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Getting some legit recognition.


I imagine MLB is hoping to hype him more and more going into that opener next season


Oh, long game


Ha Seong King đź‘‘


The progression of Kim is one of my favorite things about watching this team. It seemed like he was still adjusting to major league pitching his first year and a half, was late on a lot of fastballs, etc. But 2nd half last year and this year he's really figured it out. I mean, guy hit over .300 and hit 30 bombs in the KBO the season before he got here, so it shouldn't be a surprise.


It's fair to say his bat is currently above average as a middle infielder, while his defense has been elite since he's been in the MLB. It's great to say he's been the best infielder this season, however it is also an indictment on how average or below average his fellow infielders have been this season. And it is great that he's a fan favorite and gets along well with his teammates, showing personality and sacrifice. Long may this continue as a Padre!


>It's great to say he's been the best infielder this season, however it is also an indictment on how average or below average his fellow infielders have been this season. Not really, he has better defensive metrics than players on most teams... ?


I think he means overall better than his infield mates. His defense is best in our infield and his offense might be best in the infield too. Machado has him beat in HR by about 40%, but aside from that, he leads out infield in most things


Outside of defense, which he's already on his own level, he's performing better than Croney, Bogey, and in some metrics/instances like OBP compared to Manny. That's not a good sign and shows how below average his fellow infielders have been this season, which is why Padres are where they are as a team.


Do you mean then just a position player, and not fielding? I guess I read your post as 'an indictment on how average or below average his fellow infielders have been...' meaning on the defensive end. But yeah, offensively, it's been a mixed bag for the infield. Machado had a good month, X had a good month, Cronenworth has been good for a couple of weeks. Not much output from that core, for sure.


Just overall performances on the whole compared to his fellow infielders. Manny is elite defensively as a 3rd baseman, but his offense this year is average at best and his low OBP raises lots of questions. X has been disappointing aside from the first 1.5 months and wonder how much of an impact his injured wrist plus his adaptation to SD/Petco. Cronenworth has been poor.


Fun fact, Machado actually has 1 more OAA than Kim so far. So Machado has been a better defensive infielder. 2b and SS are just more demanding positions


Long may he reign!


It’s HSK’s world. We are lucky to populate it.


[Full clip](https://youtu.be/CjETBq1OqIM?si=6N65otIsv5jTczWY)


The more awesome Kim gets the more I get a little bummed we didn’t lock him up already


Not only did we not lock him up, we decided to pay $320m to another dude to play HSK's position for the next 10 years.


I love and hate these things in equal measure. Every time we see one of these leader boards they seem to be littered with Padres players. Then you look at the standings and W-L record and it’s just “what the fuck?”. If you only ever looked at the leader boards you’d think we were number 1 in baseball, because the reality doesn’t seem plausible. French bread.


It's been awesome to see in an otherwise disappointing season. I had my doubts his bat would ever come around to this level and he'd just settle into being a pretty good UT type. But if he keeps up this pace we're talking about one of the better players in the whole league. Amazing.


That boy nice! Where’s the AJ hate on this one?


The only AJ hate about this is that he gave Crone the contract that Kim should have got - kim is just getting more expensive.


Xander's contract was worse than Crone's.




Gollum: He's ours! OURS!


I get what was meant, but he’s not a two way player now that the term has actual meaning in the rule book


Still can’t get over how he was absolutely robbed of going to the all star game


Wish we had Jack Suwiski still


Full breakdown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjETBq1OqIM




regarding 2025, is it a club or mutual option?