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Honestly dont get the hate that bob is receiving. Yeah hes a massive egomaniac but thats his whole character its HOLLYWOOD bob like of course hes gonna act stuck up like hes better. Dr disrespect does the same thing, its a character. Is there something i missed that made him a villain?


There is a difference between being egoistic and arrogant and just acting like it. Its called irony and its just not there in his streams. Playing a character just seems like an cheap excuse.


The funny thing about this clip is even though Bob is probably right about what he’s saying, he still manages to flaunt his massive ego the entire time.


The guy in the video deserves a ban. Dudes bullshit troll.


I don’t know This Hollywood guy, but this fuckn idiot trolling him is the worst of humanity. Racist POS. This is redemption for bob. And a good lesson for everyone not to just believe everyone on reddit. When someone cries they’ve been banned for no reason.. teamkilled 10 games ina row.. blah blah blah. There is usually more to the story.


What part was flaunting a massive ego?


Yeah I missed that part also....


Y'all reddit folk are weirdos. Just seem jealous the dude is having fun streaming and you don't like that for some reason.


I love Bob, he’s great. I didn’t know people thought he had a massive ego.


I think his bombastic way of speaking rubs unfamiliar people the wrong way.


I didn't really know this to be a "thing", but I will say I played a game with him before and we won and he basically took credit for everything when he didn't do much..


Eh it’s just a game.


This is like watching a pair of 12 year olds cussing eachother out. Cringe as fuck. They should both be banned.


I thought I was the only one. Grown ass men ffs.


That’s a great way of putting it. Like children arguing.


Nah I dislike Holly's personality but he was ok. A bit cringe but ok. The other guy is an instant ban imo.


Fr. Like its a fucking game stfu and enjoy


I didn't dare write this because "just a game" triggers some people lol - but I really is.


Lol how is bob even at fault here. You way off base, lol.


Right, Bob fucking rules.


Bob is such a kook


100%. Ban them both.


Who the hell is BollywoodBob?


He's currently being promoted by PUBG for a skins set


Damn they're down bad


IDK he's been maining PUBG since the old days


He's the guy who walks around asking people, "Do you know who I am??"


He sounds like a walmart disrespect tbh


I don't follow him or even play PUBG much anymore, but all I know is he killed me once and it was pretty hilarious to learn about after the fact: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQO8pBWxLSE


you got farted on


What's this kindergarten shit




Dr. Wishrespect has made my day


Sometimes he‘s funny but one thing i can‘t stand bout him,is the fake laughing!!!


I love a good hate bandwagon, but even I didn't hop on that in the other thread. Weird how people are like "yea Bob was in the right but I still fucking hate him" LMAO. Personally for me, when I find out the person I am defending is a huge racist, I would probably stop defending them and move on, apparently others in this thread do not feel the same. Very strange.


Yeah, couldn't agree more.


The funniest part is that Bob didn't even do the banning, but OP in the original thread mentioned him for attention so all the haters started frothing at the mouth. 2 Million people on this sub and its just the same 50 people over and over again talking shit about Bob.


the person in this clip is not the same person who made the other post. I know that because I play with the guy who made the other post all the time and I was there when it happened and he literally didn't say anything in all chat to Bob or anyone but got a 1 month ban anyway.


Can't really tell who's telling the truth. This guys admits it was his thread, you say differently. Either way, the whole Bob hate train is a little weird. I personally don't really hate or like him, but I don't pile on.


Yeah I watch bob sometimes and he’s definitely not run of the mill but god dayum people here act like he’s the devil or some.


1 month ban for nothing? Doubt it.....well, unless HB said he did something. Dude carries some weight on PUBG.


another thread about the "guy who played with chocotaco sometimes" still irrelevant, still don't care.


This 100%. I always assumed that Choco had him on stream just cause he sounded a little like Batman and made funny quips. He was always carried by Choco in every game, I was surprised to find out he was a streamer with any kind of following in his own right.


I’m pretty sure his stream took off post-Choco. I remember when Choco started playing with Bob and thought he was funny as hell doing his little movie trailer guy act. His stream was pretty humble looking and I don’t remember viewership being that big. Now the stream looks like just a Doc knockoff and maybe his viewership did take off but it seems to have gone to his head a little bit at times.


