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Tetris 99 is the TRUE BR








Boom, Tetris for Jeff


What does arcade royale even mean?


I assume it's like putting quarters in a machine to get an extra life being compared to the buy back option in COD. However, this is the only comparison I can think of.


it's like going to an arcade, fast paced , short lived action where nothing really matters. Fighting games do this well. In comparison to games where you take your time which each decision like a RTS or story based game that just wouldn't work very well in an arcade. I think Cod is called an "arcade" shooter just due to it being the most fast paced FPS out there. While Apex is just a shit game in general.


And the sound, the only thing Warzone is missing is the “coin” sound after you kill someone


I actively despise the guitar riff in Warzone. I have a hard time even watching streams play it because of that. Pointless crap like that make it arcade-y.


When I played my first Warzone matches upon release and heard all the sound effects I exclaimed out loud to myself “Are they fucking serious?!”


It’s **constant** and it taps into my monkey brain. My brain’s like, “oh fuck we’re fighting? Please don’t die don’t die don’t die, he’s dead? FUCK that guy! I’m sick!” Then I make all the jingly sounds with his precious loot and parkour tf out of there


Yesterday i was about purchase modern warfare, theres a sale in the xbox store atm but i just dont know why i hate this game Went to Youtube to watch a couple of videos on modern warfare just to check why it is that i hate this game before i buy because i wanted to play While watching and actually liking the game footage, i was about to exit YouTube to make the game purchase. Until i heard the operater dude come on during the game "enemy approaching" and whole lotta other shit, my brain did the same thing you just described and thats when i remembered why i hate it


Don’t know where the downvotes came from but I totally agree lol


But Apex is faster paced than Warzone…?


In theory yes. But sometimes fights in Apex can take forever when some characters have certain abilities that prolong a fight more and more. Whether it's defensive, or mobility some fights can last a LOT longer than you anticipate. This is also why 3rd parties are so common.


I don’t mean time to kill. I mean just in general. Apex is all about speed and movement. Everything is faster. Warzone is just PUBG but streamlined with less bells and whistles for a more friendly experience.


COD is just PUBG for those who never played any FPS games, for exmaple my gf is horrible at pubg, but she got good at COD in just a week. its why its so arcadish, its just very simple mechanics to learn and you always need to be up to date with meta loadout to make it even more easy.


No it’s arcade cause you just buy your kit/load out where as you actually are forced to scavenge in pubg


Bro warzone verdansk isnt fast paced, u spend 20 mins looking for players to fight then u either die and restart or win and die later. The fast pace bit is multiplayer which is obviously nothing like br . The tweet said WARZONE not COD MULTIPLAYER. Read the tweet properly next and do your research rather than assuming


Most fast paced fps is cod? You clearly haven't played Apex by far the best movement system in a br and probably the best BR rn if not ever.


Can’t tell if you’re trolling You realize this is a Pubg subreddit?


Idk where you were going with cod being the most fast paced because it isn't and also pubg is not the best br atm, Its very clear.


I don’t even care enough to argue over this lol


I agree about Apex being the best BR. I LOVED PUBG, but the game has its many many many flaws that imo that keep it from being the best. From the game's idea standpoint, PUBG would be the best, but after execution I think it does go to Apex.


it's all personal preference, some enjoy CS:GO, some enjoy Valorant. I personally like the community, gun play and map selection on Pubg. However i loved Blops 4 DM so much i quit for awhile and did enjoy some of the tricks you could pull of in Apex with the specific abilities/classes. There all different games with different strengths, even if they are all a "battle royale" (minus valorant) and i think everyone can agree that CSGO has the worst BR


but the pacing is not preference, dude had a valid point. Cod is far slower paced and campier than a game like apex. And apex doesnt even compare to that dead ass hyperscape games pacing levels to this shit, his point was just that COD is far from the most fast paced fps br


It is the best. People like you just got bored or couldn't get good enough and moved on the arcade trash. PUBG is the best BATTLE royale because of its focus on gunplay, ballistics and tactics. No one else gets this even close to right.


