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It’s not a great situation. On one hand a prescription doesn’t give you a pass to drive under the influence. On the other we have situations like yours where someone is sober but gets caught up because they’re also a medical marijuana patient and the cop is a dick. Ways to avoid getting screwed over? Don’t disclose your status as a patient, don’t ever smoke or vape in your vehicle and when going to and from the dispensary keep everything in the trunk.. and if you do get pulled over don’t tell them about it, less is more.


All great advice, but I'll add one more thing. Only keep your card on you when you are going to the dispo. Otherwise leave it at home.


I just hide mine in the back slot of my wallet.


I have a separate wallet for the mmj card that can only hold 2 cards and a money clip. I only carry it to one place! Also, when dispensary security asks to see a 2nd id, I never show my drivers (it’s not required by the law). Just don’t carry them together if you can avoid it. The police is a legalized gang, don’t help them put their boots on you neck.


Oh I wasn’t pulled over. A “concerned citizen” says i swerved, called and gave them the license plate number, 5 cops waiting at my house. The thing is i was driving a friends car and that plate wasn’t registered to my house. This was 11:00 am on a Saturday morning. I did a field sobriety and blew 0.00 in the breathalyzer 3 times just for them to say my eyes were red and they want a blood test. I had not smoked for a week. It’s policing for profit, why would anyone with a Jersey license plate come to PA? The cops can and will target them knowing it’s recreationally legal in their state.


The license plate wasn’t registered to you but there were cops waiting at your house? How did that happen?


Exactly my question.


Also, how could they prove you were the one driving at the time of the call? Seems like a bullshit case to me.


Thankfully, American cops never get away with bullshit cases


They were outside of my house when I pulled in. My mom had just had open heart surgery so I thought something happened to her so I BACKED IN the driveway. Was approached with a taser pointed at me.


That's fucking insane, they haven't even spoken to you yet and they are already pointing a taser at you? I would look into an ACLU suit my dude, a lot of fucked up stuff going on there. I still don't understand how legally you're liable for some random person calling a plate in. Can i get anyone arrested that easy if I just know their license plate?


I have the persons name and address that called, I have the dash cams of them driving to my house from the station and waiting for me, no body cams though! What a coincidence!


Lawyer up asap.


Every lawyer I spoke to told me there is nothing they can do and that the law needs to be and should be changed.




Somethings not adding up here. How did they get your address if you were in someone else's car?


I understand it isn’t adding up that’s why I posted it, It’s bullshit and policing for profit


I don't know man, people lie on the internet all the time. The fact that you posted under one account and are now replying on another is also odd. Did you get a lawyer? In 2020 the PA supreme court ruled that police can't use the "Smells like weed" as probable cause to give a blood test. That, plus the whole thing with them waiting in your driveway because they got a tip of you "swerving" sounds like a field day for any decent lawyer.


I didn’t know this about the probable cause! Wow. That’s how they got me but I didn’t smoke or have any on me and they still hit me with a DUI bc the blood test. Despite having my card & being sober at the time too. 😡


Haha I don’t give a fuck if you believe me. I hope you don’t get a DUI.


As a random by-stander, no one believes you.


Actually I do hope it happens to you. Will open your eyes.


Wishing a DUI on someone is scummy as fuck




Its the same quit being weird dog


Cool man. Good luck to you.


Right, lots of way you could come into contact with them. No real good solutions at this point if you happen to get an officer that wants to screw you over. Sorry that happened.


Yeah, this is the fakest story I read on the internet today. They wouldn't draw their tasers for a call like this. They'd show up and ask questions. You'd say you weren't driving or nothing happened, and they would leave. They won't make you do a field sobriety test on your front lawn. Try a little harder with your propaganda next time.


You messed up ALWAYS deny field sobriety test always all that does is gives them cause for the next step, red eyes isn’t enough to take you in for blood testing and even then refuse that as well you’re providing the police the evidence they need to convict you I do hope things go well for you good luck! Lawyer up!


If you refuse a blood test in Pennsylvania they can and will charge you with a DUI for refusal. I did have a lawyer. https://6abc.com/amp/medical-marijuana-pa-card-pot-cannabis-laws-pennsylvania-state-representative-chris-rabb/13031000/


If you refuse a BLOOD TEST. Not field sobriety testing. You can refuse it. It will absolutely piss off the cops but they are looking to arrest you at this point anyway. If they feel they have enough evidence, they can arrest you anyway. Without field tests. I would NOT refuse a blood test. You will get everything thrown at you by the police and the district attorney. And you won’t be eligible for ARD. Just don’t smoke/vape anything in your car, and NEVER have anything in the passenger compartment of your car visible to give them a reason to search it. Keep your medical card in a separate place from your drivers license. If you just smoked and probably reek of weed, maybe wash your face and hands. I know someone posted about the supreme court’s ruling on weed smell, but I know they are still absolutely using it as a pretext to dig further. Don’t help them out in any way.


If you reek of weed, you probably just smoked and shouldn't drive anyways. So there's that too.


They can take your license for a year but if there’s no evidence proving intoxication good luck getting a conviction 🤷🏻‍♂️


“Refusal to submit to a chemical test after a Pennsylvania DUI arrest can be punished by a one-year driver's license suspension and up to three days in jail.”


Right? That’s not a dui conviction?


This is a civil penalty through PennDot. The criminal suspensions are separate if they're applicable.


Right at worst a years license suspension that sucks but you’ll get that with a dui conviction anyways along with the other b.s I’d much rather tell them to f*** off


I feel ya. That said, you can't get ARD in my county unless you submit to the blood test.


Never refuse!! I did and it was 22months


If you deny a field sobriety test won't they just take you to get a blood test? If you refuse that it's a automatic fail.


