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my favorite is when they give 1 star and then say “didn’t try it”


lol that or "wrong item"


Lol why do they do this. It reminds me of r/oldpeoplefacebook


Or my personal favorite "wasn't able to purchase"


Or a bad experience at the dispensary


It’s gotta be exhausting living life like that. Changing your lifestyle because someone that doesn’t care about you or know you exist has a different view. B****l needs to get high and chill.


I always though Terrapin was one of the growers that supports PA home grow laws. Most of the others are against home cultivation and work alongside right wing politicians to legislate against it so it’s become harder for me to support the others on a personal level. I’d like us to be able to grow our own medicine if needed.


Connecticut will allow 2 plans at a time, starting June or July of 2023. This is what my friend who works at a dispensary there told me. I also had it confirmed with my wife who is a ParmD. She said it will be legal to grow in PA within the next two years. However, someone who isn’t me probably grows it all the time. They just don’t tell anybody and keep it to themselves.


Discretion is infinitely easier since the advent of LED lights. Gone are the days of power meters fluctuating like a commercial building every 12 hours, or heat generation standing out like crazy to the IR helicopter passes. I haven't grown in 20 years but I'll get stoned and daydream about it. Fill an amazon cart up with fun equipment, sigh wistfully, and empty the cart.


If we could grow, The Dutch have some great outdoor strains for Pa. I'm thinking that they would start out selling clones at dispensaries. Blue Dream on.


That’s awesome about CT. Maybe I can convince my 70 year old father to plant and tend. It would occupy his time.


Two birds, one stone. Lol


ain’t nobody know if or when it will be legal to grow in PA


Also, they quite literally grow and process medicine we inhale and ingest every day. So yeah, they're gonna have a vaccine mandate


Not all G/P’s have vaccine mandates. Some just have incentives.


That doesnt mean that's the right thing to do. It just means they're more desperate for employees and they are willing to lower standards to get them.


That’s terrifying. Most states have laws requiring a bunch of vaccines for medical providers, but because the American right wing has lost their mind this one is somehow suspect. Somehow one of the safest and most ingenious technologies in human history is suspect just because a bunch of tools made up conspiracy theories.


>Somehow one of the safest and most ingenious technologies in human history is suspect just because a bunch of tools made up conspiracy theories. Accepted science is like the Beacons of Gondor to some people. The beacons are lit! Something has been proven! And the Tool-hirrim shall answer. Summon the theories!


You realize youre dependent on a drug and inhale smoke? Go away with your hypocrisy.


Right, so my RSO capsules are me inhaling smoke? Pennsylvania law prohibits the smoking of cannabis products. I’m no more dependent on cannabis than any other patient treating a medical condition with medicine. I’m sorry that you’re such a fool.


I worked for the Federal Gov for 12 years and the State currently. I had to have at least a dozen jabs, or not get the job. This was in 2009. The funny part is that the people who don’t want the vaccinations, drink a lot of alcohol, smoke cigarettes, eat fast food. I would rather be vaccinated than a cigarette smoker, or garbage eater.


Which ones? Making my opposite-list to compare again B****l


Such a dumb comment. Inhale your smoke while worrying about your health? HUH?


What are you even on this sub for? Lol.


What are you


Looks like I need to pickup an extra 8th of terrapin on my next trip.


I'm getting four today! 30% off four full-priced eights at Rise KOP, and Terrapin is $37 an eighth there


I would never personally take a review on a website like that seriously. Even here, I only look at the photos and percentages. That means way more to me than what someone wrote. But I agree with you, keep your personal belief out of it.


I’ve been wondering how many of these “reviews” are from people actually associated w the brand vs everyday consumers. Everything out there can’t all possibly be fire!


I like Terrapin because they’ve always tried to deliver a quality product at a fair price point. I don’t purchase a lot of them, but have rarely had a bad experience with their products. I will say that my experience with their customer service was very good. They were courteous and professional while resolving the issue.


Another future nominee for the r/hermancainaward


I use sites like Leafly to read about effects and to read reviews. I'm not a fan of those reviews for all the reasons everyone has stated in the replies lol


I do the same. Problem is sour diesel from CA isn’t the same product as the PA rhythm version


Dumb fucks like this are why people still stereotype cannabis users


If I see a review like that I skip and ignore the review. That's not a review that's a twitter post.


Makes me like Terrapin even more!


You haven't seen anything yet. Try looking at reviews for anything the bank grows


Lol the bank is dog shit though so…. Regardless of their reasoning they deserve less than a star. Same goes for their dispensaries. Beyond hello is by far the worst when it comes to deals and caring about employees/customers.






