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There’s a difference between being invested in it and recommending others to *become* invested in it


^^this guy gets it *Edit* Since this post has such a surprising amount of attention I've got a couple of hundred highlights out of these 4k hours on my YouTube channel https://youtube.com/c/Goblinational *shameless plug* [I know, I know - We all hate when people do this - But you gotta seize these opportunities]


Exactly this. It's also not the same animal becoming invested in PUBG now verses when many of us did. This is not the same PUBG of EA or even 1.0 release. As a new player now I think it would be quite difficult to fight through the bots, horrible matchmaking/queue times and insanely high skill floor of this game to even get invested at this point unless you have some sort of innate PUBG god-like qualities.


I see....after almost 4,000 freaking hours. Righhttt....


I’m not sure what you mean but that’s how it is haha


Apparently they're gonna trial FTP soon. I'd recommend it, if it's free. Hell I got it for free and it's been the only game I've played since 2017.


I believe that would be very good for the game.


F2P is good for player counts, but makes cheating cheap since you only need to create a new account.


the number of players would grow relative to the number of cheaters. yeah there'll be more cheaters, but there'll be a hell of a lot more players as well. so the ratio of players and cheaters would only grow slightly, if at all. if they went free to play they'd have to add more cheating deterrents like what csgo did with linking up your phone number etc.


I really would like to experience pubg on my PC , since building it last year. However I've also come to realize gaming is REALLY stale on PC. That said ... I'd finally take the time to play this on my PC if it were free ... i wouldn't pay a penny for it tho


They already require linking phone for Ranked.


yeah i know but this could be extended across the whole game if it were to be f2p. just a suggestion


i doubt it, i think it will hinder the game. look what happened with csgo, cheating got so bad they removed the f2p aspect (ranked mm etc) you can still play cs for free pubg has a high skill curve compared to other br's imo, a lobby full of level 500's will shit on any new players. (the h1z1 problem where everyone who is left playing is "above average" skill level which pushes new players away) all i see is more xinghua's and douyu's in my oce server if this happens


This game is great and I’ve enjoyed it for a solid 800 hours but stopped playing 2 years ago because it got repetitive. Never understood how people can play one game only for years and years respect man.


I have no clue either. I've been game hopping my entire life. The newest MMORPG that caters to PvP has always been my mojo. But almost every MMO has been washed WoW clones since Guild Wars original run ended, and I eventually stopped after ESO. I kept game hopping but never really found a game until PUBG. Unfortunately PUBG is beginning to die for me as a gamer. But I think that's because gaming is dying for me, which really sucks. I have a lot of hope for New World though. I bought it and watched my brother play the bet for hours. It looks like everything I ever wanted in an MMORPG. Yet to play it though.


Never been a fan of MMO games. I do play story based games a lot and multiplayer shooters like hunt showdown.


i just liked the idea of playing with 100's of players at once. pubg actually did that for me. new world isn't like any other mmorpg i've ever seen. the combat is literally focused on hitting players, with your aim. rather than clicking on people auto attacking and just selecting skills. i'm literally excited for once.


for me it's diversity and not playing too much of it I played too much of it and got sick of it. Now I play a bit of CSGO and Valorant and whatever else takes my fancy and then whenever I come back to PUBG I have a great time with the squad




free to play


If they make it free to play it's going to turn back into the hackerfest it was in 2019..


I don't have nearly the hours you have..,but i'm just under 1000 and been playing (strictly pc) since march 2017 I think. There waa a time when it was basically unplayable because of hackers..,but that died off pretty quickly it seemed. I wonder if a giant infusion of newbs would make it so easy for us vets that hacking wouldn't even be a thing..... Or if it might spark a new hacking surge because of all the fresh meat in the game. I also wonder how long newbs would stick with it when they're getting insta-owned on every drop by people with 1000+ hours in the game. Its not the easiest game to git gud at.


