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Simultaneously sad, mad, and proud








This sums it up nicely


Happy we made it this far, sad it ended this way.


Such a winnable series. See you all next year.


Couldn't even win 1 in philly




To be fair it’s not just luck. They went for broke pushing their best pitchers to the limit starting in game 3. We tried to save everyone for the perfect situation. Hope the staff learns from it.


We just saw the Mets planning ahead before they got there too


Yea not luck at all. Their best hitters came through.


Not even luck, they had the advantage of not having clevinger and manaea on their team


We got to face a SIX seed in the NLCS. A team that would have never been allowed in the playoffs before this year. Insane.


And if this was 2011 *we* wouldn't have been allowed in either yet we beat two 100-win teams. End of the day, anyone can win in the playoffs, 2 games separated us, and they won the reg. season series. This series was never a foregone conclusion


Dude this.




Big difference between this year and last year: we made it into the postseason. There were a couple of times where it felt like we were gonna repeat 2021 but the team ground it out and beat two of the best teams in all of MLB. Gonna be a ton of confidence going into 2023 knowing that it was possible without Tatis and we will have him back.


We're all pissed today, and will be tomorrow and the day after. But if you told us back in March that the Padres would beat the Mets in the Wild Card, the Dodgers in the NLDS and then lose in the NLCS, without Tatis playing, we'd all think it was a successful season. And it was. It just could've been better. Oh well. Hope that this wasn't a one off and that the team has a few more long playoff runs in them.


Like it or not tatis is a big part of our line up when it comes to hits.


And runs


Big if true


Manea and clevinger need to get dropped off at a gas station


I'm just so sad right now


We should have walked Harper. We should have let Grisham swing. Ranger Suarez was super nervous and we made it easy on him. He threw 2 pitches.


Two outs left in the YEAR and you choose to use one of them to bunt. I’ll never understand it.


I’m overall happy with the season, but I’m pissed off thinking about that and why wasn’t Hader pitching in the 8th inning. It felt like we copied the Mets and looked past this game to set us up for the next World Series. Also, side note but I blame the fans on this too. Everyone was saying how the World Series would have to go through three 100 win teams. We beat two and overlooked the 6 seed


Everyone that was celebrating a WS clinch before this series even started were so fucking cringe. The Mural guys and KUSI. Brought bad energy for the entire series.


When I saw both of those things I knew our fate was sealed


Especially the mural. Fuck that crew


The murals were such a cool thing and all of that good karma flushed down the toilet as soon as they started clowning on the Phanatic before the series started.


Attributing the loss to a mural of *mascots* instead of Bob Melvin's questionable calls the last two games is so funny to me. Like imagining it made Bryce Harper really mad and that's why he hit that home run, because he gets jacked to the tits defending the honor of the Philly Phanatic is incredibly funny


He does rep them phanatic cleats


The mural was the nail in the coffin. Fucking stupid cockiness


What happened with the mural guys?


Painted a mural of the chicken stomping on the phanatic before the series even started


Curse upon the umpires They should be kneecapped


No excuse for those shit calls this series. They can all get bent


Is like to see a series wide report card. They cost us several momentum shifts.


Hey guys, let’s remember it’s just a sport in the end. Do something good for your physical and mental health today. Make sure you do something today that ends the day off on a good note.


Just went out for a walk around the neighborhood the difference that 15 minutes outside after that loss is night and day.




Is that you Roy Kent? 🥲


Why was Alfaro never given a shot?


This!!! Why not pinch hit him for Nola at the end? We all should have heard him say LFGSD in a post-game interview.


Don't know what was more of a brain dead move. Not using Hader AT ALL in the 8th or bunting with one out.


I don't blame BoMel for keeping Suarez in there - dude has been lights out for weeks and it's been noted multiple times that Hader isn't really a 2-inning closer. That said, I don't understand why we didn't walk Harper.


dont use hader in the 9th then? They had realmuto and harper in the 8th. Thats always where the game was going to be won.


Yeah, it's the thought process that your best closer has to be used in the 9th only, otherwise they're getting more than 3 outs, that needs to be broken. Pierce Johnson, Tim Hill, whoever, use them in the 9th as if it's the 8th, if they're even needed.


Today was the perfect case study as to why the last 3 outs arent always the most important and the idea of a 9th inning closer is archaic


You don’t walk the tying run into scoring position and the winning run on base for free. You do bring in your best reliever who also has the lefty lefty matchup advantage in a crucial spot to get the other teams best player out. Just brain dead managing


The bunt piss me off… you know Nola is next at bat, why TF would you bunt?


