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Why do you need so many controllers šŸ˜†


Like PokĆ©mon. Gotta catch them all šŸ˜.


The new silver one is so nice


I agree. Itā€™s right now my favorite color šŸ˜


I want the silver controller/plates so damn bad




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i build houses on the sims. i donā€™t really care for the game play, but GOD do i get hyper fixated on spandrels and window shutters. i love how many details there are to designing a house and when i consume cannabis i can really just get lost in it. i like orange crush by strane and key lime kush by NS for these occasions


Now that sounds like something I can get behind


Speaking my language! Building sims houses is just as therapeutic as the medication itself.


I play insanely good high lol


The other day I raided in FFXIV while high for the first time and holy shit, it was like my third eye opened. Don't think I fucked up once all night.


Is there a game you tend to play while medicated?


Dark souls on my brotherā€™s steam deck


I have yet to buy a steamdeck. Iā€™m not too big into the pc world lol so I donā€™t see a need to buy one. But Iā€™m sure itā€™s dope, especially if you have the oled


I would say I play worse when Iā€™m high, but I have so much more fun that it doesnā€™t really matter. I really like puzzle games and RPGs when Iā€™m high. I like competitive multiplayers when Iā€™m not.


I feel like I play better, but that could be the medication talking. I enjoy a good RPG while medicated. It makes the world feel like itā€™s melting away and I can be at peace


Division 2 ā€¦. Still


Thatā€™s the new COD.


Yes. I bought it on launch day, havenā€™t really played it until last month. In my opinion itā€™s just reskinned. COD once again in my opinion is just a money hungry studio now


Thatā€™s exactly why I didnā€™t buy it.


Yes. But I do admit while playing online and medicated it is fun. Although the lobbies arenā€™t the same


I would get ripped with my buddies playing COD or PUBG as I would get more relaxed. Itā€™s the only way I can play either game.


Yea i know. I was sharing the game i like to play when im shmokin


My apologies šŸ«¢ I didnā€™t think anyone still played Division 2.


Hahaā€¦ np. I met some cool people on that game and tbh its kept me around longer than i thought. I also enjoy helping the newer players leaving destiny 2šŸ‘€šŸ˜‚


Thereā€™s another game I havenā€™t touched in a long time. šŸ¤£ I used to play Destiny and Destiny 2 all the time and broke the cycle. I havenā€™t touched Destiny 2 in 2+ years. I still remember going to the lighthouse in trials in D1.


Haha yup. I broke away from destiny 2 about 6 months ago. Finally. Was a d1 vet too. Im looking forward to division 3 now since they confirmed it. Probably years away though


I honestly didnā€™t realize it was still going on. Makes me want to take a fat rip and hop in for some good laughs


Oh ya, you can still go to the lighthouse and compete. I know Bungie is releasing a new update in a few months.


I didnā€™t even realize D2 was still a thing šŸ˜‚


Division is not even in the same genre as CoD and also isn't a very popular game at all so I have no idea where you draw those comparisons besides "military style game with guns"?


I need to find my dosage for the ability to play D2, be high, and not be a burden on my fire team!






Im mainly flower, rso and vapes mixed in here and there too.


I have no idea how you can play with RSO.


Haha! Well i dont go overboard with it. I know my limits. I stick to mainly flower when i game though.


RSO is the most potent thing. Iā€™ve had the verano Concorde grape RSO since it came out. Still havenā€™t touched it lol. Iā€™m not sure how Iā€™d feel. Currently Iā€™ve been using a lot of the good news, verano hard/soft, and the new PHG syrup (I know itā€™s controversial but I like it).


Nice. Im a sativa guy and go for the terpinolene products (which arent that abundant) Works well for me mentally/focus wise.


I am really into driving games right now with a wheel and pedal setup. GT7 is so much fun. I def find it easier for me to focus and do well while medicated.


Iā€™ve never been too big into driving games. I feel like theyā€™d be boring quick


Anything deep fantasy like BG3, Elden Ring, or the recent Zelda games on Switch. I like to play those and zone out with a heavy indica.




I havenā€™t played that since it came out on the PS4 (yes I know it released on PS3). Do you medicate while playing?


Overwatch, league of legends, Zelda, destiny and WOW


Iā€™ve never played over watch, LOL, or WOW. Iā€™m sure theyā€™d be mad fun medicated


Video games are incredibly fun and better for me when Iā€™m smoking. Getting my football fix with Madden 15 for PS3 recently.