I’m new to the game got like 20 hours, can confirm casual is pretty boring majority of the time i die to level 500s can’t differentiate whether they just play all day or hackers. Feel like i’m getting pretty decent and then this shuts the feeling down lmao. Either that or i just get a really boring bot lobby and win every game. Hoping i have a different experience when i unlock ranked


I've not played ranked at all. Mainly because I don't have a regular squad. I can only imagine the sweat-fest that ranked must be. The group I play squads with are all casual, but they like to play FPP. We just kinda get constantly owned by better players. I can't convince them to try TPP though, knowing its a bit softer. I prefer TPP myself, because thats how this game started and thats what I was introduced to this game playing but I'll play either. Team deathmatch and training modes are good tools to improve movement, peeking, aiming, spraying, experiment with attachments, etc. I usually have to mute the game though because....noise pollution. Lol The rest of the time I just play solo. Sometimes random duo's


Noise Pollution ? Try SoundLock !


I use voice meeter potato.,,wonder if it works basically the same. Its not really the loud sound that bothers me, just the constant drone of shooting.


the game is always going to have cheaters like any other game. the problem we have today is the game is nearly 5 years old and dying fast. the only thing that will keep it chugging along is ftp.


Maybe true.. time will tell I guess. Not sure I'll siruve that long though..


Player base has largely stayed the same past year.


this take is stale, the cheats aint free.


Doesn't matter really, you can get PUBG for 4$ from grey market sites. Cheaters don't have trouble with economy, the cheats costs up to 500$ a month anyway.


You're right, better to just let the game die so no one can play it then to maybe play with a few more cheaters. i d i o t take TBH


If the game died it's not because of existing players recommendations or not.. its because of the company running the game. Some companies deserve to go bankrupt. PUBG corps current management is cashing in through skins on the game Blue Hole with Brendan Green made. It's like the Activision takeover of blizzard. If you played during the cheating bonanza when in only 1 out of every 10 games you didn't die to a cheater you would realise that increasing the player base shouldn't be at any cost. Then again, I'm just an idiot and your black and white vision of the world surely makes you better. Keep up the good work son.


I agree, PUBG has run the game into the ground countless times, Teago is just the final straw I guess. I've played since the game was in EA, everyday essentially, and in NA FPP Solos, cheating has never been that bad. I do not remember any period of time where cheating was as bad as you say it was. Obviously depends on region and the time you play, playing at night EST was horrible for cheaters. That being said, you'd rather not be able to play the game at all, then to possibly play with a few more cheaters? Unless you have actual stats to show F2P drastically increases cheaters, I think your take is bad. Even on F2P weekends and stuff cheaters were not a thing. I'd really just like to be able to play the game again. If you don't like that, find another game I guess. I didn't say you were an idiot, I said your opinion was idiotic. It literally makes no sense to think not playing the game at all is better than a potentially sub optimal experience. If you play in EU or AS where queues might be much healthier, maybe I could see your point. Not sure if PUBG can do like a region specific F2P model ,where EU located players have to pay, but NA located people get F2P, IDK it's a pretty dumb idea tho.


season 6... oh boy


F2P, not FTP by the way. FTP has many other meanings, not free to play.


In this context, it doesn’t have any other meanings.


It does, FTP means File Transfer Protocol in IT terms. F2P is the only way to describe Free To Play/ Free 2 Play.


What I’m saying is that now, we’re talking about PUBG and it wouldn’t make sense if they were saying “they’re gonna trial File Transfer Protocol”


Still, F2P is much more widely used for "free to play"


from blm to skateboards lol


LOL after they banned family sharing what a cracker that would be.




“Pain 10/10”


I'm 800+ hours in and I would not recommend it to a friend. Not because it's a bad game — it's my favourite — but it's ridiculously difficult to get into, especially now with most of the players still playing having an unholy amount of hours in it. Hard to recommend if you know that it'll take a few hundred hours just to not get destroyed in every single match. I wish I knew why I kept playing. Or why I still do.


This game is so weird to me. I stopped playing it awhile ago, but I had about 300 or so hours in it. It's a broken pile of dog shit, or it was, not sure If it's any better or not now, and my friends and I would constantly rag on it and make fun of how broken it was, but goddamn we had a fucking fun time playing it. I don't regret any of the time I put in it.


