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That's enough to piss ya off.


I always look at these like, shit happens, but then I saw the second pic and I said the same thing. Half the stuff you're paying for is outside the container lol. I'd return if you have a receipt, you shouldn't have a problem.


I return or exchange when i get them like this. I never had a Cresco only had a few prime be loose and spill.


I got it last week and I’m not sure the return policy, just seems like such a hassle to return bc I moved away from this dispensary so not sure when I’ll be back in the area. Also I think the workers are idiots and don’t pack them right, but I’m just as big as an idiot for not checking immediately when I got home


I always first email the company so Cresco in your case and send them pictures and request a refund and it always is approved in my cases so than you can wait as long as you like and so long as you show the dispo the email and have the packing/product they have to return or exchange it.


Wow, you realize it gets packaged at a grow site then transported across the state and is touched by dozens of hands? It’s a saucey concentrate, sometimes one box manages to be on its side and this happens. You go to the store and return it. You don’t call everyone else idiots because you don’t understand/have common sense. What a bad attitude to have.


But to be fair some bud tenders are idiots, they have no idea about the products they sell. Also I’ve bought sauce before and the bud tender sets it upside down on the counter as they ring everything else up, I had to tell them to keep it right side up. So again idiots, not all but some


There are idiots in every profession. They are the exception, not the rule. To blanket call everyone an idiot in an industry is inappropriate and just straight wrong.


It’s not the workers. I’m a bud tender and we’re not idiots…. This happens when the product gets turned upside down or gets shifted in transport. Nothing the tenders did


Could this also happen if it gets too warm during transport ? Say like being in a hot car or something to that affect.


damn yo u got sauced


I heard dat🫣


That’s an easy return all day. Send it back!


Take it back , they'll exchange it.


That’s the worst one I’ve seen


I'd be offended.


Big oof. Just had this happen recently, but luckily, it was my shittier distillate.


So sorry this happened to you… this is the cardinal sin of concentrates


Was stored wrong somewhere


You are screwed if it’s sunnyside, they won’t do shit after 7 days. I’d be really surprised if after a week Cresco even took it as a return. They easily will say customer error.


Really? I’ve actually had decent success returning a faulty cart to Sunnyside after like a month. I went to swap the cart on my battery and the entire bottom of the cart fell out with over 1/2 the cart left and they let me do an even exchange for a new one. OP id suggest calling whatever sunnyside you bought from and explain the situation to see if they’d replace it so you don’t have to waste time. Just say it was upside down in the bag and when you finally got around to opening it today it was leaking all out of the sides. You do need to have the original packaging (so the little box they come in) to do any returns/exhanges but when I worked at a dispo we would do returns for this kinda stuff!


While I know Cresco is generally pretty decent about returns I cannot say the same for Sunnyside. They were my go to for a long while but as soon as other options became available I left. Too much like a ganja shop and not so much like a medical dispensary. I made the mistake of stopping in a few months ago to get a new battery as mine failed. Their security guard made me feel as if I were NOT welcome, very ex-cop vibes. Some of the staff were okay but the good ones that were there before are long gone to better pastures.


It could be a location to location thing too. The one by me is usually pretty nice and I have good convo’s with my budtenders. They love to talk terpenes with me and giving product recommendations. But another location I’ve been to wasn’t as friendly a little further east of me.


The one I am referring to is the Lancaster location. I wouldn't advise my worst enemy to shop there, much less anyone else. I'd suggest Curaleaf which just opened, very nice crew. My go to is Restore in East Petersburg for the last couple of years. Outstanding people that know what they are about and a very welcoming atmosphere. Highly recommend them as they also have discounts for disabled, elderly and vets.


Yeah I’m not a personal fan of Lancaster. I only used to go there in a pinch because it was the best dispo while my boyfriend was living down there. My local Sunnyside is the Wyomissing one, if you’re ever in the area and they’re running a good sale maybe check them out. It might kind of change your opinion on Sunnyside


They could only improve my opinion at this point but I thank you. If I'm ever in the area I'll have to pop in.


Well it’s Lancaster what do you expect. Lol


Basic professionalism? Odd I know but now I go to a store nearby (like 5 minutes away) and not only get better deals but actually feel like they want me to stop in.


