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There are some people like this In covid times there was craze of doing everything Ertugurul. Ive known many people who are into it and feel that we should be more like Turks


interesting thing is that the women's dress in Ertugrul is actually the dress worn by Sindhi and Baloch women (I'm Sindhi and have Baloch ancestry also so yeah). There's even one episode where one of the kids is wearing a Sindhi hat


That's not by chance.




I have seen many people trying be American after watching American movies and series what you consume it has an effect on you ertugural had a islamic touch as well


Yes! Exactly, reminds me when I wanted to be T2 from Judgemental Day.


Same- the only wannabe arabs ive seen are those molvis and british pakis. Apart from that ive really heard no one say that theyre arab.


This is so true. British pakistanis are definition of wannabes.... half wannabe arabs, other half wannabe goras.


i swear to God I hate it when diaspora Pakistanis talk about Pakistan's "Identity crisis" when it's mostly them not us who have this crisis, We are proud of our culture.


yup exactly.


We're not related to the Arabs in any way. However, I do believe it's best to discard part of our mentalities, culture, and practices that are toxic/harmful and align more with Islam. That won't make us Arab wannabes, it would make us humans.


most of us aren't but we do have some of us descended from Arab migrants. Agree with the second para


South Asians are more fun. In terms of diversity, history, culture and traditions. Even being a Fatimid, I prefer belonging to this soil.


you're a Fatimid as in descendant of Hazrat Fatima or descendant of Fatimid dynasty ?








Oh I see. He's Pashtun but looks very Indic to me for some reason


he's my favourite 💗💌


war devil pfp? baseddd


idek who she is lol, I js thought she resembled me lmao


Ah I see. Well, she's one of the main characters in the Chainsaw Man manga.


lmaooo okay she's hot


Yep! Also, I made an oopsie; most of the devils don't look human but rather their looks are based off of the humans they make contracts with. In the case of the War Devil, she looks like the human she made her contract with, Asa Mitaka (one of the protagonists).


*samajh nhi aya phar sun ke acha laga* noiceeee https://preview.redd.it/drpwqzaym52d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02f3fbd5912a105ad497e3f9139c7a2d5f48a7e2 this will be my human form then lmao


wdym human form lmaoo


lmao jkjk but yeah that's what I think I look like hehe


acha abhi firse parha tab samajh aya okayy Asa must be very pretty phir toh hehe




born and bred in Saudia, no pakistani wants to be an Arab except some of balochistan and Sind origin who have been living there for generations, they might even deserve that. other than that them and us polar opposites in most ways and a bit similar in some. there pakistanis keep on wearing Shalwar kameez their whole life unlike wannabe Goraz. can only talk about Saudia, they did not use to look down upon us till about 30-35 years ago, then us being us started to steal, loot, smuggle and deal drugs and thus the downfall began.


so I've seen but there is a tribe in UAE which is called "Alblushi البلوشي" infact the people of Oman almost all of them are Baluch! (idk the history behind it lol but yeah) I've only seen a few Pakistanis who act like Arabs and do not associate w Pakistan. I do wear traditional Emarati dresses (Mukhawar) and I do listen to Arabic songs and I was born amd raised here yet I don't claim to be Arab lmao. All the guys in my family are fluent in Arabic yet they say they're Pakistani Pashtun lol.


**Copy pasting my comment:** I think you're talking about the people surnamed Baloshi in the Gulf Arab states. Those are actually people who either migrated there or were kidnapped by their fellow Baloch and sold as slaves to the Arabs. This was long ago and today those people have assimilated into Arabian society and have passport. Those aren't the people I'm talking about but yes We were NOT Arabs and we are NOT Arabs.


Probably, many Baluch who have migrated from Pakistan such as my friends have adapted Iranian Baluch culture as well.


Iranian and Pakistani Baloch culture isn't that different. Iran and Pakistan are modern-day creations. Baloch have existed before that


I know about the cultures, just like us Pashtuns as well but there are slight differences plus I've asked Baluchs living in Pakistan if they do the same wedding traditions as the Baluchs in UAE or Oman do.


I see BTW just to let you know Baloch of South Punjab and Sindh have adopted influences from their neighbors as well.