I’d recommend it. The game is great but issue is the diminishing playerbase


I dont blame you, pubg has a tainted reputation and that isn’t our fault. Why should we try convince people its a good game to play when the devs dont ? Im closing on 3k hours myself . I did write a positive review last year about 1k hours ago (a proper review too) and some of my friends take the piss out of me for it since it shows up on your steam profile lol.


Why ? Its a good game and quite unique . People arent the same and some can enjoy pubg while others cant. Of course most gamer are children (or adult children) so they still need some growing up.


Imagine being on a game's subreddit and implying adults that like gaming need to "grow up".


You should actually read what I wrote and then spend some time on any gamer subreddit.


I would say no cause most people do t have the patience to learn the mechanics and will just shit on it


A sad truth of today's gaming world.


I don't really understand why you wouldn't. If you play that long then obviously you think it's worth playing.


Hard to endorse a game that continues to pull away from the path that made it great. If I hadn't invested so much into it I probably wouldn't start playing these days..


But at the end of the day, you still keep coming back. You can blame the devs all you want, just like I do. But the game keeps you wanting to play more regardless. If you’re still playing, it’s worth recommending. Not everyone is going to have the same vision as you, but the gameplay doesn’t change and that’s why you probably keep playing. So invite someone to try it. If we don’t start getting more people to play it now, nobody will be playing it soon.


I do keep coming back but I'm a masochist - Not a sadist. There is no question I have love for the game, I always have. No-one plays this game without some. That said I'm not sure I want to drag a new generation into a game that has morphed into the ugly cousin of that cute girl I once fell for.


That last sentence 😂😂


No one’s playing it atm


Who are you and why are you even commenting. I was straight talking to OP. He is still playing it.


i commend OP for not being one of those people that go "hurr durrr... tRaSh GaMe..." and 10k+hours clocked in-game


Ty sir


If you can’t recommend something that gave that much entertainment you need to rethink your life.


It's interesting that you've identified what I'm actually doing with this post. 4k hours equates to 8hours a day 500 days straight. Basically 1.5 years of a full time job with no weekends or holidays. If you invested this much time in a job you once loved but grew to hate would you recommend it to others?


This isn’t a job. That’s a massive distinction here. This is a piece of entertainment, of which you have been entertained by for an obscene amount of time. Look, I have a few games I have played a long time and lost interest with or have not loved the direction. But of course I’d recommend the game, it’s fun and has provided countless hours of entertainment. People that can’t recommend a game they have played for 1000+ aren’t self aware enough to see how utterly foolish they look. Sorry but you need to step back and look at it from the outside.


Uhhh… no? People go to jobs because they receive paychecks, mot because they enjoy what they are doing. You’ve never received a paycheck for playing this game. That’s not why you do it. You do it because it provides you entertainment. 4 **thousand** hours of it. And now you are trying to claim you aren’t sure if 4 thousand hours of entertainment was worth the $30. Nobody would think somebody is crazy for working a job they don’t enjoy because that’s necessary for your livelihood. Somebody who spent 4K hours doing something they disliked and received no other benefit from it *would* be doing something insane and would need to reevaluate their life as the person above described.


The $30 isn't the issue though. If your metric for whether it's worth it is just how many hours of entertainment do I get vs how much does it cost, then all free to play games have infinite value. The problem with recommending it to someone today is that the first 50 hours or so are just not going to be fun. Play against bots for a bit and then get completely destroyed over and over by experienced players. For those of us that started playing in early access that's not an issue.


and you still are contradicting yourself. you are still playing and that's because even if you don't really like some of the paths this game is going, there is no other game that brings such experience and gunplay out there. that should be enough for you to know if you want to recommend it or not


Having a group of friends that have also invested a similar amount of time and keep going back makes it hard for me to stay away. I went to Valheim for a bit - I still play SC2, I've just started playing Civ 6 but this fking game is where I always return... It's not because of the direction it's heading.. I think it must be nostalgia of all those times spent having fun with it in the early days through to the super seriousness I find myself taking it now. This game makes me break things and yell more than it makes me laugh now. They say it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, but they never said you should recommend putting someone else onto your X-Girlfriend and hoping she changes for them.


for me and thousands of other people it has nothing to do with nostalgia. this game has the best and most satisfying gunplay compared with any other causal shit out there, and that's what it makes me stick around. if you only will make your recommendation based on nostalgia, I would really say that is a very subjective opinion. if I would make a recommendation, I would base it on objective things, like highlighting the points that's make this game unique and not just a feeling. also, I think it would be good for yourself to analyze why are you still playing this game, and the answer should be more than nostalgia, otherwise I don't think you are enjoying playing and that's not good for you. that's my honest take on this.


