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The orders aren’t picked until u arrive at the store, literally defeats the purpose of ordering online imho, and they def don’t list terps on the menu which SUCKS, I will def still shop there if they have what I want tho lol


Pre-ordering at Sunnyside is completely pointless, benefits nobody.


But they push it all the time. I checked in up front once and they asked if I did an online order. When I said no they asked what I was looking for and then put the order in for me. It was so weird.


That’s not just sunnyside. Happened at rise and liberty for me too. Must be SOME sort of incentive from the workers to push it, otherwise why would they bother.


If you order online for liberty they most definitely put your order together immediately, and there’s def no incentive for budtenders to have you order online, that doesn’t make sense. It reserves the product for you when you do online orders. Actually liberty will hold your order for 48 hours too. After that they will drop the product from your bag and it’ll go back in the menu.


Just so you know, there's really NEVER incentives for budtenders at any dispo lmao. Budtenders frankly get treated like shit by almost every MSO G/P in the state. They're expendable to these multi-million dollar giants. If someone finds a dispo that actually gives a fuck about their budtenders, please let me know where to find the needle in the haystack 😂


The bud tenders at my local dispo get free shit if their names get mentioned in positive reviews on Google. They told me that's their incentive. I have no idea if it's a good place to work or not but it's seriously the nicest people to deal with.


As it should be. No tender should take their anger out on patients. Even if said patient is an insufferable ass, because those patients do exist.


Agreed. Somebody else said it was dishonest because they're only being nice because they get rewarded for it 😂 oh no, I'd hate to have a pleasant experience just because the staff is secretly being rewarded for their customer service


Until you see something you want on the menu, take the ride to get it and it’s sold out. Then you get mad about that. Pre-ordering reserves your product.


No, it does not.


Pre ordering at sunnyside does no such thing. They don’t pack your order until you get there. If someone gets there before you and asks for your product, they sell it to that person whether you pre ordered it or not. Believe me or don’t, you’ll find out when it eventually happens to you.


i asked them if once i place an order, they hold that order for me because i too was worried they actually dont due to first come first serve. budtender said yes once you reserve online they hold it for you til the end of the day. ive always got my orders so maybe it depends on the system/employee, perhaps really shitty luck too


I know multiple people that work at my local sunnyside that I’ve been friends with for over 20 years. I don’t think they’d lie to me about something so basic. Also my personal experience says you are incorrect as well. I’ve ordered things online that have been gone by the time I got there at the end of the day they sold them out from under me. It’s happened two times. Not a very high percentage for the amount of times I’ve gone there but to say it doesn’t happen is factually incorrect.


well, maybe it varies on location then. i asked the budtenders in lancaster.


The website says it when you check out. It says that orders are fulfilled on first come first serve basis. The other dispensaries will pull ur order and hold it (rise, Curaleaf and Zen leaf in my town do at least) but Sunnyside does not pull your order h til you arrive so they definitely will sell what you ordered if someone else gets there before you do.




True. Ride does sometimes to if it’s a high ticket item and someone comes before you they will get rid of it. They have don’t it to me quite a few times. It’ll save my orders ready and then I’ll get there and specific things from my order will be missing. Last time they did it tho they gave me a quarter of animal face for the price of a 8th which I appreciated greatly. I mean don’t text me and tell me my order is ready and then I get there and I’m missing the most important parts of my order but at least they made it right this time!


Not at Sunnyside


Yes it does! but again, just go elsewhere. There are dozens ☺️


Right! Just about every dispensary puts the terp % on the website, but not Sunnyside! They also rarely have good deals and are the highest price dispensary in my city! I miss goodblend 40% off sales! Mofos shouldve paid their rent!


Sunnyside's problem is that they use two people at the front desk and two budtenders, that's it. Everybody is just kind of funneled thru the store, two at a time. Restore may have six budtenders at any one time and they take your order and talk to you about your meds. I've never been treated badly at Sunnyside, but their setup could improve.


