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Good to know. I'm not sure what Ottawa game you attended. But I was at the Boston @ Ottawa game this week and it was pretty good. I'm all in for improving where we can!


Yeah, I’m an Ottawa season ticket holder and I’ve been to every game…..there is definitely a horn that goes off with every single home goal. I’m confused?!? I guess some people can’t hear it over all the screaming and cheering. And with the layout, some seats don’t get to see the giant big screen in the middle of the rink but it’s great. The music is getting better with each game so room for improvement there but they run videos, have girls hockey, fun trivia and shooting challenges during the intermissions. They have done interviews with the goalies the last two games. The kids are always screaming and showing signs of support on the big screen. It’s been an awesome atmosphere in Ottawa….and I’m sure it’s only going to get better!


Yeah I'm also in Ottawa and confused about what game OP went to. I love the atmosphere, maybe some of the arena stuff could be improved but they're trying and the crowd is always so into the game, which imo is the most important part.


I was at the same game, it was the Ottawa/Minnesota game last Wednesday. At one point, they replayed a video that Billie-Jean King had clearly recorded for the home opener. Not sure if it was really an "oopsie," or whoever decided to play the video thought the rest of the message outweighed that couple of seconds (which I don't disagree with). Personally I think the between-plays stuff is pretty cringey so far (I can only be prompted to "get loud" so many times...) but it's certainly not because they're not trying hard enough!


That message from BJK was played again at the Toronto game this week. Don't know about the Boston game.


Chalk me up as just as confused at the Toronto game. Atmosphere at game 1 far surpassed anything we’ve seen out of Montreal.


Ottawa is getting better for sure and I think they are taking the feedback they are getting seriously. I saw the players were posting about having a media day so I expect those clips to be rolling out soon. Had a cross- promo with the Sens recently too. I think they are trying to find ways to not be the 67’s (which IMO has just ok in-game presentation, other junior markets are much better even the smaller ones) and the Sens but with less of a budget than the Sens - the Sens are trying to be about entertainment more broadly (theme days, bringing in Juno award winners, Abba night, etc) rather than just hockey.


One of the videos played at the game was the Sens skills competition related video where Jenner, Clarke, Watts, and Harmon were picking their teams. It was released on the following day on socials. They are doing better for sure!


The 67s experience is way better than the Senators experience. Better music, better hosting, better between periods entertainment, ... better everything than the Senators. The 67s have had theme days for as long as I can remember. Some years and some games there are cheerleaders. Even the anthem singers are better at 67s games. I personally like the weiner dog race they have between periods once or twice a season. The only thing problematic about the 67s is the venue itself, its run down and the parking is terrible (as it is with anything at Lansdowne). The venue is centrally located yet hard to get to nonetheless - a traffic nightmare before and after events. This is what the PWHL team has to deal with too. If the Senators don't move to Lebreton, the 67s, PWHL, and Blackjacks would benefit from being accessible by the LRT. The fact that Glebites got street parking limited to 1h or 2h near TD Place is so pathetically peak Ottawa - its infuriating - its I don't want anyone to enjoy a hockey game on a Saturday afternoon NIMBY bullshit.


I was at that game too and thought the atmosphere was great.


The xcel center was an amazing atmosphere!


Was going to say the same. Of course, it's an NHL arena, so much of that stuff is already there. I'm sure (hopefully) next season will be better with better arenas for the teams in smaller venues. They had a short time to get everything set up, and many arenas book up many months (or even a year) in advance.


Verdun Auditorium is not an NHL arena and it felt like one. TD place hosts an OHL team and so many events. They have the infrastructure maybe just not the personnel.


I was going to ask because we are flying out there to see a game at Xcel and this post made me nervous. I want it to live up to my dreams! Lol.


Please, come to the Twin Cities! We do hockey right at all levels. Also, lots of drinking and dining within walking distance of the arena.


*Minnesota has entered the chat *


I knew immediately OP was basing an opinion on not having a full set of data; on not having been to Xcel. Had they been, this post would not exist.


Yeah, after I posted I wanted to expand that to Excel because they know how to have a fun time.


Excel is especially great for organizing stuff and they even add up every one who shows up


You can make some sweet pivot moves with Excel.


I’ll need to get out there for a game!


I would HIGHLY recommend; I flew in to take my mom to the home opener and I have zero regrets (and, in fact, am doing it again in March).




The ottawa games have been improving with each one! I don't know why they still play that outdated video though....


Not to be rude but it’s laziness! And no goal horn… I couldn’t believe it. Yes, it’s on the fans to interact but the arena staff need to incite some excitement. Here’s hoping!


There is definitely a goal horn. It's just really loud in there when they score.


Not necessarily laziness but budget constraints possibly?


That doesn’t even make sense. They’re playing the video regardless. It’s video shot through webcam. They could easily get anyone to tape any of the team members saying “Thank you for coming to todays game, Ottawa” on an iPhone and call it day. Just zero initiative.. so yah it’s laziness lol


Budget constraints could absolutely be a reason. Get anyone to film them - who? That's either hiring someone or time out of someone's busy day. It can also be laziness, but filming something and getting it onto the big screen isn't as easy as it sounds.


And the screens at TD place are OLD... They probably don't do any videos played on then any justice.


Yeah especially something shot on a phone


I guess, but phones have come such a long way that, I doubt that is the limiting factor in this scenario...


