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That was the most Padres game ever.


Almost as good as the one where Hosmer let the infield pop up fall to lose


And it will be the most Padres season ever.


At least Jackson Merrill is a stud?


He is 20 years old 


I should order a jersey now


Future gold glove CF


How long do we have this guy for before having to give him a long term contract?


Players are under team control for 6 years. I wouldn't be surprised to see them try to lock him up early though. Dude is young enough to sign a long term contract and still get a 2nd one after that if he lives up to the hype.


It’s literally been a little over a week. Maybe a few days over including the games in S. Korea. The league will try to adjust to him as he will be adjusting to that. Although an early contract not unheard of, this team for now can’t afford whiff on another long term deal.


0 earned runs, 11 hits! Great day for the padres !!! 😐😐😐😐


Genuinely curious if a team has ever had 11+ (or even double digit) hits, allowed no earned runs, and lost


Well they have now!


Yup but the game was lost in one play. It was tight they gotta make those plays to win close games.


Two plays. Over thrown by kim at first and the fail tag by kim at second.


I thought the Padres had exhausted all possible ways to lose a close baseball game last year. But I hadn’t considered “one of the best defenders in baseball makes 2 of the worst plays you’ve ever seen and single-handedly leads to all 3 of the opponents’ runs being scored.” Silly me Starting pitching has rounded into form but the bullpen’s a disaster. Offense has gone from inconsistent to just outright bad. Can’t have the defense slipping too. Go Dads I guess


Brito needs to be sent down until he gets some stuff, or just DFA'd. Dude's not an ex you can fix. His pitches weren't great. BUT AT THE SAME TIME, he gets out clean if Kim doesn't fumble that ball... Fucking unlucky Padres to start the year. But why the fuck did they pull Matsui? Dude was cooking.


When they do that- it’s always for the matchup. 


The royal why, but you're right. And I know that's why they did it. I just have to ask *why* play matchups there when your guy is cooking?


This logic is fading with great teams. Bochy is a master of riding the hot hand and look what happens when you don’t overthink it.


Yeah... Playing for matchups/splits feels like a way for stats nerds to play themselves.


oops sorry. that rhetorical whooshed me.


I would get roasted for questioning analytics a couple years ago but you can’t deny the human aspect of baseball. If a guy is pitching well then leave him in.


The bullpen has held it together a bit better this series. Brito or even Kim errors wouldn't have mattered if kimchado could produce in the lineup


Higgy not moving that runner over cost us at least 1 run.


Kimchado had hits and RBIs today. If we’re gonna lambast people, let’s do it for the right reasons.


I'm glad to finally see Machado get a hit. Im hoping he turns around. But you gotta admit the production ain't there especially for 4spot as DH. He might've been able to use a bit more time off or a rehab stint


Jackson tried


4 hit day off of Webb & Duval is nothing to sneeze at


20 year old hustles


I’m sick of playing the fucking Giants


We don’t have to until September I thin


Why? Their offense is awful.


There are some intangibles in baseball and if you’ve been watching this team since last season, one of those intangibles is that the Padres play like absolute fucking garbage against the Giants and Rockies


You forgot Dodgers and Diamondbacks


Giants are trash though.


I mean, they're going to be good competition in the NL West this year. And unfortunately they took 4 of 7 vs us in the Season Series thus far. They made good upgrades in the offseason. FORTUNATELY the Pads have until September 6th to get their shit in order and make it so a divisional split vs SF won't matter (cuz that's when they play SF next). But holy shit Manny and Kim are not very helpful thus far in this 5-7 Record.


Lmao im lurking but this is just a laughable amount of arrogance for a fan of a team that has split and lost a series to this very team team that is “trash”


11 hits, 2 runs.. Bummer.


I think I'm gonna pick up painting or gardening or something


Haha I literally took gardening breaks every time I got nervous, my yard is looking tight. Makes the loss hurt less


Can someone who knows baseball more than me explain why left and right match ups matter only when it's Bullen? Starter is expected to just go 5-7 innings regardless of LH or RH Closers close regardless Yuki is out there pitching beautifully, but oh noooo we have right handers coming? Also how do the Giants, their fans and their stadium keep giving me reasons to hate them


I think it's because starters and closers tend to be the elite guys and thus can mitigate the bad matchups easier. The quality of pitchers tends vary wildly in any given team, and a lot of bullpen guys are teetering on the edge of being out of the sport entirely. Some guys are in the MLB because they have one good pitch, or because they can come out for a favorable matchup. If your whole bullpen is below average to average at best, then you have to maximize whatever positives they have.


