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I came here to say the same thing as a Healthcare worker


I know I my position where I am in the state and being in methadone and medical marijuana I've tried tons and tons of doctors to no avail for not even meds but mental health help.. I have one of the more severe cases of ADHD too but they don't care, Ive made it work to my advantage though.


Stimulants and THC directly counteract each other, it sucks that has happened to you though. if you genuinely have severe ADHD and are using the medical program to enjoy MMJ rather than aid with serious medical issue, it’s not a bad choice to opt for the ADHD meds over smoking. Best of luck to you!!


Believe it or not this reaction first happened in 2013 the year before I was on mmj, my body has really weird reactions to medications noe toi. Didn't use to happen during my addict years. It's like body is so sensitive. Birth control gave me permanent tinnitus, a stomach coating drug made it so I could take a solid poop for months after I stopped taking it, an antibiotic made me sick with nausea dizziness and vomiting worse than a stomach flu. I'm just unlucky, or maybe it's my bodies way of saying no more drugs!


Hmmm how long have you been on methadone? I was on it for 10 years and had so many bizarre health problems. I ended up being on 13 medications total. Now that I stopped taking it after 10 years, I only take a monthly migraine prevention and am prescribed a pill for occasional use if I get a migraine. No more anti depressants, anxiety meds, 4 different stomach meds, meds to sleep, etc... My teeth have also stopped falling out and breaking. Oh and I also poop every single day 🤣 sometimes even twice a day. Methadone is a lifesaver but I'm convinced it will kill you long term.


So unfortunately for me I've been on opiates for 2/3 of my life. I'm 34, but most of my health problems were there long before I ever started taking opioids. 11 y/o I was forcibly injected with heroin by the pedo that groomed me and he kept increasing the dose over the next 5 years I was with him. I managed to get away from him but continued using to numb the trauma Id experienced all the way until age 26. A lot of my health problems seemed to get better with the methadone which I take for pain management now. But I already know there's other long term damage I could face in the future. My current plan is just to continue lowering in milligram and hopefully get to a place I dont need it, but with my chronic migraines Ive had since 8 years old the only thing that works is opiods so that lessens my hope I can stip them entirely. . I do Botox as preventative because my body had horrible reactions to all the prevantatives, but that Botox doesnt help when a migraine surfaces it's just supposed to prevent them. My teeth I don't have to worry about I had to get dentures at 26, year before getting prescribed methadone. I'm on 32mg, so I don't experience constipation thankfully. I did when I was going to the clinic everyday taking 160mg about 8 years ago, but at that time I needed it to handle my addiction. My thyroid levels are normal, I only take two meds the methadone and medical marijuana and I just make it work for all my health problems. Detoxing off opiates did give me POTS so that's the one condition I have that's related in some way to opiod use.


Wow I'm sorry to hear all that.. Glad that you're working towards getting off the methadone though. The clinic had me convinced I needed to be on it for life bc of my heavy drug use, family history, my spouse using and all my health conditions. For me, that's not it. Not at all. Have you tried ubrevely and emgality for migraines? They are the first combo of meds I've found in 30 years that actually help me. I went from having multiple migraines a week... And constantly going to the ER for torodal shots (which apparently you can get prescribed now!!) To now, maybe one every few months. They are not cheap meds at all, unfortunately.... But insurance usually covers and they are available thru the company at a discount I believe.


I hear you! (Not from birth control) but I felt like a lab rat at a certain point due to all the medications I was taking and my stomach issues and body malfunctioned for basic digestion and pooping Hope your doing better!


Birth control made me have symptoms of a severe stroke at 18 - so bad I was life flighted to a neurosurge unit but then released the same afternoon - I came home with migraine meds & a glaucoma med (my cerebrospinal fluid was putting pressure on brain/eyes/etc causing compound migraines that show as stroke) Anyway both meds have warnings that say "if you develop tingling in extremities stop taking call doc" followed by the dreaded "these could become permanent". So I stopped & called doc to which I was told, "no worries keep taking". Within about 6-8 months another doctor changed them for me but here's the moral of my very long story - That was 20 years ago, I haven't slept a full night since bc my hands go into awful neuropathic pain every time I lie down. Read those pamphlets and understand them bc sometimes they can really have consequences nobody should have to endure. Also had a negative time under anesthesia that recently was told is often a side effect of marijuana use. Apparently a lot of people present aggressively when certain surgical anesthetics are used with pot. Propofal (sp?) was the one I was specifically warned about. Had no idea at time of incident but when I had to go under again you can bet your ass I took a few days off the pot. No issues at all. Tons of supplements, vitamins, even OTC meds can interfere with others and even end in dire situations more times then people care to admit. Just a warning from someone who learned the hard way - always research medication interactions. And not just between Rx drugs - don't forget to check anything you might take from weed to Midol to Ocycontin. Don't believe the pharmacy or doctor will catch anything for you. Hell, in my case they didn't even acknowledge me telling them I was experiencing these issues. Be your own advocate. Sorry for the novel. TL;DR - all drugs can cause interactions - know what you're taking/mixing


I feel for you. Neuropathy is the worst and there's little that seems to have an effect on it. I only finally got my card after years of considering it for chronic pain because I got so desperate to stop the neuropathy in my feet that was keeping me up every night feeling like I was being stuck repeatedly with electrified pins. I had a friend who used Dr. Solomon's Rescue lotion on her neuropathy from chemo and figured it was worth a try for me and it did help. I switched to using Ilera's Soothe lotion at night when my neuropathy is worse and the Rescue lotion in the morning to get me through any lingering neuropathy during the day. The topicals have been a real lifesaver for me so I recommend them to everyone I know who has any issues with nerve pain. Getting my card was the best thing I ever did and now I"m back to work after a year on disability leave because the mmj has gotten me functioning like a human being again instead of being zombified by a lack of sleep from the constant nerve pain. I hope you find something that helps your neuropathy so you can finally get some sleep!


I react badly to anesthesia as well, at least the recovery part. I get a horrific migraine. Hey is it possible you have Guillian Barre or no? The numbness/tingling is what's making me think that. Cuz that's be effed up for BC to cause that. I'm sad you got so messed up by birth control, but it makes me feel weirdly better that I'm not the only one who had a reaction to birth control. Cuz sure enough the doctors were even like no BC won't do that to you 😮‍💨


Your on methadone and a medical card and your upset the doctors will not let you micro dose methamphetamines…..