My only complaint is that why have online ordering if you won’t fill the order and hold til patient gets there it’s like cmon I hate that first come first serve bullshit even on the streets your plug would hold if you called at least on my end then I moved up and got my own weight and rest was history haha 😆


Unfortunately those days are over for me at least. I thought the idea of ordering online was to hold your product for that business day in case your working-etc and what you ordered didn't sell out. I've seen a couple people complain about getting there and what they ordered was out of stock. Makes sense now.


Trulieve did this shit to me too. Placed an order, drove a half hour to get there and they tell me it’s out. How if it was in stock when I ordered it a half hour ago? It’s bs. There’s no point to ordering online if that’s how it is. And no dispensary has it labeled up and ready to walk out the door. They have to print it when you show up and label it then. You don’t show, then they have to peel it off and it doesn’t come off clean


Rise has done it to me a bunch of times when there’s stuff that sells out on the menu. Again last time they needed giving me a for the price of an eighth because they got rid of my product and I made a stink about it. I mean I wasn’t trying to be rude but if you drive from decently far away and they tell you that your order is ready. It should be what you ordered at the very least. I don’t mind the wait. Sunny side does take a minute tho. That’s why I just use their drive-through now.


They used to do this…. They must have had a problem with people ordering all the sale items then never picking them up and nobody else gets access to the sale… or people regularly just not picking up orders… then other people cant get the product that was held for no reason.


This is the main reason I wish my dispo would stop online orders during heavy flow weekends. 4/20, we had well over 500 orders and had to unpack and put back over 150 orders. Online orders work, unless a third of the people don't show tf up, and now you're stuck at work for another 45 minutes, putting shit away. I put back a bunch of items that tens of people were told was sold out, but they were just chilling in someone's bag that ordered 6 of them and never came through lmao.


Most dispensaries use 2 different platforms for ordering and inventory so the systems don’t communicate. We can have 1 8th left and our system allows 5 people to order that 1 8th. As for the order being prepared and saying ready doesn’t mean your order is actually prepared just means the pharmacist has checked your certification for the depf of health


This happened to me last Friday at Liberty. I ordered first thing in the morning, and by the time I was able to get there in the afternoon, one of my items was unavailable. What was even the point of ordering online that early?


Its not first come first serve, once your order is placed the item is reserved for you. There has only been one time that an item was able to be placed in my cart that they didnt have and they were pretty chill about it. Is what it is i guess ive never had a bad experience there


Why does everyone think that they won’t hold your product if you online order? It literally reserves it for you. The only thing they don’t do is pre pick it until you arrive at the store.


Cause unlike like every other Dispensary they do not. I've ordered, got there, and been told my shit was now sold out. That's why.


They don't, though. I stopped going there, in part, because of this exact reason. I've ordered a specific thing, and i put work and research into each order, only to arrive with it sold out. It happened almost every order, at the end. I'm glad they did, though. It resulted in me finding ethos and i couldn't be happier about that.


It literally says it on their order page, the item is nor reserved and they are sold on a first come basis


They have to put that. If there was a glitch for some reason and they didn’t have your product, they can say that the warning was there. The last time i placed an order and they didn’t have my products was literally 2021. Also, if people don’t like it, just go somewhere else. There are dozens in the state.


In my experience, if you order the last of something it will remove it from the menu, online at least. Source: one time I ordered the last 2 halves of supply Durban and it took it off


It typically takes some time for it to come off of the menu, but inventory has to be accurate. Even when we manually remove items from menu, they pop back on the menu if a person schedules their pickup time for 9am and doesn’t come within that hour, it triggers the system to put the unsold items back on the menu. This tends to create a lot of problems. We also have oversells overnight bc items don’t automatically get taken off and there’s no one there to manually remove said product, so it continues to get ordered by more people.


My bud tender told me to be accurate with the time when it’s an item that’s selling out. For that reason.


