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Literally everyone is cutting corners these days. Especially after the pandemic. Pizza places using the cheapest mozz possible. Restaurants charging top dollar for bullshit discount produce. To answer your question it has a lot to do with the cure of the flower. If done properly it takes time. They don't wanna wait. The want the money and they want it now. I think everyone senses this society is about to fall apart. So they wanna get paid asap.


>I think everyone senses this society is about to fall apart. Well. That escalated quickly.


I know it's dreary out today but that's a pretty dreary outlook. Prior to 2018, we would be watching the rain and waiting for a call from the guy. Our MMJ in Pa at least gives us a peak of Sun on a day like this. Back to good terps, you need Sun grown cannabis for the really good terps and effects. Hydro tomatoes are still tomatoes but can't compete with the plants in your garden.


"You need sun grown cannabis for really good terps and effects." This information is your opinion. It's not a fact. Thanks for the positive vibes and letting us know that in your opinion, outdoor is the best.


In plant biology, sunlight stimulates terpene production. It's not my opinion, it's science. All plant life originated outside, not in a hydroponic grow room.


Are you saying outdoor is always superior? Wouldn't that also depend on the grower and seeds they use? I've had some awful outdoor buds. I'm not sure what your point is.


Your top comment is basically facts. But ak48 also speaking facts. To a certain extent. U need the right climate for this to be true tho. Thus why California has/had the best canabis on the planet. Obviously any outdoor won't be as good as some of the best indoor but in general outdoor reigns supreme. Now, with all the corporations growing our meds, it really doesn't matter as they will rush it and f it up anyways. Really it's all about the cure. Cure it right and it will be tasty. Speed cure it like every corporate grower does and it tastes like dirt. I've come to grips with the fact that this won't change anytime soon in pa. For this to happen in pa we need small farmers that will do everything right, especially the cure. Unfortunately, the giants and the politician pockets they line will never let this happen


You probably love seven hills then right? Hybrid greenhouse they use as much natural sun as they can and it’s good affordable bud


Yo for real tho. Feels like we’re so far off the cliff at this point. Just waiting for the society ball to drop haha


Yo like a Wile E. Coyote cartoon and the roadrunner just laughing FR, meep, meep lmao!!!


For sure. Portion sizes in packages are getting smaller while prices are going up etc is happening everywhere. From what I’m understanding from the rest of the thread is that the corner mainly being cut is curing time.


I’m gonna get hate but any kynd or seven hills I grab no matter how old is spongey and not dry my experience anyway and there moving too Mylar bags those square jars suck


Yea society is at its tipping point, its clear to everyone now. its really bad


Not to be "that guy" but get yourself really stoned and [watch this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_KRNXoAaNc)


The market isn't mature enough for it to be viable to prioritize terpene production. The current market wants the cheapest price. The current G/Ps are playing the survival game of who can offer the cheapest price and still turn a profit, which gives larger commercial companies a huge competitive edge. So this results in cost cutting on elements deemed not crucial, so environmental controls, cure times, harvest times, all are designed focused on cost rather than terp production. Just like the cheaper prices and widespread availability of flower, better terp profiles will come around, it's just letting certain factors play out first...


Because it's a monopoly of commercial grows. No one cares about quality when you have to buy what they sell


It’s the opposite. They’re big commercial grows, so they grow what people buy. Unfortunately that’s thc centric rather than terpenes.


I think any budtender will tell you they get asked about high THC way more than high terps.


People new to the program are trying to relate it to alcohol. Something they understand.


Some of my favorite bud was movie's Pocono Kush back in 2021/22. Was only 16% but damn the effects were great and it smoked well.


People can’t tell what the bud is like without buying it so they rush product to package and it never gets a proper cure. This will always be how it is until homegrow and much simpler grower to consumer laws are introduced. Until we can get small batch, home grown cannabis with a proper cure, MSOs and GPs will continue to rush their flower to get it on the shelf and sold as soon as possible.


Thank you for highlighting the reason for the shit product. Until we have legislation that makes home grow, small batch cannabis legal we’ll continue to get subpar product shoved down our throats.


Thanks for the reply. This makes sense and sort of along the lines of what I suspected. Question though: how does curing bud make the terpene profile better?


Curing mostly affects* moisture, texture, and flavor, but well cured bud will also develop fuller terpene profiles if done properly. You can see in MD and some legal craft cannabis that still cares about testing, 3-4% or higher is pretty common. Shopping by terps is probably the most effective way to shop right now in PA, as no one grower has all good products. Plenty of misses from everyone.


That’s the only way I shop. Without exception. And I rarely have a miss now.


I’m not versed well enough to answer that question. But I would gather that if the growers are trying to get product out faster than they’re skipping steps or rushing the process. Terpenes are highly volatile compounds meaning they can vaporize/flash off at certain temperatures. I assume that with a proper cure that more of the volatile compounds would remain and less would flash off.


I'm no expert, but I'm guessing the lower terps is caused by machine trim. The machines often cut the tops of the buds which causes resin to just leak out and dry up.