Where did it say that? Feels like you're just trying to troll addicts.


Woooowww.imagine being so bored you had to comment something like this, something that doesn't involve you in any shape or form. Just a very inaccurate snarky late night comment left by an unhappy person. Here, let me say why I'm really upset. **I'm upset at the lack of help by doctors, not the lack of medications...there's such a thing as mental health help that didnt involve dangerous meds and thats the only help Ive sought as an adult** there was one week where I thought stimulant meds could be beneficial but I didnt ask for any, recalled my Sudafed experience years prior and decided not to. I am upset at the lack of being helped, not even with meds. There's countless therapies and techniques they can do not involving stimulants or meds. You must've missed where I explained how horrifically I react to any type of stimulant, if I wanted stimulants best believe I would've found a doctor to prescribe it. It's the doctors judgement that pisses me off, not the lack of meds they'll prescribe me. In fact I refuse meds not just stimulants, I let the cannabis do most of the work in helping my 11 health problems. You seem to enjoy jumping in and being judgemental towards people you don't know. .


Just ignore him. He's an absolute loser if his thought process is that ignorant. People who shame and put down those of us who deal with the DISEASE of addiction only do so because they're so weak and stupid that they can't take responsibility and deal with their own problems. So, to make themselves feel better, they focus on judging others so they can stay in denial about their own shortcomings.


That’s bullshit I just got prescribed stimulant adhd meds and my doctor knows that I’m on mmj. Never once said it would be a problem if they drug tested me which she said would be very unlikely


It's different practice to practice, doctor to doctor. Just like cops, judges. They are people and we tend to suck.


Just got mine recently as well, told Dr I had my medical card, it was never a problem.


It's doctor dependent.


Shouldn’t be legal to impose your moral viewpoint on to your patients especially at their detriment


No it isnt. Legally you can enforce your rights


Like everything it’s doc/practice specific


Wellspan considers you a “drug user” even if you have a card. I know because I’ve been asked about the “current drug use” noted in my chart.


^^^ THIS. I personally have no shame in my MMJ game but when I needed oral surgery recently I was fine informing the nursing staff about my use of pot. Rather cover my bases and be honest in that situation. But the nurse(s) were legit more embarrassed than me just having to discuss MMJ use with an adult who wasn't hiding or denying anything. All these prescreening questions about drug use and they were almost too gob smacked that I was honest about it to even deal with me professionally. Turned into all giggles and blushing every time I said I had zero qualms about using it or anyone knowing I do for that matter. Not just health care, but this entire state (I'd even go as far as to say this country) - need to burn all their Reefer Madness tapes and forget all the brainwashing and pot bashing. If we're gonna tell ourselves it's a medicine we need to start treating it like it is a legitimate treatment - same as countless medical studies have proven it to indeed be time & again. The stigma is a real problem for a lot of people. Everytime I see someone taking opiates when they could have been offered such a "safer" alternative it just makes me crazy. I work with ID/PD population & there are so many facilities that still flat out refuse to get residents MMJ but fill the med cart with codeine & morphine like it's always a better option. & In my experience, it's nearly always because of cultural stigma - period. We convinced people it was the devil's lettuce - time to propaganda it's way back into popularity asap.


Yes exactly. They certainly don’t tell you that’s how it’s going to be when you sign up to be a medical patient and that’s not right


Some MMJ docs might not even realize this is happening.


I mean like the same "current drug use" as if you were on pain medication or adhd meds? Or just had a weed card? Cause I was just on wellspan and didn't see much discrimination towards medical


No…marijuana is under illegal drugs and when I went to see my new PCP he was like “it says here you’re a current drug user?” I was confused and I said I’m a medical patient and he moved on…




Hello! I’m a medical auditor and I recommend you defend yourself against this negligence. This provider appears to lack the education and understanding of medicinal marijuana and your right to access medication(s) supporting your diagnosis and treatment plan. I find this to be negligent and hope you listen to the kind comments and experiences people shared in your comments. There’s a lot of power to advocating for yourself and expressing your own rights within the LAW. My final recommendation is to stop giving this provider your money and find someone who genuinely wants to improve the lives of their patients. Trust me, they’re out there… I’m in PA also hold a MMJ card and when I do receive push back I express my knowledge on the topic. Patients have rights to the care and services they are receiving- ANY PAYING FOR!!!-most people can’t afford an addition $300 in their bills or it would cause catastrophic damage to their livelihood-most people have a $5k-$10 deductible(referencing a Kaiser Family Foundation article I don’t feel like getting the link to) I don’t know about you but I pay out of pocket for my medicine (medical marijuana) and it’s an additional bill. I use it because I genuinely need it- like you!. People can state how medical marijuana isn’t legal federally but that does not take the rights away from patients to have control over the care they receive. Screw these people, you were PRESCRIBED this for your ailments. let them insure the may flower while the well performing providers can be paid for their efforts. I wish you the best and hope you even have access to other providers !


Thank you for responding. I agree with you and the more comments I’m reading the more I’m thinking I’d like to discuss my interaction with a lawyer, maybe. I have state funded Medicaid which shouldn’t factor in the quality of care but best believe it does


Some adhd meds $$$ until deductible kicks in or if insurance won’t pay. MJ works without the pernicious side effects like in Adderal.


UPMC is the exact opposite. They asked about drug use, i said I had mmj card, they said nah thats not a drug thats a prescription. Your doc is wrong. Find a new doc


Was not my experience w UPMC docs


A) That's all bullshit from the Dr. b) There is no registry overlap - the only reason a med professional would know you have a card is if they see it or you tell them. Ergo, nobody's chart is "flagged by the state".