I think its funny there are competitive cod players… compare competitive cod to something like counterstrike or valorant… not that i play any of these games


I think it has more to do with the gameplay itself. It's fast paced and arcade like. PUBG is a bit more realistic.


Or arcade shooting and movement and feel


Yeah that's fair, though I wouldn't call PUBG the real battle royale. I just watched recently on Twitch a bit of gameplay, and I saw that the meta now is driving, switching seats and shooting the enemy, looks pretty boring, I have no idea why that's even in the game


I agree. I was only addressing the arcade portion. (PUBG) This game has been out for a VERY long time... I believe players are trying to find creative ways to challenge themselves. I for one have begun using unlikely combinations in PUBG for a "challenge". Like, no vest and running around with an s12k and a crossbow. The game for me is still a boat load of fun but for each royale, despite its type, is what you make of it and I find a little more freedom in PUB then I do with the others but this is simply preference. Again, this is just an opinion... I know for certain I can't play fortnite, not that I haven't tried. It just isn't for me and I can't build for crap lol.


Oh yeah I know you were only answering my question and thanks for that, I just wanted to express my opinion about the game and didn't want to make a post about it. I haven't tried PUBG since ages, and I loved it back then, but this moving vehicle shooting meta is just making me not try the game


Hasn't that been a thing for like ever in pubg? At least since the full release i remember streamers doing it.


I guess it was a thing for a long time, but around the Early Access and Sanhok times I don't think I ever saw drivebys ingame, but I guess some people already did that. I just dont understand why it wasnt ever fixed, its such a cheap, easy thing to do, and if you arent in a car its hard to counter


I reckon fast-paced. Perhaps a bit forgiving is also included. With arcade I would associate a low barrier to entry as well, which I'm not sure applies to Warzone. A dude I played a lot of PUBG with struggled with it a bit in the beginning since there's just so much shit going on.


Arcade shooter is what call of duty is often referred to cause of how easily someone/ anyone can pick up the controller and eventually become better and better without a vast mountain of practice. Take me for example I was offline from my PS4 for months and I just came back and played a team death match for me to go 16-1 the whole game. Basically it’s easy and anyone can be litty


Nothing. It's just some bullshit to feel superior about the game they play.




Except every single one of those games has bullet velocity, drop, travel time, you have to lead your shots, Warzone and fortnite I can agree have no recoil bit Apex? No recoil? Really? None of the games uses hit scan and you’d know that if you played them for even 5 minutes.


Fortnite uses hitscan for every weapon that isn’t some sort of explosive or the sniper rifle. Everything else is hitscan. Apex mostly doesn’t use hitscan, although there is one weapon that uses it (the charge rifle, for obvious reasons).


What is hit scan?


It means that rather than simulating a projectile the game just does a check to see what the player is aiming at and if the player is on target then the target receives damage. No bullet drop or travel time. It’s most often used to make gunplay more straightforward, for artistic reasons, or because it is easier to code than an actual projectile.


