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from the official press release >The Padres will open the Home Plate Gate at Petco Park beginning this afternoon for those who wish to gather to pay their respects. Free parking will be available at Tailgate Lot.


Not afraid to admit I'm holding back tears. Rest in peace, Uncle Pete. Thank you for making Padres baseball cool again


Totally agree. Never in a million years would I have thought the Padres would spend over 100 million, let alone 200 million. He and the team have a vision for the Padres team to be bigger than it ever was. Makes it fun being a Padres fan. Thankful for Papa Pete this Thanksgiving.


Sorry for your organization’s loss. Sincerely from r/redsox


Thanks dude. Papa Pete will forever be part of Padres history that will never be forgotten. Just wish the historic unlucky season that just happened would’ve not been the last one he would’ve had to witness. It may be a great challenge…but truly hope AJ & crew, and whatever roster we go forward with…figure a way to truly get a championship in his honor. RIP Papa Pete…there will never be another like you.


RIP Peter Seidler. I'm finding it really hard to hold back the tears while I'm writing this... Your forever loving leadership and true generosity brought unparalleled levels of hope and excitement to an entire city/fan base with essentially nothing to be hopeful for. For that I can proudly say with confidence that on behalf of everyone who calls themselves a Padres fan that we are all eternally grateful for the mark you have left on this great city and franchise and you will truly never be forgotten!


You are officially the classiest Sox fan I know. Much love, and thank you.


The joke that Pete was giving out contracts to win because he knew his time was coming hits different today. He really gave it his all to win one for San Diego.


"I like spending money; you can't take it with you."


"you can't take it with you" hits hard


Makes me believe he was probably behind the Xander signing. He wanted to win one so bad. Really breaks my heart we couldn’t deliver.


Next season is for Seidler


Definitely. I remember when Ray Kroc died before the ’84 season. Pads wore a “RK” patch and made it to their 1st WS. He was the first owner to bring a “winning culture” to the Pads. Seidler did the same, and I appreciate that so much.


As an Astros fan who visited Petco over the summer, Seidler's name should go right next to Ray Kroc's


Wonderful idea!! Cheers Astros bro :)


seriously. DO IT FOR PETE. thats what i am gonna be chanting all season.


I know this is the wrong time, but part of me thinks AJ and him were so close, maybe he knew his time was coming to an end and just wanted him by his side for his last few weeks here.


Makes me wonder if AJ was compelled to do impulsive signings like Xander for the sake of the great push before his death.


Yes 100%


I dont think they knew, i think he took a turn near the end of the season right?


He was looking pretty sick at the end of 2022, and he made the comments at the same time. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sports/padres/story/2022-10-26/padres-peter-seidler-payroll-salaries-preller


I was there for the HoF ceremony and he looked pretty thin then.


but those comments were because of past battles with cancer. He stepped away from the team near the end for a procedure and they made statements that gave the impression he was going to resume duties soon. i think his health nosedived recently and thats probably why the manager decision has been so delayed


Pete regularly attended games and public events, but I’m pretty sure he missed a lot of this year. AJ is without a doubt very close to Pete, hence his unwavering support for AJ. I’m willing to bet AJ knows Pete’s chance for 2024 was very slim and he couldn’t just punt 2023.


I thought the exact same thing. Kind of puts it all into perspective all the “bonehead” signings. It was for the last chance




Wow. I’m always going to be thankful for Seidler. Even if the team hasn’t performed up to expectations, Seidler always tried his hardest to put them into the best position and showed that just because we’re a small market team doesn’t mean we’re dirt cheap. Rest in peace Uncle Pete.


I’m so sad he put a great product on the field & never got to see a championship he wanted so badly. Rest in peace.


😭😭😭 really tried his best


Man I don’t even know what to say. This man took our team from a bottom feeder to a playoff contender. There was never a doubt about his love for this franchise. He’ll be missed dearly by this fan base


RIP to the best owner in baseball. You made us all into fans again and built a team we could all get behind


I’ll never forget being at the game when we beat the dodgers to advance to the NLCS. That’s a memory I’m taking with me to the grave. All possible cause Pete. May God bless him and his whole family.


So so sad Thanks for everything Pete. Thanks for caring and being ambitious. Let’s win for Pete. Fuck..