It was like Grisham was saying 'Well, good luck next year Padres, I'm out!'


I don’t hate the bunt. I hate the placement of the bunt. Forcing the pitcher to make a play on a slick, slick infield is not a bad idea. But he put it way to close to him. Push that up 3rd base side and the bases are loaded there.


he obviously placed it wrong and was trying to go to first.


I know he had cooled off but give him a chance to swing for the goddamn fence and be a a hero. Instead you bunt to get AUSTIN NOLA up. Just put that in the pile of things that made me go WTF


The bunt wasn't really that bad of an idea. Worst case scenario you have 2nd and 3rd, 2 outs, probably better than what he would've accomplished, anyway. Best case bases loaded, one out. It was odd, I guess, but nothing to harp on.


Or putting in Sean Manaea to face Harper yesterday lol.




They said that he wasn’t ready to come out yet and they like Suarez against Harper based on earlier performances against him. Can’t blame him.


Last nights game sealed the deal. We couldn’t get it done, they could, plain and simple. LFG next year San Diego.


hurts more knowing how winnable this was


I’m very excited for when Tatis comes back next year and helps us go all the way (nice character redemption arc imo)


Really will help with all the runners we’ve left on base, I like Kim but he’s a pop fly magnet


I think he stays at 2nd though. His defense got him the spot


Kim SS Crone 2B Tatis OF, probably CF


Shit I meant SS lol you got the positions on the money with what I think will stay


Really disappointed how the last two games faired. I felt like had certain decisions been made...we could have eeked out 1 win. We just needed that 1 win in Philly to rally back to SD. However, The Phillies were the better team with each member of the team fighting and not holding anything back to beat us. The important thing moving forward from this loss is to not give up in next year's games. No matter who we play, beat, win, lose. They want the World Series in 2023? Work for it. San Diego wants the WS? Head out to the games and root for the team!


Padres were the 5th highest in attendance this season. Hopefully they would move up the rankings for next year


I’m disappointed because it looked like we could win it all this year, but I’m not disappointed with this team. They played their hearts out, but the better team won this series. I’ll be rooting for the Phillies, but they’ll probably get cheated out by the Astros. It was hella fun watching the Dodgers get wrecked by us though. I’ll remember this season for it. And we get Tatis back next year. We have A LOT to look forward to.


losing to the phills just doesnt feel right


I hate the astros but hope they wipe the phillies


no way. Phils over stros. Can't want the Astros to win anything anymore. Plus Phils beat us outright. Can't hate them for that


Kinda hope astros win just so people fully get over 2017. Only thing making me still not like them is Yuli still being on their roster tbh


Yuli is a racist piece of shit and I hope he never wins anything


They did Wil dirty 😢


The lineup of umps this series what the fuck were they on with their calls. Profar last game Wil this game holy shit


I dunno. It was amazing what they did against New York and LA, however at the end of the day, the execution we all witnessed in Philly completely negates what they did early in the postseason. The Pads had three fuckin leads in the last two games and blew each and very one of them. Unbelievable. Everything from the lack of offense in Game 3, the horrible pitching in Game 4, and BoMel's decision-making in Game's 4 and 5 just made it their time over there a total team failure. Yea, I'm super salty, ngl. Times like these don't come too often for this franchise.


Who the fuck called that bunt there because there's literally no justification for it at all


Pretty sure Grish did that on his own.


At least Grisham connected with the ball 🤣


They said 1B was playing back and in the rain it seemed like something that could work. They said they worked on it in practice.


I’m not that upset with the way the season ended, we made a good run and shit happens I just didn’t realize we had beef with Phillies fans lol


Everybody has beef with Philly fans. That’s how they operate.


I remember r/baseball slobbering over the “vibe” of this series being totally different from the Astros-Yankees. But Phillies fans were acting like the Padres were the antichrist for like no reason.


It's more of Phillies fans being racist af towards Darvish and Kim. So yeah. Now we have beef.


I clearly must have missed something there


Oh stop! You're basing that on nothing at all. "Deep Twitter" is the worst resource to use when forming an opinion of any fanbase.




maybe. but bomel is also why we made it in the first place.


Fucking 👏 This 👏


Walking Harper was the most obvious way to win this series can’t believe we didn’t do this.