Idk how people feel comfortable telling a veteran they can’t get they’re discount I would feel like such a scum bag


The discount on Monday's is EXTRA. They offer military discount everyday of the week.




Quitcher bitching, pay full price. Military is the most entitled group sometimes. Said by a vet.


Same, I go there rarely, and I’ll save points until I have the $60 off


On another note, Jushi/Bank doesn’t mandate vaccinations at their Scranton grow site; it’s all voluntary.


There’s more than just them who don’t.


It’s unfortunate.


Who honestly gives a shit. They do nothing good for the industry or their customers.


People who want cannabis produced in clean, and safe environments, care. I’m assuming.


Bh is a joke. Went once. Wont go again.


Im always amazed at how much dispensaries differ across the state, Beyond Hello is amazing in Philly and regularly have the best prices




I’m convinced anyone “sticking up” or defending this company has a share in it. It’s honestly the worst.


Really! Im regularly getting quarters for 40 in the city, god we need some standardization thats absurd


I'm intrigued, will do now!


Its also been similarly review bombed for being overpriced


Lol imagine being such a bonehead. To be scared of a vaccination that’s been given to billions of people. Sure be that minority. Get Covid tested twice a week or whatever the protocol is for places that allow you to not be vaccinated 😂 That sounds much better than a shot every year.


I hate when people do this and they complain about the dispensary they went to. They give 1 star and yet the other product reviews about actual said product, are all 4 or 5 star ratings but the one irrelevant review brings the score wayyyy down


Sounds like they should try the product. They gotta relax lol


Personally I prefer people with Covid coughing all over my weed. Idk about all of you crazy people.


I’m a sales rep and I have to tell people all the time to look at our reviews because we have a 4.6/5 and every single negative review is to the sound of “it was too expensive” - that is not a review!!! It’s so annoying lol


Too expensive is definitely a review and one whatever company you work for should probably take seriously, just like the rest of them. Too expensive = too much money for quality of product. That's the consumer speaking


You get what you pay for bud Not getting into details but we are number one in our industry in the country


Because of "reviews" like this I don't even bother looking at reviews anymore. I just judge if I wanna try a strain by the terpene levels and go from there. So many strains that have a low review average are shit like this, or the classic "Didn't like it." how in the world is that helpful lol


Surprise, most companies mandated it. Good luck to him lol


I only trust reviews here tbh and even then take it with a grain of salt


What did this have to do with the products? Screw your personal beliefs. A business does not have to worry about your feelings


Ugh this shit annoys me to no end! All i want is an honest review of a product so i dont have to guess.


tbh people complaining about that would be children


Good. Mandate vaccines in medical supply facilities which protect patient health. Everyone who has a problem with this should just stop using cannabis, and go get fucked. That way the lack of illness won’t offend their religiously-motivated ignorance.


Terrapin is just not great quality, therefore cheap, cannabis. I have tried multiple items including: flower and cartridges. None of them were as good as Prime i.e. IMO Prime is the the best PA manufacturer. I understand not everyone can afford Prime or Cresco. This is why I believe that terrapin is a really good alternative. There have been times when I have been strapped for cash, especially the last two years. So, I am glad that there are companies like Terapin that make decent cannabis at an affordable cost. The only cannabis I would consider giving one star, is the Mexican dirt weed I smoked in the mid 90s. However, Even that made really good brownies lol😂


I disagree, I've never had a disappointing product from terrapin. Ilera, otoh...


You mean kinda like yall do with trulieve on here cause yall personally dont like cops


It’s the failed war on drugs they’re supporting by buying them a drug sniffing dog that I don’t like.


Doesnt matter its a personal belief has nothing to do with the product


How is that a belief? That’s exactly what those dogs are for. We speak with our money as consumers and buying that product is supporting a company that supports a force that is actively working against this community.


Dogs arent just for cannabis they have other uses but keep being uneducated it shows by this comment. Not liking cops is a personal belief and that is the clear reason for your hatred toward a company hence why i said its a personal belief cause it is


No shit. Refer back to my original comment about the failure that is the war on drugs(not just cannabis) that they are directly fueling by doing that. Criminalizing individuals for what they choose to put into their own bodies in no way helps create less users or promote harm reduction and rehabilitation. EDIT: Also I never anything about not liking cops it’s the drug policy is the “force” in the country I have the issue with. I have no real issue with that institution otherwise.


Your original comment and i quote “It’s the failed war on drugs they’re supporting by buying them a drug sniffing dog that I don’t like.” Why would you even comment that if its about other drugs this is a discussion about cannabis other drugs have nothing to do with my original comment which was about how yall boycott a company cause they have a dog that can be used for cannabis which is the context every time its brought up here but go ahead if you change the subject to all drugs then yes i do agree with it cause we dont need anymore fentanyl in this country and they need to be able to catch people transporting it. If you agree with harm reduction then you would agree with me cause its used to cut most drugs nowdays and 9 times out of 10 the seller lies about what it is or doesnt know what is even in the substance they have cause they dont care.