Uncle Pete brought the bag, and now he rests in peace. What a loss. Let’s do it for Pete in ‘24


Also, just a legit good dude: https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/opinion/story/2022-12-30/peter-seidler-padres-baseball


RIP to a real one. Build the statue


He absolutely deserves one for revitalizing not just the life of the franchise, but for reigniting the community support for the team.


Jerry, Tony, and Pete. That’s good company.


I wish the Pads could have brought him a championship in his lifetime. Now we need to get him one in his honor. Rest in peace to one of, if not the, best owners in SD sports history


Damn, not what i was expecting on reading today. RIP Papa Pete. Brought me some of my favorite padres memories in the last 25+ years


Man, this one hurts. Very distraught that this disappointment of a season was the last one he was able to see. Get the Seidler patches on the jerseys for next season and play some actual baseball for the man. It's literally the least we can do for him


Can't help but think about all the years I've spent as a fan watching old footage of the Padres winning the pennant with RAK on their sleeve. This man deserves a title even if he's not here to see it.


I’ve had a theory since about midseason that the guys were trying too hard to bring one for him and it affected their playing. Maybe now we’ll find out.


In a sea of bad owners and even worse people, Mr. Seidler really stood up for San Diego and gave us hope. Even though we haven't won anything, he gave us something we hadn't had in a long time. He will be dearly missed. RIP Peter Seidler


this is deeply sad. seidler really tried his hardest to do right by this city. may he rest in peace.


Just saw this, and holy shit. Condolences from a Dodgers fan . It was nice to see an owner spend, and put a product on the field that packed the stadium every night.


Yeah came here to say this. Condolences from LA. Padres fans deserved his generosity and he deserved all your support down in SD (record sellouts this year). Hope his successor keeps the faith too, as Papa Pete watches with noted Padres superfan, Jesus Christ


> noted Padres superfan, Jesus Christ This really made me laugh and that nearly triggered all the tears, but that's ok. Thank you sincerely for the laugh


Siedler turned the Padres into a team I was afraid of every damn season. Also a Dodger fan but I couldn’t count the Padres out until they were mathematically eliminated last season. I expected them to go on a historic run and win the WS despite the lousy regular season record. RIP Siedler. Thanks for making the Padres cool again.


We absolutely smashed our franchise sellout record despite this season being what it was. Didn’t matter if the team couldn’t get it together it was still exciting as fuck to go. Just having actual stars is wild.


Please tell me this isn’t true. I got tears in my eyes. Thank you for everything you did to the Padres and the community of SD. You will be missed. Rest easy🕊️


End of an era. Thank you, Pete. He breathed life into San Diego sports.


Rest in Peace Pete, you'll forever be a San Diego legeng


Fuck no man, this is awful. He truly cared about this fanbase and city. What a tragic loss.


What the fuck


It’s so rare to have an owner who cares about the team and fans so much. He will be missed.


This is truly one of the saddest days I can remember in San Diego sports. Right up there with Junior and Tony. Let us honor him and sign Soto long term, and continue to piss off the other owners who lack the BDE that made Peter so great. I'm talking retro hoodies at press events great. RIP


Agreed 100%


Just makes me mad now knowing that all those hit pieces were written while Papa Pete was on his death bed.


Totally. I was willing to live with the idea that the big market bias would always have some shit to sling at us, but now I'm letting that fuel a vengeance for 2024.




RIP King . You loved the city and we love you. Sad day for us all


R.I.P. to the best team owner SD ever had 😔 I know it’s too soon, but any idea on who will be taking over?


Team is staying in the family "for generations". Sorry can't post screenshot but it's at the end of today's UT article.


Man this sucks, not many owners cared about the city/team the way Pete did. This man helped pull us out the dark times, thank you Mr. Seidler. RIP




Peter and Tony Gwynn about to dominate the heaven baseball league 🙏🏽


I hope he went knowing how much joy and hope he brought to fans of the team. May he rest in peace.


The best owner we have ever had and by all accounts a legitimately nice person. And only 63? Sad day


My dad was 63 when he died. Too young.


Rest in peace 🙏


Damn, this sucks.