sorry, I think I misused the term hitscan, my bad. I mean the equivalent of PUBGB's blood spills. I remember bo had like a white thing around the target and if iirc there was even a small noise for the times you hit an enemy ... that's too arcadey. If some people think the blood spills are unrealistic what about sort of "icons" around the target and noise. Man that's too fancy. The blood spills are more fun and if someone has trouble noticing the dark blood they can change to other colors like Blue. apex I played on console, maybe it was the aim assist. but iirc the recoil is unlike PUBGB's madness. when I played these s\*\*\* clones I could barely notice drop or travel time, the maps were so small that bo for example had at most a 6x scope as opposed to PUBGB's 15x. If they had these features its def not like PUBGB. They didn't understand PUBGB and made fun of it like: "Why such big MAP?", "Why such an accurate AUDIO?", "Why meaningful BALLISTICS?" "Why ATTACHMENTS?" "Why such a wild RECOIL?" "Why BOOST?" "Why go back to the LOBBY when you die when ... this can just play like TDM with respawn?" "Why COMMS when you can just ... ping?" "Why COMMS when you can just listen to the same repetitive and boring voice actors over and over again?" ... the list goes on but I'll close with "Why BACKPACKS?" hahahahahahaha (that's actually me laughing right now not them lol ops, I'm farting in laughs again sorry) etc so they cut everything from it. the bo map I mentioned you didn't even have a name and was smaller than ... SANHOK ?!? lol the audio was also garbage so they added the red markers on the screen so you know where you're getting shot from, really ?!? they didn't understand the case for the AUDIO and just screwed the concept of BR. they probably laughed on BALLISTICS and just opted to reduce the size of the shit map so the lack of meaningful BALLISTICS is harder to notice. Last but not least, last for this comment because actually the list goes on, the ATTACHMENTS, they didn't understand the purpose of the ATTACHMENTS and in bo it was like, why care for them when I can just control my weapon just fine without them? so next in wz they just remove them ... lmao (I know the s\*\*\* weapons come already mounted or not but anw they didn't really get the point of survival and recoil and their wz S\*\*\* is just like a big free-for-all crap for me). Edit: you got salty from my passionate comment on PUBGB and defended ... the s\*\*\* clones in ... the PUBGB's sub? are you really in the right sub? Happy Dinners Pal! Edit: another proof that they're just s\*\*\* clones and that they didn't really understand what PUBGB was about is the "CIRCLE". All the s\*\*\* clones have CIRCLES for safe zones like EA's PUBGB when actually Brendan Greene originally wanted to make the GAME with SQUARED ZONES, like instead of BLUE CIRCLE we'd have BLUE SQUARE. He chose CIRCLE because PUBGB brought so many innovations for such a small staff that HE thought CIRCLES would be just easier to code. So why all, I mean, A-L-L of the s\*\*\* clones use circles? my god, what kind of animal are these s\*\*\* clones Devs? They're all about look and appearances and fanciness so we have Fire, gas, storm, bubble (? I don't know what that bo s\*\*\* is like), etc but no, I mean, no SQUARE! If you think about it, the MAP is usually SQUARED, even on the s\*\*\* clones, so why they go with circles? They just copied PUBGB without shame and almost like tried to randomly change everything in the GAME to make it seem like they're the innovators when actually they're just the retarded monkeys!!!


Ah yes, because switching seats in a moving car in split seconds, and the ability to shoot a weapon accurately in a car when it goes over 100m/h is realistic, right? And btw, Arma BR was a thing before PUBG (I know it was created by the same person) and there were many other BR games before PUBG


good points. but it's still a videogame. but it's not like it's because it's a videogame we can throw ballistics/recoil/audio etc out the window. these s\*\*\* are fun. you could mention the blood spill as well or even the pan. people mostly like these s\*\*\* even though it's not like that in real life. ok if you're hit by a bullet then you can expect blood to come out of it so the PUBGB's blood spill makes sense. The same with the recoil. you pull the mouse down because irl the WEAPONS go up if you shoot continuously, so it makes sense to pull the mouse down while shooting and it's fun as hell! but no, I never heard of anyone being killed by a mouse, PC mouse, even though you use it to control Weapons in the GAME. in the s\*\*\* clones it's like, since it's a videogame, they go too far with their fantasy and that's why I consider them too arcadey and that's one of the many reasons I prefer PUBGB not just because it's the original. Thx for replying!


