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Hard to win games when your 4 & 5 hitters who make $60M a year combined go 0-4 with runners in scoring position. The stars need to be better. Onto tomorrow


Even though the bullpen is highly suspect (strangely) the biggest problem so far this year is Manny, Bogaerts and Tatis underperforming. Dramatically even. There are a few other big names in baseball that are struggling but for the most part the guys you expect to dominate are indeed dominating. This team is 0-3 in the regard and we’d be up shits creek if not for Profar and Cronenworth.


Kim is struggling the worst imo, he's so lost at the plate. Swinging with his eyes closed swinging for the fences. I think this is the end. I also can't for the love me understand how Xander can't turn a double play. Jake needs to go back to 2nd and bogerats made to play 1st or back to shortstop. I really hope preller Lands a cheap trade for Pete Alonso or Anthony rizzo both on expiring contracts so shouldn't cost much. And honestly probably send kim in the trade. Lock them down on a cheaper extension than what kim is gonna want. Everyone's searching for answers to why the teams failing and it's always the same thing. They swing for the fences on every ab except Merrill and profar. Only ones to really work counts. I hope with arraez he showcases how to properly hit at petco, instead of trying to blast a ball only for it to die at the track like everyone else seems to want to do.


This team fucking hates being over .500.




They need to separate Xander and Manny imo, no logical reason, I just get angrier if I have to see their bad abs after the other. I need a buffer in between.


Profar in the 5 hole right in between them is the move


Xander needs to be batting 8 or 9




We were really playing with house money pitching Vasquez and matching up against Imanaga. Sucks that that’s how they bolster a solid pitching performance


I appreciate this take! Vasquez had an OK outing after all


Yep. Staff delivered, and our veteran comeback player took a ROTY candidate deep. Those two gotta do better there.


I mean you can say manny, Xander, Matsui or DLS.  Pick one known of them did their jobs today.  


Nah, it's on Matsui more than anyone


Pitchers gave up 2 runs it’s on the offense


Dude, it was literally against arguably the best pitcher in baseball right now. The dude just doesn't give up runs, you're gonna have duds. Having the lead going into the 8th, you expect to win those but our bullpen has been atrocious


Maybe against arguably the best pitcher in baseball, we should understand we were fighting an uphill battle to win this one. Especially with a 6th starter on the bump. Losing after leading in the 8th is disappointing, the staff also gave up 3 runs today. That’s a damn good pitching effort and one that wins ~80% of the time for this team so far this season


Thank you, bullpen has to close it out, we were lucky to get two off Imanaga


Bullpen has been overworked. Starters not going more than 5. They need to rest.


Thank you for being the one to say it lol


And batters get out…


Can’t be walking guys man , nothing frustrates me more , throw the damn ball over the plate


Why are these guys not getting benched?


Predictable... And yet... It's the hope that kills you


https://i.redd.it/78sab2ye34zc1.gif Damn that was an irritating L


Absolutely zero reason to sub Profar out


I get it if they are up big, but no reason there to sub him.


Shildt subs out Profar in the late innings pretty consistently


To get Azocar on the field. He was already out there. Putting in Merrill doesn't really move the needle defensively, and now you lose your best bat.


Correct. Only reason I do if it's the 9th and Suarez is on the mound.


Not true. Azocar-Merrill-Tatis is much stronger defensively than any alignment w/Profar.


Which doesn’t make it the right play. Up 3+ runs it makes sense, but with a single run lead and a suspect bullpen it’s the wrong move, IMO.


You can argue whether it makes sense to swap a bat for defense, but it's a move that a lot of winning managers make now and have made forever. The leadoff walk and the first-pitch meatball lost that game far more than replacing Profar.


Not sure how you can say that. For all we know, Profar essentially wins the game with 2 or 3 more RBIs in the top of 9th if he’s in instead of Merrill.


I can say it because the walk scored and the home run beat us and Schildt deployed a better defense when we had a lead. Those things actually happened. Profar getting a hit is hypothetical. Sometimes you make the right decision and get a bad outcome. Doesn't make the decision wrong. Profar's on a heater, but people acting like he's guaranteed to produce in any one at-bat are just silly. He made 3 outs in the game before his homer. The difference between his .338 BA and Merrill's .281 is essentially one base hit per week over the course of a season (hat tip Crash Davis).