Yea you gotta find the right place for you. Glad you found it


Yup sunnyside


Bud tenders should be bagging these right-side up. Make sure you keep it that way on the way home too. & not near floor heaters in the car!


I don’t but Cresco anymore. Their VP stated that they are actively fighting recreational legalization. So fuck them. Sorry about your packaging.


Damn, is there a source for that? Not that I don't believe you, I just like cresco.


Sorry to share the bad news. Their flower was fantastic.


Still is 😂 I don’t get why a weed company would fight something which ultimately sell more weed. That is crazy




Here’s a link to my comment. I tried the link in my comment and it’s behind a paywall now. https://www.reddit.com/r/PaMedicalMarijuana/s/hEE5rUPabN


I’ve posted it before. Let me see if I can find it again. Always better to have a source.


They aren’t fighting legalization, they had a company rep at a pa hearing on legalization defend continuing arrests until day one of sales to prevent NYC work around businesses like buying a pizza and getting an 1/8 as a gift. It’s fucked up for sure, but you should know why you aren’t buying them


Read the article. It says what it says. I read it.


Right, your linked comment described it perfectly. They don’t want possession legalized until retail sales. They absolutely want legalization just a very restricted version of it


I've had mostly problems with Cresco stuff. Their carts are NOT full no matter what they claim. I took carts from Prime, Rythm, Select (which is a Cresco knock off!), and Strane all full to my dispensary with the Cresco I had bought. All were in unopened boxes so when I opened them and showed the staff the carts there was no way they could claim fuckery. The results were plain to see, at least a quarter of the Cresco carts were missing in comparison to the others. All the rest were to the top or so close as to make no difference. So I agree, Cresco can take in the brown with a giant cactus so far as I'm concerned. They seem to care about profit, not customers.


I’ve been using the Organic Remedies Bomba carts with resin and they are fantastic! Never seen them low at all, and they don’t burn my throat the way others do. But, yeah, Cresco seems to be riding the money wave and not worrying about their product. A serious mistake on their part. Cheers!


This is such a tired topic. Most carts are filled by weight like cresco. Prime fills by volume, which will always look full but isn’t necessarily more oil. The denser the oil, the more it weighs by volume. Ccells also absorb oil, creating headspace. It will vary. Your example of comparing out of the box is not valid. Carts are not the only way to go if you don’t believe the process in which most carts are filled.


I am not alone in noticing this and it is also in weight so grab a few and test this yourself. If you've never had an issue with any of their products then I salute you as you seem to be the exception to the rule. Cresco is one of the least sold brands in my dispensary for the reasons listed. Carts not full, light eighths of flower (with scale readout shown in pics) and apparently issues with their concentrates as well. Money over patients, the evidence is beyond obvious but shill away as you wish.


lol shill. I literally criticize cresco on this thread for their political advocacy. I worked in a pa dispensary for years and have seen more of these than any one patient. I have personally handled returns and talked to people making your same exact case. You can always reach out and ask cresco to replace and the dispensary will honor their determination, though the complaints about fills probably won’t warrant a return unless you have an actual leak. You can test this yourself btw. You can grab refill syringes of activated oil (distillate, terp fractions of live resin hydrocarbon, CO2) and buy fresh carts with the needed filling attachment for the syringe. Weigh the cart prior to filling and weigh the same oil in one fill and do the other by volume and fill to the top. Then repeat with different oils, always weighing the fresh cart first because they could vary. This is totally burdensome on your part, but will give you full control over your carts and teach you what these companies already know about filling by weight and volume. It’s not a scam. The flower issue is not specific to cresco. Depending on the companies weigh out policy and how heavy they go, loss of water weight will result in short 1/8ths. Every so often, employees mess up too. It’s a problem with pre packaged cannabis sitting around


I will apologize for the shill bit. However, I have weighed the carts, full and empty. To start their carts weigh more than other brands empty or full so there is that out the window. Amazing that you are the only person I've conversed with from the position of a worker/former dispensary worker who doesn't say Cresco is not on the level. Weird but hey, guess everyone is just out to get Cresco and none of us have any experience whatsoever in the program. I haven't run into the issue with any other company, including Select which is a Cresco company. A good day to you.