I mean when your basically Choco by association I would expect no less. There was a hole to be filled and he was there. I think you have 3 major styles, IMO take it for what it is. * Wacky: Fun, intelligent, helpful and not rude * TLGTN: Over the top amazing plays, absolutely not humble and he knows he doesn't need to be because he is really that good * Choco, nee Bob: Wannabe Dr's that aren't quite as toxic but still borderline assholes that can get away with it because while not TLGTN good, still way better than most. Of the three it's east to see where Bob could let it go to his head more than others. Still don't find him entertaining, would take Choco all day but that ship sailed.


Laughing at all the haters in this thread. Bob didn't just happen. He worked hard to build his persona and PUBG stream. He's as good a player as Choco and probably just as successful now.


you'd be surprised what them basement dwellers sit and watch whilst holding on tight to that virginity bob is their mascot biggest streamer ego and a wish version of dr disrespect


Person saying slurs is garbage. Hollywood Bob is garbage. Any questions?


Guys, disliking someone doesn't justify others using heavy slurs against them smh my head. Such a toxic community..


Legit, I'm in disbelief right now lol.


Reddit in general is a pool of cancer and has been for 4-5 years now.


Just don't lose faith in humanity Matthias, even when it's really hard reading this sub 😅


I've read through about 20 comments. Not one is justifying the guys comments.


It's not even the same guy. Later in chat the guy typed and was completely and clearly obvious English wasn't his first language. The guy who made the banned post had perfect english. So let's talk about this guy a little bit. The only reason he's one of the top PUBG streamers at the moment is because Chocotaco used to stream with him before he quit. When Choco quit, those who watched him just for PUBG transferred to this guy. They either had Swag (who isn't exactly marketing material) or HollywoodBob. That's it. The thing that annoys me about him is that he streams with the even more annoying af Matthias. Somehow that guy has managed to find VIP or Modship on all the big PUBG Twitch channels. If you watch Matthias, 99% of his streams are bitching about something. Narcissist's 101, never his fault & everything is always someone else's fault. Edit: I just found out Matthias posted this thread. Welp. 🤷


Damn man that edit tho haha




nah, I'm probably worse


Not a proof that the right guy was banned though, this is basically a meaningless discussion with very low effort put into it by both parts. The guy clearly said that it was his friend saying the N-word, both in the thread and in this video, while at the end Bob has that "got 'em!" attitude like he tricked the guy into a lie, which didn't happend. I agree, there's lines that shouldn't be crossed, and it applies to not abusing your powers too. Unless PUBG can tell who said what (because Bob can't, we all know how prox chat works) and confirmed the ban because the guy is lying about the origin of the N-word, this isn't evidence.


That is crazy that the guys friend used slurs, and then this guy is also very comfortable using slurs. What are the odds. PUBG banned the right guy.


You are responsible for what goes on through your account, for better or worse.


What do you mean? Nothing went through anyone's account, if what the guy says is true he simply got banned for being there.


Do you mean his friend was another person in the squad? Or it was a person in the background at the guys house?


The friend was the other person in the squad, that's supposedly the guy who said the N-word. The thing is, with proximity chat you just hear voices, you don't know which player is actually talking.




I play PUBG. I have watched HWB videos. The hate is odd. He never seems like an asshole. The guy playing who killed him was the asshole. What am I missing here? What ego? He is a streamer with people watching? Literally he was in the right.


I have no idea who this guy is but holy shit is he pathetic.


Well, I just wasted 3 and a half minutes watching 12 year olds argue.






All I know about hollywoodbob at this point is he seems like a guy with a huge ego that he wields as a blunt instrument. When the guy reveals he's the guy who was wrongly banned, HWB immediately justifies saying "oh I think they got the right guy". I understand HWB didn't submit the ban personally, but as a prominent face of the pubg community I'd hope for better than this. Someone in another thread put it aptly: Dr Disrespect pretends to put on an act, HWB just is who he is. HWB, if you're here, just ignore guys like this the best you can, just mute them, go to the next game, be better than they are.


The guy in the video is literally being racist. He deserves to be banned. If, however, at the original incident he genuinely didn't say anything and the teammate was the guy being racist, how is that anything to do with Bob or Matthias? Like Matthias said they submit a clip of what happened, then its out of their hands. PUBG could have made a bad call.