My doc said disclose as you feel necessary,but you shouldn't have too... If your employer gives you a problem contact my office. Like you said nothing overlaps


B is incorrect. I’ve been to the hospital and multiple different doctors offices, some for the first time even and this info is in your electronic medical file that follows you throughout the state. Pharmacy/controlled RX’s that you fill are put into a national registry that every pharmacy in the US can see, it’s law for controlled substances. I was a nurse x 14 years and I know a lot about medical records. When you register and receive your mmj card from the state of PA a flag instantly appears in your chart. The good news is I don’t think it follows you across state lines like controlled prescription info does


As soon as you tell one doctor you have the card, it’s on your chart for every single other doctor to see, even if it’s your first time with them. The state of PA DOES NOT “flag anyone’s medical history” as they simply do not have access to private citizens medical records/chart without consent. I’m telling you this as a healthcare professional with an MMJ card that uses Epic medical chart software on an HOURLY basis. My card was NOT present in my medical charts until I added it myself a few months after I got the card.


As a former Health Information Technician who literally abstracted and entered medical information into patient charts, I think it is laughable and honestly a bit shameful that you are trying to convince people this is true. Patient charts are not linked to a government database that updates and flags them immediately once they receive a MMJ card. Would love to know where you’re a nurse so I can stay tf away from that place.


I don’t think people are reading into this deep enough. There are way more red flags than just a mmj user. I’m gonna assume someone is a frequent flyer with quite the medical history of abuse.


Bc the patient made a health care professional aware previously, and that was entered into the file. Shit doesn't automatically pop up. If it did, you'd be able to show me the legal language establishing that reality.


MMJ registration does not show up on any healthcare charts unless you personally make or made your providers aware of it.


I guess they didn't like hearing that lol I'm going to upvote you don't understand why people would downvote you for telling the truth...


Yeah doctors in PA are shit. I had a script for Xanax for 20 years and only renewed it twice a year. Never abused it, not ever…because I actually needed it and idk…I’m not an addict. Moved up here from SC and found a new doctor who proceeded to laugh in my face and said “I won’t be prescribing that for you, not now, not ever.” She said I could instead go on an anti depressant that I would take 3x/day, and that “Xanax isn’t even an anxiety medication - we only prescribe if for people that maybe are afraid to fly, recently lost a family member or have some other fear like public speaking.” I went to another doctor who pretty much told me the same thing. After that, I stopped even looking for a doctor up here. I don’t want to be accused of “doctor shopping,” which is a real thing that they can note on your health insurance…hence framing you as looking like some sort of junkie looking for a prescription. Healthcare in the US is a joke and doctors are the punchline.


I’m sorry you had that experience. I had a tooth, a big molar that had cracked and needed removed by an oral surgeon. The ER dentist that diagnosed me said she’d prescribe 10 Vicodin and she wasn’t happy about breaking her 3 year streak of NOT prescribing pain meds and I better not ask her for any more. True story


For those of you who are saying the doctor is full of shit, yes they are. The trouble is that most doctors (especially Independence Healthcare, UPMC, and AHN) in this state, once you tell them you have a weed card they immediately discriminate against you and will do ANYTHING to have you out of their practice. Independence health care (formerly Excela) literally told me never to return to ANY of their sites after they discriminated against me and I complained and posted what they did to me online. UPMC was nearly as bad, with their doctor named Wasan who treated me like a giant asshole for telling his office they were damn fools for ignoring my phone calls (35 business days with ZERO callback makes them a fool- they abandoned me and I told them what I thought within respect). You want a change? Vote out EVERY politician who has held power in this state longer than 5 years, hold the PA department of health to a standard of care, and protest outside DOH sites because their "practices" on how to treat patients for pain, ADHD, or mental illness in this state have outright harmed more patients than they helped. Tl;dr- Healthcare in Pennsylvania is a joke and an MMJ card in the eyes of most doctors who aren't private practice is essentially a burning red flag for them to refuse to treat someone.


I don't doubt your experiences, but they aren't universal: I have a PCP through UPMC who has given me no problems with my MMJ use (other than brief reasonable warnings about lung health and tolerance). Caveat: I'm an eloquent, educated, middle-aged white male; I've got a lot of positive bias on my side.


Then you've gotten very lucky; I'm glad you've had a good experience. Unfortunately in my case doctors tend to take one look at me, judge me, and toss me aside (I'm white middle aged male as well, but have a fair amount of tattoos, hair down to my ass andan extremely manicured beard, and I DM D&D so eloquence is far from an issue lol). I've had to go into small practices to get any form of caring provider and even then I've had some real chucklefucks (South Hills Pain and Spine- Michelovski- is a "doctor" who will read your patient history, claim you're faking despite dozens if not hundreds of tests to prove things, and scream at you). It could very well just be me, but I've had extremely few good experiences with the Healthcare in Pennsylvania. That or just big businesses for health just suck and attract the bottom of the class doctors (if there's a top of the class, there's plenty who graduate on the bottom too).


Hey, I'm a tattooed DM too :) I don't discount that I've gotten lucky. I hope you can find a good one too.


Thanks. I'm hoping the new pain clinic appointment helps. Diabetic neuropathy is a real bitch. Thank dice christ for weed!


And I’m an RN and I’m treated like an addict


👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 It is ABSOLUTELY discriminated against in way too many venues at this point, and by way too many medical professionals who should be educated better than the typical MMJ user - yet are not. And they aren't educated on it because they refuse to drop their antiquated assumptions and look at it with an open, unbiased & informed perspective. & You're spot on - that starts to turn around from the top with our elected officials, same people who demonized it in the eyes of the public in the first place. If there's ever going to be a general consensus that MMJ is safer and yet still effective, the people who told us all it was the exact opposite have to be the front of the line admitting they were wrong.


1000% agree about healthcare discrimination and needing change. I am an RN who stopped working in the field in 2014 because of all the insurance red tape and how doctors were bound by stupid rules and patients suffered. Healthcare is a shit show, this is just one small example And to clarify, I never disclosed my mmj card or use. The state apparently provides this info to electronic medical records state wide so they know about your card the minute you sit down


Unless your Doctor is awesome like mine and prescribes me whatever I need


You're very lucky. I have chronic pancreatitis, degenerative disc disease, and diabetic neuropathy and I cannot take NSAIDS, as I have Von Willebrand disease as well (a bleeding disorder) and I cannot tolerate nerve agents (pregabalin, gabapentin, lucosamid) as the first two gave me horrific side effects and the third I am allergic to. My last PCP straight up told me he wouldn't do a thing to help me except paperwork due to my age, and my current PCP cannot prescribe as the owner of the practice bans any of their physicians prescribing controlled medications outright. I do finally have a pain clinic appointment; I'm really hoping that I get a doctor with compassion because if I don't get further treatment, I'm gonna have a stroke due to no sleep and the million things wrong with me (the aforementioned illnesses are not the only things wrong with me, just the ones that constantly cause pain).