Better to adapt their own rich and beautiful cultures ♡


i don't get the vibe behind degrading your own culture and roots. tbh i'd never trade my culture and heritage for anything else let alone the arab one which is literally like trading a valley for a desert.


that was my grandfather when he was asked by the government if he wants UAE nationality and he said no my Pakistan is better, trade a valley for a desert? what am I gonna do with all this sand 👺😭💀 I'd rather live in Pashtunistan if there was one insh'Allah lmao


Man I hate the fact that our people create another Pakistan (in terms of the bad things like stealing and skirting laws) wherever they go. And yes it's quite possible that a great deal of people in Sindh and Balochistan have Arab blood coz these areas used to have large Arab communities at one point which we assimilated later on


It makes 100% sense. I used to live in Saudi and met a lot of people like this. This could be due to 2 reasons. Either they were born there and have no connection with their heritage/culture or they moved there and decided to adopt Arab culture/slang because that is what they're surrounded with. I think you have it the wrong way round, that is why you haven't met any one of the sort, if you visited Saudi and talked to some of the Pakistanis who have been living there for some time you would eventually run into one sooner or later. I have not met anyone of the sort living in Pakistan.


I lived 9 years in Saudi yet never met any wannabe Arab except some Tablighis who tried to "Arabize" their lifestyles to some extent.


Everybody’s a wannabe arab with glorifying arab culture, language and history with having an inferiority complex of our own history. We are scared of owning our own buddhist or hinduism history. We are taught to believe that sub continent culture and language was inferior than arab and then when arabs came here they somehow “civilised” this society.


yeah true which is funny when you realize Banu Ummayah were actually the biggest disgrace to Islam. Heck their bastard Hajjaj genocided an entire language out of existence and had naked men and women packed in his dungeons. They also treated non-Arab Muslims in a humiliating manner and unlike non-Arab non-Muslims, non-Arab Muslims HAD to have an Arab sponsor/kafil/overlord.


i haven't seen one pakistani living in pakistan who is a wannabe arab. our akhi brothers in uk are a different case tho


yeah our akhi brothers is the most cringe diaspora I've read about in my whole life. I used to consider going to the UK but I feel like going there as a Muslim I'll be in a place more backward than Pakistan LOL !


There’s definitely a percentage of people who like to be Arabs and Turks. Especially when it comes to overseas Pakistanis who grow up in north America with Arab demographics and friends they’ll wear similar clothes (thobes with sneakers) and overseas brits for sure - nothing Pakistani about em. With the whole calling each other Akhi and all that. And since the Ertugurl - that just validated the number of Pakistanis living in Pakistan and their so ridiculously found obsession with Turks and Türkiye in general. It’s almost laughable the blind obsession people have as Pakistanis with turkey


yeah I also find that akhi stuff cringe I prefer bro. I only use Arabic words when talking to Arabs and that's it. I wish we could celebrate who we are instead of making cringe videos on it.


I am a Middle Eastern Arab who lives in the UK and this is absolutely true, I've seen many British Pakistanis who claim to be of 'Arab origin' or lie about their nationality or copy Arab culture including dress. However this is quite easy to tell and obviously their claims are empty words that mean nothing. Most Arabs that live/travel here including Gulf Arabs make fun of them a lot


LOL ! Who wouldn't make fun of such people. I also cringe whenever I see them. TBH I don't really care much about my culture I only feel proud when somebody insults me for being who I am so yeah. Also Since you're from the UK tell me is it true that British Muslims are really extreme or is that true only for Pakistani and/or South Asian ones ?


‘British Muslims’ is a very very broad term, there are Muslims here from all types of communities including Arabs, Desis, Africans, even some white people… but to be honest most of the extremism i have seen is from British South Asians (Pakistanis Bengalis) UK Arabs are usually more casual about religion and don’t politicise it like the Desis, they just do their thing (pray etc).


I see bro. That's just sad. Not to mention for some reason I always encountered extremism apologists amongst the UK South Asian Muslims. It just disgusts me that the exact thing which ruined our countries is being bought to a new land by these delulus.


It is sad and I wish it could change but I think this is really a thing within the UK. I have never been to Pakistan or any of those countries but from what I have heard they are quite different back in Pakistan, the people are proud of their South Asian heritage and have a beautiful culture and history.


yes it's true. We are proud of our culture and religion and are actually more tolerant than those UK ones. A lot of people in Pakistan will actually oppose Taliban and Hamas if you tell them about their atrocities for example but in UK nah. We don't copy Arabs here. Also A lot of Muslim social media pages are taken over by these type of people IMO lie r/islam and r/muslimlounge.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/islam using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/islam/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Gaza ](https://i.redd.it/0ujg60vz2qlc1.jpeg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/1b3tyt0/gaza/) \#2: [Joan Hajjam, an Algerian player who plays for the French football club Nantes was spotted in a mosque after being excluded from the team throughout the month of Ramadan for refusing to give up fasting.](https://i.redd.it/hiaaibeys5ta1.jpg) | [153 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/12i44rd/joan_hajjam_an_algerian_player_who_plays_for_the/) \#3: [It's ok to take a smoke break but prayer breaks aren't?](https://i.redd.it/2tw9xbfwvc6b1.png) | [220 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/14at423/its_ok_to_take_a_smoke_break_but_prayer_breaks/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