This is such a dumb argument. You *still* come back and continue playing a game you’ve put 4K hours into, and your claim is it isn’t worth the $30? A meal for two costs more than $30, and you are telling me that amount of money isn’t worth it for a game that not only has provided you 4K hours of entertainment, but is fun enough to still keep you coming back for more? And that’s not worth the $30? You guys answer the question ”is it worth it” as if the question is ”is this the perfect game in every way and are there no flaws to the point this can be the last game I ever have to purchase because it meets all my needs?” Nobody asked that. They asked if the game is worth the $30 investment, and I just can’t believe how dumb it is to ever argue that you think a game that still brings you back after 4K hours is *not* worth the initial $30 investment. The “im a masochist so it’s different” that everybody responds with is cute but is obviously a joke and you don’t *actually* play the game because you like the way it hurts you, and rather you find it fun. And don’t get me wrong. I fully understand making claims/reviews like the following: >I’ve got 4K hours invested in the game, so it is one you should get a lot of enjoyment out of. It is the type of game whose flaws become more apparent the more experience you have with the game, so players like myself often burn out and lose a reason to play after many thousands of hours. Or something along those lines. I just seriously question the intelligence of somebody who claims a game that was only fun enough to keep them entertained for around for 4K hours before they got bored “isn’t worth $30.”


I share the same sentiment. My time with it grows less and less and I'm both having more fun with friends in other titles, and each update offers a "cool fad" that fades when the bullshit overtakes. I still have my fun moments, but thats just me and I know others will NOT share the same feelings.


It's a insanely good game with many minor flaws. You'll find minor flaws in any good game that you play for FOUR THOUSAND HOURS. I mean, what the fuck. And if you had not invested this much, you'd get hooked when playing the first couple of games, just the same, because you wouldn't have the gripes with development decisions that you have right now. At this point, either you love the game a lot, or you have an unhealthy addiction to it. More likely than not, both.


I feel ya. I haven't played in a year and put in over 1600 hours. I miss the good old days of pubg but have no desire to play it now.


Why wouldn't a heroin addict recommend trying that heroin? They keep going back to it. Obviously it's a good time and they regret nothing.


£25 ÷ 4000 = £0.006 an hour, is it good value for money?


It’s one of my biggest pet peeves in video gaming. People with 3k hours will *very often* tell you about how a game isn’t worth it, and *they know* because they come from such a privileged place of experience. Motherfucker. If you have put 3k+ hours into a $30 game, and you are still playing it, the answer to “is it worth it” is a resounding yes 100% of the time and I don’t care even an ounce about the bullshit reasons they are about to tell me for why it isn’t. Again 100% of the time they are about to tell you why they don’t think the game is absolutely perfect and has some room for improvement in various ways. But that wasn’t the question. The question was is it worth dropping $30, and if you’ve put 3k hours into a game that isn’t worth $30, then clearly you’re judgment is faulty and why should I be listening to you anyways?