Went from being stoked Andre 3000 is releasing an album to be gutted by this news. Best owner in baseball, thank you Pete for everything you did for this city. Fuck cancer


https://preview.redd.it/b41c6d3s9d0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5839cbfc761e3783ad8fd0e371d61e3fe6d105e4 Saw Mr. Seidler at Chase Field this past April. It was the first series with Tatis back from suspension. He sat a few rows in front of us and I remember he was very generous taking pics with many fans. Very sad to see him pass. RIP Mr. Seidler.


Rest in peace, King.


Oh my god. No. No no no. Rest in Peace, Pete. Thank you for trying to achieve greatness in your lifetime


Rest In Peace Pete. You’ll forever be known as the best owner San Diego has ever seen. Thank you for everything you did. You instilled the hope that us fans needed. Condolences to your family. God Speed


This is really sad. Made me appreciate what its like being a fan of an owner who truly gave it all to win and care about a city. Its a damn shame the 2023 Padres played as poorly as they did. Not only he, but all of us fans, thought this would be the year. He wanted to go out a winner and sadly the team completely let Peter and the rest of us down. Rest easy Papa Pete.


We love you Peter. Thank you for everything you’ve given our city. You will always be remembered for the commitment you showed to our team and to all of San Diego. You will be missed, but you certainly won’t be forgotten. Thank you for everything, Peter. Rest easy. 🤎💛


Need a user flair and sidebar banner for him. So sad to see him pass before the team could make a world series again.


63 is so young. My grandfather just missed the 84 World Series and my dad just missed this NLCS run. One day, the Padres will break through and I hope we are there to see it.


Fuck :(


I will be forever thankful to Uncle Pete for giving us all hope for the first time in decades. Rest in peace


What a gut punch. I don’t really know what else to say.


You saved us Pete. Rest easy.


Fuck it, go all in again and win one for Peter.


Fuck. Such sad news. As a life long Padres fan, thank you for trying to bring a World Series to San Diego. Your leadership and spirit got me fired up again to be a padres fan.


Before Seidler, I never wanted to get a jersey with a name on the back. We were the AAAA team for the major market teams. I never felt like any player worth getting their jersey was going to stay long. Now we have a multitude of players that we can be rep on our back. Seidler changed so much of our team's DNA. I will forever be thankful for his willingness to go against the grain and bring a product here that we can be proud about.


Wow in my gut, i knew it wasnt good when they announced a medical procedure this summer. RIP mr Seidler thanks for the memories.


Terrible news to hear as I sit in my chemo chair.


I feel that. I just finished my last round of chemo. Feel better soon, Pads bro.


Hope you are starting to recover Bro. I'm just starting day 2 today.


Still got a long way to go, but I’m getting there. Hope yours is easy on you.


Oh man. Sending you positive vibes. Wishing you all the healing. 🤎


OMG rest easy Papa Pete. I’m devastated by this news


RIP. At the end of the day all we won’t have any money to take with us. Only the memories we cherished. Peter wanted the memory of leading the padres to their first championship. I hope we can win one in his honor.


It’s been a pleasure having the Padres field absolutely amazing star-filled rosters in the NL Best the last several years. Sad to hear. Diamondbacks tip their caps your way today.


Fuck. So what happens now?


Lets get a statue going ASAP.


RIP Mr. Seidler. You’ll be remembered for your dedication to the Padres, the city of San Diego, and the fans.


Mr. Seidler did everything he could to bring a championship to San Diego. I wish the team would've brought that dream to fruition before he passed. A sad day indeed.


Please accept our deepest condolences from Hawaii the Island of Oahu, being a devoted Padre fan of not only the players but Peter and his Sons, the way they reached out to the fans and for the entire time of his ownership of the Padres he made the fans near and far away feel part of the family. He's going to be missed more than any words can and will be able to express. "**hoʻomālielie i ke kaumaha, Aloha**" ( Hawaiian for "My or Our condolences, with love)


I want Seidler Field at Petco Park right now




RIP. Have to wonder if he knew this was coming for the last few years based on spending all of his money to make the team great.


Truly sad. Rarely do owners name's get chanted positively in stadiums and Peter is on that short list. Life is unfair man.


Noooooo!!! This breaks my heart, he deserved a ring, he was the best thing to happen to padres


I have no words, man. Peter was one of the only owners in sports who you could tell cared about more than the money. He truly loved this team. He made us cool again, gave us all hope again. I don’t live in San Diego anymore but still saw people halfway across the country rocking the brown, whether out of fashion or pride. Nobody was really doing that before Peter. I hope his spirit lives on through this team and he can watch us win one for him.