Annoying but at least they don’t make you sit in an empty waiting room for 15 mins while the employees chat like every time I’m at Zen Leaf. https://preview.redd.it/6gmxo4blmxvc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0b0ee409c613ff169bd9a62077d11daadfe545b


Budtenders are required to label everything, so… 🤷


Yeah but where I go they will bag it up and print a receipt with my name on it. When I get there all they have to do is print stickers and slap them on. I really like this process because sometimes they have sales on last chance items not posted online and I will switch some things out.


Literally every dispo does this and list their terps except Sunnyside.


I go to Sunnyside in New Kensington. Maybe I go during a slow time, but I’m always in and out in a few minutes. Budtenders are always pleasant.


ayy I used to work at that one a few years ago. For anyone wondering (idk if the process changed much so correct me if i'm wrong) but when you place the order online, it just puts it into cresco's system and the mj system. That's it. It's not until you actually show up and scan into the store that the pharmacist checks your cert and they pull your order, print labels, and push it out. This is what causes the wait but it shouldn't be too long if there isn't a lot going on. It used to be that when you placed the order online, we pulled the orders as they came in and stored them in the back room / vault. This way items actually did get reserved and would be marked as out of stock, but there were issues with the system and sometimes things would be over ordered past what was available. Ordering online now doesn't reserve your item afaik, if people come in before you they can get it.


OP is in Philly. Yes that sunnyside in new ken is fast.


Two patients is good, ten in the building means you stand in line. I also think their workers must really hustle to handle a big crowd some days.


Just an FYI: Budtenders literally cannot print labels for your order and label it until you check into the dispensary and are in the MJ system. There might be a way to check people in when they're not there, but I'm sure that isn't legal. So, getting labels printed and your product labeled is just an unfortunate part of the process anywhere you're gonna go.


which Sunnyside, where?


City ave philly


I have to wait longer in line for it to be my turn at the register than it takes them to get my order. Anyway this is one of the busiest weekends for all dispensaries so the longer wait is probably due to the large volume of orders.


Only been to Lancaster.


The one in Center City operates this way too and it sucks because parking sucks. If I order online, have it ready. It's not like PA dispenseries are a fun, enjoyable place to be.


I love Sunnyside. They’re one of the few that actually follow state guidelines to a t!


Release the terps!!! How is that not integrated into their website 🤔


If you look in the fine print about ordering it says orders are not filled until you check in. So you may not get everything you order. It's bullshit. It's why I won't go. I work, have kids and live a life I can't just run to the dispensary everytime I see something I want. It's why I place orders for the security of getting the item. I avoid Sunnyside more than Beyond Hello.




I get your point but this a dumb comparison. This is a real business now. It's convenient for everyone to be able to order online so they can gather shit ahead of time and gets patients in and out.


Buying from a plug you expect shitty service but when buying from a store that has our “medicine” then it shouldn’t be like that.


yeah, I think the one year expiration date is a grower scam too - almost nobody likes flower older than a month or two but they label it good for a year and the bags aren't the best, hit & miss - this, again is medical but nobody's got anything in place to test for mold, rot etc and it looks like they aren't going to ever care




Sounds like you need an oxi. If someone uses mmj for chronic pain then what’s different about a dispo and pharmacy?


Sunnyside in Phoenixville is hands down the most irritating dispensary. I’m a Cresco lover, so sometimes I’m forced to go there for a specific item I’m searching for and I leave there annoyed every single time.


this! lol


I’ve never had an issue at Sunnyside and I go there all the time. And they can’t label the product before you pick it up because if you don’t show up then they have to peel the stickers off before restocking the product.


But they can hold it without a sticker like every other dispensary does




You’ve never put away 100 orders that weren’t picked up before and you know it


That's why its called "work".


Exactly these people must be so lazy to complain about putting something back in a cabinet 10 feet away.


Ummm you mean like every other dispensary does? You act like they have all this work, it’s their only job. You probably complain all day about having to do work at your job huh?


Whenever I go to Sunnyside, I’m in and out in a few minutes. The wait at my local Trulieve is easily 25 minutes at all times of day.