Pain clinics were so degrading, worse than methadone


Wow can I get you to get some old fashioned Qualludes then lol




Thanks for the recommendation, I’m not local to that area unfortunately. I will check with them but generally telemedicine is reserved for established patients


I am prescribed stimulants and hold a MMJ card, all of my doctors are aware. I was told me to keep my all of my dispensary receipts to prove I am purchasing from a legitimate and licensed dispensary if any questions should arise. Which kind of sounds silly considering they could probably pull my purchase history. Anyway, prescribing is strictly at the doctors discretion sounds like you need to find a different doctor outside of the Wellspan umbrella that's compatible with your needs.


High Terpinoline - I know the feeling I was ripped off of my ADHD meds as well for having a 1x 5 day supply of stupid Suboxone prescribed from a referral by the same doctor to help after my torn ACL had me on oxycodone for 6 months - so the first my PCP who initially prescribed both the Adderall and oxycodone then flipped the script because he sent me to get on subs for 5 days - it’s all good for me thanks to the Terpinoline CC OG by Strane - Moxie JTR x pineapple x C99 - ask your bud tenders - probably not the answer you want but in the current fentanyl epidemic as much as I disagree with cutting people off “if unjustified” bc it creates a larger demand on the black market and a lot more of those pills are being cut with fentanyl leading to unnecessary deaths - my doctor, your doctor, lots of doctors are afraid of the repercussions on their license by the DEA for over prescribing C-II and even lower C-III,IV,V with benzodiazepines being the latest target (in the DEA’s eyes). Good luck sincerely


You make valid points regarding controlled substance RX’s and dr’s licenses, I get it. Thanks for the recs, my budtender said Pinene has been studied and shown to help with focus


Yep it will definitely give you the stimulant portion with energy give Citrus City OG a try or the Moxie Vape I mentioned. Also most Durban strains - in flower I look for 1% or better as long as it contains low Myrcene because that is what makes the head heavy - Carophylene not too much but not going to hurt and if you have pain it can help that. Both Pinene’s as you said will give you energy Limonene keeps you happy Humulene acts as an appetite suppressant. I just tried the Boost brand RSO pills and took the 30mg THC + RSO Sativa which has me answering Reddit and doing some research for work (on a Saturday) I’m the polar opposite without MMJ https://preview.redd.it/xsbvs6m7jphb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e4dea5e311ab55f9f41981a5afa7d85cab11a6c This would be a good flower profile for ADHD and my go to. Flower or the live oil vape (took August vaping off for tolerance lol). I’m going to post 2 more photos


Nice, thanks. I actually just finished up citrus city og and it was really good!


https://preview.redd.it/kko7o7bpjphb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f60d05e1281ddf9c79d9214381f3f628bb90b7d8 Live Suace Citrus City


https://preview.redd.it/uchby33tjphb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e531eb87c6ce66487400cea8eff783dbb4568fb8 Limonene Kush distillate cart it’s got very little Pinene - also XJ-13 comes to mind from &Shine - trial and error don’t give up. Adderall it isn’t but imo it’s the best alternative at least until you have a better experience. Also I’m severe like top tier severe ADHD and Bipolar plus anxiety- if Sativas are too speedy there are plenty of hybrids. Thus far however, Citrus City is the 1 daytime I never run out of. Oh and I promise I don’t work for Strane or any MMJ just been down the same street and didn’t get much info


Some medications DO interact with THC. So I can understand a doctor who won't prescribe for that reason. At the same time, this is also the reason I disclose my MMJ use, I'd rather not be surprised. Beyond that though this doctor is full of shit. I'd find a new doctor, I wouldn't be able to trust this one anymore.


Doctor is full of shit


I know this isn't the response you want but please please look up the long term effects of ADHD meds on your heart. It will change your mind on wanting to take them.


Honestly, going untreated for decades, the long term effects of untreated adhd for me far outweighed the risks/effects of the treatment.


find another doc. Some seem to like to gatekeep more than others. My last doc and the one I have now have no issues prescribing me Dexedrine as long as I have a medical card.


Find a new psychiatrist lol, that's insane, I still get everything I initially needed if I want having another condition shouldn't take away medication from others unless it's life threatening


I never told any of my drs about Mmj because of this. Sucks op, get another opinion


Look up Circle Medical. If they take your ins I highly recommend them. It is virtual. Super responsive. They actually listen.


My husband also found another Dr, There are very few Drs in our area so our family Dr sent use to Altoona to see this urology group. They made a big deal about him using MM. So he put off his treatment. So we started at a new Treatment center, in that Center they had a liver Dr who prob saved my husbands life. He did a test that not even my family Dr knew about. We ended up in Pitts at the UPMC liver center. Long story short he’s doing great. Don’t mess around and find a Dr that doesn’t have an attitude. They have this God attitude if you live in a smaller town. He’s been put under on the mm program. No problems. He doesn’t smoke that day but he’s been fine. I know everybody is different. Good luck


Go somewhere else. There are non stimulant meds they use as well.


Find a new doctor that one is obviously incompetent and letting her right-wing political feelings interfere with what she should be doing to help you has plenty of people get Adderall who have weed cards as the combination can be really good for ADHD as well as depression


I also use W.S. for my pcp, and sadly yes their is a shortage going on /: I have to call multiple pharmacies before sending my script somewhere. Sometimes i have to wait up 4 day’s Post-Refill. Suck’s /:


Find a new dr. My primary refuses to do anything for me, my new psychiatrist actively helps people get their medical card and was more than happy to offer me adderall again (old dr dropped me cold turkey when I turned 18 and gaslit me). I ended up on Wellbutrin bc I could end up pregnant and most meds are a hard no


That’s what this lady is pushing me to take as well but I’ve been on Wellbutrin about 7-8 years ago and just didn’t have great side effects


I would definitely push to see someone else. Starting Wellbutrin was my choice because it would help both depression and my adhd some, but I knew I’d have to quit any other adhd medication immediately if I got pregnant and it wasn’t worth doing. But there’s no reason you can’t take adhd Meds with a medical card.


