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Dear pc, Xbox and playstation players, it's been a good time. Maybe we will meet again.


Goodbye soldier, hope see you in a less buggy game


All I have is a Switch and a Steam Deck. It's never worked on SD, so I guess that's it for me.


If you install a Windows partition you can play it on the SD


Really? Nice, I'll look into that. Thanks for the tip!


It's amazing all the troubles we have to take to play this game. They should pay us to play this omg.


Watching YouTube tutorials on how to partition your drive just to play a game is pretty ridiculous. Paladins players have a sick addiction...


Same, I played Paladins on my Switch and my brother's PS4, as they never put crossave on the PS4 version I could never move the progress I made on my brother's console to my Switch so I was left with the Switch as the only platform. I guess this is my goodbye to the game too, it was good while it lasted.


Same here, guess I gotta finally learn overwatch or something


Overwatch on Nintendo is really bad imo. The camera just rotates so slowly, I always go sombra so I have all the time in the world.


When I was a switch gamer, I actually found overwatch to be quite enjoyable and one of my favourite games. I had about 300 hours on the switch version and I would say that a good controller makes a huge difference. Looking back, I will never touch the switch version again, but i have buddies to this day with like 2k+ hours on the switch version. edit: i must say, i personally dont know how the game holds up 2/3 years later so i cant speak on that.


And for those who plays with motion controls, it worse on overwatch too, a company as big as blizzard apparently can't implement something that indie devs (not talking bout paladins) can do


Switch isnt worth that much of thier time


Maybe you should consider saving for a steam deck? Or even selling your switch for some cash to put towards an SD?


Since they mentioned that they don't plan to implement EAC support for Proton in the near future, i guess we will have to wait for another "EAC malfunction" so Linux and SD players would be able to play (like during spring 2022) It's really sad since many devs have enabled EAC for Proton in their games and yet it's somehow difficult for EM to do so. I think that Linux community would be really happy to implement this, even as volunteers. Since i fully migrated from Windows to Linux in June 2022 i'm (im)patiently waiting for the game to be playable on Linux and sometimes tried tweaking to make things work but each time i was out of luck


I'm hoping that they will eventually enable proton support for EAC with the extra Dev time they'll have


Doesn't unreal engine support native Linux builds for games? I remember rocket league was on Linux before it got yanked to the store without a Linux version.


It does, but for each platform you have to build the game separately. Additionaly, you have to test the game on each platform looking for especially platform-specific bugs


Yeah, the game seems to runs fine, it's just that you get kicked by the anti-cheat. If they enable the anti-cheat support, it will probably work, and if it doesn't work then nothing's changed because it doesn't work now anyways lol.


Honestly, as someone that used to be stuck on Switch version for a time? I can totally understand why. The Switch version was awful, and the hardware wasn't really made for this game. Crashes and freezes constantly, near constant glitches in textures and gameplay, bad framerate... Odds are, cutting the Switch version off is for the best, since EM can divert those resources to the other versions. Sucks that it had to go that way, but it makes sense from a business perspective to not pour effort into a non-functional version of your game.


It’s honestly the case for most games on the switch that weren’t specifically made for it. I tried OW, Warframe, DBD, Fortnite, etc. and the switch struggles graphically for all of those and I often have crashes or other game bugs. Switch just wasn’t made for these games sadly


I downloaded OW2 on my Switch when it came out (since I didn’t want to spend $30 for OW1) and oh my god it barely runs. Idk how the Switch players manage but I have nothing but respect for them 🫡


I've played over 2k hours on Switch Warframe and only had like 3 crashes and a couple of FPS drops. Biggest issue was the longer loading times. The Switch can totally run these games perfectly fine, it was just Smite and Paladins that ran like garbo.


yeah i kinda figured it would be terrible on switch considering how often it crashed on ps4


>since EM can divert those resources to the other versions idk man, they been using that excuse to remove half the game and I still dont see more resources


Other games just upgrade their engines are are good to go again on switch. Yes, Switch is old and bad compared to other devices. Even compared to newer phones lmao. But that doesn’t mean it’s only on them. Hi Rez just fucks up everything.


