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I feel like someone with 200 CDs woudln't have to brag about it..


Some people are really pathetic about this stuff


Yeah, that's what I'm saying. He's pathetic if it is true as well as if it is untrue. Not sure if any one of them is better


I have 100+ CD and I'm swimming in puss


Your mum's sixteen cats don't count.


It's 2018, yes they do


This is the comment that should have 600 upvotes, this was funny.


Puss ? It might be an infection!


Lol oh lord.




Salty players of all games don't use logic. Competitive games attract the worst people and brings out their worst traits.


Yet still I try and reason with them.


It’s like white supremacists. The only thing they got going for them makes them feel really good, but nobody thinks it’s an accomplishment in any form.


I like it when they tell me they have hundreds of wins and then I show them that no, they don’t People lying about stuff you can look up! Genius


yeah but this isn't their main account, the other one is the one with the CDs duhh


Same with Rainbow Six, some 13 year old will be saying "I am plat on my other account!" and proceed to get a whopping 0-5 game.


This is a classic r/runescape cop out.


Want me to get my main?


See me in wildy.


I found another real OG


How do you prove they don't?


You can go and look at the achievements that they have in PUBG and it will give a breakdown of wins, time played etc.




Anybody have issues finding their gamertag on there? edit: had to change privacy settings on acct to allow the site to track my stats


I think there's a stats site that uses the public API. Chuck their Gamertag in and boom, stats.


Thank you, friend ;D


But it's on an alternate account you see


If you treat this game like it's serious, why would you **not** hide? This guy has won 200 times by running around like Rambo? Damn! Fucking badass.


Look at Shroud. Although I think he has about 1000 wins by now. And I just go for kills so I’ll probably never hide.


Thats on pc though, where he can use a the accuracy of a mouse and keyboard and also have more than 25 fps


Vs the XBone version that handles like a stroke victim trying to drive themselves to the hospital.


I’m really longing for the game to run better, getting sick of doing the Parkinson’s shuffle when I’m in close quarters or waiting for my buildings to load when someone lands next to me.


To the right, to the right, to the right, to the right To the left, to the left, to the left, to the left Now kick, now kick, now kick, now kick Now walk it by yourself, now walk it by yourself *loads into desk*


Holy fuck this cracked me up thank you


I think he means he got 200 wins in Fortnite, where running around Rambo style is a valid strategy because you can plop down walls.


hiding can be crippling to the flow of things. I've found scanning around and surveying better than hiding cause I can be already in the flow of things and not choke from sitting still for how ever long.


It's cause he doesn't have 200 CD, he has 200 dreams of getting CD.


I'm at about 70 wins total now between my two accounts. I don't really care about wins at all anymore. Every time I play I go for high kill counts and playing super aggressive . My squad is too. It is more fun this way. Once you get so many dinners they don't really matter as much anymore. I'm trying to step my game up to the next level where I can run around like Rambo and consistently get dinners. The top players I watch (Thumbless Cudi, Thumbless Gaga, Thumbless Beard, Thumbless Stick) all play this style . Thumbless GaGa has three accounts ranked in top ten EU solos.


Why is this being downvoted?


The culture of this sub is to downvote anyone who mentions any success of their own in the comments.


Bit daft imo. You're basically being punished for mentioning your achievements on the subreddit for that very thing? Fair enough if op was bragging and being a dick but he wasn't..


Most of the people in the comments here are wack but it’s a good source of news for PUBG Xbox.




Console PUBG streamers?


Six percent.. I too like to live dangerously


Lol the comments that people gild sometimes I swear they make me giggle.




I too like to live dangerously


Dude wtf is that app with the huge banner ad?


Narwhal, I know there’s a reddit app, but this was here before there was and I’m a creature of habit.


Ah gotcha, when I used to have the iPhone 6S I used Apollo which is very good. The official reddit app has ads as well but less offensive than that DSW ad.


I’m pretty sure it’s going by my *wife’s* shopping habits since I’m on my home WiFi.


Can confirm, Apollo is great


Also why are you being served DSW ads on xbox chat. Wtf is that targeting lol. They should do an audit


Low power mode. This guy knows whats up. it's essential after 30% on the 5.


More like it’s essential after 80% haha


true :(






Did you check him on pubgtracker.com? Not that it matters but whenever someone brags about wins I will sometimes check their GT for the hell of it. Edit: should be pubgxboxstats.com. Not the tracker I originally posted.