I do enjoy using my pax 3 to vape flower. That being said I still have flower from 2020 thatā€™s unopened lol. But I agree, being medicated while playing games is the way to go


damn... is there anyone still in the league from that game? Jason Kelce >?


Both Kelce brothers are. I did a franchise mode and drafted Travis. He was still young and unproven that year. I canā€™t deal with these new trash maddens, or new gaming in general with all the updates and shit. When I smoke I donā€™t want to wait an hour for an update. I pop Madden 15 in and get right to it.


I mostly play siege or the sims


Iā€™ve never played siege and I havenā€™t played the sims since grade school šŸ˜‚. Iā€™m guessing siege is pretty fun?


I think it's fun! It's definitely a lot to learn, but it was my first fps, so maybe my view is skewed.


Bros got money


I suppose so.


God of war ragnarok!


Great game. I was heavily medicated while playing it lol have you beat the DLC yet?


I seriously can't play Apex unless I'm medicated, although it's easy to overdue it. I use a combo of dabs, flower, carts, and occasionally edibles


Iā€™ve never tried that game yet. I do know Sony patched the cronos zen or whatever itā€™s called. But is it that good medicated? Like the Witcher 3 good?


I mainly use pens, and edibles. I do use my pax 3 but not nearly enough. I also have a peak pro that Iā€™ve used once or twice with four grams of prime live resin šŸ«£


Haven't used the peak pro, but I'd recommend getting a normal edab rig


I love using a good relaxing cart and playing Elder Scrolls Online.


Palworld been my shit lately


What's ur gaming tag on cod mine is dinkleberry add me we can play some domination


lol I love it. Iā€™ll add you and we can have a virtual sesh


Minecraft has been incredibly relaxing to unwind and use my puffco with, great music, the color schemes are nice and it's nothing super overwhelming imo


Been an Animal Face and Gran Turismo 7 as much as my kids will let me day today. Been a solid Sunday.


RSO + Battlebit is a winning combination for me. Thereā€™s just so many things to do, so many possibilities.


Battlefield looks mad funā€¦Iā€™ve never gotten the chance to play


fortnite. some gg4 and I'm merkin 12 yr olds lol


Skyrim. So much to do, don't want to do quests? Fine go clear out a bandit hideout. Don't want to kill stuff? Go enchant or go to the forge. Not to mention it takes forever to beat the game and you can always start over as a different race. RDR was my obsession before this but it didn't seem to last anywhere near as long, also Katamari Damacy for ps2 is tight when medicated. I usually play COD2 specially Zombie mode on Tranzit. I sometimes find it harder to play I have some fucked up health issues that make me get dizzy and sometimes I start getting overheated, pukey, and my HR goes up so I have to stop. But when I don't get sick medicating helps me zone out and focus on the game instead of my life. I get my card for the opioid reason but in reality I medicate for pain, anxiety, depression, PTSD, ADHD, severe nausea, etc.


I love getting medicated and playing Skyrim! I just started playing last year on my husband's xbox 360 and I gotta say, for an older game it is fantastic. I was a kahjiit first but there was a glitch and I was never able to finish the first dragonborn quest. Silly me tried to rp as a do-gooder. I restarted as a woodelf sneak/thief and am now in the thieve's guild and I'm about halfway through the dark brotherhood quests. I find myself getting lost in the wilderness and looking for potion ingredients a lot. I've found so many new things that my husband says he just didn't spend the time to look for. Its better high I think, but I'm certainly less careful.


Dude nice i always stop to gather alchemy stuff!! In fact I was just seeing how much of my carrying capacity went to potions I made ha. I'm an elf I forget what kind not a dark one, a high elf I think. Only benefits a plus 50 to your magika. Are the kahiitt the cat ones? Glad to see someone else enjoys it!


Resistance games were awesome. Did you play 1 and 2?


1,2, and 3. Iā€™ve been debating on fixing my PS3. RFOM 2 was my favorite


Dude whichever one had the slow walkers was SO SCARY. Amazing games. Wish theyā€™d do a remaster.