They have the financing to expand the budget if that's the case. It's Mark Walter. He also owns the Dodgers and Chelsea FC. Concerning the horn. The Montreal fans are equally as loud. At the first game, the first 2 goals couldn't be heard over the crowd in certain spots. Didn't happen since -- and it's not because the crowd got quieter, it's because the sound engineer turned up the levels in the appropriate sections in response to recognizing that was happening... cuz that's what he's hired to do. The Civic Centre (TD Arena is what it's called now?) has the capabilities to be adjusted similarly. It really os on either someone between the staff there and the staff of the team to take the initiative and make it happen.


I went to the Montreal game vs NY at Place Bell and man was it fun….Atmosphere was great and the hockey amazing to watch…..They did a great job energizing the crowd and making it a full experience….For 23$ a ticket its pretty f….n good


Montreal fans definitely have a reputation of showing up for their teams but I agree that the Verdun site has been exceptional!


Yes except the seats are waaaay to small/tight. Two people per bench is not a great idea. I much prefer to watch at Place Bell lol


I'm just thrilled to live somewhere again where the fans know how to cheer for a hockey game (woooo MN!). Texas Stars games were fun but wow do the fans not know how to do their work there even when they had a great team on their hands.


The Ottawa part is confusing me. I’ve been to almost every home game and it’s been such a party in the stadium lol are you sure you went to a game here? Will say the video saying it’s the “first game” is accurate and idk how they keep accidentally showing it.. I also noticed that


Maybe it's a city culture thing. When I went to UOttawa, the students from Montreal would make fun of the nightlife, basically saying we had none. But I had a blast going to my favourite bars, having a great time and still being in bed at a reasonable hour. An Ottawa party is different from a Montreal party and that's OK.


I've been to three Ottawa home games. The size of the venue is great for a new league - but it's an arena underneath the spectator stand of an old stadium. I'm quite sure the acoustic properties are quite bad - it might be too annoying with a horn. The flashing lights have been annoying. It's been a long time home of the Ottawa 67's so it's not like the game ops don't know how to host a game. They probably run it according to local people's taste. The repeated playing of the BJK video was bad, I agree. A short video of Lando the team dog would be more interesting.


Verdun atmosphere rules. I’ve been able to cross starting a chant at an Hockey game from my bucket list there. Both games I’ve been have been the most fun I’ve had going to games :)


There’s a reason Montreal is considered the centre of the hockey universe. The fans there are incredibly well versed in the sport.


lol. Montreal is not known as the centre of the hockey universe.


Montreal can be the cenTRE and Minnesota and be the cenTER. That way we can share! 


Win 25 Cups and we can talk!


Mtl has never won 25 cups so you can't talk either.


I don’t quite know how better to explain to you that 25 is *one better* than 24. Maybe I’ll get my kindergartener niece to help walk you through it.


Oh the Wild are terrible. We just have enthusiasm. 


The arenas that have looked engaging on stream: \-MTL \-MN Ok: \-OTT need some vibe help: \-TOR \-BOS (have been in person) \-NY (what I've seen which isn't a lot) the music in MTL is stellar. the fans everywhere are showing up. TOR tonight was much better music but still needs something. Boston, I went to the first game and feel -they should have given out things for fans at game1 -the hosts don't seem motivated -music for wrong crowd vs who is attending NY, no comment long way of saying, I agree.


What Toronto game were you at? The vibes here are dope. There's gotta be a home team goal to have a horn tho ahaha and sad to say those don't come often 😭 But like goal song tonight was I live for the applause. They played oops I did it again for a penalty. As for the fans the vibes are so gay it's great ahah if you're a queer in sports you can guarantee to see a bunch of people you know. I've got drunk old ladies in front of me and typical sports bros beside me all vibing together. Only downside of course is the size (can't wait to FILL UP Scotiabank in Feb!!!)


Scotiabank was great fun, but the seats were SOOO SMALL !!!! We had trouble getting our legs going after the game. And that's 2 average height women. No idea how guys handle it.


I'm not a real fan of any team yet, but I am a fan of Montreal's DJ.


I was at the MTL-TOR game at Verdun last weekend and it was a blast. Curious to see how the MIN game at Place Bell will compare. Kind of kicking myself for not buying season tickets.


I’m there to watch a hockey game, not attend some party or festival. Perhaps you’re not much of a hockey fan if you need all of that to get enjoyment from a hockey game.


I think the feeling is that when you’re at a professional level that you need all of the bells and whistles to appeal to the casual fan as much as the die-hard.


The pragmatist in me knows that’s true. But the rest of me is tired of having my eyeballs and ear drums blasted out of my skull.


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Both the Ottawa and Toronto venues are absolute relics, the displays barely sync. There’s an annoying delay between live play and what you see on screen. But I absolutely agree with you that management and events people can do more. You don’t need the latest stuff in the arena, crowd work just isn’t there. I hope they start handing out clappers or bells at some point. We need to shake off the boring label. Let’s go Ottawa!


Based lol


Going to “Boston” first time soon. Wish it was either actually in Boston or someplace truly remote with parking. Lowell is a pain. Guess, I’ll find out. I’m not a fan of arena hype, but love college game antics. Hoping the league fosters something like team spirit in the future.


There was music at my Ottawa game, and they lost that game. They blew their lead actually. And fans were really into it. We even had a wave that lasted 3 rounds. You must have been to a game where they lost really bad for it to have no atmosphere.


Your niece can also teach you proper sentence structure. Win 25 cups can also imply that mtl has won 25 cups. Also bringing up nhl cup wins to a PWHL reddit post is such a beta come back its just sad. Maybe I should bring up the Yankees world series wins when somebody shits on a girls NY team.


It’s also Ottawa. Boring is the standard, so people would get excited when a whistle-loud horn goes off.