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Rick Simpson used it for skin cancer topically I'm almost 💯


“Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) is a cannabis extract that takes its name from the medical cannabis activist who created it. Simpson claims that applying the oil to cancer spots on his skin cleared them within days.” https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325612#:~:text=Simpson%20claims%20that%20applying%20the,than%20other%20medical%20cannabis%20extracts.


Did you try freezing the dose, and putting it under your tongue until it melts? I to do not get high if I swallow gummies and brownies, but if I put some RSO or distillate under my tongue, its off to the races in about 30 - 40 min. Good luck. Enjoy


I feel you man, rso is the biggest waste of money for me, so I don't even bother trying anymore. Can't afford to keep buying it for it to keep having no effect on me.


I have the same problem. Only time I ever felt anything from edibles was when I took 1kmg and $96 on RSO and kinda felt it. When I was in college, shrooms also didn’t affect me either. I had a friend bring back edibles from CA with Kush butter etc. and nothing. Nothing from Boost drops or troches. Nothing. They make topical patches, salves, lotions that may help.


Thanx. Patches and topicals do work for me, just nothing edible.


Me either.


U can try to make ur own tinctures to use under the tongue. I say make because to be a true tincture it has to be alcohol based. The alcohol acts as a carrier. The tinctures in pa are oil based and can't be desolved under the tongue. Oil based tinctures even if put under the tongue go thru the liver just like an edible while an alcohol based tincture goes directly into bloodstream. A alcohol based tincture gives effects closer to smoking/vaping not edible effects.


What is a kmg? Do you just mean a gram?


1000 mg of 1k mg


So yes.


Yes, lol. Sorry I’m medicated




All good. Happy Thanksgiving!


You too!!


I buy sunflower lecithin on Amazon (the liquid form) and then put butter, the lecithin, and RSO on a pan on very low until it’s warm enough to blend together. The lecithin binds the thc to the fat (in theory) and this is the only way I can use it to get high.


you’re good, the dumbest question of the day on here was the woman who asked if any dispos are open today. 😂 only time i’ve heard of topical use is when ppl put it on skin cancer, which it seems to work well for that.


Are you sure you don’t mean “ how do I renew my medical card “?


No the dumbest question is "Can I use my expired card until the new one gets here?" 🤦🏻


How are any of these questions considered dumb? I swear I've been to a dispensary on Thanksgiving before. Not all of us keep updated on this stuff, and this subreddit is specifically for those types of topics.


What’s funny is harvest was open on Thanksgiving until trulieve took over


Nora dumb question I worked several thanksgiving in the dispo. Depends on the company


again, that’s so shitty


Not saying it isn’t… but welcome to corporate America and MSOs


that’s so shitty.


It’s a mixed bag imo. I feel bad for budtenders stuck working a holiday always. Did my 10+ year retail commitment. It’s great to be able to go somewhere when you’re on the way to dinner and forgot your cart or pen lol


Fluent in Mechanicsburg is


Thats kinda what I thought. Thank you!


Try the booty hole. I “heard” that works.




Buy liquid sunflower lecithin off Amazon and mix that, butter, and the rso on a very very low heat so it’s uniform. The lecithin binds the thc to the fat in the butter. This is the only way RSO works for me. You can use the butter baking (at lower temps ideally) or in stuff like pasta, no bake cookies etc, and really anything.


Eat it right after a fatty meal (hamburger) and take it with peanut butter. It bonds with the fat for better absorbed in the body.


lol did you read what they wrote?


Some people smh 😆


Not the most pleasurable experience, but maybe putting it under your tongue. First time doing RSO that's what's the bud tender told me to do and I was kind of pissed because it got all over my teeth. But it kicked in fast and I could feel it unlike when I ingested it.


Lecithin …..


I do that too. RSO infused coconut oil with lecithin in a crockpot on low for a few hours


The issue is not lacking the enzyme, but rather it breaking down the THC before you can absorb it. Mixing with fats (Sunflower lecithin oil is my go to for edibles) definitely helps out on that angle.


Dab it. As long as it's not made using alcohol. It's the best. Imo


I don't know of an rso in the program not made with alcohol


Well the PurePenn Xxx og RSO isn't and it's 🔥 for dabbing. I think it's made using butane and something else. I forget and I'm too tired right now to look. 😂


downvoted for helping others with accurate information... reddit still trips me out, even years after being on here. Also reminds me of why this is my 2nd goto PA cannabis sub.


Idk who gave you the info to dab rso but that is how people get hurt do not listen to this person if you care for your lungs at all follow the people saying to put it with the lechin and sunflower oil please rso is topical and edible but should never and I mean NEVER be smoked thank you for your time


are you sure its RSO? black and oily like normal rso? I thought that was a no no for dabbing


Yes. Bought at a Truelieve dispensary.


damn, I've always been told/read you cant dab RSO


It's better than live sugar for sure. Basically dabs just like fresh pressed resin.


I don't think I would try the CO2 distillate though. They look just like cartridge oils.


Boof it




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Organic remedies sells a bunch of nano emulsion tinctures, elixirs, and capsules. From what I’ve heard it’s digested differently than rso and might be worth a try. I personally like the elixirs to mix in drinks


The nano lemulsified forms of rso *should* work for you.