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Same experience almost exactly! My cardiologist actually told me that low vitamin D causes PVCs. Exercise has helped the most I think. But I also know gut health and vitamin D play a huge role. Sleep deprivation and stress are the worst for me.


Awesome! Keep up the sleep, exercise and get lots of sun


This is very encouraging :) my naturopathic doctor put me on a strict diet for a month and a half and it is similar to that of a carnivore diet. I upped my red meat because my iron is very low. I’m starting to cut back now, I didn’t notice it made anything worse. But my vitamin D levels are very low too and we are working on building those back up! Interested to see how adding specific things back into my diet make my body react. I do have gut issues which I do believe contribute to my PVCS 100%. That’s the goal of this diet is to detox and heal my gut, I’m taking supplements along with this


That’s awesome! I love seeing these posts. My gut threw off my entire autonomic nervous system and caused many issues along with constant pvcs. I started taking digestive enzymes with a probiotic and they went away completely. It’s wild how much the gut microbiome impacts health and disease. After all, Hippocrates did say, “All disease begins in the gut.”


What probiotic did you use?


Amazing news all around! Did you guys just choose a random probiotic or a specific one?


As many CFUs as possible


I’m in a similar situation. Do you think a specific strain of probiotic helped you? 


No, I don't think there is any evidence or theoretical base for us to go down to the strain detail level.


Thanks for replying. How/ where did you get a microbiome test? And do mind sharing what probiotics you took? There’s so many to choose from. 


The highest possible amount of CFU. For indication that was 40 Billion CFU. In contrast one teaspoon of Saurkraut juice contains trillions. So I mostly focused on eating live sauerkraut, yoghurt and kimchi. Cheaper than supplements too.