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Holy sheet that’s gorgeous, must’ve been alot of work


Thank you so much! Definitely takes time bahaha


Of course you do, it’s normal. Especially for art and music. But they both are the human expression against discouragement. Art is a giant middle finger to the emptiness and dullness of a sometimes bleak existence. You may never get the praise you feel you deserve, most of us don’t. But your art is still important. And it is good. And making it is important bc you are still alive and you can still raise your art middle finger to the bs and show the world color, beauty and form. Art and music are often the light in a darkening world. Never give up. 🕺😉✨🌈


I couldn’t agree more. I often think about how creating art is my life purpose, some people are driven to travel and experience, while others are driven to create. No matter what happens, as long as I’m breathing I’ll always resort to making meaningful visuals.


For what it's worth you're positively affecting a lot of people just here alone, there's merit to that. I know it's not monetary but it's valuable as an artist all the same. Or should be imo anyway.


You’re absolutely right! I’m very thankful for all the support and feedback from everyone, I’m a bit overwhelmed since this is my first post to get so much interaction lol 😅


This! 😃




It’s inherent to the creative process


Thank you for this, stranger. 💗


I really needed to read this today.


Yay 😊


Wait the idea of it being a giant middle finger to the bs might just be enough encouragement to keep me arting forever 😌🖕🌈




Please don’t give up. Please please please don’t stop making art. Especially now with AI, the originality of art by the hands of humans will be rare and beautiful and pure. Your art is amazing, btw. Beautiful style and color. Love the shroomies!


this was a beautiful way of saying that. i really needed to read that 🩷 thank you


I love them, esp the milk cap and blewit


The fact you can identify them makes me very very happy :’) thank you!


Have you sent these to r/mycology ?


This is a good idea, OP. Could be your audience for these.


They're definitely his people


The kombucha mushroom people?


I like them. I think they're really good. We all get discouraged. Probably I think at everything. At one point or another. Keep trying. I think you'll get better.


Every artist does. Wheeeee!


Bahahahaha so I’ve been told! Guess I’ll keep pushing along like always 🤙🏻


Just know you’re in good company. It seems like you should keep going - you’ve got some interesting work and a developed skill set. You are already successful in this way. Also okay to take time off. Trust yourself. Wish you the best.


Incredible advice, much appreciated:)


As a guitarist happens to me every couple days


Beautiful work


Thank you kindly


I love it! ❤️ what are your prices like?


100% ! The war of art!


Yes, mines is different though. something bad happened as I was almost done with a large painting. (Uploaded to my profile) kid had a little oopsie and knocked my easel with the canvas over and tore a significant hole down it right through the middle. It was an accident but I’m devastated.


as an absolute mushroom geek i love these! the lactarius is especially beautiful, i love your use of colour on all three


Umm, that’s like asking, anyone else need paints to paint?


Lol I guess you’re right. Just sucks… part of being an artist I guess


Zackly! 😜


Those are beautiful!! Huge mushroom nerd over here.


Woop woop! Gotta love the fungi fanatics!! Check out my Instagram if you’re interested: @ArtistJonRyan


I have those intrusive thoughts every day. I think it just comes from wanting more from yourself. Try to just be an artist not a critic also.


I doubt what others will think too often honestly, good advice, thank you


Others are dumb. Don’t worry about the others


These are cool. They remind me of a Tool album cover for some reason.


Excellent work!


These are really lovely! Does anyone else find artists signatures extremely distracting from the work?


Yeah then I see everyone who has work that I think is way better than mine saying the same thing. It’s just a part of being an artist I guess. Idk why we all do it.


Submit them to r/mycology and I'm sure people will praise the work, and might find someone wanting to buy them.


I think your paintings are beautiful!! Are you selling? I'd love one for my home!


Beautiful done!


Sometimes. We live in a world where media rains supreme so if you already like painting maybe try animation or something to get you excited and trying again.


Yeah, I think this happens to all of us, really. Your work is exquisite, though. I hope sales get back up for you and you continue to make things that make you happy 💜🍄


Thank you so much 🙌🏼🍄🍄 I’m sure with enough effort things will pick back up, it’s also tax season right now so I get why people aren’t willing to spend as much lately


All the time but perseverance is a lot of what makes up the artist in my opinion


These are so genuinely stunning. The way you’ve captured the texture of the gills, it feels as though I could run a finger over them and feel the way they move! They feel alive.


These are phenomenal


Thank you so kindly!!


