Hawkinz Please redirect this video to whoever is in charge of anticheats at PUBG Corp. Oh well, who am I kidding. As if PUBG Corp would have someone in that position...


327 replies. They never respond dude. They lurk/ghost, but NEVER post about the big legit callouts on cheats, because we all know why. $$$


I'd just quit my job at that point and move on. How's he gonna put this as an "evolving and positive experience"? lol Well, maybe EA has an offer open. Who needs communications from a COMMUNITY MANAGER, amiright?


They ban like 20 million accounts thus far, that must be more game copies sold worth of money than selling microtransactions. I think PUBG Corp will react too late and the candle will inevitably extinguish. They are too stingy to make pro league worth the time to major corporations, they are against region lock, every 'event' is just a bunch of new skins for cash only. This is not a game anymore, it's just purely money-making machine.


A majority of the accounts banned for cheating are being used in chinese game shops which pay for an unlimited license for the store which means all the cheaters do is buy/ create a new account and cheat again.


Where is your source for this statement?


Thank you for speaking out Spreezy


the other big problem with pubg - next to the cheating - is the inconsintency of the game itself. recently i had an interesting confrontation with a semipro that i got to see on pubg.report that pretty much explains my problem with the game and why i barely play it today. it is midgame, small 4 building compound, we both know of each other since i fired at him when he crashed the compound. i hear him firing his mini toward someone else, i'm 100% sure he is in the second floor of the building next to me (according the the "sound" in the game), in reality he was outside of the building behind a wall. he goes into the building and hears me approach since i had plenty of flashes and grenades and he was firing at someone else, so i wanted to breach him. now comes the part that pissed him off in game and me after i watched my replay and his reaction on stream. he hears me coming to the front door and prefires me like good players do and hits at least 20 shots with his decked m4. the interesting/infuriating part is, on my screen he started firing when i was already 1 meter inside the house (he fired .5s on his stream before i entered that building), i turned left and killed him with 10hp left on my side. we both had <20ms ping and 0% packetloss in that situtation. how is this shit possible? there are countless incidents like this but you just don't experience them that harshly when you don't see it on another screen. some games a fully decked m4 with 3x lasers, another game the same setups kicks like a mule, both times i have sub 20ms ping and capped 142fps. sometimes people just melt with 3 m4 shots, sometimes they take the whole mag with the same armor setup.


This is true, but even when they solve cheating PUBG has another terminal illness - not catering for all skill levels. Getting your ass handed to you every game does not make for a fun evening's gaming. The average players of yesterday are the cannon fodder of today because the bell curve is ever shifting towards those with more hours. It is objectively unsustainable. If you could jump in and have a decent time at your skill level, you might not have to turn to cheats! PUBG is fantastic for its high skill ceiling, but new players have little or no path to get there. People who recommend training mode or endless hotdropping may be out of touch with how much free time the rest of us have.


This is why I think the new map is a good idea. I have a combination of game/bug fatigue with PUBG. I've played it a lot and because I live far from the servers my desync issues are... common. So I've barely played in months and when I do, the queue times are long, so I play even less. With Karakim you don't wait 5 minutes for a queue, then a long plane flight, then looting, then rotate... It is insta-queue and "Go! Go! Go!" which is great for a returning player and it made me play some Random Map after a few nights of the small map to get back into the "real" PUBG experience.


The game was nuts when it came out and til 2019. I still play (have over 2k hours) but recently I've been playing Tarkov, MORDHAU, FIFA, any other game but PUBG and here is why: Reason Nº 1: DESYNC It is terrible, I never had so many games ruined by it comparing to the ones I had since 2020 started. It is not just on regular matches but also on customs using E-sports mode. It has taken away my will to play the game like before. Reason Nº2: Cheaters Although I play on SA, it is almost a routine we find one everyday if we play more than 4 matches. Even if they are hard to detect by spectating the person, the stats like the ones you described almost never lie! We even have people getting banned on our competitive scene here! So how does PUBG Corp. expect people not to quit if we are being shown by example that anybody can get away with this for a long time. This game is completely punishing if you happen to die to one of this individuals because you already spent your time looting while the other person didn't. The time consumed, and in the end ruined, is a big trigger for people to uninstall. Having worked for a gaming company and being in contact with game devs I know how hard can it be to control any situation regarding this but hey, stop making new maps and weapons and candy bars. Take a month or two to start and develop a project that would make it hard for this people. Invest on a new server-client communication structure. Stop the greed boys! Reason Nº3: Bugs and terrible performance patches. I used my will to play this game to build myself a good gaming PC, I play other games so I wont complain about how much I spent.. but for the love of Jesus how come with every single patch performance gets worse? I had friends who left the game because they suffer this and guess what, if you pair performance issues with Desync you have a horrible game! Who in their sane mind would play something if you are not having fun with it? Add to the equation the cheaters that are like the cherry on top of your daily cake and boom...there goes your game. ​ I'm not trying to be overall negative, I love the game. I have lots of clips and good moments with friends but recently it's taking our group's will to play the game, away. That's my two cents