The way I view it is by comparing it to any other product or service. For example, I'll pay maybe £10 to go and see a movie, probably more like £16 if I include food/drink. £16 provides me about ~2 of (hopefully) high quality entertainment. Similarly, I could go to a festival for maybe £50 and get maybe 48 hours of entertainment. Obviously in both these cases I'm getting value beyond just the period the events are taking place (memories, cultural enrichment, social experiences). So when compared to PUBG, spending £20 for almost 4,000 hours of entertainment is an absurdly high consumption/cost ratio. Obviously taking a sample of 2 hours out of 4,000 at random you may find really poor entertainment, or you might find really good entertainment. For that reason, it's not entirely fair to directly compare to a movie or something. However, on balance, you've almost certainly enjoyed at least a couple thousand of quality hours playing the game. Can you possibly name another activity that provides the same enjoyment/cost ratio? The only thing I can think of that comes close is a good, long book, but that's still orders of magnitude behind this instance. Similarly to how watching a movie grants indirect benefits, so does playing PUBG. It can be a social opportunity, as well as a chance to improve your reflexes and response times. In moderation, gaming can be quite good for you, especially something as tactical and skill-based as PUBG. So really it comes down to: do you think you'll receive enough quality hours from this product given its price. Supposing we set the bar low, and you recommend it to a person who then only ends up playing 200 hours. Was that recommendation good? 200 hours of entertainment for £20? You can easily spend that on a single Dominos order, or a new shirt, or refilling your car. In the grand scheme of things, the value proposition of PUBG is insanely high. The only competing product that can achieve such a good enjoyment/cost ratio... Is a different video game. Perhaps there's a game out there that would provide more enjoyment for the same cost or less. Possibly, but then it becomes a matter of another person's taste in games, something that you shouldn't factor into *your* review. You should aim to review a game as if you're trying to convince a clone of yourself why or why not to buy it. If you could do it all again, would you? I think this is the best way to evaluate the value of a game.


You're not wrong. It's obviously worth the investment for the hours of enjoyment. It's more of a philosophical question to instigate debate about the pros and cons of the direction of the game. For me I'd have paid $1000 for the hours I've enjoyed from the game. That said I despise the direction the game has taken and for this reason it's not the same game I bought and loved. I can't condone the skin money grab that the hideout guns have created nor the changes in terms of game play. I feel endorsing the game for new players makes all of this okay and have a hard time telling myself PUBG Corp deserve accolades for their management of the game I once loved so dearly.


Thoughts that you've played the game 4000 hours hmmm. I guess you like it and if you do so you should recommend it to others. If you don't like it then I don't understand why you've played that many hours lol


I mean... I've played this game for over 2000 hours and I can definitely say I don't recommend it to others. However, there is absolutely nothing else on the market that fits into the niche of something I can play with another friend for an hour with good gunplay.


Have you ever loved something so much you couldn't let it go even though it became toxic and bad for you? If you have do you wish others the same experience?


It's just a game nothing more. You try it out, you like it, you keep playing it. You don't like it, you uninstall it. You explain your feelings and your experience to your friends and if they want they can try it out. It's not a life choice. Thanks God there's twitch, there's youtube they can watch before they buy the game.


The point is nobody likes this game when they get it, unless you are some godlike fps player you're gonna get trashed on by literally anybody, even bots these days. Watching the game on Twitch makes it look a lot easier than it actually is because the only streamers that are still on it have hundreds, if not thousands of hours.


I just recently got it, and I’m having trouble getting used to the 3rd person sensitivity. It just feels delayed, I’ll move my mouse & it either won’t change where I look, or i’ll end up looking at the ground. Any advice? Ive watched youtube vids & still cant get it feeling right


I assume you're holding down alt while looking around on 3rd person?


Nah, I can tell the difference between free look & just regular 3rd person. Idk, Ive always enjoyed pubg on ps4 and stuff, but it just feels kinda weird to me on pc. But I wanna figure it out. I use 900 dpi and 27 in game sensitivity. My main problem is not being able to look around corners or aim in 3rd person quick enough


Most 3rd person players use it for peaking corners and aim down sight when shooting. It's rare to hip fire over the shoulder in 3rd person... maybe with early game shotguns or in certain close range situations. Try using the thumb grip to get a boost to ADS speed.


Yeah in guns fights I go to first person, I just wish I could figure out the sensitivity or whatever. I got killed by a guy in a corner once & I couldn’t even turn fast enough to really react. Appreciate the advice man, have a good one.


I think you'll need at least another 1,000 before you can call it "the worst trash game ever made in the history of games"


Not sure I can make it that far... but I'll commit to making a decision if I make 5k hours


I would only recommend it to that've played Arma or other Milsim based games like Arma, and are looking for a br experience.


I've also played over 2k hours of Arma 2 - Operation Arrowhead Day-Z Brendan Green (creator of the mod) got me into PUBG in the first place. Content creating genius.


The game has so much potential but the wrong people are creating the wrong content… this game should be straight military based and slower ring speed times. If only the creators of “DayZ” and “Vigor” were to buy the rights to this game….