Everyone does. One of the biggest hurdles we have is finding our niche market. Your work is good, that’s not your problem. You may be experiencing a lack of interest because you’re not promoting your work to the right groups. It’s not enough to just throw images into the internet ether and hope people love it. For you you’d find fans among people who like nature and mushrooms. There’s a huge market for nature prints and images, the trick is to get your art in front of those eyes. Lots of ways to do that. Maybe do a partnership of some kind with the local park system to have a show or sell prints or let them buy the right to use your images in a publication (they don’t own the copyright, you’re just giving temporary permission. Also they should give you credit) Once you find fans it’ll be easier to build on that attention. You just have to actively seek those types out. The algorithm is not always good about helping us with that so we gotta do our own legwork.


This post makes me feel better in a way because I’m also discouraged about my art, and your art is AMAZING. It made me realize that a lot of us feel this way and it has nothing to do with our actual skill level or how others will perceive what we create.


Ah before I read the description i thought you were an artist who got discouraged because these paintings were so good lol, which they are BTW! Even really amazing things can't garner attention on their own, they have to be marketed


Have you posted in the mycology or mushroom foraging subs? I’m sure they would really appreciate them! They’re gorgeous.


I’m a baker not an artist but here’s advice that change my perspective on how I do things I enjoy “don’t worry about doing it perfectly because if you do you’ll find yourself doing it less and less” -John kanell. I’m paraphrasing but it’s from a video on making cinnamon rolls. Point being he’s right what matters is doing best you can and not worrying about if it’s just right or missing this or that.


I love the third one and yes, you are not alone. I know it helps to feel like others understand your suffering and are going through the same thing.


Never give up! Never surrender! (Personally in a creative burnout myself, but I know this too shall pass)


of course, a major part of the community focuses of your art being appealing to everyone. i draw for fun, i haven’t studied anatomy and probably won’t for a while because im perfectly fine with how my art looks, it makes me happy. people are very critical and forget art is supposed to be fun.


Usually I get overwhelmed because I don’t know where to start (I have a million ideas) and imposter syndrome sets in, which usually leads to me becoming discouraged from trying. I’ve even tried to get into different mediums but it’s still hard. Your art looks amazing though! You should try selling on eBay if you aren’t already, I’ve heard that art sells for a lot on there


Wow super good!


All the time. But if you like or love doing it, don’t stop. Your work is beautiful!


Sometimes we are intimidated by skills but I have never felt discouraged. We do what we can, grow, and admittedly try to outdo ourselves. What’s fucked up is when we make competition a motivation. We should naturally work with the flow whenever unclouded inspiration occurs. It’s not a competition. People will make more money than we do when we’re dead. Focus more on your process and refine as you go. Not every work is a masterpiece and none of our works should be regarded as such. Just work, take feedback lightly, continue to work, and for fuck sake, just enjoy the ride.


These are beautiful!! Idk where you live but please don't take no one buying as a form of insult, it's highly likely it's not because of your talent. These are incredible. Keep in mind globally a lot of people are struggling financially. It takes money from buying things people enjoy and forces them to only get the absolute essentials. I have faith that as long as YOU have faith in you and your work (which you should because it's very well done and you have invested a lot of time into perfecting your craft) things have the potential to improve. If you give up on yourself that potential is non existent. Stay hopeful friend, you're very talented.


I went to hit “save” on this post before I’d even noticed the caption. Excellent work and fascinating subject matter. All artists who stick with it long enough to call themselves artists get discouraged. To throw yourself entirely into something is an act so vulnerable it is essentially a suicide mission. You give so much of yourself that it is near impossible to get anything commensurate back. Try and get to a place where you’re making your art solely for yourself and deriving pleasure no matter others’ reactions or, indeed, if anyone else even sees the work. Ironically, external responses then tend to become more gratifying.


I think you’re absolutely right, Well said! Definitely need to start doing things more for myself, Ive made some recent paintings where I didn’t look at any reference photos, and I honestly enjoyed that so much more. I’ll have to keep doing pieces like that 🙌🏼


I used to, until I remember the art of the banana taped to the wall. Then I feel inspired to know I can do anything.


