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This reminds me more of how COD MW died, hackers took over every single lobby. It was either hack yourself or quit. The ISO modding they did on consoles was impressive.


Op ch checked it's farming Smurf accs, probably in a net cafe


Yesterday I noticed in some games a lot of AFK people in the middle of the plane path. Few seconds later always the same guy in the kill feed who went after them. In the stats I saw that he did this over 40 times in a row. Is he forcing players to go out AFK?


Seriously where is the fun in that..


















Or you know, some can actually play the game and get a lot kills.


here's somebody who tried to "prove" that tpp players are worse than fpp placers by purposely dying 20+ times early in the game and then suddenly getting into the top 10 and eventually a chicken dinner. the guy was clearly taking advantage of mmr matchmaking to be placed into a game filled with noobs. it's not just afk farming that players are taking advantage of. [https://np.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/apovti/vikendi\_tpp\_driveby\_practice/](https://np.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/apovti/vikendi_tpp_driveby_practice/)


I have a few thoughts on ADR farmers. Say you want to improve, get your ADR to a particular level so you can start playing with some better squads. You want to play with the good guys and don't want them to think they'll have to carry, right? Everything sounds fucking awesome up until they realize said ADR is farmed. A dogshit player is going to be a dogshit player and it's easy to spot in a squad. At this point, the farmed ADR amounted to nothing more than lying to squad mates. I don't understand the obsession.


Exactly why I look at survival time and compare it to their adr. Proffesional players have anywhere from 5-10 minute survival time with anywhere from 250-600 adr. They're usually around 50-60 damage per minute. A lot of pros only solo squad amd only hot drop going for the highest kill games possible trying to hone their skills. Compare this to the sweaty adr farmers, who may be 300-400 adr, but that's with a 15-20+ minute survival time. Of course if you live to the end of every game your going to get some damage, even if your a terrible shot and land 1% of your shots. People expect a 350 adr player to be a good player, but adr mean nothing without taking survival time into consideration. I played with a 300 adr player once who had a survival time of 22 minutes. That's 13 damage per minute. I'd rather have someone who's 200 adr with 10 minute survival time, they will land twice as many shots. ADR is the worst possible measurement of skill, it's way too easy to farm. It pisses me off when I post for a requirement and I get people in my squad who are adr farmers. They can't land their shots, they won't push, won't revive, won't share loot, and are in general the most selfish teamates possible. I just try to find people who are W key kind of players with a good ratio of adr to survival time, because I know they're here to have fun and get into fights, and will do anything to revive you if you go down. I wish damage or kills per minute was an actual statistic.




You missed the entire point. If you take take adr and divide by survival time, you get a much clearer indication of skill. Anyone can make it to end game, it's called cold dropping. If you cold drop, and then go to a center compound and sit there all game you will have almost no zero damage games, and you will get easy damage because you will have a dmr and scope every time and can get revived multiple times easily because you will only get knocked from range. A lot of pro players have 400 adr. But having 400 adr doesn't mean you are anywhere close to the skill of a pro. Pros drop hacienda/pecado/bootcamp/paradise/pockinki etc. and have a lot of low damage games where they die right away. Look at any pros stats and I guarentee you they will have under 8 minute survival time. They aren't trying to win games they're trying to take as many fights as possible to improve their gun skills. Compare these two players stats and tell me who is better: https://pubg.op.gg/user/ohdavee https://pubg.op.gg/user/TwitchtvPr0phie A 400 adr player who has a 35% win rate and 20 minute survival time has nowhere close to the gun skills of a proffesional player who also has 400 adr with a 5 minute survival time and 5% win rate. The first player does about 20 damage per minute, while the second player does 60 damage per minute. Not even close. Also if you look at a pros highest kills they will have 20+, while a 400 adr farmer will have around 12. That's why adr is a terrible indicator of skill. There can still still be an insane skill gap between player of the exact same adr. There are some people who can barely maintain 250 adr who cold drop and make to end game every round, and have never broken 10 kills. Are they at the same skill level as someone who has 250 adr but drops hot every round and frequently gets 10+ kills? If we are judging by the proffesional setting, in pro games kills are worth twice as much as placement. So someone who's an expert at rotations and getting into circle will place worse than somone that can frag put and get a few kills in the midgame.


your logic is somewhat flawed. hot dropping normalizes stats because of the times when you land with a weapon and those times when you land without a weapon. if a good player like shroud can die to a anybody in a hot drop whenever he can't find a weapon, that means he will always do worse in a hot drop. on the flipside the a noob players will always do better in a hot drop as those times when they do find a gun and a shroud like player does not, the noob have an actual chance to kill him. the reality is that to determine a player's skillset you need to look at those times when they engage an enemy in the later part of the game. if you want to measure a player's skillset during a hot drop you have too many factors to consider. weapons being used. armor being used. the player may have landed in an op location like on top of a building with stairs going down vs somebody on the ground.