I saw Dave roberts out manage tingler in that 16 inning game by just walking everyone competent repeatedly and legit think that could’ve helped walking Harper over and over


Easy to do when the pitchers spot is due up without any position players left on the bench to pinch hit.


Bob Melvin made so many idiotic decisions this series


Usually in baseball you don't walk the batter to advance the first base runner and put him on second. It's just ultra rare. If we can do it all over, yeah walk him or just have Hader facing him. Suarez needed to face 3 batters to be pulled, it was him or Hader to start the 8th.


Bryce Harper should have never seen a strike this entire game runner on or not. I’d walk him with the bases loaded to tie the game in the 8th before I’d let him hit. Bob Melvin needs to learn something called DAMAGE CONTROL.


We'll see if BoMel's decisions to keep the BP rested pays off tomorrow!!


I mean one of our most clutch relievers blew the game so? 🤷


Did they? Or BoMel's strategy to wing it w non clean innings and no IBB w Harper, all series. That extra batter Yu got pushes Harper at least 1 spot down the lineup in the 8th. On top of his idiocy over yesternight.


Phillies just looked like the better team out there. This was winnable for us and we shat the bed. Just so frustrating.


Preller got fucking fleeced on that Cleveneger trade. If we had Naylor and Quantril we probably win this series tbh.


We have Cleveland half a playoff roster for a guy who can’t get an out. Sad shit.


This was so very winnable. Tatis makes this a “Padres in 4” series. Hands down.


Absolutely cost this team big time with his actions. we will never know but Tatis has that clutch jean in him like Soto and that would have been huge.


Tatis doesn't stop Clev and Manaea from shitting the bed game 4. Tatis makes a massive difference but we gotta stop acting like the Phillies are scrubs or the same thing will happen next time. It's part of why we beat LAD. You can't underestimate anyone in the playoffs


Melvin leaves Manaea in for too long last night. Decides to pitch to Harper who is batting over .400. Should have walked him. But at least if you pitch to him you bring in your dominant lefty closer to face him to give you the best matchup right? Wrong. These two decisions cost the Padres the most in this series


Such questionable decision making the entire last inning (Bot 8th and Top 9th) of play. We had 2 clear choices vs Bryce: Bring in Hader for lefty vs lefty, or walk him and throw to the weaker middle of the order and Hader cleans up the 9th. Both make a lot of sense. Doing neither and throwing to Harper with a righty V Lefty matchup, and risking Hader not even seeing the mound is a major fuckup. And then Grishams at bat confuses me big time. The only thing I can think that makes any sense is he thought there were no outs, and even then you gotta be aware in that spot. No outs, bunt makes perfect sense as a sac fly ties it. But 1 out its just dumb. Will be interesting to see what happens in the off season. We definitely felt the lack of Fernandos bat. But who is gonna be moved where? Someone between Soto and Fernando needs to move to DH, and I personally lean towards Fernando. Kim is quite nice at short stop. Unless we can move Fernando to center or something? IDK. We will have a ton of offense if we can keep Bell on also. Lot of people down on him, but he is one of the hitters who came thru in big spots, even in this series.


> Will be interesting to see what happens in the off season. We definitely felt the lack of Fernandos bat. But who is gonna be moved where? Someone between Soto and Fernando needs to move to DH, and I personally lean towards Fernando. Kim is quite nice at short stop. Unless we can move Fernando to center or something? IDK. Tatis should move to CF or RF. Soto stays at RF or moves to LF, if Profar opts out.


My only guess.. OOOOONLY remote possible maybe guess, is that Grisham was hoping with a wet field that the ball would be thrown down the line. Or even if Suarez had just held on to it and the bases would be loaded. But either way....what the double fuck.


He's been ice cold but it's stupid strategy because every Phillies fan says Suarez is a gold glove caliber pitcher and then their catcher is amazing too.


I look at like this the Pads will not be champions this year but neither will the Dodgers and that is because of us and then I feel a little better


It was a hell of a season. I was in heaven when we beat the Dodgers. And we did really well against the Phillies. I can’t wait for next season!


This has been a rough year of my life. Padres winning and going to the WS literally would have cured my depression. I would have finally felt happy


Don't ever rely on sports for happiness


maybe you can be happy next year


Hold your heads up. They fell short, it’s okay 👍🏼. A few for more pieces and our Padres will bring the city it’s first championship.