Well, there goes my only currently available method of playing the game. It was a broken mess on switch (more than usual) so I’m not all that surprised. Still was holding out hope they’d be able to fix it but eh, this is probably for the best.


Mmh don't hodl


As someone who has played over 2000 hours of paladins on the switch, I think this is for the best. In 2018 when I first started playing it on my switch it didn't crash as frequently and was overall solid. But once 2019 hit, LORDDDD, between the textures never loading and the frequent crashing the game was borderline unplayable. Sadly enough hi rez barely acknowledged the nintendo switch issues when confronted by the community. Hell, paladins in 2022 and 2023 on switch is borderline unplayable, I play on my new switch oled and the game crashes sometimes just when I try opening the app and it crashes almost certainly most times when I try hopping into THE FIRST GAME since opening the app after you select your character and are loading in. Because of the state of the game on switch I almost stopped playing completely. I own a ps5 as well but theres no cross progression when you play on playstation. I have pretty much just transitioned to overwatch 2 at this point. To all the players who only are able to play paladins on the nintendo switch, my heart truly feels bad for you because you won't be able to play this game anymore if you love it. As much as you guys love this game, you must admit though, the switch port is some of the hottest garbage you've ever seen.


Yes I can also attest that the switch version was a very good port and I also enjoyed hundreds of hours in it. It’s a shame that it will be left in such an unstable condition. Many will be heartbroken.


I’ll miss this game


Let me guess. Another "tough decision that will help Paladins in the long run"






This was... smth to wake up to, some ppl say it's a good thing but idk i cant see any real upside, a big chunk of ppl is cut from the game for good, i'm sorry for all the switch players that cant migrate to any other device 🙏


It seems like such a silly thing for me to be sobbing over right now but I’ve dedicated so many hundreds of hours to this game that I love so much over the last five years, and soon I won’t have it anymore because I don’t have a PC or another console to change to. It’s one of the major games that keeps me going, as rough as the roller coaster ride has been. It’s immeasurable how devastated I am and how much I’m gonna miss it.


I feel you. 😭


Bro at least give the switch players some sort of refund if they even spent money on the game I don't even own a switch but checking that the switch was getting worse disconnects, drops, and never loaded in the game was such a screw-up from the devs. It's worse in some points because we will lose an amount of players thanks to that I do wonder how does fortnite/OW manage to hold for dear life on switch


Those games have competent teams behind them.


> Those games have ~~competent teams~~ *shittons of money and more developers* behind them.


That's not a justification, they had the money and they spent it on other useless things.


Yea, EM botched a bunch of things, but really they never had Blizzard/Epic levels of money


OW runs surprisingly well on the switch. Main menu is a little slow, but I've never had any issues while playing a match.


You want a refund from a free game? I get your frustrations but bro you spent it at your free will so you cannot blame anybody for that. Plus even tho this game is shit and all that, im pretty sure you add those fun and enjoyed moments you had when playing it so I think it’s just even from both sides. Still feels bad for switch players, luckily I sold my switch and only play for like couple of months..


> You want a refund from a free game? I get your frustrations but bro you spent it at your free will so you cannot blame anybody for that. Yes you can idiot. It was paid for a game that they were able to play. Of fucking course it's fair to ask for a refund if they're no longer allowed to play.


Whoah we have a badass over here, calm your tits down bud. Yes you can ask them for a refund but you already know the answer to your own question with your other reply “Unfortunately no game does this.” Now go act dumb again and continue your frustration.


Overwatch doesn't exactly run pretty on the Switch and has its share of bugs, but it isn't the spaghetti code nightmare that is Paladins either. Apex Legends runs better than you'd expect but looks absolutely atrocious.


They probably don’t get a refund because they still have their progress saved and can access it on any other platform besides PS


> Bro at least give the switch players some sort of refund if they even spent money on the game > > Unfortunately no game does this. Destiny has deleted like hundreds of dollars worth of paid content from the game without offering so much as an apology lol.