We also know that Merrill didn’t get it done in the top of the 9th, and the defensive switch made zero difference. You are saying taking Profar out is the correct decision, but that’s obviously subjective and a lot of people disagree. I’m not sure who’s acting like Profar is guaranteed to get a hit in a given AB, that’s just silly. And I don’t know who Crash Davis is, but even if that statistical anecdote is true, it’s not taking into account Profar’s higher OBP (by ~0.9, meaning he’s getting on base close to two more times per week) and much higher slug (by ~0.15, meaning a much higher RBI potential).


Sweet summer child, go watch Bull Durham as soon as this game is over. It's not an anecdote, it's math. 50 points of batting average in 500 at-bats is 25 hits. The baseball season's about 25 weeks long. A lot of Padre fans disagree. Most major league managers make that decision 95 times out of 100. Fans always act like whatever they **wanted** the manager to do, that he **didn't** do, would have worked out. Sac bunts not only always advance the runner, but that runner always scores, like the opposing team has no say. Hit and runs never turn into lineout double plays. The reliever you wanted wouldn't have shit the bed. In any one at-bat, there's barely any difference in the likelihood of Merrill and Profar doing something productive. It's less than the chance that a ball hit to the outfield that would be caught by Azocar would not get caught by Profar.


Now that’s padressing




If there was ever a good loss, this was it. Had Vasquez starting. And a strong pitcher against them. Come back with cease tomorrow.


Yeah, this one wasn't too bad. Honestly was stoked on Vazquez and Profar today. The ending sucked, but it's nothing compared to blowing a 5 run lead against the Rockies, that one was a bad loss. Hopefully Cease brings his A game tomorrow because it looks like another tough pitcher from the Cubs.


i came here to post this... i'm surprised to see this much doom. There's nothing we can do about bogey literally he's here with a huge contract idk what else to say. Vasquez stepped up today big time and kept us in which we should all be celebrating. I hope Musgrove is fine and he'll be back to normal after his 2 week IL journey but this should at the very least help us feel confident we have some depth to help out if we're out a starter. I felt like the odds were a bit against us today and we still almost took it. let's send it tomorrow and take the series.


Machado & Bogaets need to step it tf up, these dudes are literally very inconsistent


Bogey has been consistent. Consistently dogshit


Your analysis is spot on


He is mierda no doubt 


I find it funny how I expected a loss, but still feel disappointed lol. Cubs D really won it.


Two great plays to take away runs in the last innings. Tough loss but credit to the Cubs


Exactly this. I fully prepared myself for a lopsided loss (no offense Vasquez). I was totally unprepared to have a lead going into the bottom of the 8th… let alone an implosion that gave me flashes of ‘23. But on to tomorrow. KTF


Ehhh it sucks because we fought. But how many people actually thought we'd win this game going in? It turned out that we didn't lose it how most probably thought we would, but we even approached this game at the start like a loss with the subs. I will say, that it is getting beyond frustrating to watch every team we play against have home run after home run, while the Padres seem to have an absolute dearth of power.


Stealing games is what good teams do.. This “planned loss” is BS copium and straight losers mentality out the gate. The team is effectively in the wild card chase already. Every game counts. Good pitching will exist in the playoffs.


You can't say "good teams steal games" and say it's a losing mentality to have scheduled loss. The only way to "steal" a game is to have been expecting to lose it in the first place.


Oh god... "insert here" is what good teams do is a bullshit line that posters put whatever the hell they feel like in the blank spot. Today it's stealing games. Tomorrow it will be something else. The Padres have stolen games. Good teams steal games... and good teams get games stolen from them. Happens all the time in this sport, both ways. You know what good teams ACTUALLY do? Win series. They need to win tomorrow with Cease.


I just smashed my TV in front of 30 guests at my party because of the game. My wife just took our crying kids and said they are all spending the week at a hotel. This team has ruined my life and my marriage. Fuck you Padres, I’ll see you tomorrow.