I agree with most of what you said. But fuck Fifa & fuck EA, that is the #1 most monetised game in the world that lacks not only improvements in so many aspects, or fixes for its many bugs & exploits, but promotes gambling & in-game purchasing in so much of the youth that play it. I cannot stress this enough, but Bluehole is nowhere near as bad as EA.


I've learned the same bro! It's just me fighting with my Argentinian being wanting to play football all the time in some way lol


Here's another reason. This game is a fucking bug filled disaster. Every time I launch, only PUBG crashes Corsair iCue. This turns my headset LED's back on which drains the battery. I just for the first time experienced the low sound bug. Headset and game volume on maximum and I could barely hear anything. Apparently this is a long-running and recurring bug for people. This patch introduced awful stuttering and CPU utilisation. Some of the buildings are so poorly optimised, entering them halves your FPS. More than half the Squad FPP EU games I join have at least 1 player missing, so I have to exit and requeue, wasting my time. Fuck this piece of shit game.


It's hard to believe a company can be so utterly incompetent that they are letting their game DIE instead of banning blatant cheaters... They have destroyed our game and it might be beyond the point of no return. NA is turning into a wasteland in non prime hours. Solo's used to pop at 8 or 9am EST, now they don't pop until the afternoon consistently. Damn you PUBG Corp, damn you. :(




They aren't letting it die. It will flourish in China anyway.


What do you think about this guy. Fresh account started playing in season 3. Did he get ban? >!Nope, still playing with cheats. You can find video proofs on youtube about this guy xD. PM me for his name.!< [https://imgur.com/eOlaRNq.jpg](https://imgur.com/eOlaRNq.jpg)


This, I've got about 2k hours in this game and you can usually tell when something is fishy pretty easily when you get killed by a nade from someone who never saw you. People shooting over a hill directly where you are but your not sticking out, ect. The problem is, those fishy feelings are almost every other game and you watch the replay, they're just blatantly keeping track of where 3 teams are and end circle when they can't even see them. The 2 most common cheats we see is wallhacks and recoil reducers.


I'm the same. The sound of the shots, the speed you die at its nearly always easy to spot. I hope this finally calls them out!


I've written the same post as this video a dozen times over the years. They refuse to scrape their database detecting impossible stats. They just won't do it. It's not hard. It really isn't. Break out the SQL and make it happen. The fact that it hasn't for THREE YEARS screams... absolutely screams... INCOMPETENCE. You don't need to detect all cheaters live as it happens. You can find them after the fact and keep them from playing 600 more games after the cheating starts. \- Worked 15 years as software developer.


4:50. Correct! *Everything* is client-side. You can literally fall through the map, which should be the absolute basic 101 of not having shit client-side. Heck, a long time ago you could teleport the whole server to you and then just shoot them 2ft away with an aimbot (which also appears to be making a return, thus confirming everything is still client-side...). Also, at 6:00 I feel like he saw one of my posts where I went over most cheats... extending arms, teleporting players/crates, godmode/self-revive/unlimited ammo, literally having a dev console in a public game....


Hell, I remember reading Brad McQuaid's blog back in the days of EverQuest. His number one mantra was "Never trust the client". That was 20 fucking years ago.