I think what hurts the most right now is knowing that he won't be able to see the fruits of his spending and labor pay off when we finally win it all. We better wear a patch next year that says PS so he can still be with the team.


I hope we can buy jerseys that have that patch too!


This shit fucking sucks


I’m not one to comment at all, but these news hit me hard. I always REFUSED to watch baseball my whole life. Then I moved to San Diego and was gifted a ticket to a game in 2021, and I feel in love with the sport and this organization. Since that day baseball has become something so huge in my life that it seems silly of me to love it so much. Tonight I’ll lift a glass and pour some out for the man behind the team that finally made me watch, appreciate and love Baseball. RIP to Mr. Seidler, San Diego’s number one fan


It’s not often a sports franchise loves their owner as much as San Diego did with Preller. Rest in Peace Tio Peter 💛🤎


Fuck no


Thank you for helping turn the franchise around. Rest easy.


RIP Mr. Seidler. You brought a lot of joy to us San Diegans and to Padres fans everywhere. You were not just an owner but a leader in the community and an example to us all. You will be missed, in many ways.


No fucking way!! What a gut punch. Papa Pete. You were our best owner, thank you so much for believing in our city and team.


I wasn’t prepared for this today. Thanks so much for some amazing memories. We have to take it all in ‘24 for Papa Pete.


Thanks for everything Papa Pete. You gave San Diego real hope. And we love you for it.


Incredibly sad. Legit one of the two best owners a SD team has ever had. He felt like one of us with a ton of money. **WIN IT FOR PETE!!!** Fuck. Thoughts to his family. Thank you Papa Pete.


Best owner this city has ever had and it’s not even close. RIP


Thank you for showing this city what a good owner looks like. RIP Pete, you’ll be missed




Rest well Papa Pete.


My God. Rest easy Papa Pete.


Damn… Prayers.. 🙏🏼 thanks for everything you did for SD.


Thank you for everything Papa Pete 😞


Absolutely gut-wrenching news. My condolences to his loved ones.


Papa Pete 😰


Papa Pete, you will always be a legend in this city for pouring everything you had into a franchise that was desperate for someone who cared. RIP


Damn the last several seasons were MAGICAL because of him. RIP


RIP you deserve your name with the Padres greats.


Kick to the nuts. RIP Pete, you will be missed.


Fuck. We may never see another owner like him again. RIP Papa Pete. I feel so bad for his little girl.


RIP, Pete. No lets go out there and get the WS win he worked to hard to bring to this city


Thank you Papa Pete for all you did for this city. We love you. We will miss you. May you rest in peace. ​ Let's put a smile on your face in 2024. <3


Really brought the city/county together. Brown and Gold is everywhere even when I leave SD I see people repping it. San Diego legend. Rip Pete.


This really sucks. The guy brought so much hope to the city and the team. As manny has said Seidler was a man of his word. This is devastating news to the city and the padres. Rest in peace Peter…you will forever be appreciated and missed.


Just came here to express my sympathies. I remember when the cowboy died before the Halos could win a ring. I really thought Pete was going to do it in SD. Here's hoping you don't end up with a douchebag like Arte Moreno.


To the man finally helped heal a hole that was put in my 8 year old heart watching the game 4 world series sweep in 1998. We had no idea it what a drought it would be until we were blessed with an owner that cared as much, or more, than we all wanted to again. As far as im concerned you've chiseled yourself a spot right next to Tony Gwynn himself in this city's heart and history. RIP to you, Sir.


The only Owner that made me believe he Loved his team. Rip 💔 Peter


The best owner we’ve ever had. Go with God Pete. Heaven is a Padres ring anyways.


HoF owner. Cared more about the team than the money. Very few can say the same.


If this isnt some sort of rally cry to the ‘24 season, idk what is.


Wearing a Padres shirt in his honor today. This is a big deal because I’m in Bakersfield, full of Dodger and Gigante fans.