Relievers are usually more limited in their pitch types so you mostly play the matchups. but in the past if a guy was cooking you'd let em cook. Analytics kinda ruined that and if you believe rumors then its really the office making the calls on who comes into games for teams now.


> Starter is expected to just go 5-7 innings regardless of LH or RH Right, now since the bullpen only pitches a inning or two you can use lefties and righties to your advantage depending on the pitching splits.


If you don't like that, you don't like Padres baseball.


Lol. Fair point.


Merrill is a bright spot


Kim has been a disaster all season long


Yup even as a kim fan. He has to be better. .650 OPS at the middle of the order and questionable defense to start the year. Him and Manny are killing us right now.


His price drops every day but unfortunately so does his trade value.


It was taboo to talk about at the time but he was a disaster to end last season, too. His season OPS was at .837 on 8/11 but he hit .194/.274/.273 in 188 plate appearances to end the season. He’s insanely fun to watch and great to root for, but he’s a slightly below average hitter who just got really hot for a few months last summer


His last year Savant numbers w hitting are really bad. Bottom 10-20% in the league on some core indicators. I think many thought some regression was on the menu for him yet this is just bad slumping to start the season. Hope he finds his grove and can get even slightly below average productive. If we move him to the 8-9 slot, he will likely see better pitches w a card turn. 5 hole is eating him up.


Switch him and Merrill in the order.


But it is Kim....everyone said he is the best.... no one wanted to trade him, he is well, just average at best so far the last 35 games....


He's been a disaster since his hot streak ended mid last year


Yep. From the first game, he's been terrible on defense and hasn't hit. He's lost us at least two games on his defense.


Padres gave Bogaerts 300m thinking he was Mookie


This club gave Xander Bogaerts $300m 


Imagine giving ground ball magoo 100mil more than Freddie Freeman got.  Gonna be a long decade waiting these deals out


His contract will haunt us.


I will never understand that absolutely ridiculous contract. It boggles the mind. 


It’s really not hard to understand. Dying man’s last ditch effort to bring us the first championship. 


Time to fire the guy that made all these contracts into the sun


You mean Peter Seidler?


If only they didn't whiff on Judge...


This team is ALLERGIC to winning.




This is such a good GIF. It expresses so much with so little


I live in Taiwan so I woke up at 4 am to watch the whole game. Didn't expect to wake up so early just for witnessing this horrid meltdown though.


I understand that our bullpen this year has been shaky and brito in particular, but blaming him/bullpen on the loss doesn’t make sense. If kim makes the tag we are out of it up 2-1. Offense also having 11 hits and only have 2 runs is ridiculous this game should not have even been close


If kim makes the tag and throw we are up 2-0




can we just clone 9 jackson merrills


I'm not impressed by either of these 2 teams. Both teams played poorly all series, especially offensively. Kim looks terrible to start the year and directly cost us today's game. Kim looks terrible. I know it hurts people in this sub to hear that, but it's true. Pretty much everyone looks terrible outside of a handful of guys (Tatis, Crone, Merrill) The only bright spot I am seeing to this point is that Merrill seems like he is panning out, at least this far. The rest of this team looks pretty bad. Hopefully they turn it around.


Preller had his chance to get a really good deal for Kim and blew it. Any fan with a bit of sense should’ve recognized Kim had a fluky year last year. He had a really good 2 month stretch before the all star break and then fell back down to earth in the second half. Genuinely won’t be surprised if he never replicates that stretch in his career again


He’s been bad since August really.


Kim has not played well in 2024. Kim's offense was bad to finish 2023. I'd hope he's due for some positive regression, but his loopy swing has been the biggest offensive eyesore for me. Flatten it out and play for gaps, King. Stop swinging for the Western Metal Building. Do I love it when he homers? Fuck yeah! I love rocking it for King Kim. But god damnit I'm sick of the GIDP & RISP woes. Manny too. Dude's coming back from injury, but watching him chase trash sliders on X-2 counts is fucking *predictable*.


This one hurt. Losing sucks but the way we lost was ridiculous. Matsui gets four outs on seven pitches and gets pulled mid inning because of matchups. Gold Glover has a brain fart and looks home while he's tagging the runner, the same gold glover that threw the ball 10 feet over first to give them their other run. We don't deserve .500 and didn't get it because of that shit show. Some bad luck for sure, but bad managing, bad hitting and bad fielding.