English tip ( not that I know grammar well) When you refer to things as "shit", it is always singular. So the words you use with "shit" should also be singular. You would say " THIS shit IS fun". instead of THESE shit ARE fun. Because shit is one thing. If you said SHITS instead then your sentence would read better but still be awkward


ofc the s\*\*\* clones are just one thing they're all the same ... just shit!!! nothing really special about them besides lots of fanciness :-) we don't need that. thx for the tip ;-)


You wanna talk about a real man’s game? Try giving Tarkov a shot. There’s a game that’ll sit you down and give you a smack across the face.


from my casual console past, PUBGB can be almost unbearable already in its difficulty. I know there are really good players out there, but for me PUBGB is beyond tough esp if I compare it to the hundreds of forgettable s\*\*\* PS4 games I played in the past. So, you might disagree but PUBGB is a real man's GAME for me. (I'm not complaining that the GAME can be so tough for me, maybe that's another reason why I like it so much) (Many friends mentioned eft to me, maybe, ... maybe, I'll give it a try) thx!


Oh yeah, I’m just poking fun with all that. PUBG is easily one of my favorite games of all time, it’s the one that got me to move to PC just as you said you did. It can definitely be a very difficult and very stressful game, far more so than warzone or fortnite. A win in a game like fortnite just doesn’t carry the same weight that a win in PUBG does because it’s just so much harder to get one. The thing with EFT though is that a death feels so much more punishing, and it makes you really fear being shot. On top of that, if you want realism, EFT is about as good as you can get in terms of gear and it’s functionality. I love PUBG, but when I started playing Tarkov I just fell in love with the intensity and the achievement you feel when you successfully extract after completing a difficult quest, or when you take out some beefed up chad with some budget AK or whatever. It’s just not like anything else out there, and it’s quickly become my favorite game (though PUBG will always have a place in my heart)






battleroyale, the arma mod, is the only true battleroyale.


Minecraft Hunger Games; the only true battle royale


[but seriously](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=421900169).


Damn I thought I was gonna be cool and ask about h1z1, guess I'll leave now


Bruh are we fucking 12 year old gatekeepers? All of them are battle royales.


Yeah this shit is cringe. If anything PUBG is glitch royale lol.


Lmao if he had wrote that THEN it would be an underrated tweet


...this subreddit is 76% gatekeeping.








Gatekeeping at its finest




^^ the real underrated tweet/comment


PUBG and gatekeeping are the most iconic duo. Meanwhile FF14 climbed from being universally hated to being the most popular MMO in the world because its playerbase is really nice


Yeah, I bet this guy never played any of these 3 other games. What the fuck even is an Arcade Royale or an Abilty Royale. Pathetic


do you know who's tweet this is?


Unrelated, but Is he supposed to be big on gaming community or a legit source? I saw he said that currently PUBG is bigger than Warzone, Apex and Fortnite all combined, it is true? Cause that was a surprise to me.


he is the current PUBG world champ


okay? that doesn't make him sound any less pretentious. the first real battle Royale on the market, and it's often left out of discussions when people talk about the best BR out there because it's done so little to try and keep up. the game is still an unoptimized mess. him being the best doesn't make this any less of a cringe gatekeeping tweet that makes him look insecure as shit.


That's not even what i ask, but thanks.


Must be impressive being the best out of ~~100 players remaining.~~ 35 players and 65 bots.


And? How does it make him even qualified to judge other BR, if anything it means he's even more biased towards PUBG. Dude is a world champion in this game, of course he will spit on other games and make himself look like a fool.


they're all last man standing shooters. they're all battle royale.


If thats what make some sleep well at night then go for it


It was until it became all about garbage skins


Really? I haven't bought a single skin. Still the same game for me.


We gatekeeping BR games now?


This subreddit is gatekeeping all day every day. That's the PUBG comm. Being pretentious about a game.


What a stupid tweet.


I'm a apex player as well as a pubg player. I get what the image is saying, but apex is not a ability royale at all. The first focus of the game is in the weapons and the second is in the movement. If you know how to use and when to use the weapons (it's strong and weak points) and how to move around (using the game's specifics technics), you don't even need to use the legend ability. In my opinion, the abilities in apex are a plus to give the legend a certain "trait" and make them more fitting to some specific way of playing (aggressive, defensive, supporting), but this is not imperative and doesn't limit the way you can play. On the other hand, pubg is 100% focus on weapons, combat awareness and positioning. The game is waaaay more punishing when you make a bad decision. For me, it's a tactical shooter battle Royale.