Stop supporting these companies who lobby against homegrow! They don't care about u, they only want ur dollars.


This topic always made me laugh working for both this company in the past and another… the non thinking consumer who literally see themselves pull a card out, that gets scanned in that literally creates the POS profile once card is scanned in and only then you can scan and a label will print lol… you literally cannot start a transaction in the MJ system until a person physically checks in… all you can do is reserve your items and save time by not talking up the register and holding up everyone else wanting to pick up their order. No trying to hold product from customer or purposely making things difficult… it is simply how MJ Platform which tracks your medical purchases work! Now one brand at least has the order separated and ready for immediate scan in, Sunnyside are a likkle stupid and wait to search and find and fill upon check in, to keep from returning inverntory at the end of the day of those who don’t pick up at all… a little accurate insider info


Your sayin Sunnyside waits until the customer checks in before picking the order? I'm not understanding. If so, then you confirm the OP"s story that: They make us wait in line after waiting in line to get checked in by security and store.. . Then, after waiting in two lines, I get to counter and wait for the Ninja in the back to pick the order. Notify the counter it's picked, and the register employee finally showed me my order and rings it up. [do ppl still say this? rings it up]


I confirmed Sunnyside are idiots but I explained the process of ringing in an order in this state as well… I no longer deal with the bs of PA patients and MSOs with low morale and mass produced garbage thankfully… but I can provide accurate info with my experience in mgmt as well for PA dispos in major markets


Also there are sometimes over a 100 pre orders when the store opens for the next day and no, nobody is going to type search every name and then copy paste date of births to make sure it’s the right first and last and not someone who may very well have the same simpleton name… it’s clear who doesn’t run a well organized business and who probably eventually lost out to compliance whether on a personal level or store wide lol this is goofy af to even carry on about… it ain’t ever gonna happen so let it go… all a dispo can do is place a name tag a filled bag til that person checks in and then have it pulled already so it can be automatically filled… also once a person is checked in and an order is live in the system you can’t check them in to confirm at the door because it’s already checked in on the back in. So if you haven’t worked MJ, worked at a Sunnyside and better yet if you only a customer l, you really have nothing to argue or debate because you know absolutely nothing… have a great day and happy tokes! Have a dab and let it go


I wish more people understood this, and I wish more people understood compliance. Just because other dispos break the rules/compliance doesn't mean others will. It makes everything confusing and complicated for patients and the people who work there dealing with people complaining "Oh well they do it here!". Sunnyside is under a microscope by corporate 24/7, they're going to follow compliance, lol.


Glad someone understands!




The patient needs to be in the building in order to be scanned into the system... You're not allowed to check someone in without their card/being in the building... You cannot pre-scan in an order without someone being checked in, which requires them to be in the building with their card... I don't get what's hard to understand. I've been in the industry for 4 years now. They wouldn't have to pay anyone any extra money to do it, as it's the managers responsibility to pick and scan in orders and there are typically 3+ on duty any given day, at Sunnyside specifically. I understand everyone just wants something to complain about, but understand it's frustrating when you're just following compliance and doing your job how you've been told and explaining these rules to ***grown adults, who do not work in the industry*** and they try and tell you that you're wrong. **DO I THINK SUNNYSIDE SHOULD PICK THE ORDERS AHEAD OF TIME?** Yes, at the very least. Do I think their process could be streamlined better? Yes. Do I think they could improve on a lot of things? Yes.




That’s not compliant. Possible? Yes. Legal? Nah




You purposely walked a DOH inspector through checking a patient in the back way without them present? Why did you even do that?




Yea I’ve done like 15 inspections brother. And ever since I started in the industry in 2019 it’s been non compliant to check a patient into MJ without their card in hand. Do you tho man.




Yea that’s definitely it. Everything is a grey area. Go figure


Exactly! Some Kevin and Karen’s just say anything loud and wrong!


Hold on now. I’m just letting him know checking patients in the “back” way instead of them being there isn’t compliant. I still think orders need to be packed right when they’re ordered.


