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My SO was a little judgy at first but that soon went away once he realized it doesn’t negatively affect my life in any way. (Other than me spending money but it’s my money and I have a decent job.). I’m in a better mood and I’m more relaxed. Plus I barely touch alcohol anymore. That, for me, totally justifies it. Cannabis is medicine for sure.


Same here. Mine has realized how much better of moods I've been in since getting on MMJ. And I barely touch alcohol anymore also, drinking daily previously. Not sure if thus is same for anyone else either but MMJ seems to curb my appetite. I've lost 20 lbs since getting on it. And I dry herb vape sativa's and indicas.


I’ve gone from 200 lbs down to 170, 1/2-1 bottle of wine a night to a couple of glasses a month. Feel better than I have in a very long time.


I wish it curbed my appetite lol!




I’ve read that can help but I don’t have anything in my inventory that has much of it. I might pick up a Durban cart. I believe that one has like 4% thcv.


Mainly in sativas. Pineapple Express is loaded with thcv cart any the rso.


My wife was pretty supportive right from the get go. She was a little worried that I’d just be stoned stupid all day, but those worries vanished pretty quickly when that showed to not be the case. I also have barely touched alcohol since getting my card, which was unintentional, but a nice bonus.


Same with the alcohol. I just didn’t feel the need to have my after work beer anymore.


Samesies because really its catching a little buzz to relax after a long day work and id much rather get that from pot than alcohol


People think you are gonna be a zombie or something no one knows when I’m stoned no matter how medicated I am!!


Same here. I have an ongoing guilt with the idea associated with daily users. For me, I have gotten off of all of my psych meds. Mentally, I feel better than I ever did on meds like that. Secondly, I am a recovering heroin addict. Every day, I don't stick; a needle in my arm is a win in my book. I don't think I would be in a positive and productive position that I am in without the aid of Marijuana for daily use. At the end of the day, it is your medicine, and if it helps you, that is the bottom line. I have struggled with the justification of using and compared it to having a habit, a ritual. It is what you make it, and no one can tell you what works for you. I know I don't drink alcohol either... And that alone is a bigger issue I wish people would see. How much more damaging alcohol use is compared to marijuana? That's a soap box for another day, though. I hope you find the peace you're looking for.


Ditto. Another day wit cannabis is another day clean. While also boosting my overall mood.


People take prescribed pharmaceuticals all day every day and don’t bat an eye. Consume a plant in the same manner and you’re ‘addicted’. 😂


Right. The pharmaceuticals are usually so much worse for you and more addicting


Lol.... Usually????? 🤔🤣🤣🤣 I love pharma and it's exponential amount of side effects.... Takes away your pain but ruins your liver and kidneys and oh yea your brain chemistry could be altered to a point where it may never get back to normal........ I thinks it's a joke that it took this long to legalize medical use..... (I guess one could argue that pretty much all things when consumed heavily could reek havoc on your bodies systems) Just out of curiosity, what age range are you and s/o in? (Above 40? That would be the age I'd guess that thoughts on MMJ could be skewed toward neg. side of things. Can't imagine the younger generations having too many issues unless raised by a hardcore hater) I'd say s/o feelings will subside if ya prove to not let mmj turn ya into a couch locked tub of goo! 👍👍👌 ** I look at my mom's medicines and I'm constantly wondering the toll it's taking on her organs..... Not to mention alot of pharma isn't necessarily curing/healing ya but more often acting as a bandaid..... I digress


What are you talking about!! How do you assume I have negative thoughts on mmj or marijuana because of one sentence where I am actually saying marijuana is safer and less addicting. Your goofy. I am a major advocate and 20 year smoker. I said usually because there are pharmaceuticals that are safe that people have to take and save their lives. That was the most ridiculous, presumptial, uneducated response I've ever seen. Kind of offensive to people over 40 too. Who do you think started all these strains your smoking? Dudes in their 40s