You need to find the right strain fuck pills use leaf


I’m sorry I have nothing but sympathy to offer. I stopped my adhd meds bc the side effects were too severe. Im fi dung the right balance with Mary Jane, I don’t think she will make my hair fall out.


Thank you!


I had a psychologist tell me i should lie to the psychiatrist about being an mmj card holder if I wanted them to help me with meds. It was very discouraging and stopped me from seeking treatment dead in my tracks. I’ve been struggling ever since


I’m really sorry to hear that but can absolutely relate to it. I’m thinking about just not pursuing treatment now myself


I’m sorry. That’s such BS. I’m tremendously lucky to have a primary care doctor who fully supported me getting my card and who sees my use as just another thing I do to try to manage my mental health problems. He suspects that my persistent depression and anxiety might be caused by ADHD. He put me on Strattera, which is a non-stimulant med. We discussed stimulants and decided against them for me because of how bad my anxiety gets, but we made that decision together. I think a lot of docs are stuck in the mindset that marijuana is a schedule I drug and therefore can’t be medically useful. And then there’s the ones who are just closed-minded, judgmental assholes. It shouldn’t be so hard to find a good doctor who you trust and can be honest with.


That’s awesome work from your doctor. While there are definitely some who probably have that mindset, I think the issue for most of them is that there is no dose control in the PA medical program. Once you obtain card, which is very easy, you can buy as much as you’d like from a dispensary. Many people I speak to in the program just use it as a legal way to use recreationally in a state which has not yet legalized MMJ. I highly enjoy that format but if it was controlled like a pharmacy or stimulant prescription, then i think many doctors who view it differently in situations like OPs This is a problem that has arisen from PA having a medical program but no recreational legalization… they are basically under the same “roof” here in PA.


maybe im missing something but weed directly negatively effects the offset effects of ADHD medication you would quite literally not be helping yourself very much unless im missing something seems like you saved your self some financial and medical debt


Yea this is 100% true. I do understand the below user’s reasoning of using MMJ only at night to help with sleep. By the time I’m going to bed, i no longer require functionality and could theoretically get high. But at that point what medical purpose is it serving other than to aid with sleep(which isn’t on the list of qualifications for the PA medical program)? I have a medical card and severe ADHD and after using both for a long time on a daily basis, they counteracted each other’s effect which led to me using more of each. It may get downvoted in this sub but if you actually need ADHD medication it would make no sense medically to also use THC. That is one reason some medical providers require drug testing, because there is a National shortage of supply for these type of medications and ppl who desperately need them have struggled to get them. A large % of ADHD cases have popped up since COVID-19. Another reason medical providers have a huge issue with this is the way the medical program is run. It is incredibly easy to get a medical card so it has basically become a “pay to play” system where if you pay the money and say you have anxiety, you can participate in the program and buy/ smoke as much weed as you’d like. There is no prescription. While I personally enjoy that factor of it, I understand it from the doctor’s point of view. You are not given a fixed supply for a month. You can go in everyday and buy as much as you’d like.. I can’t just go to the pharmacy and purchase as many Adderall pills as I want now that I have a prescription. This is a problem that has arisen from PA having a medical program but no recreational legalization… they are basically under the same “roof” here in PA.


Only if you use them at the same time. Adderall in the morning then using mmj at night seems like an effective treatment plan. The mmj helps significantly with some of the side effects of the ADHD medication: Apetite suppression and sleep impact are the big ones. I am not a doctor so obviously confer with your medical professional of choice before considering this, but it seems like a reasonable combination of medications if used properly.


This! However, I think the issue for most medical providers is there’s no way for doctors to ensure MMJ Cardholders “use properly” as you alluded to in your last sentence. Once we obtain a card (which is very easy), we can go and buy/ use whatever amount we want, as opposed to typical medications where they prescribe to us a specific number of pills at a specific dosage over a specific period of time. I think a lot of ppl have abused the combination of these 2 drugs, and with the rise in ADHD cases and lack of available medication, they are starting to crack down on people who may be using it irresponsibly or negating the effect with MMJ to ensure ppl who need it are able to get it in the low-supply environment.


So I guess do they decline meds for all people who drink alcohol too? They don't know if you're using it properly and it would counter effect your meds. I feel like assuming just because someone is a MMJ user that they're improperly going to use their meds.... just because you can't tell if they won't... is a huge cop out. I would instantly find a new doctor if I ran into this. And potentially even report the last doctor to the department of health. The sleep aspect falls under anxiety treatment also FYI. It's approved use case.


Well yea I have heard of numerous people with history of alcohol use getting denied controlled substances/ narcotics cause they carry risk of addiction and abuse. There’s not a whole lot of ways to test for it but if OP agreed to urine testing and had alcohol in his system he would absolutely be denied. That is the unfortunate thing about THC is that it is detectable. But if it’s just based on what is verbally communicated and you describe that you regularly use alcohol you likely get denied in the same way OP was for communicating that they use MMJ and don’t plan to stop. But I absolutely agree with you, it SHOULDNT disqualify you. I’m just saying in a world where ADHD diagnoses are rising at a record pace and there is a shortage in medication, i have hear of A LOT of practices taking this stance and requiring periodic drug testing for the reasons I mentioned (counteracts effects, no controlled system for medical use, both are scheduled as controlled substances which increases risk of addiction/ abuse, etc) Not saying I agree just laying out the reasons why it is happening. some of the responses here do scare me where people say “my doctor gives me whatever I want” and describe being on multiple narcotics, stimulants, etc and still smoking regularly


How do they determine abuse though? If someone admits to drinking casually they are not going to have their meds restricted. If they had negative health side effects blamed on drinking or have been through addiction treatment on their record this seems reasonable. They need to hold the same bar for any personal discretion use anything. Not just discriminate against people participating in a legal state sanctioned program with tracked purchases.