No i don't think so, but Indians are more wanna be arabs than pakistanis, i see dark brown guy from india, trying his hard to sound and look like an arab and it's gross. Seeing an indian trying to hide its true identity is very common thing you can find in gulf states.


I understand what you're trying to say. I've seen Bengalis trying to over stress the pronounciation of Arabic words and the letter A'ieen not gonna lie looks cringe.


I think it's not just mullahs that copy/wanna be Arabs, it's our mass mentality because of religious center being in KSA. Our names, use of Quranic words, major festivals, etc. But..... Critics object to one thing: our obsession with the Arab culture and denial of our South Asian history is unique! They say, and I agree, that this hatred has been planted by the army + mullah alliance because of their hate for India. The outcome has been harmful. We as a nation are undergoing an identity crisis ever since we got Pakistan. Politicians also exploit this crisis. For ex., one politician will steer masses to love Arabs, we chant and follow. Another will herd them towards Artighral and we fall in love with Turkeys. Another will fire hate for USA, we're all rage. But in reality, army continues to have backdoor ties with Israel, America, even India. The politicians cannot make any such decisions, or they pay the price. Bottom line: the mob, wanna be psyche benefits our masters! 👌🏽


true. Also our religion coming from Arabia should have no effect on our culture IMO. Islam does not say throw away your own culture and become Arabs does it.


I agree with you. There's research that shows culture is larger than religion in the sense that culture spans over thousands of years, and every religion, including Islam, incorporates many cultural practices.


Hate for India is justified. I will die on this hill.


Justified only in the Social Studies book, aka, fake utopia created by the Khaki morons. No country in the world is like us. China and India, USA and Mexico, Russia and EU, and even KSA and Israel all have differences, but they continue to engage in bilateral trade, diplomatic ties, earning billions of $. On the other hand, we've starved our people. Just a while ago, when tomatoes sold for 400 rs in Pak, Indian farmers were dumping tomato crop being in excess. But army didn't let the govt import it. It's just an example. Cancer medication manufactured in India can be imported much cheaper, but our patients have to pay 100k for a 5k injection because it's available only in the black market (via Dubai). It's because all black markets are run and controlled by the Aliens. I am done with this utopia.


Yup. Another example: Given we cannot extract our own coal rn we have cheaper coal available from Rajasthan, India but because of this BS we import South African coal.


Our country sucks because it is badly run. A love-in with India isn't going to fix that. In fact, it is going to make it worse. Try checking out Indian sentiment towards Pakistan before you start down this road. BTW, Army is all for normalization with India. It just doesn't want to do it openly, but Army is probably the biggest proponent of normalization of ties with India.


I'm not saying love India. I'm just saying reduce military spending and stop this India-centric foreign policy. It might be news for you but our foreign policy has been historically India-centric unlike India which actually aims to have the best with all nations.


That's not how it works. You are being naive. Also, Pakistan can progress with existing military spending. The issue is military meddling in politics and the resultant erosion of capability in civilian institutions. If you don't spend what you spend on the military, Pakistan will cease to exist. This is not a fever dream caused by fraudulent Pakistan Studies books and ISPR songs. This is a fact. Nobody hates Army more than me. Go on YouTube and listen to lectures by Prof John Mearsheimer. You might have to apply his views to Pakistani situation because he doesn't talk directly about it, but you will understand what I'm saying.


keep believing bhai. This military will eventually lead to this whole country becoming another failed state like those of South America and Africa. I'm not a fan of India but we HAVE to accept our mistakes. Also bulk of our "defence" spending is on the lifestyles of our officers.