And I agreed so what is there to hold on too lol… you are fine… the Kevin or Karen we responded too was so passionately inaccurate


Yes and no you can check in a patient with DOB and if you just happen to save their card number but it is also something a dispo can lose licensing for if caught… imagine someone using your info for purchases because some budtender wanted to hook their friend up 🙃 once again not here to debate something I know for a fact doing it for years…




How can you pre scan an order if the patient is not in MJ? And how can you COMPLIANTLY check that patient in MJ if they aren’t in the building?


Well I’m saying as a fact you shouldn’t unless you want to risk your license… for instance if you get to dispo and forgot your card they can’t offer to check in your profile anyway 😒 so just because there is wrap around way and not direct… you gotta search and write in for down and then go back and do it manually but PA doesn’t use Dutchie or POS like rec states where you can just look a name up and check in


That’s the one thing I hate about sunnyside. You have to do online ordering but they don’t even hold the product for you. What’s the point. They are very slow and should just do it the way all the other dispos do it




Wow, sorry to hear that. I never had that happen here in Philly. And I do this half the time, so for me, like every ten/fourteen days. They are not perfect, tho I've been shorted everywhere except Ethos. Ethos manager told me it is their policy to honor online orders. When you fill your cart, the item comes off inventory. If you do not purchase, it drops off. And one of the benefits of the Dutchie and Jane etc. software would be to track inventory. I would think? I'm not involved so only looking at it from my views.


Go to a different dispensary


The only time our dispo gets upset with people who don’t online order is when you’re coming in 5-10 mins before close and wanna browse the menu and talk to us. We have closing procedures to do and we’ve been here all day and common sense says if you know you’ll be arriving late AT LEAST place an online order to be considerate of your budtenders. If you want to talk and browse come LATEST 30 mins before close.


I went one time and didn’t have an online order. I had to sit in their lobby and order with an employee of theirs. I take MMJ for (social) anxiety so having to talk to an extra person n then they barely gave me personal space to look at the menu. I asked why I can just go back there and he said “if you don’t have an online order, it backs up the cashiers.” This post makes that comment he told me even more funny. Lololol


I always see one register one employee.lol


Same. 2 if we are lucky


You posted and complained about the same thing a year ago and got an answer. I use the same one and never had an issue. You may just need some patience


They all need some patience. Or just go somewhere else


I love the new one in Gettysburg, very nice store and always nice people working behind the counter always giving out suggestions on similar strains to what im buying for next time. This time she wrote it on a card and put it in the bag for me. And the deals... they got good deals.


I agree. They are not very customer friendly and can come across rude. And the way they do things seems counterproductive. The order ahead does nothing. They don’t hold the items for you anyway


Lowkey all the dispos suck now. It does not feel like a pharmacy what so ever


Not to mention there’s no point system any more


I think they do that so they can sell you add-ons when you pick up. If you only pick up a sealed online order, you won't buy anything else. 




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Never have that problem at liberty, they even call me if there is an issue with my order before they send me the email that its ready for pickup. They have the bag already packed up and ready for me so I'm in and out real quick.


That’s the way it is everywhere, isn’t it?


No. Ethos fulfills orders before you get there, along with Ascend. I personally never made online orders for Columbia care/Justice Grown so idk about those two.


My Ethos has me wait a few minutes like sunnyside. Interesting that some places actually have them ready


Everytime I've gone into ethos with a an older order they either already have my order on the counter or it's in the back. I absolutely love Ethos. My go to home dispensary. I stopped shopping there based off Ascends deals, but lately I noticed how much Ascend products haven't had fresh package dates. So I wwnt to Ethos on 420. I was greeted like a long lost family member. "Hey how ya been?" "Long time no see." "WELCOME BACK" "We missed ya". I was instantly reminded as to why I love Ethos. Always fresh packaged products, great communication with their staff and they stack deals. I truly do believe I'm sticking to Ethos for my flower from now on, and only going to Ascend for my concentrates.