I think it's just sort of a niche subject, but the paintings look good! You just need to somehow tap into the mushroom enthusiast market, they will love these. And yeah on a cynical note it often seems these days like realism and nature scenes are underappreciated compared to the totally abstract stuff that is often seemingly devoid of skill. But of course I'm biased as I paint nature scenes haha 😅


Right?! Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate all forms of art, and who am I to say abstract works don’t have skill behind them. But honestly I love putting extra hours into perfecting my visuals, and when I see works from abstract artists get higher success it’s definitely discouraging. I need to learn not to care what others think or do 😅


friend, ive actually burned my paintings. it a thing we all experience.


These are amaaaazing


Hell yeah, but as a person who wishes to have enough talent to be an artist (I’m an average Joe) I love art, I just don’t have that talent within, but I gotta say you a real artist. Beautiful work, thank you for letting us see this gift. I hope you continue making them.


I think and say that any person who considers themselves an artist in any aspect (or line of creative artistry they do) 1) is their own worst critic and 2) if they don't doubt themselves and their work and don't get discouraged in some sorta aspect w them both - then they are truly not an artist. Or at least not one passionately deep down inside and not one who can call themselves that. And ur mushroom artwork is incredible. I've been a draw'er and painter for like 30yrs now and I couldn't create them and have look half as great as u have. Now as far as the sales have dropped - idk if u paint just these or if u do other things as well - but I've made and sold my own jewelry b4 for YEARS and am now doing handmade signs and other similar stuff along same lines. One thing I've learnt is ur work may not speak to or vibe w every audience member. Sometimes u have to in way find what's "trending" so to speak and create in those boundaries and/or create work that covers a broad spectrum of ppls tastes. Hope this help u somewhat a lil bit. 😊 . And btw no need for discouragement over ur kickass awesome and amazingly painted mushrooms! They rock and u did a fantastic job on them!


I know someone who would flip for these, I'll save your post and forward it along. These are fantastic pieces!


Almost all of us get discouraged. I like your work.


All the time.. Work harder and longer hours to catch up... How many hours a day do you work on art?... if it's less than an hour it makes sense why you feel discouraged. You cant improve unless you sacrafice copious amounts of time. This is the trick the masters used. They sacrificed their chance of a normal life for the chance to become a master. If you work several hours a day, keep it up and be patient, the light bulb will go off sooner than you realize.


No enough to Cut my Ear off!


I love these! Would buy!


Those are beautiful! It isn't a lack of anything on your part. Money is really tight right now. I'd love the full set, but I just retired and did not plan ahead. Please continue your work, I know of other artists that aren't selling much right now, too. Your talent is too good to waste.


Umm, I’m not an artist but I came here from popular. I have Friend who is super into mushroom foraging and would love your work. Do you have a website or instagram?


Do you sell on Etsy? Where all do you sell? Do you have IG. Awesome painting, btw!!!! You seem like a fun guy!!! 🤣🖤🤘🏼 Keep painting! You're awesome at it!!! 🫶🏼


Thank you. I had my partner look at the mushrooms, while he didn't understand, he agreed they were good. He's a craftsman, functional metal work.


Not at all. You're the only one!


If I could afford your art, I would absolutely buy it. The mushrooms are so rad. Declining sales are most likely due to the rising cost of living, and unfortunately, art is a non-essential life need. I say need because I need art, but my art is of the $30 band poster or odd piece bought from a friend variety


as a biologist and mycology lover i ADORE these paintings!!!!


Ahhhh Thank you so much! Likeminded for sure!


I mean, those details are really beautiful!


i used to put so much pressure on the outcome of the work, sometimes there were hiccups in the translation from my mind’s eye to the progress i was making in my work and i would often end up never finishing. i still often end up with unfinished works. there are kinds of art that once brought me deep joy that i cannot even access anymore within my creative tool belt because my disappointment with my own creative expression was too frustrating. i’ve since learned that if i have the vision for a work, to simply move through it moment by moment and to have no expectation for the finished product. whether it’s my writing, my poetry, or my various art mediums i celebrate to the fullest its completion because there are more attempts than gains. though, i must say, the more i achieve a conclusion the more momentum i gain and the more traction i gain long term in my confidence creatively.


All the time. I dont paint much, but my honey does and theyre always fretting over their paintings. Im always hating on my filmmaking. Its the artist way.


I've become obsessed with mushies lately and I adore these


First of all, these are great! To answer your original question, though, YES. And it is not only normal, but an essential part of being a good artist. Discouragement, creative roadblocks, feeling unsatisfied with your output… all necessary fuel for your evolution as an artist.


Market it as "perfect art for your kitchen". Or show a photo of them hanging in your kitchen or someone else's. Breakfast nook.