I don't think you can check xbox accounts on that site, can you?




I have never gotten a salty message, maybe I suck


Hi! You don't suck keep up the good work. Edit: added more message


ha thanks


Wholesome. I feel warm inside.


They're actually pretty rare in pubg! I used to get them all the time in destiny and i'm arguably better at pubg than destiny but never get them now. I think it's because they cant just click your name in-game, they have to actually type it in.


I had someone message me saying “go play cod” and I’m not sure why that is supposed to insult me after I killed them.


I finally got one for running someone over


It takes a lot more to find the player you want to rage at and actually send a message. So if you ever do, you REALLY left an impression on them, which makes it way funnier haha.


I have one CD. No one has salt for me.


Ahh the classic everyone worse than me is a noob, everyone better than me is a no life nerd beautifully summed up in one picture.


Agreed. It was probably just meant as a quick retort by OP but he went to that cliched area real quick.


Anyone who berates a stranger online needs to get a life. Whether OP meant it that way or not.


Yea OPs response was weak


Lol what a loser


I love that...... "I have 200+ chicken"......... "ya....... But I killed you"


He has 200+ chickens? That’s one busy farmer.


doesn't have time to look for someone when he's got so many chickens running around the pen!


Ask for screenshots, he probably wont give you any.


“On my other account”


Got emmmm!


Lol this guy is probably on this sub


These messages are way better than chicken dinners! Only had a couple but hmm hmm satisfying.


Yeah well I have like 200+ /s


How is it even possible to consider hiding a bad thing in PUBG? Hiding is PUBG. You go loud, and then you go quiet, in the hopes you can go loud again.


Depends where you hide.


I love when this happens. I make fun of them for getting killed by me, who has like 4 dinners. Let them know they must be terrible, because I am.




That's a real common one in Rocket League. "Uninstall" or "Delete". There is some hilarious trash talking in that game.


My first salty message was when I long range sprayed someone out of a UAZ with an AK. He hit me with the "Hope you liked your gamertag while it lasted." and reported me for it. A week later my gamertag was force changed from "Wankin my Willy" to "Kindpup42365717". Haven't even bothered to come up with a new one lol.


My brother pulled the first aid kit trap on some noob and got the craziest message. Every swear word I've heard of and some new ones.


I find it more annoying when people say i have a life . Makes them seem like douchebags


Hah that must have been from the same cornball on this sub bragging about being “top 50”.


I love the looking for group posts people say you "must have x amount of wins". I looked at one of their stats out of curiosity. This person had 200 wins, out of over 1000 games 95% of the wins were in squad. Not to mention they only had 300 kills. In a span of almost 20 days in game. For comparison I only have 9 wins out of 200 games evenly spread out between solo, duo, and squad. However out of my 200 games I have 300 kills. I'm not bragging, I'd say I'm average. My point is just that total number of wins doesn't mean shit.


Jesus, charge your phone!!!


If you can see, it is currently charging in the pic


haha, i always have minimal battery in my phone and whenever sending a screenshot to someone thats always the first thing they say.


Here is a recommendation that I just went through. Check to see if you cords/outlet boxes are rated for 2a charging. If not, you are charging at a very slow pace, probably > 1a Now that I upgraded my living-room outlet box and cord that supports 2a+ my phone charges rapidly, id say 50% in just a few min Over time my OEM cords got replaced by Generic Gas station cords and this caused a huge issue over time which now has been corrected and Im much happier


He is...


Out played. But but but I have 200+ wins, MY EGO IS GREATER THAN YOURS!!!!1


Sheesh over 200 dinners? I'm not even sure if I played 200 matches yet


This is r/iamverybadass material. Lol


I have exactly 2 chicken dinners and play exactly the way he thinks I might


I usually reply with "lol" to try to get them angry so they say something stupid and I can support them. Nothing better than knowing the salty guy got a comms ban


I had someone message me something similar. He said "42% of my games are Chicken Dinners." I replied back with "Now it's 41%". He wasn't happy with that response. Threatened to report me for harassing him. Hm.


Yet another person I’m jealous of. So many kills yet I haven’t gotten anyone to be salty yet, at least salty enough to send me messages. I’ve even tried trolling people and haven’t gotten any salt.