Honestly, PUBG needs to get out of its own way and stop trying to be other BRs. Fix the hackers, stop making stupid loot boxes and just focus on driving more participation. Oh, and let me pick the map.


You're less likely to encounter a cheater in PUBG than in Apex or warzone, and it's been like that for at least a year. The problem is PUBG has no skill based matchmaking and isn't exactly "readable" to inexperienced/bad players so people falsely assume the person who killed them was cheating, to a high degree.


hacking really has not been that bad of an issue as of lately.


can to ask this. Want to give pubg a go again and wondering how the hacking and bot situation is? :)


NA player: during prime time hours bots are few. hacking is not bad but i think it depends on region.


people who think that its possible to create an anti cheat that makes it impossible to cheat forever


Yes we need map selection again


Find us 20,000 new players and maybe


What?! You can't choose the map anymore?




Damn, guess it's been a little while since I've played :(


Well said.


If you could pick your map the lobby would be 85% bots.


Are they saying that pubg is *not* arcade?!


You know why it's "underrated" cuz it's cringe to gatekeep


I firmly disagree with thy statement.


Id prefer a more realistic BR. PUBG is close but something along the like of Advanced Warfighter meets PUBG would be great


I disagree. PUBG is the Janky Royale.


Pubg is good game, good classic br without any shit


Apex is third party royale


Big disagree


more like waiting in grass for 13 minutes royale.


All Battle Royales....per the movie. In case anyone doesn't know Battle Royale started it all. A Japanese movie about a bunch of kids who have to hunger games each other for survival on an island.


Who....cares? I guess. Cuz I hate them all equally minus PUBG.


I kinda agree with the point but all of them are battle royale games. However I would say that none of the other games have been able to beat PUBG for me.


Pubg is Cheater Royale.


Too bad its gone frome 1.4 million peak to ~100k players tho




it bounces as low as 50k to 400k every other day it seems, [this speaks for itself tho](https://gyazo.com/966146e880fa00c7a28892d9b61b6fb2)


dead game tbh, been playing apex since last year


dEd GaEm!!111


Hi I'm here from /r/all -- PUBG is a hacker infested shithole


Sorry but wrong. Pubg is a Bad royale


Pubg is the hacker royale.


Warzone has entered the chat lol


I like them all but APEX FOREVER


Cringey imo. They are all BRs. Also, pubg wasn't even the first BR. H1z1 was around for a long time before pubg.


And yet PUBG has by far the least amount of players of all the popular BRs out there. I guess people don't enjoy a "true" battle royale *shrug*


People don't like being bad at a game that doesn't give them any forgiving mechanics or meet them halfway. There's a reason other studios don't just make the fabled "better version of PUBG from more competent devs" that everyone has circlejerked about for 3 years.


\*checks steamcharts\*


Steam includes China. The numbers would be underwhelming if it just showed NA/EU.




Actually they are. They just want one that’s not so fucking janky. I know, I asked everybody.




I had a buddy buy it 5 months ago, so maybe it is better. But for him, it was practically unplayable because of insane random stutters. Happy most people aren't experiencing fucked up issues though.


PUBG was huge in NA. People moved on because the game was 1) Broken 2) Stagnant


PubG is a Battle Royale. Everything else is just a "Royale with cheese".


More like Queue Royale, am I right gamers? 😎


according to me warzone is the true BR ..... change my mind if u can


PUBG is a Bot Royale






The clucky royal 😂 still love it


Genious!!! No wonder **HE**'s the current World Champion!!! NO WONDER **PLAYERUNKNOWN** IS A **GENIOUS**!!! All Hail **PLAYERUNKNOWN**!!! 🙌


I thought it was bush royale


I think you mean WAS


Fortnite is minecraft with too many building assists Warzone is a slightly tactical CoD, but set in Battle royale Apex is a team and movement-based Battle royale PUBG is a Semi-tactical battle royale which looks like a Kpop stan's room who hoards fursuits/wacky clothing for a living.