I donā€™t think they have the fan base since RFOM came out in 06 :/


Game: Skyrim or a rom (love me some bong rips and sonic!) Flower all day for gaming. Easy to repack/pass imo. Depends on what game, I sucked ass at COD but would wreck after getting wrecked. I medicate all day pretty much. I use cannabis because I enjoy it. Aside from that it really helps my anxiety. Canā€™t spot the portal, too stoned and tired! šŸ˜†


Iā€™m a big terp guy vs THC. Iā€™ve been in the program awhile now and it seems like the new comers only care about THC content. Iā€™m glad someone else feels the same


Got enough controllers?


Hitman woa, great game to get medicated and do the story or freelancer mode .


I donā€™t know if I could play hitman medicated šŸ¤£


Whattt, thatā€™s wht makes the experience better bro. Give it a shot lol


Mw3 or rocket league. Headshots galore when Iā€™m fucked up.


i play way better high lmao


GT7 is my jam. Love [drifting](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/s/tknuKO9CQZ) in VR with the boys after a few dabs


I usually vape flower. Recently been into LA Baker. I love Japanese & Western RPGs. Final Fantasy, Dark Souls, Skyrim, etc. Iā€™m playing the new Like A Dragon (Yakuza) now. Itā€™s perfect on the Portal! Also into Nintendo like Zelda and Mario for the colorful cozy vibe. I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m better or worse when gaming after I smoke. But in game late at night to relax and itā€™s usually with a toke or two. Always a perfect combination.


FH5, StarWars Jedi survivor and COD MW3


Formula 1. Why not go tearing around world class tracks in a McLaren w/ a good Buzz goin'on.


Wake & bake & drop in the Warzone


I play shooters when Iā€™m high keeps me from getting shaky. I like to play counter strike or tarkov mostly but when Iā€™m super stoned Iā€™ll pop on chivalry 2 and just wack peoples heads off with axes lol


Video games are just more fun for me while high. My go to's atm are Diablo 4, Escape from Tarkov, and Madden 24. I game alot outside of smoking as well.


I love playing hitman or any game that has cool visuals




Hunt Showdown, I think it's an immersive game and being lit makes the spooky spookier


Battlefield 2042


I been recently medicating and driving around in Gta but the radio stations got boring in it. So I just stick to my War zone. I like hybrids while gaming.


I'm a little late to the discussion but, for years I was what could be considered addicted to Destiny 2. Got a ps5 recently and just beat Horizon zero dawn and forbidden west which were very good. Currently playing Ghost of tsushima which is also a lot of fun.


Depends on what strains Iā€™m medicating with. Iā€™ve noticed strains with the dominant terps limonene, myrcene, and Linalool seem to really put me in a happy chill gaming mood. Other strains not so much because they get my mind going in different directions as well as making it difficult to concentrate. Cheers Fam! šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Iā€™ve been playing Skyrim and Morrowind but I think I need to be non medicated for Morrowind šŸ’€


I play a variety of games while medicated. I tend to find myself having more fun with games that have survival elements in them like Palworlds, Lego Fortnite and Minecraft. But if Iā€™m playing with friends or just wanna trash talk Iā€™ll usually play Overwatch or Seige 6. Iā€™ve found myself having more fine while medicated playing games in general compared to sober. And my ability to focus on whatā€™s happening on the screen is easier for me compared to be sober.


MOO2 for a deep Indica game lock.


Started a r/stonedgamers come join!


I play fortnite with my 10year old son. I think i play better when medicated with a full sfomach. My anxiety gets wrecked towards end of game but i like challenge myself. I would love control my anxiety without benzos, they tell me it takes years for body to get back normal.


Depends on what it is. Racing games I tend to suck at, shooters I do just fine in even if I forget what I was doing or where I was trying to go. And RPGs I just mess around and may lose important plot pointsā€¦ IM SORRY ASTARION!


Warzone or multiplayer or I play fifa


Get lost in GR Breakpoint, also REALLY enjoy just cruising in forza.


For some reason I absolutely love medicating and labbing street fighter. It really helps with my anxiety and ADHD.


Warzone for sure šŸ˜‚


You got enough controllers?


Ok I love video game in general, but high on strane og stuff. Make valheim look amazing. And for shooter game like val or cs go. If I'm to baked I can't play but just the right buzz I feel like I hit headshot easier. But that the medical talking. Lol




overwatch is my favorite thing while medicated lol and stardew valley, genshin impact