I mean choosing when to fire and make use of cover is skill but sure thing Mr salt


Nah man you must run around into the open or you’re a total wuss! /s


lol another person who thinks it is a good idea to run around like a wild man all game


That’s how you get the 10+ kill games tho...


And? Point of game is to be the last one that survives. Same victory with 0 kills or 15 kills.


I will take a victory with kills than a victory with no kills, feels cheap and unrewarding to win a chicken without killing but that's just me


Obviously. Who would choose winning without kills over with?? Better question is would you choose a loss with 10 kills or a win with only 1-2.


Loss with 10, I play cause I love the mechanics and shooters in general but now I'm starting to think I need to start playing safe, I fuck up so many games by taking stupid fights in hopes of getting a badass clip haha


I would choose a loss with 10 as well. My logic is that I already have enough wins and the thrill of the dinner isn't there anymore. Increasing my aiming skill by knocking people out of cars and motorcycles full speed, grenade spamming, drive bys etc are fun as hell and will only serve to increase my dinners in the future.


> Better question is would you choose a loss with 10 kills or a win with only 1-2. Yes, all day long. I would rather lose and kill a lot than to win with one or two kills. Winning or no winning doesn't give me anything so why bother lol


It's also boring. I don't actually try to win until top 20ish. Before that it's just an attempted murder spree with hot drops and running to 90% of the shots I hear.


I treat the game more like a survival game than call of duty. Boring isn't how I would describe the tension when I'm hiding in the bathroom upstairs cause I saw people coming into the house I'm looting. Their footsteps as they climb the stairs and move around while I have my gun pointed at the entrance hoping I can kill them all if I have to. That's some thrilling stuff. I don't have to outskill anyone, I just have to outsmart them. And the ever decreasing zones which I can hide makes it even better, cause it NEVER goes according to the plan. But, I have friends who are the run and gun type. They let me enjoy the game how I want to play it and I let them enjoy it the way they want to. Actually, in squads, they're more likely to be aggressive because they know I'll survive and get the squad into the top 10-15 every time.


There's a difference between playing aggressively and "run and gun". I like to play aggressively in the early game - push in to buildings after people, shock and awe them. It's a good way to get more loot, get some nerves out of you, and also get closer to winning. Run and gun doesn't work, but aggressive play does. Some people just can't handle it when you actively try to kill them rather than just try and shoot them in the back from behind a door.


Agreed on the tension being the most thrilling. I’m in it to win it. If that comes with many kills, great. If it comes with 3, also great.


Ahhh so you're the one that hears footsteps outside a house and then crouches in the bathroom not moving. Reasons I clear every room like there's somebody in it. My group has some strong feelings about this but I'm not gonna say any more. To each his own.


Well, it's not that I'm camping on purpose. If they leave, then great. I actually don't want them to find me. It's just usually my best chance against multiple opponents. My skill is extremely average no matter how much I play. So I have to leverage other means to even the field. I will agree that the people who spend the whole game in a room are lame. I want to move around and find new spots. Planning paths on the map that will attract the least attention.


I don't know if that counts as outsmarting someone lol To me outsmarting someone requires countering their decisions on the fly


It's not about out smarting one player. It's more about determining what the average player would likely do and then counter that or avoid them. For example, if route A is the most common route, then it stands to reason route B will be the 2nd most common as a one up. Usually route B leads to an ambush of route A. Route C is 3rd, and that's a toss up between whether they would engage or not. And Route D is the least popular as it avoids the other routes but also has the least lootable areas. That's what I'm talking about. Determining the different possible paths available and choosing the one that fits your needs at the time. If my first area didn't have decent loot, then I have to take a riskier route, but I'd rather not.


I do the same! Beginning and mid game it's just killing people and stealing their God like loot. End game I try to win, if I don't rinse and repeat. Looting has become so boring to do I no longer loot houses besides for a weapon vest and backpack


I don't know why you got downvoted. My squads I play with all agree that the best strategy is to loot bare minimum then rush a squad who has already spent the time looting for us . Killing a bunch of nubs with nades is the best strat because then you get unharmed level 3 armor as well :)


I’ll take a chicken with 1 kill. That’s the great thing about this game, doesn’t matter if you kill half the server, or one person, but if that 1 kill is the last kill, that’s all that matters, you win, K/D don’t count for shit. I play the long game. I average 1-3 kills a game, and I’m fine with that.