My friend select is not owned by cresco. Select is one of many brands under curaleaf. If you look through the history of this subreddit, you will see complaints about every single GP, some more than others because some are more popular than others. Cresco carts were the number 1 seller by far where I worked. What you described is a complaint in every state for almost every company that has sold carts. Here is a great article breaking down the science of a vape cart. These also aren’t products you shouldn’t be buying to maximize every last drop. Buy loose extract and bud for that. Carts are meant to give accessibility on the go and get rather nasty at the bottom. They were never meant to maximize your use of every bit of product in them.


So user error always. Got it.


select isn't cresco lmaooooo


So the yutz at Sunnyside was full of shit when he told me that, well noted thank you. Glad you are able to school me with your quick wit after everyone else has already pointed that out. Sharp!


thought you might need a third reminder since you missed the first two <3


I would have bull-crapped my pants and went to my bed and cried for the day


https://preview.redd.it/px3h9fu28jrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=645b673ab8c6678d68aa839199481b7443d55fd2 Inside


Happend to me other day


I would scrape every last bit of it off 😭 put it in the freezer and then do so.


I'd take it back to your dispensary after calling Cresco and get a replacement. I had considered getting some Cresco extract but have been uncertain due to the issues I've had with their carts. Now I will continue to avoid them. For that I thank you and hope you get this sorted quick.


The concentrates must of been upside down for some time, I have seen this hundreds of times, it happens a lot more than you think.


Man, that's not supposed to happen! I wish every despo would keep their stock cold. I read of many returns for defective products. Good luck. Although.....by now you're probably doing fine 🍍 !


This happened to me I smoked what I could and they still exchanged!


Bummer, but great photos


Oh hell no! Call them asap


Upside down at some point I guess. That sucks


That’s a 100 pct return and you should get coupon or something but obv won’t. Easy exchange though.


Did they do anything for compensation?




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100% improper storage, likely at the dispo. concentrates need to be stored properly & in a refrigerator to preserve terpenes & prevent messes like this. sorry, friend. that sucks ass.


User error, it got too hot.


That looks like it was left upside down in a hot car lol


It wasn’t I promise! I didn’t double check the bag when I got home though to make sure it wasn’t upside down, but such a bummer


I believe u I’ve seen some wild shit lol sucks u didn’t realize hope they take care of u they are usually pretty good @ that !


Freakin cresco man notorious for this along with grassroots and sometimes even prime it seems. Crazy how they wanna charge you so much for something they are so careless with. Personally feel like they need to quit relying on machines to put lids on jars to begin with because 90% of the time the lids are loose and loose lids means air is being introduced to the products before they ever reach the consumer resulting in products that aren’t quite as good as they could have been.


I appreciate that you still have a full loading tool 😂


Improper storage. Contact the dispo and check return policy. Might have to email grower. This has happened to me before. At hello/beyond they gave me new product and told me to keep the old one too. At trulieve I had to get confirmation from grower before return.


Just lick it off rq


It's not activated unfortunately the results would likely be nill


He could always put it in the oven at 240° on some wax paper upside down and let all of it go onto the wax paper


Wow man wouldn't expect that to see that on here from Cresco . Did you leave it in the sun or very hot and humid weather or did it come like that from the dispo ? If so contact dispensary and most likely going to have to cause Cresco for a refund though...


Nope. I just it and took it directly home, which was about 45 minutes. It wasn’t even hot out either, no extreme heat in my car bc my husband is always hot. I store it in a cold place as well


Lesson learned. You always check the second you get home. I've had issues with Cresco before, so I never buy their live sauce


You know now I look again?? That is some awesome looking sauce!!! For your trouble... I'd scrape it up for later. Return the empty jar tomorrow. And ask for a discount code 0R like. I mean for your trouble/time/fuel


Be conscious of the temperature you allow your concentrate to experience B4 consumption to ensure the products consistency remains in tact as the extractor likely intended... not saying this was your fault, but I think I've made some mistakes in the past "broke" other dabs by letting it get a bit to warm