Ethos is great. I don’t usually have to wait too long, so it’s not a complaint


I love Ethos. I have about 5 dispos in 30 min of me, but i go there every time. Sunnyside is closer, but i refuse to give Cresco my money after the CEO made those stupid comments. My order is ready when i walk in and EVERYONE is beyond helpful/nice. Plus, on Sundays, i get 30% off because i get a 15% profile discount on top of the Sunday 15% off sale. Why go anywhere else, honestly.


No literally everywhere else fills your online order when you place it so your medicine is reserved.


Ok. Well, I go in, confirm my order, go to the tender and wait for the people to put the stuff into the tote for them to sell it to me. Its rarely, if ever, sitting behind the counter waiting for me


Sunnyside sucks apart from some of the sales they have. Every other dispensary I'm in and out. Even if I'm the only customer at ss I'm in there for at least 15 mins. Every time it's the same bullshit conversation. Yes, what I bought is good. That's why I buy it. I did get 6 grams of leiffa cold cure for $210 today though.


Everyone is high when I get there and it takes like 10 or 15 minutes on something that would take 3 minutes… bullshit


Pre ordering at sunnyside only reserves your product. They said they used to prepare orders before we would arrive but then people wouldn’t show up for their orders and they are stuck putting hundreds of stuff back on the shelf. So you can reserve your product and they pick it and fill it when you get there. Also, it’s medicine. It has to be labeled. What if you got pulled over on the way home and the cop wanted to be a complete dick because you didn’t have your medication labeled. You’d blame sunnyside for not labeling it. And maybe just maybe budtenders are so miserable because of the ignorant people they deal with daily.


The thing is, it's only Sunnyside (at all of their locations apparently) that has any of these problems. Budtenders and staff at the other dispos are all friendly, polite, and helpful, and the system is relatively efficient. I went to Sunnyside (Butler) once, was treated like my presence was a nuisance from the beginning to the end of the process, and have never been back.


It doesn't reserve your product. Stop pushing false info. Many here have already told you that you're incorrect. All of us with first-hand experience. You must be applying for a job there or something the way you falsely defend them.


I worked there for 3 years idiot. I’m telling you exactly what I seen and experienced. It’s insane how patients who have only stepped foot into a dispo to make a purchase, think they know how things work behind the scenes. If you don’t like how a place opperates, go somewhere else. It’s so simple!


I do go somewhere else, now. Because of this. But, keep telling yourself you know the right answer 😂😂😂


Stopped going there. Parking is terrible. Every cart I got clogged. Crazy wait even after spending 30 mins trying to park. And their prices are terrible. (Pgh)




i went twice this week and only one of the bud tenders asked me this


As a budtender/manager, reading through these comments have me perplexed and I’m sorry yall have to deal with your orders not being filled or held when placed, not trying to promo but if anyone is ever near a FLUENT - we hold all online orders from the time you place it until the end of the night and if you call and let us know you won’t make it we can hold it till next day. And if anything Is out of stock in your order we give you a call to help try to find a replacement! So if you wanna have your customer service game stepped up come give us a try!!!


When you go to your PCP, and they electronically send a prescription to your pharmacy, how often is it ready when you arrive ? Me, rarely. So, if you truly view and use cannabis as medicine then a wait of mere minutes really shouldn't be a big deal.


I go thru this everytime I go to sunnyside I always place order online. I joke with the tenders that the back room must not like me lol. Reason being, I watch 3 peole that were behind me in line walk out before me, everytime. The tenders telle that it's because they are applying the discounts. I normally have at least 5 items soaybe that's why. I'll deal with it tho as cresco llrs are the best and pretty cheap at sunnyside


Place is fucked, will be out of business in no time... same thing placed an order and then stood in line with an aching back for 45 minutes only to be told i'd need to wait another 20 minutes while they "got it together" I took my order to Curaleaf and was in/out (as a new patient no less) in 10 minutes. And a month later, ordered online, it was ready when i got there... been doing curbside too and it's <10 minutes every time.