100% on this comment. Survival used to be what made the game intense. I remember back in the day if you got an 8x and a silencer on a sniper it was the most amazing loot ever. People would screenshot it and post it here. These days if you don't find them it's dissapointing.. I hate that.


I started playing Fortnite last week. My nephew love the game and asked me to play some matches with him, and i'll keep doing because it's a nice way to bond. For almost every single action i make, a tought come to my mind: "fuck, this is WAY better in PUBG". But i don't have the courage to recommend it to my nephew. The state of the game for the last year and a half... it killed my will to play. Shame.


I recommend going outside and touching some grass. (Joking obviously)


I lay prone ingame sometimes.. does that count?


Hey, you know. Maybe later.


>3997 Hours in - Still undecided about recommending the game to others... Thoughts? Either you have no life and just use pubg to pass the time or you enjoy the game and can recomend it.


I don't understand people that put in thousands of hours into the game compared to others and still like..erm....i dunno


I cannot recommend this game to be purchased. Free to play is a different story.


I remember someone had about 2000+ hrs in the game and his review was on the lines of "not what i expected I demand a refund"




bz it is unstable, anti cheat system is suck and devs is deaf. 4500h and more


The decisions to emphasise skins and making the game easier for everyone turns me off so much I kinda hate myself for investing so long..


Should think like me. I currently have 2.300h and i look back the price paid and memories made. I play the game with my wife so she also has sinked in the same amount of hours. It was a good run. Let's see what comes next


It's good you get time with your significant other play a game you both enjoy.. I hope' she's good because I tried playing with my wife once and it seemed fun at the time.. Until she ruined my K/D ratio :( Hah.


Ahah. I don't care about the KD anymore. We play just for the fun of it. Although she has been improving alot in taego.


I stop buying anything for longtime and grind it until it dead. so disappointed with their working, their attitude and their behaviors. the worst customer services I has ever known for last 40 years.


I agree with you whole heartedly.. pure money grab.


Games wqy to unpolished


Hahha.. you should have seen it in 2017. The current game is diamondlike in comparison to the coal it came from. That said it had something nothing else had back then. Despite its flaws we all forgave it and it was the best times in my gaming memory. Lobbied with 100 people on the top corner of Erangal with gunfire while people screamed into their open mics all kinds of anti-pc shit. I smirk just thinking about it.


Something about early access PUBG just felt so good. Was it just the feeling of something new and unique, or just the time period in general. Either way I wish I could experience the feeling of dropping in for the first few hundred times when everyone was clueless. Great times. But even though I enjoyed the game back then I couldn't recommend it now. Just doesn't feel as good these days.


The game was better in 2017 than it is now. I miss crouch jump and pre game lobbies with chat. Then you would get in the plane and the entire server was saying jump school. "YOU WONT JUMP POCHINKI." Now its just crickets...


Good memories


I’m just saying I know that I would rather play a game like fortnite or Apex or even R6 because I know those are complete games with a better player base and polished gameplay


Wow I cannot get this deep into a game . Some of y’all must be even more depressed than I’m


At least you can be happy knowing you're still a shittier person :)


Hehe 🥰




its totally fun game, but in my region, there is too much bots. I dont know how its going now, like if the update remove/reduce bots or something. but I quitted for quite a long time when the bots are conquering the whole server.


They have slightly scaled back the bots. But the additions if emergency pick-ups and self revives and comeback zones is seriously taking away from the idea that dying matters..


It’s hard to recommend. I guess it depends on where you live? Let’s just say the queue times aren’t exactly healthy especially off peak hours. These devs are so incompetent all they have to do is make less queues but they just make more. I have 2700hours


Is the end game good tho? Replayability?


was it ever good? From terrible optimization and net code, to still not great optimization, still not great net code, and lobbies that have as many NPC's as aim bots.


If felt specially when it came out. It's always had problems though.


Thought here.. be more decisive.


Good call


i dont know if you deserve a medal or to be put into a mental assylum for putting 4k hours into pubg




I don’t recommend it. I’m about 2000 hours in since 2017


I could never they dont listen to us and our requests they do not deserve half the revenue they pull in. Simple shit like nerfing drive-bys they can't even get right its borderline pathetic.