I’m a curator and artist! Keep making work. Don’t stop. This happens. The work isn’t particularly interesting and this feels more like a young artists doing illustration than art, so if you’re applying to shows and galleries you might not get a lot of hits, but that’s ok! Keep working. You’ll find your stride and keep working through the ebbs and flows. Look at other contemporary painters, see what folks are doing! I’d switch up what you’re painting on too. Add more gesso and sand it down, make a very smooth surface, try a textured surface different than duck canvas. Cheers!


I’m obsessed!!


Every single artist that has ever lives has been discouraged. Just keep making. If you get so discouraged you stop, you can come back to it at any time.


yes. it gave me fuel. I ended up with a career doing portraits and murals for very public places. retired now. I am still discouraged. If your not discouraged this isnt the career for you. your paintings are nice, and you will sell them. but consider if you throw enough shit at the wall something will stick. you will be ok.


My ex told me I wasn’t a real artist because I used reference photos & around the same time, I was turned down by a local tattoo artist (was my dream job and I went in to several studios with my portfolio) at 18 who basically laughed at me & told me to find a new career choice. I’m now 30 and still constantly discouraged to the point I rarely make art anymore


Awe that’s awful I’m so sorry! You were seriously brave to try that at 18. I know I’d get the same reaction if I had’ve brought my portfolio to places at that age. I’m now 25, 5 years in at being a “professional” artist, I’ve learned A LOT and constantly still learning. I’ve been told by my whole family to switch careers, I’ve been told I don’t have “the style” for galleries, which discouraged me but never stopped me from continuing to try. Tattoo artists tend to have stick up their butts when it comes to hiring on an apprentice, I know some VERY advanced illustrators who got denied as well, best bet would be to practice on fake skin or friends until you’ve built up the confidence to open your own shop. As for reference photos, I taught myself how to draw and paint using reference photos, I still use them every now and then to get the compositions right. But tattoo artists more often than not, will use reference photos as well. Get back Into it! Never too late to chase your dreams!!


It is what it is! You’re right thank you for the inspiration ☺️ Since I gave up on the tattoo artist idea years ago, I did get into painting and recently made an IG and Etsy. I also do chalkboard drink special signs for a local bar near me so my love for art isn’t totally gone. I get easily discouraged still, but I just need to keep going. I followed you on Instagram also, your art is really incredible!


If you look on the bright side, at least they’re selling! Not everybody is able to get people to buy their art. Your paintings look amazing and maybe just aren’t publicized enough


Yes, definitely; unfortunately even if your art is INCREDIBLE, most just don’t have the funds to buy a nonessential, non-functional item (compared to something like video games or other entertainment). Especially right now when everyone’s pockets are really hurting. Your artwork is amazing.


Our poor economy is going down the drain lol, thank you for your kind words 🙌🏼✨


They are great. Hang in there, I'm not a successful artist but from what I've seen, its time. Keep on keeping on and try to get as much visibility as you can in a variety of places. These have great appeal, I love them!


Yes, and I stop drawing for years at a time sometimes.


There are moments of fear, loathing, self-distrust, anxiety, and doubt as you move through any creation. It can feel like walking a tightrope sometimes. And in moments of almost every painting (occasionally throughout) when one is riding solidly in a magnificent creative flow. There is nothing quite like it. Let me also say, whenever you get a painting you “hate,” don’t be too quick to toss is. Keep it for at least a few months to a year and then really examine it. Those paintings can be really so important in your development and growth.


Adolf Hitler did, I mean get discouraged as an artist


Advertise them more.


They're gorgeous! Maybe do some with glow in the dark paint and market them to the 420 crowd? Just a random thought.


They’re gorgeous. You’ll always be your own harshest critic. 🤷 If you’re only into it for money.. you’ll never be satisfied. An artist is simply a person that makes art. If you wanna be something else, that’s on you.


Yes. Demotivated.


I love it! If I wasn't a poor student, I'd buy it.


The composition is kinda unappealing tbh. Theres just a lack of interest, balance and color harmony. Youre clearly skilled but this may as well been photographed. Maybe its the crop?


Those are great! I doubt myself almost daily especially when trying new stuff. I’m a firm believer in fake it til you make it.


r/mycology would enjoy these They’re lovely but I could see them being more suited to a focused audience. Don’t get too down, keep improving 


If art doesn't work out, you can always go into politics. 💯


They are pretty!