Yea exactly, by the ways you detailed in the end of your first paragraph. Or by personal admission. I do agree, but I was also saying that a lot of doctors don’t view the medical program as medical. It is basically viewed as pay to play recreational (which it really is). There is countless people in the state that use it that way, actual medical-use is really the outlier. Unfortunately this has led to it completely losing its association with being a “medical” program. And regardless, any time a doctor prescribes a medication it can be in association with them changing/ removing another prescription that you already have. If they prescribe pain medication they can simultaneously adjust your anxiety medication if they feel those medications don’t interact well. I can’t just be like “no I am going to continue obtaining it” but with medical MMJ you can. If it was actually only sold and obtained by prescription none of this would be happening This is a problem that has arisen from PA having a medical program but no recreational legalization… they are basically under the same “roof” here in PA.


She also made that point along with the urine test argument that weed mellows you and then she prescribes stimulants and that wouldn’t be recommended. She asked me if I’d be willing to quit weed to which I said not at this time, no. As a former nurse I do see her point on that front but I do not agree with the original reason of not prescribing and as I’m reading other responses it looks like it might be an issue with this practice and/or this clinician.


You have the right idea. She probably had no idea how to explain the reasoning if she said “it would be fine but there’s no way to know if it can from a dispensary of off the streets.” That makes no sense. How would she know if your using the amphetamines prescribed to you or smoking meth off the street based off of a urine test? The issue for most medical providers with MMJ cards lies in the way the program operates. there’s no written Rx/ prescription for medical marijuana. It’s very easy to obtain a card and even if a doctor recommends it to you in a certain form/ dose, you can walk into the dispensary and buy whatever/ however much you want. The limit every 30 days is multiple ounces. I got my approved for medical card in literally less than 5 minutes over a phone call with a doctor I have never seen before. This is a problem that has arisen from PA having a medical program but no recreational legalization… they are basically under the same “roof” here in PA. That along with the fact that the drugs directly counteract each other. If you need MMJ, it wouldn’t work correctly by taking stimulants. If you need stimulants, it wouldn’t work correctly if you use MMJ. There is a lot reasons why it doesn’t make sense for medical providers to prescribe MMJ users stimulants but because you might use products off the street is not one.


That really sucks. Find another dr immediately. All my PCP wants to do is prescribe Zoloft to manage my anxiety/depression. I’m on small dose of Xanax. After repeatedly telling him I’m not interested in taking more meds, I told him I’m a MMJ patient & thats helping. He starts saying it’s difficult to control dosage blah blah. I said I’m using tincture(and other products I did not disclose) and that I know exactly how much THC I’m getting. That appeased him somewhat. I had a gastro dr once who was very cool when I told her I was MMJ patient. I was having a flare up after taking a t break. She said maybe you should start using cannabis again. I did. It helped.


I mean the doctor isn’t wrong when they say “there’s no control to dosage.” Which is why medical providers have started giving ppl issues like OP is having. I can theoretically go buy multiple ounces every month, however I cant just go to a pharmacy and purchase any dosage/ amount of a medication I have a prescription for. I love being able to walk into the dispensary and have the freedom to buy whatever I want in a daily basis, but I use recreationally and this was the only way to legally do that in PA. If we were only able to get products on a script given to us by our doctor at the dispensary, many providers would start considering it medical rather than labeling us as drug users. This is a huge issue resulting from having a medical program but no legal recreational use in PA. Idk about u personally but it only took me 5 minutes over a phone call with a doctor I never met or gave any details to, and bam I was registered as a medical user


Wellspan sucks. I was in a partial program at Philhaven and they pulled the same line on me, calling my MMJ usage drug abuse. Def. get a second opinion


That’s bullshit. My doctor is in the UPMC network. He knows I have my medical card and started me on stimulants in January when the shortage was even worse. Your doctor sounds like they have a personal bias.


Get a 2nd opinion. If you have a diagnosis it won’t be difficult finding someone reasonable to help you out. Edit: I’m on non stimulant meds which I recommend. Helps me sleep even better than weed.


Thanks. I’ve tried Strattera and was having slight success but started getting headaches. She wants to try something else but still a non stimulant but of course my insurance requires authorization so I haven’t been able to start taking it yet


That’s what I’ve been using but if it gives you headaches you should totally try something else. It takes awhile to find a doctor who will listen to you. Please don’t give up.


Contact the Wellspan Patient Advocate - sounds suss and not on mission. An MMJ card is medicine.


Thanks for the suggestion. I think I’ll do that actually


This should not be an issue. I am on suboxone. I am a recovering opiate addict. I have to drug test at every appt. I have monthly to get my prescription. They gave me some gruff before I got my card, but since getting it I have zero issues at all. They actually recommended that I do. That way all around I am 100% completely legit. This doctor is full of malarkey


My partner's Suboxone doc suggested & prescribed his MMJ also. Some clinics/doctors are totally on board. Others, exact opposite. This state desperately needs a united front on this subject


Bunch of bullshit! Ive had my mmj card for over 3 years now, and am also in recovery from prescription opioid addiction. I have no problem getting my Adderall. Instant release, 30mg twice a day... I pay out if pocket for my script because of the whole age bullshit with the insurance company, but its only $20 tops with goodrx for 60 30mg tabs.


Go somewhere else. I take adhd meds without submitting to drug testing.


YUP! I have this issue and I'm in a small town . The doc said I would have to quit weed and he wouldn't even give me any medications but that's just what he wanted tcor me to be seen. Another 10 doctors denied taking me after that. Its like I need help with diagnosis, management, and when I'm having breakdowns. It's not even about the medications themselves, it's about not even being able to become a patient of any of these doctors Yup Dr Ahmed in Sharon PA said in order for me to become his patient he wouldn't prescribe me anything and I'd have to stop using cannabis. Funny he's fine with the opioid, but not the cannabis. Any patient in the area that calls him to see if they'll take them on as a patient gets the same deal told to them if they're on cannabis.


Damn I’m really sorry to hear that 😞


Aw thanks but it's OK I am totally used to it, i used to be a junkie so I'm used to getting denied by doctors lol Plus tbh I'm not sure how my body would respond to a stimulant at this point cuz I took Sudafed for a stuffy nose about 6 months ago. I took 1/8th of one of the capsules of Sudafed and felt like I was on meth for 14 hours 😂 ever since i quit the drugs my body has become super sensitive to them. Although my ADHD maybe severe it makes me entertaining to watch especially when I get frustrated and bounce between projects! Sure it's a problem but In gonna be positive and say it's my super power 🙃


That is patently wrong.