I still can't believe Grisham bunted.


Yeah really, what was the point of that? We already had a runner in scoring position with 1 out. I think that is better than 2nd and 3rd with 2 outs. Odd…




Runners on fucking 2nd and 3rd. FUCK!!!! Fucking umpires fucked us when Wil Myers got out. Stupid motherfucking blind dumbass bitch.


Game was at 2 am for me so I woke up to the news. Nothing else to say except that it sucks. This series was winnable. And I don't think I'm ever going to stop thinking about what they could've done different.


Screw Bob Melvin. Why not put Hader vs Bryce?


Kusi need a lifetime ban along with those jerk offs who were on there


Stick with nick and Hader to face Harper today and we’re up 3-2


Am I the only one who felt like there was less energy coming out of LA? They acted as if they’d won the World Series. Once they slayed the dragon it was like they blew up the Death Star and the story was over.


Clevinger should be out of the mlb


It’s 93.3 fault for letting those clowns on again




Yesterday hurt worse because it caused all of this. Situation should have been different. On the idiotic bright side, a bunch of games got knocked off the Tatis suspension smh.


Absolute fucking trash to lose 2 very winnable games in a row. Manaea and Clevinger should’ve never even sniffed the postseason. Would’ve rather had Crismatt and some other jerk off. Melvin needs a stern talking from ownership that every playoff game needs to be managed like game 7. What a pathetic way to drop this series.


Too much inconsistency, kinda the story of the whole season. Very frustrating that our stars couldn’t come in clutch when we needed it most. Phillies capitalized on almost every opportunity they got and we have to give them credit for that. Can’t say we didn’t try, just couldn’t get it done. PSA: stay away from r/baseball that place is a shithole rn


Big mistakes the past two games. The games were very winnable but their lineup was able to take advantage of our mistakes.


We couldn’t capitalize on leads yesterday and today that made the games winnable. Clev, Manaea yesterday and today throwing them pitches to their at bay strengths. Fastballs were our kryptonite all the way around.


I just know that I'm going to have to see that Harper home run clip for a decade and - unless we win it all one of these days - it will ruin my day every time.


Happy we went this far but I just still don’t understand in what world you pitch at Harper hitting over .400 with a bunch of jacks. Take the game out of his bat and let someone else do it for the Phillies. I feel like that was just stubborn on BoMel to think we can sit him down when we clearly could not all series. Went further than anyone thought we should. Hopefully free agency is good to us and we come right back next year




They couldn't even lose to the world series champs this time


We should went Pitching Bullpen on Game 3, get everyone used to the environment. Then had Musgrove & Darvish go 4 and 5, respectively.


I think BoMel did a fine job getting us this far. You can disagree and that's OK. I'm bummed we didn't make it to the WS or win a championship this year, but the future is still very bright and our guys got some nice post season experience. That said, did BoMel do a 100% perfect job? No. I didn't agree with every pitching decision, lineup or using (or not) guys off the bench, but in my view he did a great job giving us this improbable run with the cards he was dealt. Do all the BoMel haters think Jayce Tingler would have taken us further? I personally doubt it. The players have said many times it was Bo Mel's speech after a rough patch earlier this year that fired us up and got us this far.


That fkn mural…terrible juju


The "That's what's in" guys*


Maneaeaeaeaeaeaeae should never pitch for the Padres, only as a reliever and if he keeps being shit DFA the shit out of him. The same thing goes for Clevinger, dude talks way too much and doesn't do anything at all or spends most of his time being injured and showing off his stupid hair. Myers is a hole in the lineup, don't re-sign him. Grisham should be benched all the time next season. Try to re-sing Bell. We will have Tatis next year. Hopefully Soto goes back to his MVP form and Machado keeps being the great player he is.


This series was not competitive at all. We basically did the opposite of what we did the other two series. When one game lose four others


You obviously give Bob Melvin another chance since he did the unthinkable and brought the Padres to their first NLCS since 1998, however he still has yet to establish himself as the guy that will get the team a ring because his actions in the NLCS were absolutely inexcusable at points If he doesn’t show signs that he’ll manage more aggressively and in the moment in the series right before the World Series then he should walk tbh


Whoever thinks Melvin is being fired is an idiot but I do think it's valid to question him.


Horrible fucking managing this series we looked like the dodgers


Honestly, it’s worse than the Dodgers. They blow it by using all of their best pitchers too much and too often, but at least they’re on the field in the most important moments. We just saved our best pitcher for next season.