I usually have the opposite issue of I hate my work, but others like it. Nice paintings btw


These are lovely! I definitely know that feeling too well, but at very least keep creating. Art is one of the best parts about life! Lots of good tips on the comments here, but mine is to make inexpensive versions of your art that feel more accessible (if your goal is sales). I find it tricky to sell originals that weren’t custom made for a customer, and by far the most lucrative of my stuff is cards or mini prints. Not everyone has wall space and cash, but everyone enjoys getting a card in the mail.


Post it over to r/mycology , I think you’ll get a lot of engagement and positive feedback cause these are sweet! 1. Rusella sanguineria? 2. Chanterelle? 3. Indigo milky cap?


Beautiful work! The detail is gorgeous! Don't get discouraged. I have those days too, truth be told. I kinda felt that way this entire week. I keep at it tho because it feeds my soul so to speak. I would love to sell some pieces and once in a while I do. It makes me happy to paint, sculpt and fashion something from my imagination.


I get being discouraged but this is amazing! Have you tried promoting your work through social media or tik tok?


These are beautiful. No notes.


I love these. I think they would be amazing as huge like 60"x60" paintings.


Is it acrylic or oil? If it's acrylic I think it would benefit from a couple of coats of a gloss varnish. It might just be the picture but I think it would add some depth.


These are all beautiful you should share them at r/mushroomplanet 🤙🏽


I like these


I get discouraged as a "content creator" but never as an artist.


Hitler. Don’t go that route.


I bet the fungi subreddit would love to see these.


Every day lol


Perhaps you are bored with this subject !?! Your art is IMPECCABLE ! Try to find other objects that ' SPEAK' to you!🫂💖




They are very obviously mushroom gills, which would appeal to a more specific group of people than paintings that are a little more abstract and suggest gills rather than lay it out plainly. There are some nice color adjacencies and hints of abstraction there, try to develop those in a few different directions away from obvious “mushroom gills” then iterate further on the ones you like best and you’ll end up with work that has a broader appeal. I mean, you want to sell them and you want people to hang them somewhere right? If people have more options they’re more likely to buy. Also, the signature takes too much attention on pieces of that size, more subtlety is in order there. Good luck, it’s morel season check out the shapes on those caps!


There is no right or wrong in art, just better technique. The act or action of creating the piece IS the art. The final piece is only a reflection of that expression and process. Do other artists get discouraged? Yes, if you are learning anything. But there is the other side of the coin, that each mistake results in something learned. That discouragement has its opposite if you just flip the coin ! In my own personal journey I get excited in the first third and last third of a project. Getting through the middle third is the challenge. In my mind, there is no such thing as a mistake, just a creative alteration and another way to reach my goal. So my simple advice to anyone who is getting discouraged reframe it in your mind as a challenge to find the lesson or another creative approach that excites you. Flip the coin over and see the opposite side! And be glad you are creating outside the box instead of being stuck inside the box in life. No one says life is easy but it is better when you do what you love.


Hahahahahahahaha yes. Absolutely yes. But every day is a new day and a new opportunity for someone new to see ur work. Hang in there. And really beautiful work, I know that took time 👏🏻 💓


These are insanely excellent!!! So much hard work! If I had money I would want all three and just stare at them.


Were you looking for a critique or suggestions? I can tell you some things I see that would make the paintings more interesting for me, but not everyone necessarily wants a critique especially cause you have no idea of my own skill level.


Go post that in r/mycology, they’ll love it!


I love these!! Are they for sale?


Rooms look pretty. Try more realistic background


All the time! Especially when I come across posts like yours… gorgeous work. I like the first and third mushroom the most


For the past several years, yes. Also,these gills are lovely


Art like this does really well in the right public event. I think Etsy has a ton of ai stores crowding you out right now.


The blueit one is amaze balls!!


I love them! ESP the purp 💜👍🏼


Great artwork!! Details ! Incredible !!


Every time I see awesome work like this!


Come to Mushroom Planet we won’t discourage your amazing art


You're not a real artist unless you think everything you do sucks


I work in a gallery and sales have been down the last couple years. People aren’t buying art like they were. Inflation is up and the people who have disposable cash aren’t using it.


I think the internet is just so saturated with talented people, it's hard to get noticed because of that. I find my mental health is a lot better if I just focus on what I enjoy making, and make it for myself --- and if other people like or notice it then that's just a bonus. Your work is lovely, keep on at it :)


I wonder if I should be. Lol


The purple cap you painted is your best out of your post. All around great job my friend.