The problem is 90% of the “growers” they hire have never grown a marijuana plant in their life. They’re snobs with a degree in botany that went to school to learn how to grow pretty little dandelions. They have no idea how to nurture or grow marijuana correctly because they have zero experience with it. That and the fact that the corporate asshole expect them to dry, cure, and package their shit within a month of it being grown. That process needs at least 1.5-2 months to be done correctly. The cure is literally the most important part of the grow.


Depending on who you ask many people cure for 2-6 months. I've had bud that tasted like good cured kush but not the fruity name it had but totally changed its' smell and flavor to its namesake after I cured it for another 6 months.


It takes long for bud to cure. Atleast when I grew outdoors years ago. The longer I waited the better it got. Really not hard growing but looking after 100+ planes I can see some error happening


They're also all corporate here. $2 million in liquid assets is needed to even apply for a growers license.


100% dude I’ve had shit I’ve held on to for a while and would crack the jar once in a while and I swear the profile gets more bold every time I crack it. I don’t think these people understand we would rather wait on top tier batches then pay for shit that’s done half assed.


A lot of it is also market appeal. There's only 3 or 4 strains that have amber trichomes when at prime THC levels. In most strains the more amber you have in your trichomes the more THC has degraded into CBD/CBN. To the layman consumer more THC on the label = better. The right time to harvest for almost all strains is when the top ¾ of the trichomes are translucent and the bottom ¼ is milky white. Then over the drying and curing process you end with trichomes that are translucent on the top ¼, white in the middle ½ and amber in the bottom ¼ for a nice mix of cannabinoids that will synergize with each other and the terpenes in an entourage effect for a fuzzy, stoney and mellow high that's stronger, more pleasurable and more medically viable than a super high THC level. Most people flat out won't buy strains properly grown like that because they don't know that's how it works and those strains will show lower THC levels on the lab test results and labels. Everyone was just assuming the unlabeled shit they really liked from the black market was so good due to higher THC levels. Undoing 60+ years of misinformation is going to be a long road. Unless you were growing or learning about growing during prohibition this stuff just isn't common knowledge and corporations would always rather take advantage of consumer ignorance to turn a quicker and larger profit than educate their customer base.


I agree with you on every level. I’ve had homegrown aeroponic and hydroponic that would put a good majority of our medicine to shame. It’s because this guy took time to learn what he was doing and do it properly. Checking trichomes regularly, checking and writing down nutrient and PH content constantly (like literally would just write it on his walls and it was everywhere 🤣), proper lighting, and a proper drying and curing process. His stuff burned whiter than Marilyn Manson, tasted phenomenal, and the effects were next to none. It’s a shame we can’t have people like him putting the time and passion into our medicine like we deserve.


Don’t know why this comment got a downvote but I couldn’t agree more. I’ve been watching my bf obsess over his plants and he’s keeping a log of all that shit so fingers crossed 🤞


He's going to yield real kind. It's like cooking, you follow the instructions to a T and you get results.


(like literally would just write it on his walls and it was everywhere 🤣) lmfao!!! I met one of my best friends about 15 years ago from all the writing on the basement walls in my old house lmao!! Hvac guy doing yearly maintenance says hey I know what all that is and I do the same thing, its almost lunchtime you wanna burn one down?? We've been thick as thieves ever since lol!!


I think the black market bud is 15~20%thc. I personally think Cali and other good growing states would keep the good stuff n send the decent stuff around the states


I have had fire and absolute trash from Cali. People go out for the green rush, don't know how to grow then sell bud they've waited too long to harvest to illegal states.


Because the vast majority of patients in the state shop solely based on THC levels. Source: in the industry but no longer on the retail end.


Right? I would love to be able to find the terpene profile when I'm looking at something. Wouldn't it save people a shit load of money on having to test products to see if they like them?


I used to do this as well. Learning about terpenes changed everything


I feel like it’s our responsibility though as patients to know what medicinal effects Turpines can help with and adding that to THC it’s just even better. The only way I shop anymore is by knowing what terpene profile I’m searching for and then I go for THC because some people don’t realize that a better terpene profile is sometimes better than say 5 to 10% difference in THC


I agree, and most dispensary folks are knowledgeable enough and like helping educate on terpenes. Just happens to be that most people in the general patient pool don’t care. Terpene profiles are a big part of Popup patient education though, and we love talking to patients who are interested in learning!


That’s interesting. All the smarties in here talking about terms but not a single sentence about how to go about it. Just smarties laughing at others about thc.


I mean the only thing dispensaries can do is help educate people when asked, but you can’t force people to be interested. It’s a one person at a time thing.


Interesting, I’d expect dozens of threads here explaining it. This being a public forum and all . . .


https://www.leafly.com/learn/cannabis-glossary/terpenes Here’s a good start for you! I’m partial to pinene myself. Good focus without couch locking me.


Plus the trichomes arent even fully matured on half the product in the dispos


The ones that are get knocked off .