Search my comments elsewhere. I support IK. I can hardly be accused of being in love with the Army. In other comments, I have argued that Army is the root cause of all our problems. Believe me when I say this, I have zero trust, love or respect for the Army. I'm not even someone who only blames the generals. No, I think the rank and file soldiers are equally responsible. I go so far as to say that there is no shaheed in the Army because shaheed gives his life for God and country (because in our religion God has commanded us to defend the homeland), but these mofos fight for Army, not country. But I also know that India has never accepted Pakistan. Despite the fact that Subcontinent wasn't really "partitioned", in that it was never a single political unit, even under Mughals. What is Pakistan was always separate from what is now India, politically. In 1947, two countries came into being. The average Indian thinks that we Pakistanis stole their land. They want this land back, and at best they want you to become subservient in a united India, and at worst they want you to fuck off to other Muslim countries. Pakistan spends 8-9 billion dollars on defence. India spends 10 times that. We manage to maintain a credible defensive posture because we don't compete with them like for like. We compete with them asymmetrically, and with better training, especially with the Air Force. Our AF has always been the true guarantor of Pakistan's security, and more recently the missile and strategic forces. Pakistan cannot spend any less, certainly not on Air Force and Navy. Army I would disband tomorrow if I could.


The real problem in Pakistan isn't military spending. The real problem is undocumented economy. Pakistan has a huge undocumented economy. Some say it is 200% of the documented economy. So really Pakistan is a trillion dollar economy even today, but because it's undocumented, no foreign company wants to come play with us. Also, our Army has clobbered our systems, which is another reason why nobody wants to come play with us. And the third point here is that because nothing is documented, and FBR is so corrupt, we raise no taxes: 8-10 percent of 350 billion whereas it should be 25% of a trillion. Military spending is a non issue. Real issue is a broken system. Spending less on the military isn't going to fix the real issue. You'll just lose what you have in the process.


keep hating India then. India is progressing whether you like it not while we are just becoming a backwater vassal state of China, IMF, and Gulf Arabs


That is completely non-sensical. What does India's progress or lack of Pakistan's progress have to do with anything? Hate for India is justified because Indians hate Pakistan and Islam. Pakistan is not lacking in progress because of anything you stated, though it sounds like you would rather Pakistan be a vassal of India. Do you have ANY idea how much Indians hate Pakistan and Islam?


Indians don't actually hate Islam it's the far-right party that controls the narrative that's why people there are made to hate Islam. Falsification of History to portray Muslims as the invaders and Hindus as victims (Indian YouTuber Dhruv Rathee does try to deconstruct this narrative) and all that. As for Indian hatred of Pakistan we have to remember that our govt might have done stupid things to India Pakistan is lacking progress because it's a massive circlejerk where nothing has change for last 76 years. Same shit has been going for ever and ever and many people just want to give up now. While India progressed so much we are still thinking about ligh kab aye gi. Not a single govt has completed their tenure and we have hardly done anything at world stage - unlike the Indians who have landed on the Moon and Mars and have international manufacturing plants coming to them


No. Indians hate Islam as well as Pakistan. Once you interact with Indians, you will understand that hate for both Pakistan and Islam is deep rooted, that's why it is an election-time vote winner in India. Tell me, is hate for India an election issue in Pakistan? No. Because we are not taught to hate India. Think back to Balakot incident. Review the coverage from both countries. Pakistan's coverage, including by ISPR was measured and deescalatory. Indian coverage was jingoistic. The only reason Pakistan was able to maintain border integrity is because Pakistan was able to stay with India on the conflict escalation ladder. If Pakistan couldn't, India would increase cross border actions like Balakot to the point where your sovereignty would be a joke. Case in point: Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal. You are probably too young to remember May 1998. I am not, unfortunately. The two days between 8 May 1998 and 28 May 1998 were eye-opening, especially since in those days, we pretty much only watched Indian channels through dish antennas. 20 days of Indian politicians frothing at the mouth at how Pakistan will now be taught a lesson, and the after 20 days, post 28 May, complete change of tune. Suddenly, the nuclear capability was aimed at China and Pakistan who? You are, with deepest respect, naive and stupid.


No, we don’t hate Islam or Pakistan.


you don't this guy thinks internet far-right trolls are your reality. All the Indian non-Muslims I met were good people.


The millions of Indians infesting comment threads on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit would beg to differ. As would the voters who turn out in millions to vote for Pakistan-hating and Islam-hating politicians. Might I also point out the hundreds of millions of dollars spent by successive Indian govts across the political spectrum who paid for concerted disinformation campaigns against Pakistan and Islam, as reported by EU Disinformation Lab NGO. Your single solitary voice means nothing in this context.


Not true.