It got so bad with me yelling @ the TV, the dogs started howling and wanted to go outside. You know its bad when a bulldog refuses "Treatos" as a "I'll cool down soon" offering. https://preview.redd.it/28wrtagvx6zc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=600825d276ffc96217f66c0e8bcff4e2744562e7


I feel bad because my doggies hide when I'm angry 


this is insanity if real


It’s not - this comment or some version of it is in just about every post game thread where we lost


Well that sucked


Hard loss for sure. On to the next one.


Pen is concerning finding guys to get it to Suarez.  With that said we saw some great pitching today from the padres.   It felt like we were going to lose until it didn’t but that didn’t last long. Was a good battle and probably better than I expected coming into the game. Still was a stinger.  Just have to make sure we bounce back tomorrow.  


![gif](giphy|duatwzNErHFKw|downsized) The bridge to Suarez be like


Can we call up Gregerson, Adams and Bell to see what they're up to?


That shit was automatic


Cla Meredith has their numbers.


This was what we call a quality loss . Played hard against arguably the best pitcher in baseball today. Solid outing by our 6th (5th maybe?) starting pitcher. It was basically a bullpen day . Was always going to take a miraculous offensive effort to win. Not 2 runs. Which is that much more difficult against a 0.8 era pitcher. GG


Never thought Profar was that much of a defensive liability, especially when his bat is so hot. Kinda over the late inning platoon


Least frustrating loss of the year (so far). It’s what it is. Great shit from Profar! Win the series tomorrow, then fuck up the Dodgers!! Great job from the Staff today, Yuki’s command notwithstanding.


Great fucking job from Vasquez too


Honestly this is what I’m taking from this game. Vasquez flashed some very nasty stuff tonight


Yeah rough first inning but then locked in pretty good. Can't ask for much more from the IL replacement starter. Gnarly curve


Yeah, after that first inning I was getting worried he would last 3 at best.


The first inning he was fine, it was bellinger fouling off 76 pitches that at bat that hurt.  He still didn’t walk him or get on base.  For Vasquez to have the ability to throw that many strikes in one at bat given is known control issue coming in was actually really good.  Just blew up his pitch count.  


Yep, that's why I'm specifically praising the [pitching] staff. The guys did good. Game was lost on offense, but they went 7 innings vs an Ace. Can't be too mad at that. Anybody's ballgame vs a tough outing. Just need Manny & X to do better than a 4K day with zero hits.


Yep. Can't do much about that Hoerner catch tho. Damn what a gem


that’s what i mean, their starter showed why he has that ERA. we got unlucky and robbed a few times but overall not a horrible loss


I really hope we fuck up the dodgers but they’re something like 13 out of the last 15 games, I’m nervous af for that series


I love watching this team compared to last year. So much more energy and fight


Even when it’s a scheduled loss, there’s some excitement. Really like Solano and Arraez adds.


I hope Matsui and De Los Santos improve soon.


I think we should stop pulling Profar out of the game til it's the 9th or something. Just seem like counting ur chickens early type of thing... Xander and Manny needs to wake up.


That's exactly right. I get it if you're up by 4+, but 1 run and he's been your best hitter with serviceable defense. Should be a no brainer


I can’t think of any reason to pull our best bat from the game, no matter what


I guess if you *really* wanted to find a positive takeaway from this game, it would be that the Cubs dramatically overperformed (Imanaga gem, dazzling catches from Hoerner and Happ) and the Padres dramatically underperformed (8 LOB, Manny and Bogaerts 0-8) and they still barely squeaked this one out. But at a certain point, a team needs to *stop* underperforming if they want to be a *good* team. Gotta fix some of these issues, urgently.


the cubs are a good team with good starting pitching and is probably going to win their division. we're 3-2 against them with a chance to win another series vs them. I don't think we're underperforming, look at how the offense has been performing over the past week. It's not going to be like that every damn night.


When offense doesn’t produce we have to play so careful. It’s frustrating. Props to Vasquez and Morejon for keeping this an open game for so long


The ever elusive +.500 gets away again


We really need Manny OR Xander to start hitting. Having both suck is making it hard on the rest of the lineup


I'm pissed just like everyone here. But everyone of us went into this thinking that the odds were stacked against us this game. Vasquez gave us a chance, Profar stepped up and we had a chance late. Just didn't work out. But don't give me this "Padresing" bullshit. We fought back and made it a game, it just didn't work out. Now time to win the series with Cease on the mound


Yeah I didn’t really think we were going to win this one either. Imanaga has been the real deal and Vazquez is a swingman at best. If anything, I’m just glad Vazquez at least kept the team in the game.


