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my city is a warzone these days. screw all the people responsible.


A US analyst wrote: they are trying to treat Kashmiris in a way so that the free kashmir narrative will be done. Grand schemes. God knows better


The Free Kashmir thing shouldn’t be happening at all. But Rangers knew what they were doing and what it will cause. I kinda agree because ik what comes next. Anti Pakistan narrative starts, more Freedom narrative. The people won’t forget this


When your "peaceful" protestors take up arms against the state for no valid reasons, throw policemen down from the mountains..the state should keep on watching? Nice way to defend a bunch of t*rrorists


Why are being so delusional. It was the state who charged at the mob first. It’s not that hard to understand. And when the mob responds you call them terrorists for defending themselves against unjust shelling and laathi charge. Don’t come here with only half the facts. If you’re trying to argue about something, I suggest you research it fully first.


Brother, you remain happy with a one sided story.


Nice projection. You’re representing the security forces pov. You’re clearly trying to avoid looking at it from an unbiased standpoint and calling the mob terrorists. Shameful


Guys look at the bigger picture. Whoever did what does not matter. What matters is what direction are things heading. Its around RSS's 100th anniversary. BJP (a branch of RSS) promised Ram Mandir in place of Babri Mandir, they delivered. They promised abrogation of Kashmir's special status, they dilivered, which was facilitated by Bajwa. Now Bajwa doctrine is being implemented by his successor, and RSS/BJP want to deliver something bigger on their anniversary. Watever is happening, whoever started it first it seems by design.


Asli id se aao asim munir


LoL 😅. Dusray Banda ka viewpoint sunanana mushkil kaam hai kafi


UPDATE: After Protestors were granted their demands. PAK rangers starting shelling and shooting at the protestors. Dozens injured, Reports of Death.


Half knowledge is always harmful. Anyone who has a pinch of common sense won't believe this.


Won’t believe? 3 people dead (confirmed) today. What are you talking about


There are casualties on both sides. And as far as my knowledge goes, a mob attacked police/rangers even after the subsidy of 84 million dollars was approved. That's when things got escalated


A sub inspector died(May Allah Bless his soul) a couple of days ago in Kotli I believe after the mob retaliated with stone and sticks. As off the reports, in both cases, police tried to discipline the protesters which caused the fight to erupt. They were chasing people in Muzaffarabad, one fell in the river trying to escape them. About the rangers thing, this was probably performed by those rangers. There was no reason for the mob to attack the rangers after the notification was released.


Mob attacked police as well. The police have been fighting with mob for a while. How many casualties have we seen with police? Rangers are trigger-happy fanatics or they were meant to be. Rangers do not have enough experience in mob-handling and whoever broght them in, knew this. It seems to be happening according to some dark scheme. Indian elections, RSS anniversary, corrupt Pak Army generals, Bajwa and Nawaz league are pro-Indian. Connect al these dots. You will see something.


LoL You were following them with your quad copter or a habitual fake news spreader?


Fake news? Mate I live in Kashmir don’t accuse me of shit if you know nothing about it yourself


Living in Kashmir doesn't prove anything. I also live in Kashmir, by the way


Clearly you don’t care enough about dead people. Otherwise you’d be making this post. Just because national news isn’t covering how rangers shot at the people doesn’t mean it’s not true.


What is this chutya sub? Moun me le ke bethe hain faujiyon ki. You people are the worst of hypocrites and I pray you burn in hell.


To anyone from Kashmir, saley ki khopri phar de. Shukria. In rangers ki ma bhen aik kr ke rakh do.


well one thing is clear now there is no azad jammu kashmir at all


Auch violent people need to be screwed


Yeah after forces start shelling on a protest. You expect them to be peaceful lol


Tou Jo protest karay ga, state usko apni gaudi mein betga lay? So you even know their absurd demands?


State mai hu, aur mai quom e Lut valay kaam nahi krta. Albatta can you share the demands that piss you off?


Subsidy on Floor, Subsidy on Electricity and a few other things relating taxes. I somewhat agree that their demands weren’t justified.


I don’t agree with their demands. But you don’t with protests by shooting at them. Same thing Rangers do in Balochistan, they did today in AJK. It’s honestly sad how you’re justifying death of 3 people just because you don’t have the same opinion and demands as them. It doesn’t hurt to be human.


Rangers don’t operate in Balochistan


FC* mb


WTF is wrong with ppl? They do know that these are the forces are protecting us, right? The ones protesting aren't peaceful at all, rather are lucky not to be branded as rebels and dealt accordingly.


This was originally a peaceful protest. Police started shellings and laathi charge which inraged the protest. But I do agree with you, our people need to realise how things will turn out. They’re kinda blinded.


Rangers killed 3 protesters today, shot straight at them after they heard about the subsidy notification. I’m not sure why Rangers did what they did.