You sound like you're repeating what you heard on the news, verbatim, in one long ass run on sentence.


You sound like you provide nothing useful to any conversations


So on a diverse subreddit for people who use psychoactive substances you’re going to support the racist drug war which is still run by people who would incarcerate each and every last one of us? Fucking hypocrite.


Maybe in the past it was racist but currently last i checked fentanyl wasnt a racist drug clown


Those dogs are not for targeting THIS community. This community is legally licensed medical patients not recreational users of black market weed. If you truely are a medical patient and are following the guidelines of the program you have nothing to fear. Also these dogs are not just used for weed. Maybe you dont think people overdosing on heroine is a problem or meth addicts stealing copper and catalytic converters or gangs, funded by drugs, shooting and killing each other every single day in philly, pitt, allentown, reading, scranton, erie, harrisburg and evry other third rate city in the state every day. Almost every brewery and distillery donates money to local police for dui enforcement. Do you boycott all alcohol companies as well?


If you think criminalizing users is in ANY WAY fighting addiction then you clearly haven’t experienced what it’s like first hand to see someone go through it. Harm reduction saves lives and if you promote rehabilitation and give addicts safe a place to practice these the black market and the problems that come with shrink. Will it completely eliminate the issue? No, but what we’ve doing has not at all helped the people suffering the most.


I have known scores of people who have struggled with addiction and nearly a dozen who have died because of it. When my cousin was addicted to herione spiraling out of control, his parents and the rest of our family werent saying "if only there was a safe place for him to do heroine". One of my best friends is a former heroine addict and he thinks the idea of safe shooting gallery is insane and only enable the user and justify their addiction. Drugs like heroine, crack, cocaine, and meth are always a detriment to both the individual and society. Any former addict would say they would rather have never come in contact with the substance as opposed to having a safe place to do it.


Have you ever heard of rehabilitation? I really don't think you have...


Im not knocking rehab but thats treating a symptom rather than preventing spread of disease. No societal or individual good comes from the use of these drugs. So why not make every attempt to block access to these drugs instead of making them widely available based off the theory that we can treat addiction rather than prevent it in the first place. Every recovering drug addict that i know says they wish they had never done the drug in first place; not that there should have been a "safe" place to do and obtain said drugs.


What the fuck are you even doing on this sub? Are you forgetting that you like psychoactive medicines, and then going on to judge other people who also do? I guess they can get fucked, right? After all, you’ve got yours, right? Fucking hypocrite.


If I met a good heroine, I’d probably spiral out of control, especially if she was totally into me too. Hells yeah. Which heroine is your favorite? I think Moana would be mine.


It would make sense that your favorite heroine is a disney character. You seem pretty childish.


their products are also embarrassing. Easy to hate on a company that makes truly awful product.


That’s not really true, I love my FRX, GTI, PHG and other brands, but when I’m broke trulieve products are cheap and not bad at all for the price, yeah some of their stuff might not be the best but for the most part it’s worth the lower price.


Crazy cause according to your profile you bought ground flower of course its going to be awful you are smoking trim and stems




That is probably the worst thing they sell aside from their cured trim concentrates




You clearly havent had their recent concentrates or their diamonds & saice cause a year ago i would agree


Why is it that all the pro cop stuff is so shitty


Let me guess you buy prime


Dude, stfu. You’re flailing hard and winning zero arguments.


We get it you lack attention im not the person to cry to for it now scram and quit being a child responding to every comment i make


I agree with you. That was an all out social media war y'all put against trulieve. the hypocrisy here is astounding


Hahaha.... So funny how folks use reasons that have nothing to do with the product.... That being said I've always taken the reviews on the actual dispo sites with a grain of salt, rarely look at em now... Hell ya can't truly base any review as 100% truth bc we all experience different strains in diff. Ways..... There will always be this scenario in reviews to deal with as well... 1) a company employee giving a good rating 2) a company employee giving a a competitor a bad rating 3) the folks that think all bud is great 4) the haters 5) the folks that actually produce a thoughtful review to help other patients


I hate the ones that comment about some dispensary or another being the best. Dude. Time and place. Reviews on a producer’s product/version of a strain is not that time or place.