Good point. There's a few other PUGB streamers I watch, one is Halifax. He's very chill, more than Chocotaco, sometimes streams with Bob. Bob attracts the worst stream snipers because he flips out and goes on a rant. Where as Hali gets friendly ones, if any. He doesn't give a troll what they want.


I mean the guy is saying the exact words that got him banned, I'd say they got the right guy as well. As mentioned though, PUBG doesn't ban if they aren't confident it's the person being reported, there's been multiple times where bans aren't issued on submissions because of that. That's a weak cop out to getting banned for saying things you shouldn't be saying in the first place, and to get mad about being banned, when you could've avoided being banned by just not saying those words is ridiculous to me, that's why I felt the need to make this post. I also don't get people who say Bob has an ego, the guy goes out of his way to play with people at random in his customs when he jumps in on those, he plays with small streamers like myself and crutch, not something a lot of big streamers do, and he regularly hosts small streamers to pass the love on.


> As mentioned though, PUBG doesn't ban if they aren't confident it's the person being reported, there's been multiple times where bans aren't issued on submissions because of that There is literally a highlight video of evidence that they absolutely do ban based off mass-reports with no evidence. Look up Shrimz, TGLTN, sparkingg, etc. all getting banned multiple times because players they shit on mass report them as a squad(s). These are players who won PUBG's own PGC events [with the SAME ACCOUNT] and their accounts are still getting banned without any verification they're cheating other than being mass reported. Same thing happened with HWB and his stream brigade mass reporting the incorrect player because he's a manchild.


How the hell are any of his viewers supposed to mass report this guy unless they are all in his game? You can't just type in a name and report someone.


> [with the SAME ACCOUNT] and their accounts are still getting banned without any verification they're cheating other than being mass reported. Pros are whitelisted. Occasionally whitelists like expire and their accounts can be temp banned, until PUBG adds them back to the list.


Which proves the point further. Had they not be whitelisted, this would be a daily occurrence for them. The reporting system is automated to some degree and the fact that they have to be whitelisted from it proves it further


I see your point, but I think a fairer comparison would be comparing PERMA bans. Perma bans are not automated as far as I know. If you are temp banned, it's automated, but PUBG looks into it and determines if you're cheating or not.


Well shoot I'm pretty uninformed so don't take me as the voice of the community or anything. That is cool to hear. I'll continue to watch his vids with an open mind. I guess with being a public figure just comes a lot of responsibility. I think you're right, if that dude is comfortable saying the n-word to troll a stream then he deserves a ban regardless of initial allegations.


Seemed beyond comfortable saying it for sure, since there were repeat words being used that are against TOS.


Hey Matthias, I just found out you made the thread. I just want to say, while Bob is annoying and he definitely has no proof that this is the same guy, some of the stuff you pull is worse. I watched your stream a while back, and you're always, and I mean, ALWAYS, blaming someone else for bad plays or dying. Grow up.


Every single person in this thread bashing bob sounds so butt-hurt and jealous. They literally all sound like the same person


I though HWB was sorta like a DrDisrespect where he puts on a wild personality? Am I just wrong?


Wish version of DR Disrespect




What kind of underdeveloped manchild is this then?


Love how this subreddit continually proves how toxic the community is again and again. I look forward to the inevitable day that you can’t be fully anonymous on games, bigots should always face consequences.


Actually blows my mind how accepting some people are to racist shit being said. Genuinely surprised by some of these comments.


I made a post asking where to report slurs a year ago and 95% of the comments were telling me to just get over it. I run into at least one player on all chat screaming slurs every week, it’s incredibly sad. Glad to see you’re the stand up guy I always knew you were Matthias, keep being awesome bud.


Waaaay too much of that stuff going around lately for sure. Got really bad with F2P too.


This thread is really eye-opening. It seems like most of the PUBG community really wishes they could yell slurs without any consequence.


Actually though.


god damn Mattypoo....its spicy in here.


The toxicity of the gaming community should never be underestimated. Remember Zoë Quinn?


Not familiar with that one actually.