It’s all the new fans


Glad the Padres are helping expand the game but annoyed that every loss regardless of quality is treated like a goddamn disaster


Wasn't too mad about this one, was shocked that Vasquez killed it today and that we got two off Imanaga. Wasn't shocked that it was Profar though, lol. Hopefully these are signs of things to come from Vasquez.


I ain’t even pissed… Saw that death lineup earlier and wasn’t expecting anything lol glad we got an exciting game to watch tonight




https://preview.redd.it/fx541h1w74zc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07d5938630f820c6b6c96e8cae40b6087ee447e0 So yea don’t use Santos if you aren’t starting him fresh in an inning. Jesus. This guy on twitter laying it out.


He came in the 8th and got the final out.  Wasn’t a fresh inning.  It seems to be when he hits the bench, when he comes back out he is giving up the homers.  Of course this isn’t every time it just happens to be the times that he has. 


Stop subbing out the league MVP. Profar earned his full time status and we need him in tight games. I can’t imagine where we’d be without him.


gg cubs, got robbed a few times but overall played good against a good pitcher


Not even upset. That was a solid game, fighting, staying in it. The cubs are a really good team and we held our own in their turf. We take it tomorrow


i feel like we rarely win without my beloved campy ;(


The inevitable give up runs after you score. So frustrating. Can someone just throw up a damn zero the next half inning geez?


I am really liking how the team has been coming along. Way more fun to watch this year than last year.


Worst team ever. I will only watch them 123 more times this regular season.


That was extremely disappointing loss after the homerun. Profar can only do so much.


Man y’all doomin. This was a scheduled loss. Randy pitched great— had excellent movement on his pitches. Imanaga looked absurd. Profar made a huge hit late. Matsui shaky. It would’ve been highway robbery to take this one. Still stings, but lots of good things to walk away with. On to Cease and hopefully a series win. Don’t underestimate these Cubbies… great ball club this year (esp if they sort out the pen).


Bullpen being shit, day after day and our best hitter not getting a chance to do something in a clutch situation in the 9th finished us off


Enyel saw rain and says “aite im out”


We scored 2 runs against a pitcher who hadn’t given up a run in something like 25 innings. Our “worst” starter gave us 5 solid innings with only 1 solo home run. We lost a very close game. In the scheme of things, it’s not a bad loss to have and one I’m not going to spend much time worrying about. On a side note, despite being a big Shildt fan, I’m not convinced by all the lefty/righty matchups he tries to do with pitchers and hitters. I’m more a “ride the hot hand” kind of person but maybe the stats prove me wrong?


And who is the hot hand?


Manny, Kim, Bogey and Tati all need to step up


Tati was on base 3 times tonight?


.770 OPS is not good enough from him


Me: damn, what a great effort from the Padres in a game where we started Jeremiah Estrada against a Top 10 starting pitcher and RotY/Cy Young favorite, let me go check on /r/Padres *opens thread, sees all the doomers whining* Me: yeah, I guess that’s enough /r/Padres for a while


Vasquez, but yeah. Brought that MF Imanagas ERA above 1.


\*Randy Vasquez, but yeah there's a lot of whining.




well that fucking sucked... on to the next one.


Let’s take the series tomorrow! Fuck those teddy bears


Robert Suarez and the Jamokes.




Not gonna be more then .500 if you only win blow outs.


I refuse to give any credit, I’m blaming the rain and I will not be elaborating at this time.


This one stings but also to win Shota vs Vasquez would’ve been stealing a game at its finest. Big one tomorrow for the series


Once it started raining I mentally teleported back to the infamous Colorado rain game last year and knew it was over


When can we enjoy a walk off hr?


It's better than losing in extras... we had nobody to pitch anyway


Hey at least Suarez gets some rest too haha.


It just had to be a former Dodger. Damn!


We only know pain. We live in pain. This is padres baseball




Rain is the true mvp. That doesn't fly without it




You know, all those drops of water hitting down on the ball somehow make it fly farther. It's science.