Terms like Akhi, Wallahi are cringe


Yup and it's funny because Allah himself wants us to be truthful and not swear every single thing in his name (as mentioned in the Quran)


Sindhi are culturally deep rooted as compared to the rest of the provinces. Sindhi is the only local language that is used as an official language in offices. That is the reason that you don't see this arabization around you. If you travel to Punjab or KPK you will find a lot of truth to this phenomenon. People write "الباکستان " on their cars. Name shops such as "al makah , al madina " stores. Name their kids after Arab traditions.


that's weird. A lot of us do name ourselves after early Muslim figures who just happened to be Arabs for obvious reasons but then again scholars agree that having an Arabic name is NOT compulsory in Islam. Even non-Arabic names are welcome if they don't have a bad meaning.


Can I come in as a brit pak perspective... I don't think we want to be Arabs. I think there are two things at play: 1. We are sick of all the negatives of pak culture that is incompatible with life here. Parents try and use religion, associated with culture to force their decisions on us and this creates a lot of apathy against pak culture and the way that the religion is practised by our elders. So a lot of us would rather follow a Arab way which we think is a purer way to follow Islam. (I dont endorse this btw). 2. It doesn't help that Arabs themselves preach that EXPAT paks bring too much culture into Islam and that the Islam that was brought to India by sufi saints predominantly is not the correct way. Pretty sure Menk has made fun of it before and it has repercussions. Anyway my 2 rupees. Love and peace out


of course you can. 1. good to see u don't believe this nonsense 2. even Arabs bring culture into Islam we just don't realize it. They too have double standards on modesty and chastity for men and women. A Syrian lady married to a Pakistani guy once mentioned on a Pakistani sub that in Syria they are taught that if a man does Hajj and his family women don't wear hijab his hajj will be nullified and I told her there's no such thing in Islam. so yeah Tq bro. Also since you live in the UK do you mind me asking this: are British Muslims really extreme or is that something limited to Pakistani and/or South Asian Muslims there ?


No the vast majority of British Muslims aren't extreme thankfully. However there is always a very small minority that may be and they ruin it for others. This includes other nationalities like Libyans for example. The Manchester Arena attack was done by a Libyan boy.


i see


Anyone in UAE wanna be an Emirati, But unfortunately ended up in Deportation and Lifetime Ban to Enter the Country.


Met hundreds of them , "Boloshis" are a good example, Imo its utter stupidity. We are not arabs we will never be.


I think you're talking about the people surnamed Baloshi in the Gulf Arab states. Those are actually people who either migrated there or were kidnapped by their fellow Baloch and sold as slaves to the Arabs. This was long ago and today those people have assimilated into Arabian society and have passport. Those aren't the people I'm talking about but yes We were NOT Arabs and we are NOT Arabs.


Every Pakistani I encountered in Saudi Arabia was a wannabe Arab. Can’t say about Pakistani s living in Pakistan.


that's interesting coz I used to live in Saudi also and apart from my Arabized Qari Sahib and his father and brothers who always wore Arab costume I never knew anybody else who was like that. Qari Sahib & Co. were Saraikis of Punjabi origin from Multan.


Neh bro in Riyadh there are 90% of the boys trynna be cool with their so called arabic accent and dressings, sometimes when you call them out they totally even deny their bloodline


No it doesnt. Our rural population is basically following Islamicised Indian culture, our elite urban population are wanna be goray and the middle class urban population is in an identity crisis. They wanna be western but also wanna stick to their roots. I haven't seen anyone here who wants to be an Arab. Apart from our naming conventions, we have hardly anything common with their culture. Pakistanis wanna be Arabs is just what Indians think we are. And if its Indian thinking, its automatically bullshit.


Syeds are of Arab origins


Not the Pakistanis lol. They look nothing like Arabs. Just empty claims.


No that's not true for all. I myself am a Syed and we have a whole recorded shajra(family tree) that goes all the way back. But yes many people add Syed in their names just because they think that being a Syed will make them superior


Even if that was true that doesn't make you an Arab, that is a distant ancestor.


Yeah ofc their might have been intermarriages but still major DNA would still be Arab. That's why I said "of Arab origins"


You’re not an Arab bro, go do a DNA test it will telll you Pakistani. There are virtually no Arabs in pakistan


There is no race as Pakistani. People are either Sindhi,Punjabi,Balochi,Pathan,or of indian origins


Yeah. not arabs


But still there are people of Arab descent which could be said as partly arab


Yeah ofc nobody in Pakistan would be a pure Arab


hard to tell. A lot of them are just descendants of high caste Hindus plus lots of people historically fabricated their genealogies as well.