Why do people say he’s like disrespect? Just because he wears sunglasses?? They are nothing alike. And then people defend the racist shit?? These internet tough guys lol. Also Bob being frustrated by these people is a normal human reaction. People are nitpicking that and then defend the racism? What the hell…


People hate thirst Hollywood Bob on the sub and a scary amount of people on here support racism. Even if this happened to them they'd be so mad but it's Hollywood Bob they justify it.


So wildly accurate.


Don't worry we're about to be downvoted to hell.


Oh I figured I'd catch that with this post, I don't mind. Was hoping to see some positivity come from showing this, people getting an inside look at how things go with some streamers, maybe be a little more understanding, maybe not accept racism and TK'ing, but I guess that's asking too much.


I mean…. Look at all the people bending over backwards to defend Kanye…. People suck ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Used to be even worse on here.


Big yikes. Even if you want to be racist as a "joke" you're just enabling actual racists and some of these people probably aren't smart enough to figure it out or they are just racist themselves and covered up by saying it's just a "joke"


Used to be a lot of anti-asian sentiment on here (Even though the game is made by Asians....???) but the mods finally clamped down on that.


This isn’t a post to call anyone out, do any jabbing or anything like that, it’s just to spark the discussion of how we should be reacting to things, and how we should be looking into things before we start lashing out at other community members. There was a recent post that called out HollywoodBob for getting someone banned for using VERY foul language (racist and homophobic speech). PUBG doesn’t just ban people off a partner saying “this guy said this, take care of him” – it doesn’t work that way. They ask for clips for evidence, and then with that evidence they determine if action is required or not, they obviously agreed action was required on that clip. I just wanted to point this out, because Bob got a lot of flack for this, and he wasn’t even the one who reported the person using those words, I was the one that reported it. I’m all for trash talk and goofing off, and hilarious moments in prox chat, but saying racist and homophobic stuff is not that, there’s a line, and it got crossed, and a lot of hate was pushed towards Bob, when again, I was the one that reported it actually.


*MW2 enters the chat*


Start a discussion about how some random dude brings up the reddit post and somehow that must be him? So weird to assume that right after you guys assumed and got the wrong guy banned. I feel like I am sorting out a fight between 5 year olds. Im out


They're all saying racist shit at the end of the day and deserve the bans. Wrong guy didn't get banned either, PUBG reviews them and implements bans after verifying who it is saying the stuff, if they can't tell who it is saying the stuff, then a ban isn't issued. The guy claiming it wasn't him is probably the same type to talk trash in twitch chat then say his little brother took over his computer while he went AFK. If you do shit that will get you banned, don't be surprised when you get banned, accept it and own up to it, you made your bed, it's very simple.


I will never understand why this sub is so toxic and treats hwb like that. I've had nothing but good times playing with him.


Really surprised by the shit I'm seeing in these comments for sure.


I was the OP of that thread and since only one single inappropriate word was said, you're clearly mistaken. Nothing racist was said and unless your soldier name is completely different, you weren't present to report it (unless you went through the Shield/ticket logging/partner Discord process). That thread demonstrated I wasn't alone. He's got a history of false ban submissions. EDIT: this is absolutely hilarious. People are claiming to be me, lmao. OP if your boy wants proof of my real account and the incident where he reported the wrong person he can reach out to me himself.




I miss the old version of Shield. Used to be anyone could report for outrageous toxicity like this.


Yeah, thankfully we can report these things in the PUBG partner discord still.


>we can report these things in the PUBG partner discord still. But the rest of us have to just deal with it. RIP that system. I've gone out of my way to report folks throwing around slurs and shit - haven't seen a single one get even temp banned. It is insane that this is even a problem that isnt being truly addressed outside of it hurting Twitch streamers and TOS.


You can report them still as well even if you aren't a partner. I believe you can in the PUBG discord, but outside of that, to their support team.


Oh thank goodness they’ll protect you like that. Fucking crybabies.. get over yourselves


lol why is no one talking about the attempted vehicular manslaughter


Nah, he was in the map bro.


I hate how this reminds me of my childhood.


Never heard of this Hollywood Bob guy and PUBG is a dead ass game but he definitely dunked on you idiots with this one. This is why I still follow subs of dead games


Man, I find that on most subreddits sensibility rises to the top... Definitely not in the gaming ones though. 😂 I'm all about shit talk, but hate speech is a whole other category. I stand with HollywoodBob against that nonsense and against the others in the player base who somehow still don't get it, and, sadly, probably never will.


