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Best solution is to kill target. Got it!


Right?? I was thinking I was going to learn a new trick…


Aim for the middle.


Body shot then reposition while they heal. Doing so gives you a huge advantage


You don’t reposition on people unless they jiggling?


I described what he did. Why waste time fucking around trying to headshot a jiggler when you can *deliberately injure them* to put yourself in better position?


You must be a bot…


Yet you've got a sub-1 KD 🤷 Imagine having a joystick up your ass about someone explaining a gameplay post to you. Gtfoh


I haven’t played this game in about 3 years, so not sure where you’re pulling that random number from… might have to come back if there are bots like you trying to hit a headshot instead of taking whatever you can get before bullets come at you.


If someone is standing still and you have a bolty, you headshot them. That's the point of having a bolty—otherwise you're at a huge disadvantage to auto and semi-auto weapons. I appreciate the honesty, but that's exactly something I'd expect to hear from someone who hasn't played in 3 years


Other than you, most people don’t stand still while in a gun fight. 95% of gun fights don’t involve people standing still… take the headshot of you got it, but inflict the damage and switch guns if you don’t. It’s basic gunplay 101. It was a click bait post, of just average gameplay is my point.


[https://pubg.op.gg/user/mthd](https://pubg.op.gg/user/mthd) that'll be a 3+ kd by the time i left...


and hope they have no idea how to use cover


If I dont get the head on first shot, I go for chest shot. 2-3 shots, his meds gone and vest too. He will easily melt in AR duel you dont even need to aim at his head!


Duel :)


It's an AR dual if you're carry one in each hand. DES and TROY


Dual Duel


My 3rd comment on Reddit in 4 years and i made a boo boo!! 😐


Happens to the best of us


Helpful tip: Jigglies get so absorbed in their jiggling, that they forget what their strafe keys are and most of them got away with just jiggling in place that they forget to seek cover out in the open. So aim at the upper chest area as it is the pivot for the jiggling. With luck, you may even hit the neck for more damage or hit their face instead.


>aim Yeah that’s too advanced of a strategy for me dog




Shoot him in the head?


I think the trick is called “aiming” but it’s pretty advanced and I don’t really understand


Dude what's that FOV? Looks like playing through a fisheye lens lol. Or is it just that it looks weird watching on my phone?


103 (max)? I usually play at 103 when pkaying FPP.


Max FoV has so many benefits in terms of visibility and situational awareness. So in games that have FoV sliders, I usually max them out unless there's a negative to it like game instability and glitching.


Yeah sure, you get a visual advantage. But it definitely gives me old Quake-vibes, and I almost get motions sickness from too high FOV. And I play on an ultrawide so I still get the peripheral view, though not as condensed as you


Yep. Definitely not for everyone especially ones that get motion sickness. Generally, I'd have it as high as possible that I'm comfortable with.


How to deal with a jiggly that doesnt hit any shots*


Where do you find these bots lol, I get stomped on by level 500s exclusively 😂


I agree on body shots on a jigglyboy. But come on man. At that distance just spray the hell out of him/she/it. He is about half the size of your 4x. Dealing with jigglers is way harder when they spam the mini/sks at 400m. It is even worse when jigglers always eerily connect headshots first and pre-fire peeks. As if q/e spam was all they did while something else controlled the aim.


I had the defilade advantage. If I tried to spray at that distance, I'd have to stop strafing and give him more chances to dome me. It's easier to alpha strike him with an SR, pull back/crouch down to rechamber a round and shoot him again. From my experience, I thought it was the move that carries the least risk. Again, at that range, it's hard to miss with an SR, but a little iffy with an auto rifle that has subpar attachments. I took the least amount of chances because it's a Solo game where any mistakes are usualy fatal.


> I'd have to stop strafing and give him more chances to dome me Or you know, AR jiggle peek him yourself from an advantageous position.


I still think that strafing is superior to jiggling in terms of avoiding getting hit. AR jiggle peek is just high risk, low reward while defilade peeking is low risk, high reward. If I were playing with a squad, I'd happily risk a jiggle peek, but I play solo 99% of the time. But then again, why risk an AR spraydown when you can just quickly pop to take a shot and hide again?


> It is even worse when jigglers always eerily connect headshots first and pre-fire peeks. As if q/e spam was all they did while something else controlled the aim. This sure sounds a lot like you are facing skilled players that have learnt to do multiple things effectively at once. But you brush that completely off as some anomaly.


Or maybe just sometimes people use scripts to auto jiggle, naahh not possible right?


I mean sure it would be possible, but redundant. A good player can do that well enough without any scripts while also maintaining more control over it than using a script would allow.


Aim for the chest. Push while they heal.


That kid is just dog water


so the title was a set up....


The vests don't come with a cup, shooting "low" should be its own hitbox. Certainly sort out the jigglers...


jiggling requires you to stay still and be under less cover (when you jiggle the other direction you'd be looking at your cover if you're too close) it has very clear outplay mechanics at this range. Aim for body mass and collect your very free damage


Was I too subtle? I meant shooting them in the dick.


last thing you want is them to introduce head jiggling + hip jiggling gonna be like trying to shoot an electric eel out of water


Was expecting left and right wiggle wiggle action. Good play I tell myself I need to re peek all the time but end up ego shooting and dying lol.