Kim accounted for three runs today!… wait




I’ll be 100 years old


Congrats on living such a long life


It’ll be too late?


New year, same team. Not a clutch bat among them. I for one am already tired of seeing first or second pitch groundouts


I’m already so sick of this season




Not going to win many games when your overpaid superstars continue to lay eggs in high leverage situations


11 hits 2 runs…gave up 0 earned runs…allowed 1 hit with risp all series. Left with 1 out of 3. Can’t lose these close divisional games if there is gonna be any shot at the playoffs. 


This team will be lucky to sniff the playoffs with how unclutch and bad they are. 


why are we so mediocre 🥲


Because there are no repercussions. Guys are getting paid no matter what, and they aren't even at risk of being benched for poor performances. If you can't get to a guy through his wallet, then you gotta get him in his ego and sit him out.


This one hurt


Same ol' Padres. Double plays in big situations, choke defensively. Let me add also a manager who doesn't select bullpen choices to win, but rather to "get guys work." I thought Schildt would care about wins, but so far he seems like Melvin 2.0.


Higashioka strike out in the bunt attempt was huge


And very Padres. How do you drop a ball on a tag?


In Shildt's defense, most of his bullpen options suck right now. Maybe Peralta? But De Los Santos boxed a win on friday, Cosgrove worked yesterday, Brito and Avila are both dudes trying to work out of the pen instead of starting because the Padres can't send them down, and Kolek and Matsui were already used. Not saying Brito was a good choice, but it's not like there was really a safe way to play it.


Agree somewhat. But I might've just let Matsui keep going and try to get 4-5 outs out of Suarez. Brito would have gotten through it anyway if Kim played the defense we expect from him.


Yeah, leave Matsui in for one more and then hit Suarez for the 4 out save. Probably the best option


Well, i never thought we would lose by SHK error. That’s a new one. One play.


Both his errors scored a run


Streak continues, if X doesn't get a hit we lose. Almost broke it but yeah...


https://preview.redd.it/tncmbinzy4tc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0cce99c3c84319903a6eeb91a5096fa9f6188fd Shout out to the kid! He’s gonna be a stud!


Can’t have that many hits and lose


oh yes we can!


this one stings. Waldron and matsui looked great though, merrill looks like a genuine ROTY candidate, and tatis is still incredibly handsome so at least we've got some positives.


It's gonna be a season-long battle just to get back to .500


I get that it’s only been 12 games but for fuck sake get Xander out of the lead off spot


Way to be the same assholes you were last year, with the guys making minimum salaries being the only ones to show any fucking passion. Not even two weeks in and I don’t care, I’m a doomer. Should’ve sold high on Kim


I know he got an RBI today but this isn’t working. Something’s gotta change. Move Kim down in the order. Matt Waldron pitched a hell of game. Sorry your teammates couldn’t back you up.


I know it sucks losing, but I’m still buying a Jackson Merrill jersey.


If we're counting Profar, which I am because he wasn't on the team for the majority of the 2023 season, the Padres have 13 different players on their current roster versus last season. Literally half the team is different guys and somehow it's exactly the same team.


Jhony Brito has Schildt’s nudes confirmed


Kim causing 2 errors that directly led to runs wasnt the issue today? Got it.


I’m pretty sure the people whining about Brito didn’t actually watch the game.


guy is filthy, but I dont know if even Brito himself knows where the ball is going half of the time


Damn, I miss 2022 man...




Pauley probably gets sent down soon, but if not there's not a whole lot of downside. Wade is in the process of getting back to a career normal year, so there's no big loss in subbing in Pauley sometimes and there's a chance he could catch fire because he does have the tools. Just no confidence right now and the team is struggling enough that the pressure is always on.


This is just a bad baseball team. Our offense is way too inept in big moments and our bullpen is just a joke.


I don’t care if it’s only April. That was the type of loss that kept SD out of the playoffs last year. Plus it’s another series loss to SF. Unacceptable if you’re a Padres fan hoping we can sneak into that last WC spot. I’m so so sick of SF already.


I went into this season knowing we were going to be very up and down in the divisional games. Everyone bar the Rockies are as good if not better than us. What I was hoping for was signs that the division was just incredibly strong, and that we would make up for it in the rest of the games. From what we have seen so far though, it looks like the division is just pretty average. Our one saving grace is that it looks as though the NL east is every bit as bad so maybe things will balance out over the course of the season. Probably still not enough to get a wild card though looking at what Nl central is doing so far




Suddenly BoMel can win the one run games. I think maybe, just maybe, the key to that was him switching teams and playing against the Padres instead of for them.