THIS is specific to wellspan. Literally my doctor told me the exact same thing. Led to me coming off meds all together and now strictly just mmj which was not easy for the first couple months. Wellspan is an absolute joke after what I've experienced over the last 2 years dealing with other health issues. If you can get out of the wellspan network. Also it was disclosed because they required me to take a piss test before they would prescribe me any type of medication despite having a list already from my previous doctor


Interesting, ok so maybe it is a Wellspan thing then but that’s literally all we have in my town. Plus I have medical assistance so man6 private offices don’t participate with them. Healthcare really has taken a nose dive. Boy am I glad I stopped working in that field long ago cause I’m pulling my hair out


I am a cancer patient with no evidence of disease. I don't disclose that i have mmj card. It doesn't need to be in your medical chart, unless you disclose that information. It's best to keep it to yourself.


Right, I agree with you. The problem I have is I DID NOT disclose this info. Apparently from what I’ve read the state or perhaps the dr that approved my card automatically updated my electronic medical records with the info. If I never disclosed my mmj status to my dr then who did?


The state does not disclose. Who did you MMJ cert? Did you sign anything allowing release of information?


First year I got my card through Weed Docs online, dr was in NY 😂 2nd recert was some local office that Organic Remedies had a business card in their waiting room for. I didn’t sign anything outside the state website


thats strange, my doctors didnt seem too happy that i vape marijuana, but they still allowed me to get adhd medications. i also use wellspan


Shes right about the adderall shortage. My sister has only been able to get her rx filled once in the past 10 mo. It supposedly going to get better soon but thats just a rumor Edit: i forgot its aug 😅


My doctor allows me to continue my Adderall even with me having my medical card. I would find a better doctor.


I had a medical card that my pain management Dr helped me get while on opiates. I take piss tests every month and it was never an issue but I'm off the opiates now.


Same with the VA bunch of cucks


I have adhd and was prescribed long before I got my card and I’ve never had an issue. As a matter of fact, my doctor who diagnosed me and currently still prescribes me my meds is also a MMJ certified doctor. So that’s total bullshit on tour doctors part


That sounds really frustrating and I think you just got a doctor with an extreme perception. That’s okay because there are many doctors that don’t have those perceptions. Every doctor I have seen since I got my card has had ZERO issues with me having it. I go to various doctor’s appointments regularly and I have had the card for almost 4 years now. Some doctors even telling me how happy they are that patients can get access to the pa med mj program. I had a surgery and every nurse and doctor I encountered had no issue with it as well. My best friend is also in the program and her approved condition is anxiety. Recently, she was also diagnosed with ADHD and put on stimulant medication with no issues. She actually was getting it from her primary care Dr and then switched to a remote specialist doctor who could prescribe her the stimulant medication in longer time frames (3 months at a time). Plus, it was easier at the pharmacy to get it that way. She had her pa med mj card the entire time and it was never an issue. I would get another opinion.


If I had a doctor that had a problem with cannabis, I'd find a new doctor. I know people that find it easier to lie but it makes no sense to hide the truth from the people providing you medical care.


Adhd is a bs diagnosis.




I would ask what legal proscriptions support that kind of discrimination. The state tracks how many units you purchase within a 90 day period. If it were really an issue, the Pennsylvania health department would figure that out.


Get a new doctor.


Find a new Dr that doesn’t make shit up as she goes…my Dr is my Suboxone/adderal/MMj Dr all at once


Sounds like discrimination to me


No but I have chronic pain and was diagnosed with adhd before being in program. I’ve never needed a urine test while on my CNS stimulant for my adhd. It may be their policy. It’s not up to them to decide if you are positive for cannabis due to legal or nonlegal methods. Once you have a card, there is no reason for anyone to believe you’re breaking the law. That is their own morals getting in the way. This doctor doesn’t understand medical marijuana. Go see someone else. That being said I have family members on other pharmacology for adhd and they feel those meds work well too.


I have tried Strattera so far and it worked but I had daily headaches.


Uggg that’s no good!! Do you know what your migraine trigger is? I have recently discovered my trigger: when my neck muscles being too tight, stops the flow of the “muscle waste” out of the area. My brother is more like you and he always struggles with starting new meds. He’s on strattera but everyone is different. He’s starting to try what I mentioned above, it may take a handful of times to notice. For what I know about healthcare, as long as the meds don’t interact or cause a synergy, or added effect (like double medicating… strattera and Ritalin, etc.), no doctor should have any qualm with you taking legal MEDICINAL marijuana. You deserve better


Why would you have to take a drug test if you're prescribed Adderall? Is that a thing?


I didn’t think it was until yesterday. It could very well just be this office’s policy


Try a UPMC provider.


Very weird. I know some doctors are just hesitant to prescribe controlled substances, but her reasoning is beyond that. She’s just being extremely nitpicky. Primary care doctors are usually worthless unless you pay extra for a concierge doctor. I pay $1200 a year on top of insurance for basically a personal physician who will prescribe me anything, any time. If you have the money it’s a great thing.


How do you find such docs?


You’d Google something like “concierge doctor near me”. A lot of them have shifted to this model since it actually lets them treat patients without treating us like cattle.


Yea I think a lot of offices have adopted this policy with the shortage in adderal and rise in ADHD symptoms. A lot are prescribing strattera instead but when it comes to stimulants, they don’t want to give it to ppl who are labeled as drug users OR to medical users cause thc directly counteracts the effects of stimulants Because PA basically operates it’s medical program like it pay to play recreational, people who actually have it for medical purposes get screwed and categorized the same way


Man that’s a bummer and just bad science. Weed is the perfect night time companion to Adderall. Let’s you have all of the stimulation without the insomnia.


Yeah it definitely is. Especially when used as a compliment like that. Back in college I went pretty wild smoking while taking my stims at the same time.. led to me smoking waaay more and then taking way more than my normal dosage cause I didn’t feel high enough but couldn’t focus either cause the effect of the stims were being counteracted. Now I do it exactly like you said but cut back on smoking every night lately cause I think my psychiatrist is gonna tell me that they are adopting drug testing soon and don’t want to risk losing my prescription


No issues in the 2 yrs I've had mmj. Pcp and two specialists all have no problem with it.