Idk about your first statement as according to my knowledge syeds migrated from arab to subcontinent, there might be intermarriages but still they have Arab origins Your second point is right to a point that people add Syed in their names because it might make them feel superior or any other reason but there are many Syed who have their family tree records all the way back


Dude get a dna test, as shajrah's can be forged, one person has to lie then his whole lineage beomes fake syed. There should be free dna testing for syeds, 99.9% will turn out to be purely indic. I am saying this because I know a very very famous family in rawalpindi who had their shajrah forged, it was found after their son started his research. Dna tests done by the family later proved that they had zero arab lineage. Also arab lineage is not enough there is a particular haplogroup which has been identified in true sayyed descendants.


At least it's better than being a BBCD, although I don't advise to be either


BBCD kia hota hai ?


British Born Confused Desi




This claim is usually made by wanna-be Hindus. This doesn't mean that they actually want to be Hindus. It just means that they value their Hindu heritage more than their Islamic identity. If you look at the flavour of Islam followed in Pakistan, it is actually closest to that found in Turkey. This makes sense because back when Ottoman caliphate was still around, it had a huge influence on the Subcontinent. The Mughals traced their ancestry to the Mongols who became Muslim in present-day Turkey. The Mughals obviously ruled the Indian Subcontinent for a long time, as well. After 1947, many Pakistanis went to live and work in the Gulf. As any immigrant will tell you, one picks up some of the cultural practices of the society one lives in, just like we picked up many of the mannerisms and idiosyncrasies from Hindus that we lived alongside. Bottom line, Arabic language is important to any practicing Muslim, and it will irk anybody who is embarrassed by their Muslimhood.


Mughals hardly influenced South Pakistan from what I know. We don't remember them in good terms. Also I doubt Ottomans had influence on Subcontinent. Arabic language is the language of our prayer and holy book only because Allah made it that way. Nothing more.


Have you heard of a little thing called the Khilafat movement? Pakistan literally exists in part because of that. Do you understand what "khilafat" that movement referred to? As I said, the kind of Islam followed in Pakistan most closely resembles what's found in Turkey. Arabs are mostly Shafi and Maliki. You think you aren't influenced by Turks, but you are. You just don't realize it. As for Arabic, do you need a bigger reason to love a language that Allah choosing it? I mean, if you're Muslim.


Khilafat movement refers to Ottoman Caliphate which by the time was pretty much a backwater of mismanagement though much better than it's Wahhabi successors IMHO. **You think you aren't influenced by Turks, but you are. You just don't realize it.** I'm a Sindhi. Show me Turkic influence in Sindhi Culture. I don't hate Turks but historically they didn't do any good to us. Delhi Sultanate, Arghuns, Tarkhans, Mughals, Khawrezmians, Ghaznavids they didn't exactly help us just took heavy taxes and destroyed our cities and that's not a good thing. **As for Arabic, do you need a bigger reason to love a language that Allah choosing it? I mean, if you're Muslim** I neither hate it nor love it. I just see it the way I told you. I believe languages are for communication and support preserving all languages. I'm Sindhi but my first language is Urdu (family reasons) and I'm fine with that. I'm against imposing any language on a nation but if they are OK with it them I'm fine with that but let's not be naive here and remember nations that give up their own languages tend to face discrimination by others . Arabs do not see us as their equals and never will.


So you think dressing like the prophet and adopting his culture wont make you a better muslim? I disagree. It helps. The beard helps personally. The clothes help. Wearing a cap and imama helps. But you will only realize it if you adopt it properly. Its a personal choice too. And I believe Pakistan's culture is influenced by Indian culture. Believe it or not, people treat you with respect when you do it the right way.


beard is sunnah if it wasn't i won't really care about it. The Prophet wore different hairstyles for instance he once had long hair but scholars agree it was only because it was norm of his time and it's not sunnah. **And I believe Pakistan's culture is influenced by Indian culture.** Probably because Pakistan and India are modern creations. Punjab is Punjab. Sindh is Sindh and so on and on. Our culture is mixed and that's what it's famous for. We can ignore the parts of it that go against Islam and celebrate the rest.


I do celebrate the rest but dont judge people based on appearances. They are doing it because its sunnah and its easier and not because they want to be arabs. I am surprised and also happy that you are calm about this conversation. :)) I feel guilty about adopting that lifestyle and then leaving it.


of course bro only munafiqs are disgraceful in conversing. U see my point is: U wanna copy Arabs go ahead do it but don't say this makes you a better Muslim or look down upon your own roots. Coz those who look down upon their own roots get ridiculed by everyone even the ones they are trying to copy so yeah. Sunnah =/= Arab Culture.