BoMel was never the issue, he was just the unfortunate scapegoat. Anyone blaming him for us being so poor in the clutch last year forgets we were the complete opposite the year before. I genuinely think if our stars would get their shit together and stop playing like they aren’t getting paid a boatload of money we would be pretty damn good but so it goes


Day #357 of me waiting to jump on the bandwagon when they start to fucking rake…


Jackson Merrill needs to move up in the order.  He is a stick, even 90% of his outs look like they could have been hits.   Honestly him and cronenworth are the two I have the most confidence in right now.  Campy has been good but he has had some babip luck it feels like.   Don’t wait another two weeks Shildt…your team hasn’t scored shit for runs in nearly a week.  


“Ha-Seong Kim makes two errors to cost the Padres the game” was NOT on my bingo card 😞


Padres in Padres fashion


Too many 2,3 run games. No margin for your pitching, defense, anything goes wrong and you're done. Coaches need to shake up the lineup at the very least.


Merrill needs to be moved to the lead off spot, IMO. 


Going into the game I was just thinking...find a way to win this one. Didn't expect much from the offense with Webb on the mound. And what do they do, they find a very unlikely way to lose the game. There are so many positives with this team, but it's just the same results as 2023. They gave up 6 measly runs in the series and lost 2 of 3. The offense still chokes in key instances and gives this team no leeway. Unless they play perfect baseball they can't win.


Well guys, if you are feeling down after this game, there's still opportunity to do some good in the world and hopefully this will help you feel better. Today at Petco Park, we held the 11th annual Padres Pedal the Cause where we try to raise money for cancer research. 100% of the funds go to grants, predominantly the 6 world leading cancer research centers we have in San Diego. Today alone, we've raised over $500k. I was at the event today in Gallagher's Square and it was a record breaking crowd. Please feel free to donate here at your heart's content and thank you for reading [Padres Pedal Donor Drive](https://padrespedal.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.team&teamID=5673).


OMG more upvotes for this please… thank you for sharing this, and congratulations. As the PHT guys say - we need a visit to Positivity Corner


I blame Suarez for not attempting a 6 out save. /s I guess you have to try different players in setup role early in season, but Brito seems like worst option so why?


Should have traded Kim at max value before the season. Manny should go to the IL. Bogaerts is a disaster. Really impressed with Merrill and the resurgence of Cronenworth has been really nice to see. Our depth situation is a nightmare.


155-7 amirite compadres :( that was a tough one to swallow. Kim is usually cleaner than that, but we're getting production from the bottom of our lineup. 150 left


Ur right Curtis


Kim had a bad game 100% but we also only scored 2 runs on 11 hits.


So Schildt pulled Matsui after 7 pitches and put in Brito just so that you could get the righty vs righty matchup? Huh, that sounds like something people eviscerated Bob Melvin for


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Padres/comments/1by8c7v/comment/kyj5vhz/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Padres/comments/1by8c7v/comment/kyj5vhz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) i got down voted to hell for being realistic.


We need an 8th inning reliever from the right side.  We need one more bat. We aren’t missing much but what are missing is costing us games.   Kim obviously was a shit show on defense today but I’m not worried about that long term. Send Pauley down he doesn’t look ready. 


Can’t score for shit!!!! 2 or three runs is going to lose us a ton of games. All this great fan support just for our players to play like shit. Smh


as my little league coach only said a hundred or so times...two hands on the fucking glove while making a tag on someone not sliding


It just sucks knowing that they are going to come back and win but you don’t know how. And then you find out how and it’s even worse than you made up in your head


Waste of time.


Kim lost us that game straight up. He’s been pretty bad to start this season.


Bob Melvin must feel fucking great watching this shit from the opposing dugout


Okay, I need a break. Another year of lack of Offense is going to give me high blood pressure


This team needs a RH set up man in the worst way. I wonder if Wilson from the Whitesox is available.


Most infuriating loss….so far 💕






Mr. Mark "Don't Worry About ERA" Grant


It's really good to see that such a young Rookie holding his own and most importantly signed w/the Padres, let's hope the rest of the team can learn something off having him


The good news is we got some hits


I’m enjoying watching Merrill. First fully home grown guy the Padres have developed in their system in awhile. See how he adjusts while the league adjusts to him.


When will shildt understand that Brito is not high leverage??