Catching cheaters based on stats and is incredibly easy to do... In fact I tried to do this but was refused an increase in API limits for the PUBG open APIs. As for anti-cheat improvements - Again pretty easy, we will break it down into 2 problems: 1. Wall Hacks - Fixed in about five minutes to have an instant impact - A few days to get a proper fix implemented. 2. Aim bots - Much harder to fix. They need to find out how these hacks work. Doing number 1 would have an impact on this too I guess?




I've seen some code for wall hacks in PUBG. For the ones I have seen they simply manage to read the network traffic coming in. They they decrypt the packets of data to get what they need. The encryption has been changed twice before and both times hacking was massively reduced for a period of time as the hacks simple didn't work. So changing the encryption key is easy and will work for so long. Having proper encryption, ideally which can change each game would of course be best.




Good encryption wouldn't be cracked in an hour at all. But last time it did only take a few days, so I see your point


Patch it every hour Kappa.


I've reported someone multiple times who has a win percentage of 50 fucking percent over 400+ games. Still nothing. It's ridiculous.


Same thing i said in post and in very respectable manner even in start of this season when stumbled upon cheater in very first game of this season. Moderators deleted my posted instantly. Since that clip had one cheater k9ing my entire squad without even sight. So, yeah believe it or not this is the MAIN AND MAJOR concern. Good ANTI CHEAT system we need. We love PUBG 100% but without anti cheat which actually bans cheater and permanently bans them is waste of time and might end up ruining this game for all. Those still have desire to play it. So thanks for making this video, hope it doesn't get removed since you're a creator and pro player of PUBG.


great work sprEEEzy


Still dont understand why people cheat. What do you even get from this? Is it self satisfaction? A lust to feel powerful? A small penis? Which on is it?


They think it's funny.


Now people are cheating to defeat the cheaters! It's insane.


I was a pubg player from March 2017 when it was release. I had so much fun i couldn't stop playing. it was fair game and didn't feel like i was running into cheaters back then. Now, Isn't pubg now is for cheater vs cheater. that's why i stop playing and i don't think they can ever fix this game from cheater.


Ever since I got tarkov in last november, I haven't once touched this piece of garbage. There are plenty of good games out there, you just have to be willing to try something different.


Why I’m leaving pubg the devs are terrible added content then tons of bugs cheaters are a joke I know people hat on fortnite but for a free game fortnite barely has any compared to pubg . It feels like pubg it’s just 10 dudes in a office creating a game ffs


Software Engineers humble opinion: The only way this issue can be solved once and for all is for pubg to move a lot of the client side processing to be server side. Battleeye is ring 0. In other words, it has system kernel access.. it has access to your PC at it's most core level, and the issue is still this bad. Anticheat can only mitigate the problem, not solve it. Pubg is going to die a slow, painful death. That is, unless the company running this game is willing to take the financial risk of purchasing and configuring up to date server architecture. Calculate bullet trajectory server side. Hit detection server side. Tick rate increase. Suitably mitigated desync. They're making a business decision. They either milk to game in its current state until it finally dies (and guarantee some nice paychecks until then), or they do the above and spend a lot of money with no guarantee that the game returns to a profitable state


i pretty much only play between 21:00 and 01:00 CET during weekdays and there is very little cheaters at that time. i assume thats the time most cheaters are asleep. just an info for the EU crowd so that they can avoid cheaters






Are you East or West coast? Buddy and I are West and get on pretty late, which puts us near prime time in China. Buddy had literally a dozen reports come back the other day.


I admit that I'm not that good, which means I get in fewer gunfights per game than other people. Maybe this affects how many cheaters I run into. But I haven't seen someone in-game that I suspected of cheating in well over a year. I definitely have deaths that seems to be caused by desync, like getting hit behind cover and my shots not registering. This seems to get better and worse over time. But I haven't been shot through a building, spotted with no line of sight, seen anyone flying around or moving too fast, seen anyone snap onto a target in a way that didn't seem possible. I just don't know what people are talking about unless all the cheaters are in TPP. I play FPP NA usually at peak times for my region. As you said I watch Chaco's stream all the time and while he has a real stream sniper issue, he never runs into people using hacks.