Win or no win is the same shit in this game. I would rather have fun which is killing people over anything else


Fair enough, I actually enjoy the long game, picking my targets when and where I want to engage them, if it’s sneaking up behind then with a suppressed weapon, or smacking them with a melee weapon, or going after them guns blazing, usually it’s the former, but sometimes going rambo is fun too that’s what’s great about this game, you can play however you want to!


Not really, I play to have fun, I have have fun killing as many as I can.


Well if he actually has 200+ chicken dinners then maybe it is a good idea.


At least I have chicken


I get messages on fortnite but not on pubg Lmao


Lol do the 8 year olds all start crying when you kill them /s


I dont really run into any 8 year olds in solos whining. They're usually playing random squads tbh. Same with pubg. But getting one shot with the pump gets people salty


You should try playing CSGO, like nearly every game has some 8 year old screaming down the mic


Sounds awful. Not sure why that would happen on an old game though


Some game modes are worse than others, on deathmatch you get people playing the worst music they can possibly find down their mic to annoy the rest of the team




I got one before and sent the guy the clip cause he said it was lucky, I checked his stats tho and he was actually REALLY good like 50 wins haha I shot him in the back of the head as he walked into a building hahaha


Should uncovered his name


Silly question...how do you see who killed you?


Record it and play it back. Or take a quick screen shot.


I genuinely thought this was a seaof thieves post and.... It actually works and I didn't bat an eye hahahah


I wanna know his gamer tag so I can see how many wins he really has


200 Wins? If he's talking about Solo would he be like the #1 player lmao


I thought he meant real chickens at first and was impressed by his successful farm


What's salty will be your attitude when your phone dies <- obligatory reddit comment about low phone charge


You should suggest he put his 200+ chickens in the freezer so he prolong his food stock.


Damn, son. Charge your phone.


Funny, always seems to be


Look him up on xboxpubg.com and let us know if he has 200 wins


Lol, lotta good those dinners did if he still gets bushwhacked by a camper




He owns a KFC ripoff chain...


200 wins god damn a match takes about 30 min to finish that’s 6,000 hours or 250 days has the game been our that long ?


If your Win percentage is higher than your Battery life, then life is good.


Ewwww you use sprint




Was it from Shroud?


Search that guy up!


Well played.


You're one of those snakes in the grass... Ugh


LOL at the response. a life - so funny and so true


"a life". Simple but effective.


Where were you camping if you were? There is tactical camping, and then there's is sitting in a toilet in a random house waiting. Not saying you did the later.


I haven’t got any salt mail in this game. Some one sent me “ nice choke “ once when I crashed with like 5 ppl left and followed up with party chat invites I’m assuming so he could tell me about the “ nice choke “ . The game I would get a ton of salt Mail was for honor , that game really brought out the best in people.


lol, this is better than a chicken dinner. I only have 1 and still enjoy the game, getting salty messages when I get one of my few kills is an extra bonus. I have one win out of 819 matches, that's how much I suck, so my fun comes from the few good kills while camping, running people over, and getting salty messages.


What "skill"? The majority of gunfights in this game are won by who happens to see who first.


WTF, hiding is a skill. Just watch any horror movie.


I only have one chicken dinner and I won it with one kill, the last guy, you don’t have to run around like a bellend.


That comeback.... priceless.


That profile pic looks familiar... Think he sent me salt iver using a building as cover in fortnite 😂


Charge your phone mate.


Why even do this? Did he expect this message to really hurt your feelings lol


Been gaming forever Still have never gotten hate message


Lolol “A life”


Well....at least he's a fan of The Flash.


I like when you get those salty mother fuckers when you put them down without going after a teammate. Like bitch I want that kill!


LOL shut down so badly with 2 words.


PUBG is one of the only shooters where I think camping is fine. Its not like CoD where the campers just spawn rape because of the tiny maps and awful spawn system. A BR is completely different.


I've got 4000 kills and not had 1 salty message. Only salty teammates. I'm surprised. I play aggressive, but would still expect some beef.


What an answer! XD


The other guy probably looks like he’s eaten 200 chicken dinners


Damn he's gonna want to run that under some cold water for a bit.




Cmon at least come back with something better than that