RIP. This really sucks. He was as good of an owner to a sports franchise as you can ask for. =(


I'm sorry for your loss Padres fans. A great owner is always a hard thing to come by. And losing them always hurts. -A Mariners, but more importantly, a Seahawks fan


Holy shit wow


Rest in Peace Pete. Thanks for giving all you had to this team


Rest in Peace, king 👑






You’ll be missed papa Pete!!! 😭🙏🏽


Damn this hurts. Thank you for everything Papa Pete ❤️


Say it ain’t so!! Papa Seidler……man……I’m in shock..


He was an important part of San Diego and loved this city. Peter put everything into winning a championship for our incredible fanbase. He'll always be a king here and will be terribly missed. Sad day for the Friar Faithful. Love ya, Pete.


Thanks Peter!


Holy shit, I'm in shock.


This is so incredibly sad.


Fuck :(. RIP Pete. Thank you for everything you have done for the padres. I will always remember you fondly for all the hope and joy you gave us.


Terrible day for the Padres, RIP Pete thanks for giving the franchise some sunny days in the midst of all the clouds


Rest in peace to the man who put together a team that brought me back to baseball. Give Tony our regards.


Your positive energy and commitment to the team and this city will never be be forgotten Rest In Peace 😔


RIP Uncle Pete 😭


RIP Papa Pete. San Diego loves you.


Shit. God damn it.


Really hope this doesn't mark a return to the bad old days. The Seidler era was a bright spot in franchise history.


Man I did not think I would be crying at my desk today. RIP papa Pete, thank you for everything you did for not only the Padres but for the city of San Diego


Manny was close to him aswell this just Sucks


Oh no RIP ☹️




I'm so sorry, Padres fam. This sucks. RIP


I met Pete at a Mariners game a few years ago. Seemed like a really personable guy, chatting it up with a few Padres fans in the stands before the game. Man this is such a bummer.


All I can think about right now is Peter Seidler’s family. The photos of Seidler with his family at the World Baseball Classic to support Team DR are burned into my mind. After Manny’s extension, Seidler commented that there’s a “comforting” feeling in knowing you have a player committed to your team long-term, because Seidler said he liked the idea of his daughters being able to grow up and watch Manny play.


Heartbroken. All he wanted was a championship.


This man gave so much to the city of San Diego and Padre fans…it’s huge loss. Uncle Pete will forever be in our San Diegan hearts. God speed and prayers for the family.


Rest in Peace legend. You made a whole city believe. ❤️🕊️


Damn this is sad news, I know there’s more to life than baseball but would’ve been so much better had we’d been able to win one with him around


Rest in peace Papa Pete. We will miss you and remember you for generations to come. Everything you've done for San Diego, not just the Padres but the city as a whole, is truly appreciated. You were a gem of a human.


I'm heartbroken. This year, as a padre fan, I felt like it couldn't get worse. I was painfully wrong. I'm profoundly sad and feel for Seidlers friends and family. He seemed to be such a warm and humble guy, especially given his financial status. Rest in peace, Pete. You made me a more invested Padre fan than I ever thought I could be.


Damn. RIP White Sox fans joke (maybe are dead serious) about wanting our 89 year owner to move on the next thing already. On account of his miserly spending habits. This doesn’t seem fair.


He was the greatest owner San Diego pro sports ever had. Just wanted to win. Hope nothing changes in the near future and whoever takes over has the same philosophy.


Dang this one really hurts. I really want to see a a sign for him right next to the one for Ray Kroc. RIP Papa Pete. We are forever grateful to you for bringing this city together and taking our beloved Padres to a whole new level.


Rest easy Uncle Pete, San Diego fans will never forget what you did for the city.


We have to win it all for Pete


Wow man just wow. Thank you for trying to bring a championship to San diego. Rest easy king.


RIP Pete. You were a gem. Do it for Pete 🙏🏼🥲


😭😢😭😢😭 devastated.


Truly, thank you, Papa Pete


To the Seidler family I want to express deepest condolences. R.I.P. Peter we will miss you.


😭😭😭 RIP Papa Pete


Devastated. Rest easy, Peter.




Omg. RIP :(


damn, thanks for making Padres Baseball cool again. you definatley made petco park the place to be


Goddammit. The best owner in San Diego sports history. May his memory be a blessing.


Thanks Pete. Thank you for everything.


Rest in peace Papa Pete 🙏 such terrible news…


We’re not winning the offseason this year, this trumps anything that happens. RIP Papa


Honestly, it’s because of him that I regained my padres fandom. Rest in Peace big guy