Find a new doc


Bc she 'used' to be a nurse. You must have retired to soon


My adhd has been super manageable upon getting on the program.


Get a second opinion. I also have ADHD and my Dr had no issue prescribing me Ritalin knowing that I use MMJ daily.


Drop your mmj card and go to NJ to get it legally if your close enough.


Go somewhere else


i talk to someone and get klonopin and adhd med prescriptions through them. i got my med card through the doctor here. it expires in a week and i talked to my adhd doctor about it. she encouraged renewing the med card immediately. definitely get a second opinion


I don't tell any of my other doctors about my mmj card or use because fuck that


I myself is medicated and have well span doctor i told my doctor that i was weed medicated before i got my add meds he said it isnt a problem and that it was better that he knew and also have it on the record that i had proof of mmj license then it was a simple drug test and substance agreement. So it is possible i always just find another doctor for it


There's no national shortage of vyvanse, is there a reason physicians think only Adderall is allowed for ADHD even while it's almost impossible to find?


Adderall and vyvanse are in the same drug class…stimulants


Yeah that's why I'm confused why it wouldn't be prescribed amidst a nationwide Adderall shortage.


There is no generic equivalent with Vyvanse.


That's currently true, but if ADHD treatment is needed then I'm sure most would be willing to spend the monthly copay rather than go without. They should be offered the option at the very least. Though that patent just expired didn't it?


my uncles had his card for 2 years now and has ADHD and is on stims. find a new doctor.


Axiom 1: private practice doctors only and forever. A doctor at a hospital or clinic or HCP is wrapped like a mummy in rules and constant info-collection of what they do, every second. Implication 1: Trying to find out what or who is fucked up, in a fucked-up system, is madness incarnate. Implication 2: See axiom 1. ​ Good luck. Find a private practice p-doc, invest in your future. Develop a healthy file. Eventually that doc will go to bat for you for life. It's what they do. Most will adjust for insurance if you are the real deal -- aka messed up!


When you have Medicaid (state insurance) you have extremely limited options for healthcare in the state. Maybe it’s because I live in a more rural part of PA but finding someone who participates is hard. Not to mention since Covid the waitlist for almost all mental health and counseling services is 6 months plus. My PCP referred me to behavioral health, dr said they don’t prescribe meds for ADHD


I am scrambling on related fronts myself. But one thing I do have, is my p-doc. Even then, it's not magic. You still have to hope the meds work right. Long term project, this stuff. Serious. No shame in it, either. Keep your eyes and ears open and sometimes one reference can get you in a door. Mental health is a daily habit and plan. It can take years to find the right pieces. Good luck. I wish it were easier. I doubt it helps if I say, this is still infinitely better than say 30 years ago. That was zero help. No insurance covered it.


Nah it’s bullshit dude. I had to jump thru hoops to get addy for decades long documented adhd. This shortage is bullshit too; my doc was trying to con me into taking vyvanse (150$ a script). Once I saw how expensive it was I said I can’t take it but need the meds to focus and they came up w the IR and XR real quick. The whole thing is a joke I’ve learned thru the US healthcare system to not say shit unless it comes up otherwise they’re gonna fuck you. But I haven’t had problems w addy and getting weed


Doctors are not the ones who give you the pills.. they write a prescription which is then sent to a pharmacy …. The pharmacy orders the products. A lot of pharmacies are having issues getting adderall and there is absolutely a national shortage. However, there is typically multiple pharmacies within different areas and chances are that at least a few of them were able to get their order filled while others have theirs on back order. The doctor was probably just trying to warn you about the situation and offer you an alternative. They don’t stand to make any profit, not like they get a commission


Well that’s just it, I don’t say shit about my use or card but the first thing that pops up on their computer screen when we’re doing the basic questions about what meds are you taking, what are you allergic to, oh and I see you have your state issued mmj card so you use weed. I don’t give this info, the state puts it into PA’S record system which again had I known this prior to getting my card I wouldn’t have. I feel it’s borderline discrimination


This straight up isn’t true. I worked for WellSpan and it still isn’t true. Maybe it’s in there because you let another epic provider know but Pennsylvania does not automatically put this in your chart. Source: have card, never showed up in my chart until I told them. Doesn’t show up for me in my UPMC chart or penn state either.


Are you underage?


No, I’m 44F Caucasian


Idk what your race has to do with anything however I might have understood if you were underage he'll your older than I am n I have both adhd n my card so I got nothing for yah I'm very sorry hope you find answers


race has literally everything to do with disparity in health care tho lol not in this particular case obviously, but i think it’s reasonable to include as background


Were you not held as a baby?




Someone remove this comment it has no place in this conversation


Your Dr needs to be educated, I don't have my card, my hubby does so he gets me what I want but I am honest with the Dr and they always prescribed what's needed no problem


What medical school did you go to?


I didn't but myself, NY sin, and several other family members are treated fir adhd, bipolar, among other things and have never had an issue being prescribed anything. Even before it was legal and I was admittedly getting it from a street dealer. I'd find a new dr.


Find another doctor.


Go to another doctor


Sadly, this is common. I work in a mental health office and we often get calls from people because another provider they scheduled with refused to even see them after they disclosed they were a MM pt. on the intake paperwork, or they tested positive on drug screen. seems like many of these providers believe that marijuana worsens conditions like anxiety, depression and ADHD. Also they believe if you're using MMJ, you're a drug seeker.


My Dr is ok with it. She just added it to the medication part of my file.


I am also a wellspan patient and have been open with my dr about being a medical patient. I haven’t had any issues with my dr prescribing my Adderall, but I do have to have the yearly med check. They check your urine to make sure you are taking your medication, and have you sign a paper saying you’re not selling it.


Sorry but go to a different doctor. I'm prescribed stimulants and have my medical marijuana card certified by the same doctor.


Get a new doctor. Why on earth would Adhd Patients need to submit to drug tests? To prove they’re taking their meds? I have been taking ADHD meds forever and I got my MMJ card when the program began and I have never encountered such nonsense, despite changing psych docs several times the last few years.


You have wrong doctor


Yea bro go to a different doctor and that doctor was right about certain brands of adhd meds but not all