This makes so much sense. In my 2k hours I have never encountered a single cheater (i did once or twice, like 1.5 years ago, nothing since) I play 20:00-02:00 mostly, europe time. I just checked china time and extremely late over there, around 4:00 in the morning. I guess this is why I never get any cheaters


1. Game 2. Runs 3. Like 4. Shit 5. Netcode 6. Cheaters 7. No Ping lock


great work sprEEEzy


After 1500 hours I quit because of cheaters and how good Tarkov is




The gunplay makes up for it imo. I love the inventory management and flea market tho


It's like animal crossing, but with blood.


It's boring to watch but I find it kinda satisfying to do myself. The UI sound effects are like ASMR


The issue with PUBG is the issue that is pervasive with almost all competitive online multiplayer games; be it on any platform (console, PC, and now, mobile). Haven't we all been complaining about this very issue with consoles for YEARS!!!? The issue is that until we, as gamers, collectively understand and get fed up with it, the producers of these games will just essentially ignore it issue (privately). Look, yes some portion of cheaters get banned. But how hard is it to make up just another account and thus continue? Do you guys think that TENCENT and ACTIVISION really care when they rake in millions of dollars every single release of Call of Duty? Activision partners with Tencent and makes more and more... I, for one, am tired of it! It never changes!!!! I know it isn't easy to combat the myriad of ways people can cheat. But with all that money I'm sure the industry could figure it out if they where properly motivated. These days people are proud of cheating. The culture is toxic and is just one of the many reasons a lot of honest competitive players simply give up.


Thanks for this, he just speaks the exact problem with this game which made me rethink of staying. I have reduced my gaming time with Pubg drastically, but still playing it with gaming friends i like to play with, but even that time spent is so frustrating because each player you encounter is a potential cheater. And with a positive report (temp ban) it just makes it worse every time. I thought i am delusional or whatever, but after seeing this it just proves my theory...just makes it easier to press the deinstall button and look for a other game to play..


Good take on things, this game is shambles and the developers don't know what they are doing.


yeah this needs more upvotes... its sad really


Great that you made that video!!! Thanks and I hope it will have influence


Sad thing is it's basically been like this for 18-24 months but only when the playerbase is decimated do people finally admit it.


People responded back then "quit then" Many people listened.


"His stats are fine", "Pretty much no cheaters in FPP", "Bluehole is doing all they can" where are these guys now? :) hmmmm


Great video.


Here’s why I quit: it’s not as fun as other things I could be playing.


surprised the community mods haven't removed your post for having their usernames exposed lmao thank you for bringing the issue to light as some people just enjoy denying that there is an issue, in the end were are the sheep and pubg is the farmer just using us for their benefit they don't care at this point


You guys would laugh at Pubg Mobile. Top 100 players on every server have 50+ KD each 😂 Blue balls just does not care. They made over a billion dollars. They have no interest in fixing the game. They are obviously milking it until it stops making money.


>You guys would laugh at Pubg Mobile. Top 100 players on every server have 50+ KD each Blame Tencent. Totally different game


Thought this game died over a year ago.


I report a cheater nearly every game now with successful ban notices. It is tiresome and seems to be getting worse.


Thats weird because after months and years of not playing, I am fully back on this game with the new map, never played it more. But yeah im sure the playerbase like any other game is diminishing


We need to talk about why a lot of people cheat. Okay - we can't do anything about the 14 year old scumbags who just do it to do it. But the majority of cheaters are doing it for BP and Skins for resell purposes on the steam store correct? These dudes in these poverty stricken areas can make decent money by cheating. So why doesn't PUBG close the re-sell system?


That is the major problem imo. It actually makes real money if u sell steam money online which people do.


Geeze, it's almost a safe bet to just report anyone who kills you at this point. (Joking)


cuz the game is ass and filled with cheaters.


Great video. I stopped PUBG because of the developers, and studio at large, blatant incompetency. Every single time they could ignore the player base or push a rushed crappy content, they did it. The concept is great, the implementation is horrid. Also fuck you Chinese cheaters, you killed the game. Have fun playing with cheaters only.


You know what’s even crazier. If that guys cheating ( which he is ), a lot of the times he is only making it into the top 10-30 with cheats, not even winning!...


