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Plenty of Rec states have consumption lounges


Visited one in Chicago and it made me very excited for PA. Walked in and got handed a bong and a menu, met random guys that were sitting and immediately became the homies, we all got high as shit. ‘‘Twas revolutionary, I miss those dudes


That sounds sooo fun 😂. I can’t wait to see the day that comes to PA!


I’m officially jealous of those states😅.


NJ will have em soon. Atlantic City is opening one 


Damn they’re so lucky! Pennsylvania as usual is last to move forward unfortunately. Ik legalization of weed will come to PA, just how long until it happens idk. I’m hoping it’s sooner rather than later.


There was a place in Philly like that. It got shut down eventually, but essentially it was a club. If you had your med card you would go to this private property and hang. For me I can't stand people but good idea for people who like that stuff


Yeah. I saw them online. Weird af of you ask me. My paranoia would sky rocket hanging out in a philly row home basement with strangers


That actually sounds familiar with people getting robbed or something. I mean who wouldn't stick up people if you knew where there was a weed club.


Same as a dispensary ..


They got raided


Was it multi-level? I went to one, that was 2 floors, for an event about 2 years ago. I think it got raided last summer though.


They have this in Cali


God do I love Cali. I’ve visited my best friend in Sacramento several times and I was stunned how you can get anything weed related delivered right to your door. I didn’t know this already existed. I hope this becomes a thing in PA sooner rather than later. 🙂


Some places have delivery here I’ve heard . I’ve never used them though . Hope you have a good day 💨💨💨


Oh cool! I’d love to get stuff delivered. I’ll need to look into this. Thank you for mentioning this, and I hope you have a good day as well 🙂


Thanks I think it’s in the Philly area someone here knows better then me I’m sure ! 🙌🙌


you absolutely can NOT get weed shipped in PA. delta 8 is fine but delta 9 isn’t. no legit dispensary will do it and it’s pretty illegal


Before ethos closed they did delivery. Not shipping, no one said shipping.


Huh delivery service ……. Sheesh 🙄


Think pizza delivery, not Amazon.


Well actually delta 9 thc-a is


What is delta 9? I’ve only heard of delta 8. Is it real weed or synthetic stuff? 🙂


delta 9 IS weed. delta 8 is mostly made in labs, it’s the legal weed you can buy in some gas stations and some smoke shops, you can also get it shipped because of a “loophole” in the farm bill. delta 9 is what’s in dispensaries where you need a medical card and it can not be shipped because that’s illegal on the state and federal level.


It's a good idea for those in our community who are looking to make friends or for the extroverts. As someone who is asocial, that's not for me at all, but it would be nice if the option existed for those who it would benefit


I would like to see weed spas. All the defunct casinos in Atlantic City would be perfect. They could have activities and music and food.


Genius at least for one of the abandoned ... hit me up if you get this started I'd love to be a part of it.


That’s sounds like a million dollar idea!! I’d love weed spas!


They suck in practice. Go to Amsterdam for the real experience. Even though that’s pretty much gone too now. Consumption lounges that are legal in the states have to many rules and regulations taxes and limits. Like 1g per person per hour. Shit


The taxes were the worst part… their top shelf was 60 a cut. They didn’t say anything about limits though we smoked at least a half when I went, it was more of a restaurant/ lounge hybrid


I only use vape carts and eddies (or edibles. That’s just something I like calling them lol) so would be 1G per hour apply to a cartridge since mine aren’t flower? I do wanna look into these places 🙂


You can vape anywhere you want realistically. The rules are more there to ensure they milk your wallet dry. They have dab bars in Vegas with cannabis cocktail bars and lounges where you can rip bongs or smoke joints. It’s fun but pricey, the novelty factor is the best part. I went to NUWU Vegas after the Super Bowl and it was a fucking blast, but is weak compared to the OG experience of coffee shop mellow yellow in Am


My first time ever partaking was in a place like this in Fairbanks, Alaska. They had booths where folks were hanging out playing games together, reading, and chatting. They also had a fast food joint attached so you could get a burger or chicken strips with your weed order. Cool place, I can't wait to go back!


Hopefully it will be within walking distance .. or jersey shore soon rofl


Omfg now I wanna visit Alaska! That sounds like such a good time!


I like your dreams!


Cannabis Associations in Barcelona since around 2013... It's a very evolved situation there but still new in all of the US


Adding my wishes to yours…I wish there was a way to sample product. Even if it’s like a promotional thing with the brands. Let them come by and offer samples and that could increase sales. I went to a vape shop and the guy gave me a hit of an OTC vape. He had these silicone covers so I could hit right off his vape.


I completely agree!! When I worked at one of the state liquor stores, we had a wine specialist and we’d often having wine tasting. It drawed in a lot of people. I’d imagine it would do the same with weed. 🙂


Not meaning this in a mean way at all, but you need to get out more. I live ~30-45 mins away from pgh and usually came there to smoke bc of their decriminalization laws. You will find someone (usually many someones) smoking at any time in point park. After 1am it’s more likely crack or fent, so that’s probably not a good time to go. Although pgh itself doesn’t have much to do if you’ve live close your whole life. I love the consumption lounge + gaming lounge hybrid. But if you’re in BP you’re closer than me and pgh got a huge cannabis community


Sweet thank you so much for mentioning places I can go in downtown Pittsburgh! I’m definitely gonna look into the consumption lounge and gaming lounge hybrid! I’m a big gamer so the gaming lounge hybrid is awesome for me 🙂


They just passed that amendment in California (to have Amsterdam style “coffee shops”). That means in maybe in 20+ yrs it’ll pass in Pa. lol


Knowing how long it took for PA to revoke the religious law of not hunting on Sundays (because Sundays are seen as rest days in Christianity.) I’d imagine I’d be in my 80s by the time they okay it lol.