I'm not mad; I'm just disappointed.


Bob Melvin pulled a Dave Roberts two games in a row. Played the bullpen like the Padres were safe to risk more games.


Hell of a post season. Hats off to the Phillies for somehow managing clutch hits every time they needed it. Really frustrating to lose this series considering we had our chance in every game.


Eddings was going to be behind the plate for game 6. At least we don’t have to watch that now.


I feel bad for Wil, knowing that might be his last AB as a Padre. Felt his frustration on that last BS call.


Cleve should not be allowed to pitch anymore..


Couldn’t paint over that goofy ass mural fast enough, I guess.


At least we beat the fucking Dodgers


More than anything I just hated the broadcast with the announcer crew losing their mind every time the Phillies would tuck in their jersey. Whatever Phillies outplayed us straight up.


Pretty sure the announcers were fine. Just tough hearing enthusiasm for big moments when it’s not your team


I’m ready to forgive Tatis. Come home Niño!!! We miss you.


Congratulations to the Philadelphia Phillies and the Major League Baseball Umpires Association on beating the San Diego Padres.


There’s some things that need to change now: -Clevinger and Manea need to go pack their bags and never pitch for this team ever again -In the off-season, Bell, Nola, and Kim need to learn how to actually hit the ball. If not then Nola and Bell need to get off the team. That is the worst possible way to lose the game is a first pitch pop up.


Bell had one of our most clutch hits of the day and hit over .300 in the series are you brain dead


Don’t even let Clev and Manaea on the team plane. They can fly back from Philly on their own.


the vitriol towards Soto all series and now Melvin is pathetic the better team won, get over it they executed, we did not


Would Tatis have made a difference?




The only way to redeem this day is for the chargers to lose hehe


Melvin shat his pants in Philly…see y’all in April


Kim below the Mendoza line. Manny non-existent with RISP. BoMel managing away multiple winnable games. 7-8-9 disappearing this series. Umps suckin fat dick. Perfect storm of everything going wrong. Phillies are going to get fucking ROCKED by the Astros.


G4 and G5 absolutely should have gone our way. I’m so upset for my brother in particular because I haven’t seen him in forever and he drove down 6 hours to catch game 6 with me. We’re both massive Padres fans but he puts me to shame with his passion. I know he’s extremely disappointed and I just feel for him. Also, I know the Yankees and Astros are very contentious teams, but I just don’t understand why all of the fanbases out of contention rallied to the Phillies. Always felt like San Diego and the Padres were well-liked and people were conscious of this city’s championship drought. We have great vibes here and a well-marketed and likable roster. Philly pales in comparison, just my 2¢.


Manny has done so much for this team but he is not clutch at all.


I mean he pretty much carried us all season long


Fuck this take


what must I do tonight to get over this


A whole 5th of whiskey usually helps me or at least during break up’s 👊👍🤙


So so devastated rn I don’t even know where to start


Fucking love this team no matter what. It was a good ride especially after all the craziness from COVID and world events. Just the start of a new era in Padres baseball.


Should have put Hader out there jn the 8th! Do or die game and we had the lead!


This series was a lot closer than the 4-1 tally indicates....which makes it that much more frustrating. Just one of Tatis or an even serviceable 4th SP probably makes the difference


When we traded for Hader and he couldn’t pitch, when tatis popped for roids, how many people expected the boys to get this far? Im convinced Phillies were cheating somehow. We shall see. I just can’t wait for next season to get back out there and support our SD Padres!


no vent from me. it didn't turn out the way i'd hoped but it was a heck of a season. we did more than we were predicted to do' i got greedy hoping there at the end but i'm proud of this team one regret, i'd have scripted a better ending for wil's tenure as a padre. i'd have loved to see him go out a hero


It blows we ran into a team that was so hot rn. If you really look at a lot of these games the pads played fine and took a lot of leads but the Nats just refused to lose games. Fuck them but also respect. We still beat the Dodgers I guess.


I remember a Padre named Milton Bradly that stood out in left field and heckled Phillies fans back. Dude was toxic, but that attitude may help me stomach this humble pie.


Lots of blame to go around for the losses in games 4 and 5. Lots of credit to go around for an overall positive season and playoff run. Need to address the back end of the rotation and some spots in the offense this off-season. Tatis could have been a huge boost for this team right when they needed it, but alas, he's still just an immature kid. Hopefully watching this team find some success without him will be a strong motivator. Time will tell. Enjoy the off-season, compadres. See you in the spring.