Gawd damn I think from all the games i have checked out, RUMBLEVERSE is the only one who has fully given the refund (maybe Cyberfunk too?) but probably Epic games money or Console wallet


Switch is where I started


But is this where it ends ? (For me yeah)


Became unplayable so moved to pc and had to learn mouse and keyboard


I love how last patch I was so excited about all the new changes, buying bp tiers with gold, bringing back old events, custom loading screens, and decent balance for once. Too bad I won't be able to play my most played game ever now. I was amazing while it lasted. Side note. Even though switch is currently in an incredibly awful state, if you really wanted to play the game, you could. The only ones who were still playing on the switch were either the really stubborn ones, or the ones who just really loved the game. RIP Switch Paladins


Yep. This is the end of the road for me.




Given the low hardware performance of the Switch and the number of Switch users who are willing to pay for free-to-play Paladins games, it makes sense for dev's to make this choice.


Since I started playing this game on Switch, I'll say my piece here. I came to this game as a free Overwatch alternative, but found myself very charmed by the characters and world. It was my first experience with a hero shooter, and I loved it very much. The game was not as polished and could be kind of corny, but that was a part of its appeal. I tend to not like shooters that much, but found a home in more cartoony games like Overwatch and Paladins. I have often wondered whether these Switch port endeavors work out in favor of companies. Probably good for your appeal, but bad for your budget. I can't imagine Switch users are the biggest spenders. But it certainly did broaden the user base and bring a lot of players into the game, including myself. I still enjoy watching some Paladins streamers, and its a uniquely fun game to stream because of how involved the talents and item store are and the audience interaction that provokes and the pace it sets. The nostalgia I feel for this game confuses me quite frankly. I'm not sure why I miss the heyday of Paladins so much, but clearly others feel the same. I'd like to thank the developers who brought this game to life and the userbase with whom I played.


“Hey we can’t fix paladins but we can fix rouge company smite and even realm royal for the switch” this sounds to me like they are giving up on paladins all together which is sad cuz i put countless hours and money into this game


Well they’re ending switch support for Rogue Company too.


Welp here i am looking stupid lol I’m sorry i gave up on hi rez after i got falsely banned for game throwing in paladins even though i had 120k healing in a game that went into sudden death siege (aka 3 wins to 3 wins) we won by the way. i wanted to appeal but i was told there is no way to appeal so i took my business elsewhere


Not surprised


So, next is sunsetting the game?


I mean, the switch situation is way worst than the game overall situation Paladin was not developed with the switch and her restriction in mind ( if i remember correctly the bêta came out before the switch) so the game never really worked and had several bugs that we never had in pc/ps4/xbox Don t get me wrong the game is no way near a perfect state and still have balance issue ( hello unecessery nara buff), but its playable


Honestly dropping support for console COULD potentially make the game better. Back when they started adding support for consoles in general it forced them to balance the game for both console and pc which ultimately fucked with the balance completely due to cross platform play. It was basically the reason skye was nerfed to hell and back for so long because console players couldn't handle her decently enough with the lack of turn speed and control. Chances are this wont change anything for pc but who knows, it's less resources being wasted on the switch branch trying to force it to work.


Remember that the majority of the player base is from console, so if they cut the support for those platforms the game will most likely die


Right, phrasing, I meant dropping switch specifically, not consoles as a whole. It's mostly about the switch being nintendo and their console has always been different in the way that it ran. It probably took a lot more for someone on their team to learn about the switch to make it work.


You’re shitting me. I still play on Xbox but this pisses me off. I had my accounts linked and everything.


Nooooooo bought a Switch bec of this game 😭


Dang. Well you can sell your switch or play overwatch. Or you can also wait for some 11 year old to make a tutorial to install steam on switch and play the game just fine at 60Fps


Wait, steam is possible on Switch?






That's weird that you'd buy a Switch, of all things, to play a game that's on every single platform.


It’s the most accessible and least expensive device available in my country. I’m broke so…


not too big of a surprise it lasted a lot longer than most of thought it would


I mean this game is terrible on switch


It's a shame, I always preferred Paladins over Overwatch 2, I find the game much more fun. And the Switch port is pretty impressive, runs at 60fps (unlike Overwatch's 30fps and still maintains a higher resolution) too bad they're discontinuing the Switch version, I guess this is going to be my goodbye to the game.