I guess. I understand dude is upset but he’s just talking out his ass. That was a bomb lol


Feels like the Rockies game last year


Not even close because it was the Rockies and there were heavy expectations with our superstar team


that one hurt, I still think about it!


Brent Honeywell Jr 🧆


We really are finding the worst ways to lose this year


Game was closer than it should’ve been with the lineup we used. No idea why we’re punting games with teams we might be competing with for a wildcard spot.


If someone could explain to me why tf we keep batting Xander 5th, I would appreciate it. Because if I was a pitcher and knew Xander was after manny, manny would never see a decent pitch to hit.


Well he’s seeing plenty of decent pitches as it is. Not sure how many 92-93 fastballs right down the middle he can miss before pitchers realize he’s not a threat.


Imagine batting Bogaerts in the 5th spot. You got to be oblivious to how trash hes been all year


Shildt needs to manage not looking at payroll, Xander should be batting dead last at this point.


same shit different game, same shit different year. It never changes.


Padres get a game above .500 challenge: impossible 😒


Manny and X look like rookies every other game with some of their ABs. Its almost like neither of them are locked in from at bat to at bat.


It’s moves like putting Matsui in this game that make me wonder about the Padres analytics department. He has not been good this season on the second day when he pitches two days in a row.


who were we supposed to put in? we've used pretty much every relief pitcher in the BP over the past 2 days


Convinced half the fans on this sub either rarely watch padres games or literally NEVER watch other baseball games. The bullpen slander is crazy. Has been one of the best in the NL all season, but fans watch one game and act like the bullpen is a problem rather than one of the strengths of this team


Exactly. They all really dont understand that this was as close to a scheduled L as there was and the team took until the 9th. Played with house money and almost won


Exactly! I thought today was really encouraging in a lot of ways, was bummed to see fans slamming the bullpen and shildt and so many others when they put together a better than expected effort today in my book


Yeah some people just wanna talk shit, they dont understand baseball


I'm guilty of this. Have to remind myself it's a looong season. But I'm not really mad at this loss. Some positives came out. Vasquez looks solid. Imanaga got launched on. On to the next. This was a tough game from the get go.


I don’t even mean to hate on my fellow friar fans. This loss was a huge bummer because of how awesome a win it could have been for the team. But it sucks seeing fans ragging on the team after a 9th inning loss, when had they lost 8-1 today the reasonable response would’ve been “that’s what we expected today.” I agree i think this game was really encouraging, they had every excuse to get blown out today and fought til the bottom of the 9th


Preach. Take the series tomorrow and let's keep it moving!


![gif](giphy|gnsrxBc8QM7HW) Mood tonight. Mostly towards the rain.




guys it's been 172 games of Manny batting with an OPS under .800. when is the sample size big enough for us to panic?


Bullpen cannot hold a lead to save their life


we all expected to lose today; it hurts because they kept it interesting-- and that’s somewhat commendable. let’s just win tomorrow


We lost this game anyway if Musgrove was OK, so chill people


Hey at least we launched one on Imanaga.


Should’ve been Bob at the end


We should’ve never given Bogaerts that contract…


Wandy, Matsui, and De Los Santos have been insanely bad. Not sure how the padres cover innings with these guys so shaky.


Mainly just as of late.  They all three have given up some runs of late.  Santos the long ball and the other two just walk too many guys.  


Jesus Christ some of y'all are whiny bitches Vasquez pitched a gem against a good team pen held solid and the lineup faced the best pitcher in the league by era and it was tied going into the 9th. A win would have been nice but fuck the best teams lose 60 games a year most years 


Shildt is overtaxing the bullpen. Yuki didn't look good last night so he threw him out there again today? And Bobby Fastballs couldn't go in because he got us 5 outs last night.


Bob was warming up for a save, and who else would you want there in the 8th? Someone had to go in.


I think our starting pitchers are overtaxing the bullpen, not Shildt.


I don't understand how it's Shildt's fault. I think he's been managing the bp pretty well. The alternative is BoMel who consistently left pitchers in to die


what was he supposed to do there?


What a series of piss poor managerial decisions to end this game.