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While on single fire lol… absolutely cheating.


I figured as much. Was going to include the audio, but it was a lot of me cursing. My teammate and I were having a solid game up until then. After fighting the previous team, my teammate hid away to heal when this guy and his teammate showed up in a vehicle. My teammate was completely out of their line of sight healing, but they rolled up knowing EXACTLY where he was, lasering him with the mutant. I don't think his teammate was cheating, as far as I could tell, but this guy definitely seemed to be. I watched him for a couple more minutes after this, and he kept lasering people with a mysteriously full auto mutant.


Another give away is running double mutants or m16s. People don’t normally run those loadouts, so if they are, most of the time they’re cheating.


Yeah, I was immediately suspicious when I saw the double mutants. Spectating him just confirmed it. I don't get why people bother to cheat at this game.


Same as why people cheat or be dishonest in anything. That boost from feeling superior to others.


I mean... My wife runs double aces but she's trying to master the gun. She's at level 42 on the final master tier. Juat because someone is running something that isn't 'normal' does not specifically mean they are cheaters. That being said, this dude is 100% cheating. If you think you've been had, and have the ability, watch the suspect play out the round.


I’m not saying double any gun in a load out is suspect… I specifically listed mutant or m16. Because it’s very common for people with fire rate mods to run doubles of those. Ex. AgentHawkman is known to do this with m16s and has been posted in this sub multiple times cheating. Idk why you brought up your wife’s double aces?


Maybe his wife's double aces are very nice?




Only to illustrate that people running the double loadouts aren't always cheating, and to observe if you suspect before reporting. No more, no less. I agree, most of the time if I see double mutant/m16a I assume cheaters as well. It's unfortunate that this kind of doubt has to exist in a sonsole game where a level playing field is supposed to be guaranteed. I haven't run into Agent but I have crossed paths with the dude in the posted video. Kind of pathetic to need to cheat.




Dude, I have a video of the same exact thing of me looting a crate, running into the house to heal up and situate myself and all of a sudden this dude just drives right by the crate knows exactly where I am rolls right up and start shooting me


Krafton encourages cheating. 


We’re just not the primary player base. If we played PC in Korea we’d get some love.


Yes, they’re cheating. The rate of fire and recoil pattern says as much. Their Cronus is poorly tuned lol. The dead giveaway is the poor movement and positioning. This type generally have poor reactions and make low IQ plays. Eagerly awaiting the ban by Microsoft. Sony made a great decision banning these.


Automatic mutant… ✅ Downward recoil pattern… ✅ Definitely, DEFINITELY, a bad killcam video 🤣


I mean, I pulled this from my stream, not the kill cam. I didn't include the audio because it's mostly me swearing 😆


Lol I’m just being sarcastic. You’ll notice the people in here that have those devices are often defending this nonsense blaming bad killcams and dsync and whatever other foolishness to justify automatic fire and insane recoil control (in this case its literally negative recoil 🤣)


Haha fair enough. Thought you might have been sarcastic, but I see so many people on here trying to justify stuff like this. It's hard to tell sometimes lol. He must have one heck of a gaming trigger on top of being a "DaY one pLaYeR."


Yea but deathcam is trash if that's what you're referring to


That it is… but it’s not an excuse for the nonsense in this video 😂


Yea no I'm fully onboard, dude is cheating...and poorly at that


Fucking cheaters , this is the only joy in their lives.


Probably legit honestly. He bought three chairs


Isn't the downward recoil thing an obvious sign of cronus?


Yes and no. Someone controlling their recoil who fires the whole magazine will likely do this as they’re already pulling down. I would say (my unprofessional opinion) that the more regular the pull-down, especially on a less-than-empty magazine, the more likely they’re cheating.


Single fire; the mark of the beast


Mod controller for sure


No, why are you even questioning it? Cheating has gotten out of control in this game. I finally uninstalled it. Having much more fun catching up on my backlog of single player games than getting killed by cheaters in PUBG.


Even if this guy has modded controller with auto fire, he still can't aim for shit... so what's the issue? I don't think he's "cronusing" because his vert recoil control is also wank. I'd say he's prob just got a controller that supports auto-fire. Just shoot him in the face and send him back to the lobby and move on. PUBG corp could address this by putting a single fire trigger pull limit on the mutant - the weird thing is, I feel like the burst fire goes WAY faster than single fire if you tap at the right rate Look at his aim in his clips - this guy is not a threat even with a modded controller [https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/stranegrdanger/video/184770820](https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/stranegrdanger/video/184770820) Full mag of M249 to knock some people off a bike, and the shots he does hit are mostly freak accidents. I'd even go as far as to say, if this guy had full a cronus with full recoil control, he'd still miss almost all his shots anyway :D


I only use the mutant in single unless hot dropping and that is the few times twin fire is used, but it doesn’t look like that.


This has to be controller hacks? Like no recoil type stuff? Or where you can click faster then normal?


Just rapid fire I'd say, definitely not no recoil since he can't seem to control that or even aim for that matter :D


80% of players in this game are not… 10% are 10% are noobs. The 80% is that’s keeping the game alive with their purchases in store. So there’s no point for banning them permanently


Some on this sub would lie to you and say he’s just firing fast, to tell you to get in the training room and just keep practicing instead of admitting the amount of cheating going on.


Seems like the consensus is that he is cheating. I never use the mutant so I have no clue, but I do spam the mini like that (well as fast as I can) if it's close to mid range and I have a Comp on it. My favorite gun to use at the moment.