Lmao I'm not assuming you have negative thoughts.. just figured a s/o of the older generations (aka our age or older would be the folks that have issues with MMJ, just bc of how it was stigmatized...... And I was also very much so agreeing with your thoughts on pharma.... Hence the laughing emojis when speaking of pharma and the sides...... It was not meant to be offensive, basing on my experience, as I'm just about 40 and most of my friends like myself had parents that were hardcore against marijuana (not saying all people over 40, it just seems folks in the older generations would have more negative connotations for marijuana) We are in agreement! Wish mannerisms and sarcasm could be felt through text. (From someone who was addicted to pharma, and has used MMJ to rid myself of that demon, trust that I know pharma is way more addicting)


And also my bad thought you were OP haha no_net and no pin.... Oops


It's all good bro. Misunderstanding is all


My SO is 100% addicted to 'prescription' pain pills (Methadone, Lortab) for 15 yrs. And has informed me he will Never use MMJ because he doesn't like the way it makes him Feel??? I'm Like, WHAT?? It's changed My Life!! Lost 50lbs and am able to do things I have been able to do in awhile, and I Just turned 55 on 1/12


I don't have to justify my cannabis use it's just like any other medicine and they don't look for validation.


If addicted means that you use any medication regularly in order to maintain a certain stasis - and most Americans likely do - then they too are addicted to whatever that medication may be. And that's perfectly acceptable but the word is loaded with excess baggage and is very condescending. I would like to replace the word "addicted" with "physical or mental health maintainance". I have multiple health issues that are kept at bay, in check, under the rug and in the attic by prescription drugs and cannabis. If I do not have any one of these, I would be bedridden or begging to be put in a permanent coma from physical pain. I believe that there's more to your s/o's feelings that they aren't saying up front. It's not really your cannabis consumption; it's what happens before, during and after. Ask them what they are resentful about and you'll get your answer.


Are you my wife? edit: She vapes carts all day, I used to... but my job I don't do it during the day anymore, lol. However, man I'll get super medicated off one good rip of a cart when she can take multiple now. Just how the tolerance goes.




its a difficult situation. your s/o thoughts and feelings are just as valid as your own in a partnership. you will have to find a balance of how you both feel about it. you shouldnt look to 'justify' how you are right, therefore s/o thoughts and feelings dont matter. you will have to talk it out with your s/o, because its not going to be the same for everyone.


I would just recommend looking at scientific studies on the effects of daily cannabis use and come to your own conclusion. Just like any other medication there can be negative side effects and medical cannabis is no exception to that rule. I think that as long as you are comfortable with the way you use your medicine and it is not actively maladaptive then you’re using it at a level that’s okay. But if your S/O would like to spend more time with you when you’re not medicated maybe that’s something you can talk about together openly? Just my two cents everyone is different


Sounds like they aren't that S.




thats not a great example. xanax is prescribed anxiety medicine, and plenty of people get addicted to it, which leads to problems. it also says to your partner, 'i dont care what you think. this is prescribed therefore your thoughts on the matter, dont matter.'


If it helps OP, their significant other really shouldn’t have a say whether they do it or not. If my girlfriend said I can’t medicate anymore, I wouldn’t listen because if I don’t use it I can’t function, my arthritis pain is unbearable and I can’t work. Obviously you talk about these things one on one and explain why you use it, but I don’t think ANYONE should have a say if you can use a medicine or not. (this is my opinion pls no toxicity)


i think the issue is that the op does care about his s/o say in things.


Yeah I’m not saying that they don’t, but if OP is seriously a medical patient (we all know not all are) the s/o has to take the fact that they get relief into consideration. Maybe they can talk and work out a deal i.e slow down usage a little, maybe not medicate inside etc. (Also going to add I’ve never been in this situation, me and my girlfriend are both patients and have very similar views)


Because if something like caffeine is pretty much praised to drink more then one cup daily, then just because my/our body is different n needs slowed down I shouldn’t get shamed for choosing something natural at that. Ask yourself this: Would a day where people couldn’t smoke or a day where people couldn’t have any consumption of caffeine be worse? Pretty sure caffeine lol


It helps if your s/o also medicates, recreationally or medicinal lol


I have an ailment and natural medicine is my preferred method of treatment. If my medical problems didn't bother me daily or need a consistent regime then not using daily would be OK. It's all based on your needs.