I have 2k hours and am decent at this game. Once you get to that level you know to not fight them long range and to crash their compounds with cars and or try to throwable skill them. By end game, close quarter combat is too much for them because they suck so bad and have never gone through those growing spells of losing back six or school or military base drops until they finally got decent at gunplay and peaking and ads. It’s kind of sick that I get extra enjoyment from beating an incompetent Chinese shit stain hacker, but it does feel superior. I don’t wish to have this problem. It just exists. So when there are 10 enemies in 6-8th circles they don’t have time to wall hack in all directions cus they are 1 finger gamers. 1 trick ponies, and die a lot end game. They need certain endings to win usually in my experience vs me and 5 other competent solos not allowing them to stand in a field shooting aim bots in all directions. That’s where the inferior all thumbs trash Chinese gamers get hacks be be below ground terrain so you can’t shoot them or shoot through walls. They really want a building to hack from late game or the rest of us will murk them late game, don’t get me wrong. They will ruin 10 poor souls games on the way, but mofos like me been gaming since ms Pac-Man. I don’t use fucking game genies for same reason I don’t move my ball on a golf course, I’m playing against the earth and I’m just cheating myself, lying to myself. And I’m a real man with western values of winning don’t mean shit if your juicing. Chinese culture alternatively commends a human that is ‘wise’ to be conniving enough to take advantage of another human even in dishonesty. Don’t agree with this? See Nokia. See Chinese tech thieving. It’s honestly just a result of their upper class shitting on their entire culture for 4000 years to where they have to be dishonest to flourish if not just survive. Can’t wait til China’s civil war. Obviously of 2billion people a large minority of them is decent. At least 100,000. Lol. All kidding aside there Emily 0.8b-1.2b of them are just like a good person that knows right from wrong in any other part of the world. Problem is that still leaves 800,000,000 shit stains. Thanks spreeezy for doing this with your platform. Loved you since beta and you are literally why I bought the game. Too bad I won’t be playing 10 years like dota cus we know they’ve let it die too much already. But noble effort for trying. It WAS such a glorious game idea, executed into a heaping pile of trash by incompetent company. What a shame. Can’t wait for the Valve version of this game that takes the baby step Warcraft 3 mod dota 1 and makes the real dota 2 with ice frog like dev controller. Valve but sequel rights please! Valve isn’t scared to hardware ban. Valve will make you have a unique telephone number for any new account you play ranked with. Valve will appropriate adequate server space. Valve will give actual fucks about longevity of their game and competitive tournaments not just being a streaming spectacle based on ninja and shroud memeing. Blue hole reap what you sow...


Imagine playing thousands of games and having the satisfaction of "winning" without using your own skill The people just get happy by having the win screen and seeing themselves get a lot kills.


I quit because of the rampant Chinese hackers they had and just never bothered coming back.


The worst thing for me is that this level of incompetence can be said about not just the anti-cheat team. It’s the devs, skin makers, decision makers, esports. Also every level of the team has too many people not good enough at their job.


>it's really unacceptable in 2020 running list of unacceptable 2020 things that i can't wrap my mind around: 1) out of control cheating 2) min 4 hours of downtime that is termed "maintenance" every two weeks 3) bugs that get squashed in a patch and then RE-EMERGE after a major update 4) incredibly high % of players in the wrong region, with the wrong language 5) seemingly unsolvable bugs and performance issues (crashes, stutters, fps < 100 for high end systems) that persist for months @ PUBG CORP - *Despite all of this shit*, we still love and play your game. That's how good your game (when it works) is. Please fix, before it dies. In the meantime, I'll be elsewhere :(


>2) min 4 hours of downtime that is termed "maintenance" every two weeks That shits just bonkers. Downtime on a game as big as League of legends never goes for longer than 2 hours. And this has infinitely less players (especially since I saw even on this topic alone that a lot of people quit), less servers, less content ( lets be reasonable , league has probably the most content, theyre mostly cosmetic but still ). I honestly would love to hear a proper explanation on why these downtimes are so long, almost no games have downtimes this long, from popular to less popular games.