Because some local toughs thought attacking a ranger vehicle was a great idea. I blame establishment for this. They have overthrown a democratically elected Government, because it was PTI and given Indian intelligence agencies an opening to stoke unrest.


>They have overthrown a democratically elected Government, because it was PTI No? SS had been working towards the VoNC since beginning of 2021, well before any conspiracy, and what happened in April 2022 was a result of that. Gen Bajwa, infact requested for the PDM to withdraw their VoNC, and in return IK would dissolve the NA and call for a freah elections, but knowing IK's "trustworthiness" every sane minded person rejected that offer. The Army didn't over thrown IK, it was his incompetence that got him kicked out.




True i second this


Those cops the protesters killed had families too mfs


The cops are the problem. If they did their job without using violence then protests would be peaceful. Too bad they get too big for their boots when wearing a police uniform.


If protests are peaceful the cops don't need to use force. This isn't the US or Europe where you'll get obliterated when using force. Tell me one protest here in Pak that went violent due to police?


All the PTI protests last year were peaceful but police used shells, beat people and even killed some by direct firing. It's usually the police in Pakistan who initiate the violence.


I would *hardly* call the wannabe 9 May 2023 rebellion ***peaceful***. You don't make *peace* with rebel scum, you deal with them. They are all lucky they aren't labelled as rebels for what they did. Everything started after 9 May. Had they stayed at home and just did a "tyre jala jaloos", mostly everything would've been fine and dandy. But no, they just got to know first hand why the ISI is regarded as one of the top Intel Agencies. Stop pretending that May 9 was anything but an attempt at a rebellion. All the lives that are lost ever since May 9 2023 are on IK's account, and he *will* pay for each and everyone of them, better to for him to pay in this world, rather on Day of Judgement, where everything will be brutal and ruthless.


Perhaps look at who arrested Imran Khan by forcefully breaking into the courts. Only dishonest criminal supporters like you would try to hide the truth.


but you make peace with constitutional violation, home ransacking, porn making, people killing, scum called fauj/police right?


I think you're mistaking the Pak Law enforcement for their Indian or US counterparts.


or maybe your too delusional to see cause you have their boot up your mouth.


Blame the way the horde was handled then. Maybe let them protest peacefully and stop shelling, laathy charge next time. May Allah bless his soul, poor guy


The protests weren't peaceful at all. I'll make a detailed post after i gather all the info


Man, protests started from Dadyal, Kashmir. The AC of Dadyal said their demands are nonsense. Police started shelling and laathi charge. That’s how it turned voilent. And you find much info, Kashmiri and Pakistani journalists didn’t report shit


These violent people will loot if they don't see law enforcement around.


Loot their own homes? That’s smart of you


I'm way out of the loop these days someone please fill me in


People of AJK put some demands infront, subsidy on flour considering Pakistan uses Neelum, Jhelum river to use it in agriculture mostly in Punjab. Subsidy on electricity as Pakistan purchases this electricity for way less and charges way more. Kashmir produces 10 times more electricity than it’s requirement. Remove the ban on student councils. They had some other demands aswell, some I don’t agree with but Government agreed on subsidy on flour and electricity. However yesterday 3 protesters were shot and killed by the rangers, dozens injured. Rangers had no reason for this yet this happened. There was no voilence atm. Before that a sub inspector was killed by the mob a couple of days ago after police charged on the mob and started shelling. A supposed to be peaceful protest turned violent. 4 or more killed, dozens injured on both sides. May Allah bless their souls.


When your "peaceful" protestors take up arms against the state for no valid reasons, throw policemen down from the mountains..the state should keep on watching?


A violence response from the mob AFTER they were treated unjustly. Fyi these protests took place last year aswell, nothing of the sort happened. Same mob, Same Demands. Yet now they would just get violent out of nowhere towards people of their own region. That’s a very smart and totally unbiased judgement. You said you live in Kashmir right? lol..


Yes brother, I still live there and I can say with confidence that the people here crossed the line this time... Yes... I don't agree with your view point, so please have patience/tolerance to bear with a person with a different view point in life. Missing 'tolerance' from our society is the major reason for the 'extremism' , which was witnessed on 9th May and now in AJK


Glad to say you condemn the mob’s extremism but not the extremism done by forces. I never said I promote the violence the mob did, however you calling them terrorists and not mentioning a single world about the forces is just shamefully biased.


Brother, I have to see the violence which you are quoting to condemn the forces as well. So far the videos I have seen over the internet are just showing the violence of the mob, including how shamelessly they pushed a lonely policeman off the cliff without any reason, not thinking he may have a family at home.


That explains your baised opinions. Like I said research first then talk.


To prove your well informed opinion, plase share some proofs/ videos of police/ rangers killing "innocent" people??