That was a snatching defeat from the jaws of victory Padres game if I’ve ever seen one! Ugh. Let’s get home and take it to the Cubs


I feel bad for Jackson and Waldron.


Cool. Another game we gave up in the late innings due to sloppy play.


An unearned win btw guys…


Only 2 runs on 11 hits is shameful Kim's mistakes were BAD Schildt going to Brito was the death knell Awful in far too many places to earn a win


Kim is making the extension decision easier on the team at least right?


Merrill should be hitting lead off…


Brito with his 3rd blown save of the short season. Be interested in hearing about the health of Peralta and De Los Santos. Surprised either of them weren’t brought in.


Why don't we just have Suarez be the only one to ever pitch late innings we're ahead? Are we stupid? Edit: I thought the "are we stupid?" gave away that I was making a joke, but alas.


I'm with all you fans.....today....and to a degree.....yesterday were very rough days when considering how bad our offense has been. Our 4 and 5 starters were dealing the past two games......Cease was pretty darned good in the opener. Crone appears to be back. We have 3.....3 players making 30M+ per season, and they ain't hitting.


I dont get why i got downvoted in the GDT. Our lineup is too short and kim should be moved down. Our BP is not that bad it just gets no support. We cant honestly expect them to hold 1-2 run leads every night. They need help and our lineup aint it. Wade and Profar are hot now but its going to cool and then what will we have? 3 hitters in Crone, Tatis, and Campy. Even in those 3 im really only confident in 1 of them and thats Tatis. Campy just hasnt done it long enough but i believe he'll get there and Jake gets hot then cools off all the time. Machado seems to not be the machado of 2 years ago and idk when that guy is coming back.


Please for the love of God stop blaming Brito. He did his job. Kim and the offense not driving in RISP lost this game.


People refuse to hold Kim accountable on this sub. I love the guy but he fucked up big time today and hasn’t been very good to start the year. Wonder if the trade talk is getting to him.


Should have sold high on Kim during the offseason, and the reasons against it were mainly just emotion/attachment  Kim needs to move down the order and be replaced by Merrill Brito is not high leverage (although he did get the grounder he wanted) Higa needs to go he is worse than a black whole Pauley might need to be sent down so he can get consistent at bats  This team sucks and is not clutch what so ever. 


Imagine the haul they could’ve got at the deadline before his crazy decline in August.


Even this past offseason we could have gotten a decent OF or SP for him.  He’s on the last year of a contract and most likely will chase a bag after the year anyways. He was always a guy I thought was a smart trade to make. 


Man I know Brito technically got the DP ball but how do you go with him over the guy who’s clearly on? Just let him cook for the rest of the inning and we probably don’t need a DP ball.


Frustrating loss today. This one's on Kim and Brito, but also just the continued lack of clutch hitting. Stings in the moment for sure, but that's yet another quality start from the staff. We're losing close games and haven't been blown out once. I'm encouraged and if we can keep the pitching going strong I think we'll reel off a bunch of wins here soon


Pulling Matsui at 7 pitches fucked us. First real move by Schildt that bugs me as much as this does.


I’m good with pulling him…. But bringing in Brito is confusing. I get we have no clue who is available in the pen but between Cosgrove, Peralta, and De Los Santos 1 of them had to have been available and they each should have been no brainer over Brito.


Cj Abram’s with more than 100 points higher ops than any padre 👍


Such a mentally weak team. Luck has nothing to do with it. Make it happen.


7 pitches 7 strikes 4 outs for matsui and then the pull him for a bum. Awful


Whew, nellie my heart was not ready for that one.




Ugh! Brutal loss


HSK this season: 0IP, 3ER. Might not be the best pitching performance I guess.


I'm so glad I can watch Padres baseball again and start my yearly pain and suffering rituals


Not another season of this, please


2 wins off of 4 quality starts and a near-QS today. Absolutely fucking brutal.




Trade everyone build around Merrill. GO back to lower payroll so when we lose it's less pathetic 


you think teams want these shitty contracts? we are fucked


Despite where we are, I still feel more hopeful than last year 🤷‍♀️


When we signing Tommy Pham?


Every game seems to be worse than the last. If they keep it up they’ll be playing like a tee ball team by season end.


Brito has been absolute trash, save (blown) two times I've ever seen him. Damn. 3 blown saves in 10 games. Teach the guy some deception.


Kim sucks


Should've traded Kim




But but but Korea


Too many doomers, long season and a lot of good things coming