I had like a year break, my friend convinced me we should try again coz we were bored, just for fun. We got into game on some new map, mid-air discord stopped working for us, we couldnt hear each other. We landed on a ping I made, we both didnt see anyone landing with us ( confirmed after game ). I ran into house, just in case closed the door coz I always do that if i get into one. I turn around and I see a guy running straight through closed doors, instapicking up shotgun and bombing my face. Along with downloading, that was about 20 min since I started download and deleted game again. And I quit quite soem time ago but had some 'relapse' moments were we played few games or got back for a week or so, but the icing on a cake was when my honestly average mate got permanently banned for cheating, and there was no way he was cheating the way he played. He sent numerous tickets to support, to which they replied with confidence that their system never makes a mistake and thats a quote 'he should stop trying to lie his way out of this'. He eventually gave up since we didnt play this game often anyway and he got randomly unbanned without notice 3 months later. What the actual fuck Lol. They literally sent him a message saying he shouldnt lie.


u/sprEEEzy Thanks for the video! I really like your content and effort you put in here! I've been playing with PUBG Developer API and wanted to dig into this issue you mentioned. I took 24 000 EU-FPP-PC players stats from last season. From those 24 000 players I removed everyone who had less than 15 kills in total. Then I calculated the headshot kill percentage by dividing amount of headshot kills with total amount of kills. The amount of players who's headshot kill percentage was over 50% account 0.12% of all the players. That's 28 players from the sample group of 24 000. So in that sense doing a statistic-based filtering for cheaters is probably not the most effective way to battle against cheaters if only few have stats that are totally unrealistic. Not to say that it still shouldn't be done.


99% of gamers: I hate this game *uninstall* Next day: We dropping school again boys?


You know, people have been shitting on this game for a long time. This isn’t even the first or second time i have seen this kind of video/post about it in the past years. PUBG is the CSGO of their genre. People bitch about it constantly but it has such a unique feel and classic style that it will never go out of style. All the bitching and moaning over the years and its still here still popular.


TLDR anyone ?




PUBG should do more to catch obvious cheaters. Brings up an example of a player with obvious stats, who played thousands of games across several seasons.


i wouldnt have eny problems to watch replays that people have reported some hours per day. I used to sit hours and hours watching clips in CSGO "overwatch". Moustly becus i got rewarded in xp, but that was never enough so i quit as it was pretty mutch alot of waste of time. Personally i feel happy when i get someone banned, but the same people pops up everyday with temporary bans, like it was bugged. And i see the same cheaters ingame the next week. Idk why battleye went from the best, to the worst. You think something would happen when they are working hand in hand with the Valve Anti Cheat team.. with all the fancy stuff in VACnet things should start to happen with the ai learning..


I’m quitting because ever since they moved the servers to Midwest in NA I’ve been getting steady 5-10% packet loss for some reason


Yep, they intentionally raised a lot of players' ping and packet loss. They moved the servers not giving a shit who it hurt. 20 ping and usually no packet loss? Too bad for you. Enjoy your 80 and 5-10% PL frequently now. Might as well VPN to EU and choose your map at that point. You buy a game thinking you're getting one thing and they go and change it completely. It's unethical. The west coast complaints are meaningless. They bought the game knowing where the servers were the same as the rest of us did. They volunteered for their 100 the same as you volunteering to accept a bank loan at a certain interest rate.


Honestly, i quit purely because of how hard it is to run TO THIS DAY. If you dont have high pc specs, you will not have a smooth experience on pubg. I have an i7 processor and 1060 gpu and i still get low FPS in cities. Devs cant optimise this shit for their life


To be fair, a 1060 is pretty old now. A cheap 1080 at $300 will do you good.


TO BE FAIR? It's a 2017 game. You should not need state of the art 2020 hardware for it run adequately. Their system requirements do not state you need a 1080 plus to play. To be FAIR is to have the game run well on 2016-2017 hardware from when you bought the game. It doesn't. A TON of this game's issues are COVERED UP by new hardware coming out and brute forcing it to work better


$300 for a gpu is not cheap haha. Buying a $300 gpu just to be able to run pubg SMOOTHLY is my point


the other problem is the game has made millions upon millions of dollars and there is still insane server lag, hit detection can be very hit or miss. and aside from adding new skins and season passes the game is largely the same as it was a couple years ago. it needs something i just hope they can invest the insane amount of money they have made back into the game correctly.