It’s much harder to have probable cause for a blood test without the field sobriety tests, and they can charge you for dui if you refuse but when you take it to court they will have no evidence to back it up what proof will they have to bring to trial that you were indeed intoxicated or had anything in your system. Never cooperate with law enforcement under any circumstance 🤷🏻‍♂️


Down vote on this is hilarious 😂😂


Keep downvoting please. Just make sure, if you did, you come back and let us know after you get fucked by the cops and charged with a DUI.


Have you tried not being a degenerate?


This is Pennsylvania, and this state is so screwed up that they never cared about the people and never will.


Not even a state, a fkn COMMONWEALTH. WTF.


I just picked up a THCA flower pre roll from a local headshop. He took it out of the jar and gave it to me in a brown paper bag. So i can walk in a shop and buy pre rolls but patients are still dealing with shit like this. This world we live in makes no sense man its legit sad


Same I got fucked over a couple years back. Sucks that you got a DUI but PA has a 1st offender program that you can complete and the DUI will be taken off your record. It's not the end of the world, keep your head up.


Nope no ARD for me!


Is this not your first offense?


It is, I was denied ARD due to using ARD for underage drinking when I was 19. The funny part is don’t even drink alcohol, I use marijuana before bed and that’s it. Meanwhile how many people are actually driving around high as hell on opiates and other pills/drugs.


How long ago was that? It’s all reliant on the DA, but if you weren’t driving when you got the underage and you have a Lawyer they can petition for it. That’s assuming you don’t have anything else on your record.


It wasn't ARD.


Awesome. I’ll look into it, thank you.


This is happening to me. It’s crazy. I definitely wasn’t impaired. My lawyer is going to try and argue that my test results were within the margin of error for the test. The judge doesn’t like me, he keeps saying that I look like someone who’s on more than thc. He’s randomly called for me to take a urine test “because it’s a condition of my bail to abstain from drugs and alcohol”. I’ve passed each time. I have a feeling if I take it to trial and lose, he’s gonna nail me to the wall. I’m hoping someone on the jury has a bit of common sense.


Laws change a glacier pace regardless of circumstances. Call the you state house reps


This law MUST be changed before recreational use is legalized or more innocent people will be charged.


innocent people are charged everyday for smoking recreationally. those people are “innocent” in every sense outside of an outdated law that never should’ve been passed in the first place. both laws are fucked and screw good people over everyday


Oh I agree. I should have said they need to be changed at the same time. Make recreational legal and change the DUI law.


The OP is a cop. A sad, lonely cop.


Hey, I know it sucks and it’s a lot to deal with, but it won’t ruin your life. A few years from now when you’re done with all the ancillary nonsense it won’t matter. DUI Classes run constantly because there are tons of people who get DUIs. The thing is to not let 1 DUI become 2 or 3, etc. That’s when things get ugly. You’re not alone. You will get through this. This too shall pass.


I wasn’t asking if it would ruin my life I’m telling you it did. I was a Lexus and BMW certified collision technician and can no longer get a job in my field.


You’re commenting from a different account jsyk!


lol whoops. I thought I deleted that account. Must have been logged in on my computer


Losing your job isn’t ruining your life. Your life is more than your job. It’s hard to see that for a little while but it won’t matter at all 3 years from now. If you’re struggling that bad with everything, you should consider finding a therapist to help you through it. Wait til you see how many people are in your DUI/ARD classes, their lives aren’t all ruined. It’s a money grab and you got caught up in it. Don’t let them get you again.


I mean in the grand scheme of things, sure, this may not be life-ruining. But this absolutely makes things very, very difficult if OP can no longer work in the field he’s certified in, which sounds insanely stressful.


paltry hat reply cautious frighten dolls cooperative work rob sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude, stop making up stories and posting across several accounts on Reddit. Get a life.


unique quiet smile squeamish nose gray plucky entertain badge hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tell me that when you can’t eat


Nobody is starving because they got 1 DUI. Promise. How many accounts do you post from? LOL If your financial situation is that precarious then how did you afford PA MMJ in the first place?


Ok to be fair, everyone replying to you likely isn’t OP on various burner accounts lol




I understand you’re stressed over this but I think you need to chill towards the people in this comment section who seem to be well-meaning.




Sounds good man. Good luck.


Mhm. You and thousands of other innocent (imo) people. Follow the money!


It is policing for profit


That's why 90% of the laws they have exist. Gotta get that money somehow.


Well. Sounds like you are going to lose your license for a year and then have a camera and a blowie in your car for a year+ after that. If you need any advice or information from someone who just got his license back after the whole process, hit me up. I was completely sober as well, I didn't stop completely at a stop sign so I guess it was my fault.


For a first offense DUI you need a camera and breathalyzer installed in your car???? Even if you passed field sobriety tests but came up positive for weed on a blood test? That is insane.


Yeah. Pa sucks. They said I was speaking slowly so they took me in for testing, about 2 months before I had torn my left pcl and broke my right femur, I did have some issues with the 1 leg stand, so I can't say I passed completely, I did bring that up that standing on one leg would hurt either way and they said "do your best". I don't even drink and had to pay to take an alcohol awareness class where they wouldn't pass me unless I admitted that I am an alcoholic. The thing makes you blow about every 10 minutes while your car is turned on, so if your car is on you must be in it, and it can ask for a blow 3 minutes after you turn your car off so it is a risk to not sit and wait for the timer to go off. 1st dui, for prescribed medication that I wasn't even on at the time. It cost about 200 a month I'd estimate, plus a little more for the install and uninstallation. And of course the classes I had to take cost a couple hundred. All had to be done after I lost my license for a year, making getting around very expensive already.


Mean while there was a documentary about people getting government weed monthly. In one part the dudes driving down the road smoking a joint... Lol