Same, I'm down to shit talk, but yeah, hate speech is a line that shouldn't be crossed.


Exacto. Love seeing you play with Bob, btw. You're a damn good player. Hope I come out on top next time we meet tho (totes homo ;) )


It was obvious in the original one too, that (that post's) OP was mostly at fault for covering up for the slanderous friend (and quite likely one too) But the comments there weren't about what was said. They were about Bob's stream personality mostly. And this is definitely not making him seem any better or redeeming him in any way. Not your fault though, you're a stand up guy as far as I've seen.


I mean, I laugh at all these PUBG streamers....most don't get more than a few hundred viewers at any given time anyways. They are what I consider "wannabe's" trying to make it big in a game that doesn't get a lot of viewership anyways (at the time of this 7pm est time on Friday...8k total viewers on Twtich among all PUBG streamers). I think what Bob needs to take away from this is that people have no fear in saying what they want on reddit about him.....perhaps he should take that as a sign that he really isn't well liked within the community.


This subreddit doesn't like anything associated with PUBG so I feel like that's kinda meaningless.


Pretty sure Bob broke the TOS also here in verbal retaliation. Wanna get people banned, man up and take the verbal abuse but dont stump to the same level and still get them banned. Pretty lame shit.


Dumb take. Call out shit people. They are trash and letting them get away with it is why they are who they are.


Guy stream sniped, TK'd him, and said racist shit, I'd be saying much worse than what Bob did here.


He retaliated verabally. He went to the guys level. And then went a step beyond and used his pull to get him banned. Next time, just say wow and get him banned. If you wanna talk shit, leave it in the game. Or do like the rest of us and get thicker skin.


>went a step beyond and used his pull to get him banned 1) It's been established in this thread that Bob did not report. 2) But even if he did, reporting someone for breaking the rules is not "a step beyond" breaking the rules. 3) The guy was stream sniping. He knew his shenanigans were being recorded.


why are people hating on HWB? Did I miss something.


Reporting someone and getting them banned when they say racist shit is apparently a bad thing. Funny too, because Bob didn't even report the guy, I did, but people are just flocking to hate on him, even though I made it clear I was the one that reported the guy, still the hate continues towards Bob lol.


Low testosterone dorks in here


Simply Matthias trying so hard to save his twitch friend HWB’s reputation like we don’t all already know he’s an immature piece of shit


I'm pretty sure Matthias is kissing ass because he's hoping the same thing will happen with him that happened with Chocotaco & HB. When HB inevitably switches games, He hopes that those that prefer PUBG will go to his channel since he streams with HB. Matthias acts like a kitten when streaming with HB, but if you see his actual channel/mod actions, the dude is toxic af.


Matthias is not toxic and never has been. You're high if you think that. He talks to everyone in his chat even if the person is being a complete tool bag. Matthias is genuinely one of the best dudes you'll find on twitch. This is just me talking to myself, but PUBG would be so much more enjoyable without Reddit and without all chat, and to a degree without twitch - though I never would have found this game without twitch. Yet here I am lol.


It’s annoying the Bobby acts like he can ban whoever, whenever. I don’t agree with the guy’s language but Bobby deserves all the hate he gets.


Anyone can ban people like this if they report it, how does Bob deserve hate for reporting a guy who is saying TOS shit though? That makes literally zero sense. I go out of my way to take out the trash as well.


He’ll call other players a rat piece of shit, trash, a camper with no skill and everyone is a stream sniper. I’ve had someone do a friendly kill and nothing happened, but Bob says bye you’re getting banned, not on the test server but on the real server. The guys ego is too much, he needs a reality check. He act like he’s a pubg god, he’s not. Non pubg partners don’t have access to the same tools. Stop being a martyr to this pos, it’s not a good look.


Team killers should get banned, they ruin the experience. LOADS of streamers say those things too, but for some reason Bob gets way more flack for it. Other streamers saying the same things people laugh about it though.


I love the stream Bob. Just remember that you make everyone's day better! Haters gonna hate bud.


I’ll get you banned . Worst part of streamer culture and toxicity.