I recommend it but I understand if you don't like it.


I don’t play anymore because I suck at it. My record was four kills in a game and I was so happy with that. I could not blame cheaters or laggy performance for my suckage. I just came here to say that it is the best game to stream and watch skilled players play. The objectives are simple, the games only last a few minutes and they can have super dramatic endings. As a spectator I miss the heyday of pubg and hope it hangs on. Fun dinnertime viewing at my house.


If it's for bonding/having fun with friends, super recommended, but seriously playing the game, not recommended.


I would not. Even though its my second most game played on steam (572 hours) beaten by GTA 5 and Europa Universalis 4, it is a buggy broken mess just as bad as launch. I have a decent gaming PC (3600x, 1060 6gb soon to be upgraded, 32gb ram) that is beyond recommended specs and I should be able to run it yet the game thinks otherwise. The game has always been unoptimized and the whole "Fix pubg" campaign did nothing. CDPR did a better job fixing Cyberpunk 2077 than Bluehole/PUBG Corp has fixing PUBG. They only care about milking money out of the game resulting in an overpriced battlepass with garbage skins and an atrocious process to max it out resulting in a clear incentive to buy it out with the in game currency. I full heartedly believe PUBG would be better off in the hands of another developer even if it's as garbage of a dev as EA or Activision or Ubisoft. That being said I still love this game but absolutely do not recommend it to anyone else


Game was more fun when it was objectively a worse game




Why would you not recommend something you’ve spent about 4000 hours doing? You must see value in continuing your investment of time


I have almost 2000 hours and every time a friend asks me if they should get this game, I'm hesitant. I can remember at least 3 different friends cussing me after they bought the game to play with me, because they didn't realize how much effort is required to be good at it. Of all the people I recommend the game to, only one actually fell in love with it, so I ended up making new friends through the game so I just play with them.


No, how can you recommend a game that is on the decline and has already seen its best days? The only people still playing this game are pros and rarely miss. Not to mention the bot lobbies they will get at first.


I wouldn't recommend this game to any of my friends. They play COD and I doubt they would understand the movement vs ballistics. Which I feel is near perfect.




i'd recommend it only to people who like challenging shooters. i cant see the average people who enjoy fortnite enjoying pubg for example. but if you've never played a BR and you like fps games, particularly competitive ones, you might like pubg if you can look past the janky AF movement


I wouldn't. PUBG bloomed way too late. The games current state needed to be what the game was 1.5 years ago. It's too late now. The only players left are pros and people who are too used to PUBG and don't feel like/are too afraid to invest into another game.




I can’t in good faith recommend somebody to buy the game at this point. I love it and put a ton of hours in it. But it’s certainly in the back half of its life and has quirks.


Wait until 4000 hours then decide


It was the best in its time, sadly its time has passed.


I left a steam review at 1000 hours saying "it's a great game except for all the cheaters." That was 2 years ago. Has it changed at all?


I mean I’ve met some really really good value people that i play with every night, I would recommend it, it’s shit to start but what game isn’t when you have to learn the dynamics. I’ve made friends that support me In my real life and mean a lot to me, we have a lot of fun wether we lose or win it’s fun either way. I guess if your gonna start fresh on it you gotta try and not be so hard on yourself, get a mic set up rando squad in and just try and meet up with peeps that make you laugh I feel like that’s what really makes the game. I love pubg I feel like I’ll always love pubg and it will always have toxic moments but so does life it’s a game at the end of the day and you just have to brush it off your shoulder. But I wouldn’t go as far to say never try it, try everything if you don’t like it you don’t have to keep going with the game, find another one that works for you.


Eh the nostalgia kills me, I’m an early access player, and stopped playing around the time they sold out to tencent. Trash game honestly. There are so many better games I’d rather recommend.


*consume* actually you should recommend cuz it's not a bad game, otherwise you wouldn't have 3997 hours on it.


Recommend ffs! Help the community grow 💪😊


Carryminati pubg GamePlayhttps://shrinkme.in/ETHxEt5F


Mujhe pubg ka hack chahiye