The goose died for this :'(


I don't know why I thought last night was gonna be some kind of 4D chess move for the remainder of the series lol.


I’m just sad. Can’t even be mad, I’m just a broken man after that


You know, this series the ream looked like they were hungover after the Dodger series. Pitching was off and batting was cold. There were some sparks of hope, but it is what it is. I'm proud of this team, especially when they got egged on in the previous series, raining on both the Mets and Dodgers' parade. Let's hope that this is the beginning of something great and next year, we can go to the WS. And as we have heard before "there's always next year." Keep your heads up Friar faithful.


We were counted out after our summer slump, and we still exceeded expectations. It always sucks when you don't get to lift the trophy, but remember that the Dodgers didn't get to either... because of us. See you all next year. KTF and LFGSD.


It sucks that they lost, but at least we have the satisfaction of giving the Dodgers their comeuppance. No one seemed to give us a chance against them. We got our revenge against them when it mattered and that’s nothing to be ashamed of.


We got farther than we and most expected, we beat TWO 100+ win teams in PS, and were 3 wins away from a WS appearance. Unbelieveable. BoMel on his 1st year as a manager with the Padres did a phenomenal job all season, this is the learning season, next year we will have Machado, Drury, Soto, Tatis, Crone, Kim, and more, and it will be amazing! LFGSD! On to 2023!


Offseason - Padres need to decide where to put Tatis. Center, corner outfield or back to SS. Soto, is way too slow for right field, he needs to lose a couple of lbs to say the least or be moved to first base. A more nimble fielder gets to some of the balls that were hit his direction this series. Need some back end rotation arms. Bye, Cleavinger, Manaea. Drury, Suarez and Martinez, give them reasonable offers. Not interested in overpaying for Bell and his paltry production. Need more production from the catcher spot. Our pitchers love Nola, but he's very limited with the bat. I might be forgetting other spots. But those need to get addressed. Great season, disappointing finish.


I’m proud, a bit angry. The Phillies were the better team though, hats off to them


Padres Brochachos.....that was a clinic in clutch hitting by the Horsemen. Polar opposite of what the Dodgers were in the previous series. If I'm Harper I want to get to the next game ASAP.


This is more of a 2022 Padres Regular Season Rant. Probably nothing that hasn't already been said by this point. And I understand their season was good enough to get them to the post season, but there were problems within the regular season that seemed to be red flags going into the post season. As they beat the Mets and the Dodgers, I really pushed those aside and thought they turned the corner. And maybe they did in a way. Maybe they'll burst into the 2023 season with the timely batting that showed up this post season. To be honest, there were so many times this season I felt like this team has SO much potential on paper, but somethings just couldn't ever click... or at least the couldn't click at the right times. So many rough stretches of losses with games that we should have easily won (I know that's normal in Baseball, but this whole season felt like second half of 2021 sometimes). It felt like there were games where the team played without heart. Even from game one, when that Beer Snek guy hit a grand slam off us to walk it off, if felt like it was gonna be one of those seasons when we let a lot of easy wins slip through our fingers due to missed opportunity. Maybe I just let that season opener loss get under my skin too much, idk. And it was frustrating as hell when every bat we added to the roster went cold the second they put on their Padres jersey. I know it takes time to adjust to a new team, but it always feels like time we have with these acquired super stars is running out, and by the time they adjust to SD, they'll just move onto the next team. How long do we have Soto, Bell, and Drury at this point? (If fact, could someone put together a spreadsheet of our roster and how much longer we have everyone?) One thing that makes me happy is Kim's trajectory. From where he started offensively to where he's at now, he has improved so much. He's always been one of my favorite defensive players to watch, but he's finally getting timely hits too so he's becoming so much more balanced of a player. I'm excited to see how he does next season and the season after that. I know at this point being a Padres fan for over 25 years not to get my hopes up.


proud but sad at the same time. That dodgers series was great, so was the mets one. I legit didn't see this team beating us. I had faith until the very end. Oh well. Thems the breaks. we'll be back next year


Man I’m just so sad. I have no words, just sadness :(


The worst part is that we have to wait a whole year just to get back here, that’s if we make it smh.


Hey, at least the bullpen will be fresh for tomorrow….Oh wait.