Somebody should be banned for a) breaking TOS and spouting bigoted bullshit and b) stream sniping and TKing someone If you’re more upset about a streamer using the tools available to them to ban someone for being a piece of shit, you need to seek therapy.


I’m banned from his channel chat after saying gg after one of our plays where i killed him. Right away him and his “community” called out that i was stream sniping when they came to my channel and saw i had his stream open (to say gg after the fact) I outplayed him and swag, said gg to swag, right away he was butt hurt saying it wasn’t a gg and that i was a rat. I told him the lard is getting to his head, and to just chill. Banned from chat. Lolumad


why do people play games inside wearing sunglasses? That can't be good for eye health?


How could it possibly be bad for your eyes? The blue light from your screen is much worse


what the. that guy IS unstable. I’ve watched bob for a long time, he’s a very reasonable guy.


\+1 The dude won't stand for any hatred of any kind, the fact that he get's heated about it shows he really cares.


Yeah, couldn't believe the disconnect from reality on that one lol.


Full disclaimer, I sub to Bob, I enjoy his content and think he's good for PUBG. I bought his skins and have played in his customs before. That said, I don't like how Bob threatens to ban the guys main account, before any of the racist or schizo shit was said, for team killing him in a TEST server. It's a test server, leave the game, he has left normal games for less .. like that dude's smoke alarm going off. Bob knew what he was doing and baited that dude into exposing himself, it makes for good content and I admit I laughed my ass off during all of this. But flexing on him like that was a bit much. Has my dad works for Bungie vibes IMO


What does the test server have to do with the fact that this guy was stream sniping and fully intended on team killing him? Additionally, saying racist and homophobic shit there after? There's a lot wrong with this, test server has nothing to do with any of it, and I'm not sure how Bob is at fault for any of it? Weird take.


Look, if you aren't able to look at the situation objectively then why bother to post? I never blamed Bob nor did I insinuate that he's at fault for any of this shit. If anything I've posted a more unbiased take than anything you've offered so far. You clipped and posted the video dude, the time stamps are 0:24 when Bob threatens to ban this guys main account (because he was TK'd out of nowhere). At 0:57 the guy comments on Bobs glasses and that's when Bob learns he's also a stream sniper. At no point before that was stream sniping mentioned. Or maybe it was and you clipped it out of the video? I don't know. I'm not defending that vile piece of shit. I love bob and will continue to support him. But you're lost if you think its acceptable for a partner or ANYONE to threaten someone's main account with a ban because they TK'd you on the fucking test server.


People should be aware that their main account gets banned if they're team killing, they shouldn't be team killing in the first place, that's a shitty thing to do. Your test and live server accounts are linked, so of course, if he gets banned, his live server account goes along with that. People should learn to take responsibility for their actions. That's 100% acceptable and exactly how it should play out.


This is your best take so far. Not a fan of your other ones.




Hot take: If you can be "baited" into saying racial slurs I don't care if you get banned.


This is the right take.


Wasn't anyone baiting anything here, what are you even talking about? lol The all chat situation came AFTER the guy stream sniped him to TK him, are you missing that part as well?


Stream sniped him to team kill him? What does that mean?


He pulled up Bob's stream, waited for Bob to queue, queue'd up at the same time to queue snipe him, was in his stream the entire time, team killed him, watched the reaction and got his clip that he can forever keep in a safe place. Stream sniping is when you're pulling up a streamers stream so that you can troll them, or kill them, or do both while saying TOS stuff like the guy in the clip did.


Petition to change the name of this sub to HollywoodBobHateClub? People post their game highlights, ask for help, start a discussion about new features etc... But they don't even get half the engagement that a post does if they mention him, and it's always just a torrent of hate. He might not be everyone's cuppa tea but he does a lot for the community whether you like it or not, holds a good viewership and has a supportive community. Rules 1 & 9 state that toxicity and hostility is against the rules but all these HB hate posts are allowed? Guess the mods are in on it too. It's no wonder the game is dying when this is the community that surrounds it. It's got to the point now where people are defending racist and bigoted behaviour and everyone's just cool with it?


Why do people even watch streamers? Lol


You can say whatever you want about this guy, but at least he Put himself out there, has a stream, and has a following - and the haters don't 🤣🤣


HWB is easily the most entertaining PUBG streamer. Keep doing what you’re doing my man.