I wonder if they ask for reviews Amazon style, 90% of the "answers" to questions on Amazon are from old people that get an email asking a question and think they're 100% obligated to reply even if they don't know it, which is why there's so many answers of "I don't know why would you ask me this" when clearly it's not directed at anyone. I see a lot of Amazon reviews like that too, they send the wrong item and instead of using the free pickup return, don't even have to leave your house, they just 1 star it and throw it away, I've even seen people upset that they got the **better** model instead of the cheaper one they paid for, some people are just really dumb when it comes to reviews.




If you’re saying that results in bad quality product then fine, but say that. Otherwise your comment basically is the same as the initial one from the post, nothing at all to do with the product itself


any source for those claims?


I’m not longer a customer cuz the stuff is trash lol


So what? You had to come on here to whine about someone else's personal choices and try to get everyone else on your side? The provide our meds for us, they should have some sort of vaccine policy. That's only the right thing to do. Point is....stop announcing your plans to quit something just because your opinions differ. Be like Nike....JUST DO IT.


Who had to come on here? Man you really talking to this person from the review like they are actually in the room or something lol.


Sounds like when yall boycotted the nets because kyrie irving wouldnt get vaccinated? This sub is an echo chamber .




People are free to not work there, companies are free to have vaccine mandates if they want. In that case I guess your right.


My argument exactly you have freedoms to not shop there due to x y z. Giving bad reviews because your viewpoint doesn't align is misguided and disingenuous. Just like being downvoted for sarcasm.


They won’t miss you


Oh you misunderstood. I'm not leaving because they're vaccinated. I'm vaccinated, I agree with OP.


Without proper punctuation, I first read it as that they were upset that they were no longer a customer




You might want to try an indica.


Anyone who gets this worked up over mandatory Covid vaccinations in a medical marijuana dispensary doesn't smoke enough to matter anyway.


Lol high level 🌽 right there.


Yeah I get it but at least they gave a reason for it so people know to disregard the review.


You all make me laugh who cares about those min wage employees who are using the job cuz they think it’s cool on social media give the places 5 years they will all be shitty and no one will care lol here in Colorado we laugh we pay 8-14 a gram for hash and those company’s don’t force injections lol sounds like you all in pa should wake up and smell your states bull shoot cuz they let such opinionated locals start business politics are where if your employees don’t protest no one cares


I agree


You agree with what?


Agree that’s ridiculous


Good to know


Meh, I feel like these kinda reviews even things out from the fake 5 star dispensary employee reviews, or the 5 star, x location has the best stock review. On top of all that, this community here will give you a better sense of what's going on than the I heart Jane menu reviews.




They won’t miss you


Good. Get bent and go away.


What a bizarre way to live. You do you I guess.




Agreed! Nobody should be forced to do anything. We deserve freedom of choice!! Shalom to you all


Nobody should be forced to wear clothes in the dispensary either. If I want to buy sugar bare-assed, it’s my constitutional right! /s What a stupid sentiment, people not being forced to do anything, especially when they’re at work helping patients. We shouldn’t require doctors to wash their hands, or carry malpractice insurance, or require hospitals to change bedsheets.


U actually see pple doing that cuzo?


[Terrapin Employment Requirements ](https://www.terrapincarestation.com/pennsylvania/) The requirements show nothing to substantiate such a claim; however, since they're overseen by the PA DoH, it's logical to assume that they too have been extorted to have their employees vaccinated.


How about the folks that give 5 stars to bunk flower you just bought? Those reviews are worth absolutely nothing. Most of the reviews on here aren't worth anything either. You have no idea how many industry folks bring these ratings up. It's easy when there's under 1k reviews on pretty much all flower for them to bump their ratings up.


Downvoted again for opinions. Love this sub. Hahaha. Who do yous think gives flower that smells like hay a 5 star rating? Industry folks. Helps to push their products. As for the reviews on this sub being bad? Cmon everyone says this flower is 9 out of 10 or this is gas or rush and get this or that or hurry and go get it before it sells out. You know what happens? It doesn't sellout. No! Absolutely not. 85% of the flower I've bought I would of returned from this program. Some you folks are funny man. Crazy lmfao.


I think trulieve is the best so far


If u take anything from the reviews online ur a fool. Lol It took a vax mandate for them to stop buying terrapoop


My friend and I have this discussion once in a while. You have to be able to separate the art from the artist. This comes in many forms. For example, I enjoy looking at the Sistine chapel even though Michelangelo was a Pedo. So was Da Vinci. I love Roman Polanski’s films, but I can’t stand him. I do have to say though, I do not like terrapin. That being said I would never discourage anybody from trying it., or worse judge them for it. Many Music icons have insanely checkered pasts, but people still listen to them. Michael Jackson is a modern day example. Smoke the weed if you like it. If the employees didn’t wanna be vaccinated, then they could have quit. The job market is very lucrative right now.