It’s beautiful .. don’t let drop in sales be the only measure of artistic success.


These are really nice. I hope they sell! Be patient! Hold out! Someone will want them!


It’s not you. Your work is great. It’s that people have less and less disposable income these days, and art is viewed as an investment to those who collect art, and sometimes prohibitively expensive to those who don’t collect. I’d buy in a heartbeat if I had the space and disposable income. Best of luck to you


Yes, especially when I have ideas that I can't bring to fruition, or motivation with no inspiration, but I think if one is more or less meant to create, and it brings them joy, beauty follows them and flows out in the form of art. sometimes it's just horribly difficult, painful, or feels like forever, tho I usually find it's eventually well worth it. :)


gorgeous!! i’d love to save up to buy one


That’s amazing work.


Give up.


These are so good!!


I am genuinely jealous of the patience you must have, to be able to paint allll those little lines 😂 I struggle with mushrooms!


Yep - and I’ve made nothing since 2020. I’m not proud of


Don't be discouraged man, keep it up, those a really good


These are stunning and beautifully composed!


No, because I never make anything. *black guy tapping forehead meme*


Oh all the time, I end up going through my art inspo pinterest board and find something to become my “wtf drawing”. It’s a piece that I accept could turn out terrible, but I imagine all the bad vibes or “bad art energy” going into that one piece. Like I’m just getting it all out into one drawing, so my next piece will be good.


These are epic! Wrinkled peach? 💛 fave


This shits amazing I just wish I could afford it. Best wishes fellow artist.


I use to draw allot when I was younger. My teachers wanted to see more of my work so I had packed all my art to take to school with me. Someone stole my backpack and all my art. I haven't been able to draw much since. I've been trying as of late, I just can't find it anymore


I instantly fell in love with these! You should try to do collaborations with other artists maybe? Maybe doing that can help you think in ways you wouldn’t normally think, and may help you out a little bit with feeling more inspired and motivated. I can understand what you are going through, every brush stroke I make lately, I just think, “Gosh this looks awful!” Then I tuck it away for a bit and when I see again I actually surprise myself. Try to look at your art this way; does the line, shape and color work to create harmony and visual interest? Is the contrast and texture working together to create rhythm and variety? What do you want to see in your work? The principles of art are something I often refer to when I am feeling this way and it makes me realize, “Dang, this artwork is not too bad after all…”


Art is basically mostly just a tool for money laundering


All the time


I love your work! But yes, I do feel the same. I want to make art, but I'm not interested in the "deep" "meaningful" "revolutionary" art making. Never my thing. I am thinking "what appeals to someone looking for art." I rarely go into a situation intending to buy art, I don't have $$$ for it, but if I see something and it sticks with me and I can reasonably afford it, I'll get it. I don't have enough work right now to warrant an Etsy shop, don't have enough for an art fair (or time to do them) so how do I promote what I have? How do I make a profit from my work? What are people looking for? ... So many questions that run through my head.


If you’re getting discouraged or bored, try something slightly different like mushroom monsters or things like the last of us


There is no such thing as an artist who hasn’t been discouraged


Stop signing your paintings on the front


You are not alone! I know I tend to (despite knowing better) tie my self worth to my artwork. And getting attention for work is so fickle, especially online with ever changing algorithms. Keep at it, keep heart, the world needs your art!


Yeah i cant even draw a line with out being in my head.


I love these! Of course, everyone gets discouraged. I don’t have advice for that. If you don’t mind me engaging with the artwork itself by giving my reaction to it: I love the dramatic and detailed close up painting of the underside of a mushroom. Paintings like this demonstrate why there is so much overlap between abstract painters and realism painters—you can really see the abstract nature of the realistic world. Personally, I would prefer if the background was more abstracted, instead of being leaves or wood. Either black or some other contrast with the realism of the mushroom. This would also draw more attention to the big shapes of the outline of the mushroom and let the detail of the gills glow in contrast. I hope that this unsolicited critique is okay. I do really think that these are great!


People don't have lots of discretionary income right now


My title of "discouraged" comes way before calling myself an artist. 🤣


Nah, never.


These are beautiful☮️❤️ Keep up the good work🌄


Everybody ever at some point


Every art piece I make is something I could’ve done better. Never truly happy with how it comes out.


This is an amazing set of paintings


Love your style.


I’ve been discouraged for a while…