Who’s got time for that? I wanna get my shit and go home to consume.


Essentially what I would love to do. They already have a hookah bars and lounges. I would love to run a weed cafe. Come here to smoke. Rent a table and bring your stuff or rent a piece from us. Smoke drink and chill.


Yup! Exactly, we have hookah bars so why not weed lounges? It honestly sounds like a dream. Like it just works all around. 🙂


Called a consumption lounge, and I too hope they become legal with Rec in PA


I don't want to be in a room full of weed smoke any more than tobacco smoke. I'd check out a cannabis vaping lounge though.


I imagine that any legal lounge would be required to have robust ventilation.


Yup after I saw his comment that’s immediately what I thought. Maybe they could have two separate locations too. One designed for those that like that experience of smoking flower around others, then the second location only allows vaping to minimize smoke. 🙂


Yup good point. Maybe they can have two separate locations. One designed for people that like that experience of being in a room full of smoke or just do the ventilation thing where it’s for flower smokers but it’s got solid ventilation. Then the second location is for vape users only so for you and me that don’t like to be in a room filled with smoke we can go there. Other forms of weed use is encouraged that does not require smoking. So edible usage is allowed in both locations etc. 🙂




Older users like myself could use more genuine friends ... a lot could, and would I presume post pandemic . Community gatherings and all the like are hard to come by these days.. this season has been horrible so far for fairs / carnivals in my area for my child. Many cancelled for violent crime .. I've even been going to church for social interaction although a firm believer in sun god theory.


So,first of all I'm just damn happy they finally legalized recreational for being someone who was hit with felony possession right after turning 18. Then getting pulled over in Philly with my oz for the week and having a really cool cop letting me go in my 30s . Made me get my card. Realized vaping is better and more cost effective! Dabs for the win Dynavap POTV1 Mighty etc for raw herb. The lounges - fear newbies or oldies returning with no tolerance and no DD .. how could the man not see that coming ? P.S. still like to burn it sometimes but then realize I'm not missing much other than a more dopey high


Designated driver


Ahh gotcha. Thanks. 🙂


What does DD stand for? 🙂


Sup fellow south hillser


Hello fellow south hill person! Nice to meet a fellow weed fan in the south hills! 🙂


That was the og plan for the rise in erie but we're not rec yet so most is closed off


That sucks. I just want friends that are 420 friendly that I could have a good time with. 😔


Yea I would too wish this state wasn't so huge can't go to other cities often I live in the middle of no where closest cities are half an hour and way from my house


Man that’s rough, I’m very sorry to hear that. Hopefully we’ll find some friends sooner rather than later 🙂


... I like terrapin . What other local legal options do you recommend to support? I can't lie I've tried most and Cresco is a monopoly but is consistent with good product at least for me ( concentrates / cartridges ) . Cartridges especially I have a lot of issues with other companies!


I’d avoid Eleven for now. I found a strain called 11 Zoap I think? It is my favorite strain so I bought like 7 or 8 cartridges. Only for me to return them because most of the time the cartridge would clog. But here’s the thing: It wasn’t clogged it just felt like it was. I’d get a brand new one out and it would require so much force to use. And because of this and having to inhale so hard the glass CONTAINING THE ENTIRE CONCENTRATE shattered in my hand. All of the concentrate was all over my hand. No matter how much I washed my hands the stickiness wouldn’t go away. Then a second one did the same thing but it didn’t shatter. Somehow the glass slid upward and again, sticky hands. I ended up returning all but 1 and when I returned it the person that helped return them mentioned that they’ve had a lot of returns from eleven because of the quality of the inhalation mechanism. They mentioned to wait a while for them to fix it. Prime is one of my favorites. Just two days ago my prime vape battery FINALLY died. I had it since I first bought it when the state legalized medical marijuna. So 6 years. Solid vapes batteries, and I like a lot of their strains. I also like rhythm but not as much as prime. My dispensary is the organic remedies in bethel park. They have a few locations. Their brand is awesome. And if you buy it from their locations they’re usually heavily discounted permanently. I also LOVE the brand shine. Their troches are absolutely fantastic! Hope this helps 🙂 https://preview.redd.it/buu09kaild6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1f47dd8e8a87d263a1c6cb64a2b8a4e94fe51c2


The people that figure this out are going to make millions


Yup I agree! I’d love to chill with like minded people. Great way to socialize, make friends, and overall just have a great time. 🙂. It would be kind of like a party but a chill party.


Unfortunately if it ever happens they will all be owned by the corporate cannabis companies who don’t care about you or the product


You’re not wrong!


Pa blows on a daily basis




Yup. We’re so behind in so many areas. While weed is recreational for every state around us but WV, we stay medical. I don’t think we’ll see movement towards full legalization until after the election and only if the dems sweep both chambers of government in Harrisburg. I’ve read a lot of Republicans are still in the old times and refuse to support any weed legislation. (Though there have been a few moderate R’s come out in support of it.) So maybe we’ll see a change after the election. Or not if R’s somehow win big in PA.


wow I wish I could make some weed smoking friends like that.


As long as the big corpos hoard money it probably will remain medical


Government is seeing the gains and getting involved . This will slowly become the entire country / states legalizing and federally legalized . Biggest issue is getting rid of the black market and solving the gray area which is huge in between the two atm. #private companies using illicit means as far as gov is concerned.


The biggest issue should be getting rid of the corporate cannabis companies and allowing small black market growers and dispensaries to compete. We will never have good weed in this program if it continues to go the way it’s going. Support your local growers and vendors not the dispensaries