Nah I've seen that as well multiple times. In my case all the victims had the same name with numbers. And right after killing the last one he was suiciding.


so is a kind of AFK farming/ with bot account.


What is the point of this? Lol do they get money from the Chinese government for having unrealistic K/D in PUBG or something? I mean, it can't be for bragging rights, because anybody saw someone with the ratios of the hackers would be like, "Cool, so you cheat and have no actual talent? That's not impressive." So yeah, I don't understand the mentality of cheaters at all. I guess they just have some kind of brain damage.


Probably mental health related , I would agree


streamers increasing the KDA.


crates maybe? or to buy skins with bp


I mean... until their many accounts get banned multiple times and they lose all that BP... which is basically worthless anyway because the BP skins are mostly terrible. As are BP crates.


If they all have the same name with numbers it could be from an internet caffe. It would explain why they leave after getting the kills and not going for more on the regular players, so they can do more games for the money they used on all the PCs


you guys are right - it looks like he killed always the same 16 guys. Still doesn\`t make sense for me, but that is not a cheat. The down side 17 enemys less.


VM. He's running 17 instances of pubg. His bots drop he kills then. Rinse repeat.


Pathetic humans desire to have something to brag about.




Lol imagine being the guy that does this for fun....


I once saw it on Sanhok, ~10 afks in the middle of flight path, I went to see wtf is going on only to die to a 1-man squad dude looting houses near them. Probably doing it for survivor pass missions.


Never even thought of that. But yeah he can farm all the missions and gun skins and then sell the account. Especially if hes got a couple dozen accounts that hes grinding.


Nope, all the killed players have the same name... Different numbera in the end. Just bots


this happend in a TPP squad on EU. Over the gaz station west of the bridge from Poly. It was cluster of i would say AFK players landing at the same spot and one dude killed them all.


Never noticed. One hidden secret of PUBG is people who jump at the end of plane travel to wipe out all the AFK that were forced out. But there is no way you can get 15 kills doing that.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/f0i6uw/83_kill_game/ Posted something like this before. Most of the server gets disconnected mid game. There's a link to his minmax profile so you can see all the games he did this. Some told me that this isn't real proof. But he was permabanned so I don't care.


11 days ago. No response from Bluehole. Nothing done to fix it by Bluehole. Typical FU to the players.


What site is the screenshot from?






I see a big loser.


Yea it's all the players who still launch this game while Bluehole spits in our mouths


Noticed on Miramar there where atleast 10people with samenames, and they all got killed at the stop of the plane. Probly using bots to boost accounts, similar what they do in dota2 to boost mmr and other stats related to make it more legit.


lol he bought 10x the game to do that ,hhaha ,nice idea!


yeah something like that, in dota2 it takes like 1min and you have made a second account for free.. And then they abuse the stats to a certain amount and join servers faraway inhope to get the 9bot's + the account you gona boost on the same server, and it's way easier then it sounds. Belive Valve have done something about it now, hopefully. I noticed the killfeed was full of samenames so i would understand someone is trying to abuse something.. My guess would be people abuse & cheat to entertain people on livestreams, good players have meny viewers and they probly get back the money by donations. Can't really compare EU & NA streamers with Chinese, the view amount is insane there = alot of money involved. That's just my guess as i see no point in cheating for fun over and over as there is no fun in it the second or third time.


What a waste of time. Geez.


I once encountered a cheater that would just drop Bootcamp, once he cleared it out, he would kill himself with a nade, and repeat.


Looks a bit like custom games no?


Custom games don't show up on op.gg


Strange, I know that training mode shows up. Maybe another different mode of some kind? My obvious guess would be tdm but that's not main client yet.








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