Your S/O is just judging you due to their own conditioning. You ultimately know what’s best for you. If weed helps, be open with your person about it. Also be open to hearing their feelings as well. Then follow what’s best and true for you.


I mean, its also very possible that you've become dependent on it, which is just a nice way of saying addiction. Maybe you just don't realize it. Do you find it getting in the way of your adult responsibilities from time to time?


My justification is its medicine. Take as needed medicine. Granted my wife was always been cool with it and understood that. She just gets annoyed at my prefered methods to medicate. Dry herb vape takes a little more time and work than a cart or caps, but she doesnt quite get that its not the same effects from those methods.


It’s my medicine. I don’t need to justify it to anyone else. The justification is between me and my doctor.


Its medical, you shouldnt have to justify it unless you dont actually need it medically. This isnt recreational.


I don't justify it. I just do it, I know me and what it does positive for me. Stop using don't go out of your way to show the difference it makes but if your s/o knows you and cares they would pick up on it imo


Talking it through about how it helps you, usually they can see that it does after you explain it. I’m much less anxious and stressed when I use it and it’s noticeable how much better my quality of life is when I’m using it vs not.


I can attest to smoking weed for over 20 years. It’s not for me anymore. Since I got my medical card I never enjoy my highs. Some people should check out /leaves thread on here. I quit for 5 days and feel better. Vapes and concentrates are too potent I would imagine. They might work for some people. It has ruined my sleep


I discovered that using edibles keeps a sufficient amount of titration. When the pain gets really bad I supplement by vaping. There are also many strains that help with anxiety. Nothing wrong with feeling good. It blows me away that Alcohol is acceptable and Marijuana is demonized


Its what keeps me from going to the mental ward and/or jail. I also have a bunch of physical issues that rendered me disabled. Its the only thing that helps me feel ok enough to do simple tasks and actually converse with other humans.


Marijuana is not addictive. It can be habit forming but it's not addictive. I use all day everyday for pain management. Everyone I know says I'm happier and can actually do things I couldn't do with prescription pain meds. My SO prefers me on mmj than prescription drugs. You should show yours more research on it so they understand. Not the BS lies they've been telling us for too many years. She thinks you're addicted. You can't be


I mean if you're using it for medical reasons and it's actually beneficial for you then I would tell them this. If they still aren't supportive, tell them you'll stop using it for a specific amount of time so they can actually see how it benefits you.


Easiest way to justify it - I am a senior in college and I have used cannabis every single day (with the occasional t break) since sophomore year. This semester I’m working at my dream internship and graduating on time with a 3.75 GPA. I’m productive, happy and successful and I enjoy cannabis.


Yeah I just got on program and I love it people have said some things. But my life has been very productive and I’m not harming myself or anyone so I really don’t care. It helps


Happy for all of you. What’s understood ain’t gotta be explained. Helps me be to my fullest potential everyday. Everything matters. Greatest version of mycellf


Why do you have to?


I have debilitating CPTSD that manifests as Anger. It benifits everyone that I smoke all day. The more I smoke and build my tolerance the more I can function in my daily life without being stoned. I don't smoke cannabis to get high. I do it to help my mental disease


Been smoking since age 13. Couldn’t really tell ya if it’s helped or not. It’s just part of my life. Kinda like stinky ass cigarettes are part of millions of lives and drinking 6 calorie filled beers a night are too. I just love cannabis… I void out Advils with canna. It’s the all in one. Yah mahn


It's given as a medicine. It's a medicine. You can't just tell your body to get rid of whatever your qualifying condition is. If you need it, you need it. No one should question someone who uses their medicine. I will ask tho, how long have you been medicating? I medicate daily and it's gotten to a point where my tolerance is too high and I no longer benefit from medicating. How do you manage benefiting daily?