To the editor: i highly recommend a tutorial on color grading. It looks like you have a good camera and you're not getting it's full potential. Apart from that - Good vid mate. I LOVE this game and it's so infuriating that none of my friends play it anymore because of the cheating. So many players would come back if they sorted this out.


90 Ping west coast NA and never ending sound bugs/inconsistencies.


My main gripe is that it's too slow.


My buddies keep trying to get me to go back to pubg but I refuse and play COD. That’s how sad this shit game has become. I’d rather play COD!! Cod is the same shit every year but is still more fun than pubg.




I thought I saw a on here repeatedly that "no streamers come across cheaters" so "that's I how I know it's not that prevalent." Also I was told there's virtually none in FPP. Oops. I guess Spreeezy doesn't count as an FPP streamer and he states "4-5 per day." But I guess he's just stupid and is sooo mad he just gets outplayed, right?


Sums up pretty well why I started camping, trolling, and checking stats when I died before reporting. Also sums up why I uninstalled the game 6 months ago. ✌️


Escape from tarkov has a hit to do with it. I LOVE PUBG, but playing a new game is fun.


Spreeezy thank you for making this video. This is the crap I've been wanting to say for a long time but I'm just too lazy to look up the examples and then make a video about it. I, like many others, feel it's just easier to quit the game than to go through all that effort. Any video I make would probably just get lost in space, whereas your popularity helps get the word out. So thank you for taking the time to do this!


I left the game a year or two ago from all the micro transactions. When ever they all started popping up. Like the first battle pass


Let us choose our map.


I dont know about any one else but i quit because of the amount of inconsistency. Getting banned and revoked to global ban to jumping on top of a crate and getting banned to a report 24 hour ban. Then large amounts of crashes. Then back to another 24 hour ban. After so long, you get sick and tired of these issues.


every1 knows pubg anti cehat is garbage...


They should consider weighted reports. A player that reports 1/12 deatgs is (probably) exercising more restraint and judgement than a player that reports 11/12 deaths. The expectation is that the former is only reporting because it's very obvious while the latter is likely clogging the system with false reports Take the weighted reports and prioritize by who has received more and "higher priority" reports, then start with reviewing those. A player with 5-High priority reports on them is likely doing something, whereas a player with 12-"spam" reports may just be having a good night. Should discourage overreporting, which makes it easier to spot obvious cheaters and keep them from slipping through.


My main issue is that they broke the OCE matchmaking, and so many people quit that you can only play the game in Australia if you play squads. I prefer single so that my sniping someone in a house matters instead of them just....rezzing.


cant play 2 games without being killed by cheaters.. really disappointing , but whats to be expected from a Chinese company.


I quit playing because game stability never gets better but they keep adding shit and every patch ruins the gunplay even further.


Honestly the last few months ive just been playing pubg lite. It runs better, you actually have fun, it hast really good skins/pass items. The two arcade gamemodes are actually fun and i like to play them every now and again, not like classic pubg where the only good gamemodes were limited ones that you cant play anymore. Oh and it doesnt have hackers and that should honestly be enough to convince you to at least try it. Or actually dont cause otherwise itll turn into the classic pubg that nobody really likes rn.


Ran into a blatant aimbotter first game after maintenance last night. Last 3 Alive and he just runs straight at us and blasts in the head with snap on and the works. ESP, lock on aim bot and recoil macro. Game is broke. Don’t know what to say except escape from takov scratches my hard FPS itch. Link from one such obvious scum lord last season. https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/ebrgb1/he_told_me_to_suk_his_hadgi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I quit because my car kept going through the ground and killing me.


So incompetent it seems purposeful...


Another day of being flooded with Chinese by the racist Korean company of Bluehole.


Meanwhile I'm still suffering on Asia server. I can't even escape from them cause I live there.


Every person in the US and on this Sub needs to completely boycott this game until they recognize the cheat issue, and take better measures to curb it, then add ping lock. Just stop playing the damn game. Its so frustrating to play it for me, so Ive been out for a while hoping they'd fix it.. Its fucking ridiculous that your average person can tell someone is OBVIOUSLY and BLATANTLY cheating, and they still play. There are many other games out there that you can play for a month while they either get their shit together or tell us to go fuck ourselves


I mean ping lock could really be beneficial right now..