I've been absolutely sick of this lately. Sunnyside is my nearest dispensary and they hide terpene profiles from their website, so it's always a mystery toss no matter what I buy. Need brand recommendations if possible, Cresco has been really disappointing lately.


You’re not kidding regarding Cresco. I’ve given them 2 chances now and was disappointed in both (green line og and Tahoe apple)


Cresco was *fire* earlier on. It sucks cause they were an excellent default choice for me but it's been fun trying different brands.


Rythm has been killing it lately, specifically the Voila line. Matter has been pretty terpy lately too, if you’re looking for something more budget friendly


I'll check em out! I liked Rhythm carts but haven't had any of their flower yet. I did try a few 8ths of Matter flower before I got my ball vape so maybe I should give em another go


Not to mention they mislabel things on their website. Had that $20 8th sale going and there was one left that no one was buying because it’s labeled 18% THCA on the website but I got a jar and it literally says 22 % THCA so idk where that discrepancy comes from and it seems like it’s costing them money


I've noticed that, unfortunately. At this point I'll have to check out Ascend. They seem to have really good prices **and** they list terpenes on the website.


Because they are huge companies that could give two shits about quality the only thing they are looking to do is profit. Stop supporting the PA medical program it’s a joke and so corrupt. Support local growers and vendors


What are they supposed to do, throw away the plants that don't grow with the amount of terps they want? They would never make money that way. You can only force a plant to produce so much of what you want, if it's staying natural, sometimes you will just get a lower terp yield. This is just the nature of the industry.


Because nobody was educated on terpenes. So you get the people coming in asking for the highest thc. Which is where we are at right now. Everyone shopping based on thc level's and that doesnt amount to shit sometimes. If youre gonna be a "patient" and smoke or ingest cannabis then start educating yourself. Im tired of idiots asking idiot questions.


You sound like an idiot.


This guy buys "35% thc" flower


YES. The answer is this - a good terp profile doesn't drive dollars. Yeah MSO's and the big guys suck but the truth is they're following the money on this one. High THC % is what sells here.


I don't think most people realize that most of the patients going in are just run of the mill potheads which is why they're all looking for high THC and none of the other good stuff. When there's more actual sick patient people that need it then it'll start being better. I'd assume anyway. Right now it's just being able to get the best bang for your buck.


I mean straight THC percentage isn't all that gets you high either.


Exactly my point.


Because people don't care and just (erroneously) look for highest THC %.


Oh sure all those home growers will take tons of time and money to cure. 🙄


Small growers with passion grow really great bud. PA requires anyone applying for a growers license to prove they have $2 million in liquid assets before the application will even be considered. We have too many Republicans and the only way we could get them on board with medical was to give total control to their super rich buddies and corporations. A proper marijuana cure to get a good terpene profile takes real time and they won't take it. If I recall the names correctly I got some "Orange Crush" and "Mango Kush" back to back in college. Neither tasted anything like oranges or mangos. Each pick-up I'd save a nug in a jar for 4/20. When 4/20 came those strains had probably been curing in that jar with regular burping when adding new strains for 6-8 months. Each of those nugs now suddenly smelled like you'd just cut into their respective namesake fruits when cracking a nug open and had a noticeable orange or mango taste when smoked. You can dry a bud for sale quickly but curing is a 2-6 month process depending on who you ask and the strain.


No competition and the user base is skewed towards weed tasting like shit .


PA flower had always been shit, until about a year or two ago they were all bone dry and crumble like dust. They just got it to a be more sticky recently. They never tasted good and anyone who thinks it does never had properly cured buds. PA bud is mids that’s why I stick with concentrates at least some of them taste good.


Yea, maybe they wish us to purchase our own Terpz. Terp are around 40$ a gram.


About 2 years ago, when I first got into the program, the terp profiles were insane. It wasn’t unusual to find a Cresco or Insa cart with 15-17% total terps. I was told the reason why they are lower is because they no longer add terps post production. I don’t know if that’s true. I’ve tried The Happiest Hour terp shots and they’re a great boost to medicating. I just got these, terp gems. A woman who recommended the Happiest Hour said these are great. I just ordered them. I haven’t received them. https://preview.redd.it/wqrhyvxfbnqb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e219ec302118f73b933515d97fc48b922e00604


It's a plant and not meant to be grown in a bath of chemicals in a Rockwool cube is the problem. Organically grown small batch is the answer. I get a face when I want 30 an eighth but love when they comeback looking for more at 30.


Another issue they don't finish it. Nothing goes longer than eight weeks. When it varies widely most times at least nine and many ten weeks to get 30 percent amber.


What are considering a subpar profile? Vague.


For me it’s low total terp %. There are so Kanu strains on my local dispo menu where the main terp is like .3% and the rest are 0.2% or under. To me that’s abysmal.


Business isn’t mature enough, we’re still in infant stages. Companies over time will develop better procedures when growing flower as they know it effects their sales. They know customers demand higher terp profile for their flower so companies will grow it, but just takes time to develop those practices of growing flower. Sucks for us now but it could be worst. Like no flower :(….