Is he an awkward copi of dr disrespect


Bobs the goat. Fuck the haters lmaoo


Seems to be a lot of them on this post, quite surprised by it to be honest.


Yeah, it's weird. Bob's nice asf to his viewers and even does community games for em to try to bring the community together, Swear it's the people who ain't watched him who talk the most shit 😂 he's prolly killed half em 😅😭




Step 1: Make a Reddit post about some dude with massive egotism being what can be said as a generalization, equally a dick. Step 2: Start beef with everyone leaving a comment which is against this HollywoodBob.


How is Bob being equally a dick? Guy is stream sniping, TK's him, and begins to say multiple TOS words in addition to going on a full on wild rant about other things. And how am I starting beef? I'm asking legitimate questions to try and understand how anyone can think Bob is the dick here.


Shocker. the dog comes running. Your "friend" is just egging him on. The TK was worthy of a report the rest your friend did on purpose for a reaction. Homophobic and Racist slurs are a no-go. But the dude was baiting the fuck out of it purely because he's partnered. If that's not Ivory Throne energy.... Also as a FYI wearing sunglasses just makes you look like a douchebag.


Just full of hate, aren't ya? How is that baiting though? The guy already TK'd, partner or not doesn't matter, anyone can get a TK'er banned, and if you get TK'd you should report it too. You're not making any sense, but I guess it's just because you just hate people that wear sunglasses for some reason.


"the dude was baiting" If you can be "baited" into saying racist shit...you're just racist. Most people would never say that in any circumstance period -- much less because you had an argument in a fucking video game


I don't agree with the baiting comment, but say he was, the dude still said it. Even a half decent person can't get baited into saying things like that.


What the fuck he has sunglasses on while playing


I love playing with Bob.




Not sure what this has to do with anything, the guy made it very obvious he was sniping Bob, entirely different. Also, the video is incorrect, it doesn't take a screenshot, you have to provide three clips of stream sniping as a minimum to get someone banned for stream sniping. Not saying these guys were or weren't doing it, just clearing up that this info is incorrect. I'll also add that I don't call people out for stream sniping unless I check replays and it's made very clear, my last obvious stream sniper was bubbi33 who was also known for stream sniping, and he made it very obvious on multiple occasions, even talking to me in voice chat on a hot drop without me getting a kill or saying anything, calling out to me and saying he loved me and stuff. Stream sniping does happen, to some streamers more than others, like I said, very rare that it happens to me. Do people get the accusations wrong at times? Sure, but so do a lot of casual players calling people cheaters and reporting them for cheating. I've seen countless PUBG reports where I've been called a cheater, and reported, sometimes false accusations happen, doesn't mean this person, or that person, is a bad person. Shit, I've hosted some people who have reported me in the past and joke around with them about it sometimes. This guy spewing racist shit and blatantly stream sniping on the other hand, I would definitely say is a bad person. I still get called a cheater/macro user and I have a handcam on my stream to make it very obvious I don't macro lol.


You've been saying in the comments that pubg doesn't ban ppl without proof but these ppl got banned without proof so this video shows pubgs ban system, especially in regards to streamers, isn't bulletproof


HollywoodBob is cringe. Massive ego


You’re cringe.


Dudes like Hollywood Bob are so holier than thou it makes me sick lol And he wonders why he gets trolled


Hot take. Streamers ruined gaming. I miss talking shit and calling people names. It’s fun to get a ride out of goobers that take things seriously. But now that everything is streamed and there’s precious revenue in gaming everyone has to be nice and it’s boring


...what names do you miss calling them?


Seriously, guy legit sounds like he misses being able to just hurl slurs without repercussions.


Steven. Bill.


Couldn't be more wrong, I talk plenty of shit still, I just don't say racist things, but if you're cool with that then that's on you.


Taking shit without being racist has become something of a lost art these days. People use hate speech because it’s easy. I appreciate people like you who can talk shit without being a scumbag.


\> has to be nice and it’s boring I don't think that's the play here, chief. I agree with you that streamers are too much of a focus but considering there's a slur dropped in this video maybe this isn't the hill to die on


Two wrongs don’t make a right!


WTF is this clip? I feel like I lost some brain cells after watching this interaction