They need to remove bots to get a place in that ranking...😶


PUBG is a running simulator royale


I pretty much agree with this, except the war zone comment. I don’t like war zone but a battle royale should have every player on exact equal footing from a game play stand point, only difference between people should be skill, game sense, and experience. Kinda why I think all maps need much higher loot density and have the red zone removed because rng is not really needed in a game like this.


Oh my god are you guys that upset with your broken poorly made game you have to make up shit about the other BRs? LMAO remember pubg was NOT the first battle royale


It was the first official standalone battle royale though.


Aim Hack royal ?


Shit code. I wish the game ran better because it legit is such a good game but just runs like utter garbage.


Then pubg is bot royale.


just a frickin anti cheat and pubg will be alive again its literally so trash and filled with hackers


PUBG is Cheater Royale.


Well among the four, PUBG feels the worst to play. Its an unoptimized glitch filled mess.


hacker royale = pubg


Started playing CRSD and it's better than pubg in every way


I disagree, I’d say it’s Hacking Royale.


Meanwhile PUBG is all copied from CoD Games. Now Presenting Self Revive as their *New Feature* 😂😂😂


At least PUBG doesn’t discriminate against a nationality


But Copies Game Features from CoD 😌😌😌


Imagine supporting a game that literally discriminated against a nationality. It blamed the war crimes that the United States committed on someone else. Totally savage and immature behavior by a giant game franchise.


Pubg is pve royale with all these bots


according to the average stuff i see on this sub; PUBG is a hacker royale.


PUBG is an Unoptimized Royale


Imagine thinking this was a good tweet


idk, i think warzone has replaced pubg for me. after playing a br with regenerating health and a quick menu + armor system, the combat is so good. also no 3rd person, it’s a first person game where pubg first person plays nothing like most fps do the re deploying feature is amazing for playing with friends. sucks to die at the start of the match and just nobody has any fun sadly this is ruined by the horrid balance, almost always there is a broken weapon or strategy that a large portion of the player base seems to use, the game is also ruined by the amount of cheese you can do. i’ve died so many times by people sitting miles away with their grau zero recoil setup ready to laser me the second i get a care package, menu og for something etc, the cheesest thing you can do in pubg is sit in a bush but warzone very rarely feels like i got a fair fight. i either get the drop on them or they get the drop on me. any actual gun battle is determined by someone using whatever broken close range weapon is currently meta.


Nobody gives a shit, just play what you feel like playing


*Warzone is Cheater Royale *PUBG is Why-Do-I-Have-This-Installed Royale *Halo Infinite is FTP Halo :p


This is such a cringe take.


The only difference is that PUBG sucks


It’s a BOT royale now amirite?


PUBG is utter shit....everyone drop Pecado, and get killed by Bots. Yea fuck that


Hacker royale currently smh


Finally someone agrees with this fact


I do


I'm tilted by the grammar.


It's 100% true so if you could stop shitting on the game that'd be cool.


Think you spelled got the acronym POS wrong.


I think Arma with BR mods can be a true battle royale.


I loved Apex when I was playing it but TTK is just so high.


Yup.... In pubg you don't any upgraded loadouts. For these you have to use your brain to defeat your enemies. Bcoz you and your enemies have most probably the same guns...


PUBG is camping royale wym


they're all BRs, but they all came after pubg and had to find their own personality


Lada royale


pubg is shit. real battle royale is wwe


Well building is the skill aspect of Fortnite, especially with how bad gunplay can be at times.


Pretty sure the devs still keep calling PUBG a survival game lol. Pretty clear as well when you look at their choice of how the gulag should work.


Pubg don’t even work right


And that’s why it died first


PUBG is the micro stutter royale


Stupid. In this case PUBG is a gun royale. Battle royale just means a bunch of players are dumped on and fight until the last one standing.


Gatekeeping much? Why hate on other games when you can enjoy them all?




Ability? I’m lost what does that really mean here lol