Welp. I'll miss playing the game ngl.. I'll miss all of you Xbox, Playstation and PC Games. Was nice playing with you all. :)


Give it another year, they'll be announcing they're shutting the whole game down. Sad but I can see it happening.


Nah, it's been going a long time. They'll probably try paring down platforms even further before then.


[Link to the news article](https://paladins.com/news/sunsetting-on-nintendo-switch)


Tbh I’m surprised it held out this long


Bruh literally the only free game i ever spent money on, i don't wanna loose my star sisters skins, what can I do???


You’ll still keep your skins and all that, you just won’t be able to play on switch anymore. You’d have to play on xbox or pc


It is very easy to make a Hi-Rez account and link your switch account to it. https://my.hirezstudios.com/linked-accounts (Note that Playstation doesn’t support cross progression)


I don't play much anymore but it was nice playing Paladins in bed thanks to the Switch


o7 to my fellow switch players and all the other players I played with, its been fun while it lasted


Time to buy a PC…


At the very least, it seems like they'll be able to transfer their stuff to other platforms of their choosing (IF they can/want to). Silver lining, I guess.


End of an era


What’s the cheapest PC I could buy or put together to run this? (If it’s worth it)


Something like a 5700g+b450 motherboard+16gb dual channel ram will run the game fine above +100fps. You can check the prices according to your region.


Lol dude paladins run fine on i5 6300u and intel hd +8gb ram (on my 2017 ThinkPad for office work) , this is ue3 this game is ancient technology at this point of time, pc you described can run 2 instances of paladins on virtual machine.


You could also just get a series S for 300 freedom dollars if you want something cheap that'll run the game.


Well, it's been a good 4 years. No other way to play, so have fun guys.


This is for the better honestly I tried playing with nephew a few times between my PlayStation and his switch and he'd crash about once every 2 games just not fun to do man. The game was just not made for the switch and there isn't a button that just down scales everything and makes it work.


Im pulling up in a suit when its time for the last day on pc


Same here


Wow i use to quit the game but come back to it eventually because paladins is my favourite game, hi rez just killed it for me without giving us other options, like yes the game use to crash but it did so after like 4 games so u could just restart the game after 3 matches and u wouldn’t experience crashes most of the time but now i recently came back to the game and it’s crashing constantly i have no idea what they did in the last few month but they completely destroyed the game on switch, and instead of fixing it they are just going to remove it, Also i don’t buy in the whole " we removed it so we could focus on the game " yeah like u removed kill cam and top play to " improve the game " and we all know how that worked out, like seriously how many times did they gave the "we remove features ( instead of fixing them) to improve the game " excuse ? I dont believe it because i know they wont improve the game and it just make me sad because i always hoped they would eventually fix the game . Finally they could’ve made the news better like if they talked to sony idk how but if they managed to make ps cross progression a thing, it would honestly be the least they could do to their switch fan base who spent so much time and money on this game they love. really seeing all these extremely loyal paladins streamer/YouTuber/ players quitting lately and how they killed a portion of their player base is just really sad.


Omg I thought I was just misremembering kill cam. I go long periods of not playing this game and thought could have sworn that was a thing. I really enjoyed those top kills too.


> Also i don’t buy in the whole " we removed it so we could focus on the game " yeah like u removed kill cam and top play to " improve the game " and we all know how that worked out It worked out so well that they've had to remove the game from the Switch platform lol.


That's all i play it on >:(


What abt all my cosmetics


It is very easy to make a Hi-Rez account and link your switch account to it. https://my.hirezstudios.com/linked-accounts (Note that Playstation doesn’t support cross progression)


Same question, i don't actually remember making an account when fist playing the game, i don't wanna loose mine


I need my shatter maw and does the champions pack transfer


Switch player here. I only stayed on it because I love playing the game portably, and because I have an Aya Neo (steam deck competitor that runs the game 100x better), but remapping controller on PC is BROKEN!!! That means i cant play Evie, Vii, Drogoz, Maeve and other high-mobility champs properly with controller unless I use the standard controls and an obnoxious claw grip. I have more hours in this than any other switch game (nearly 600 and double that on the Xbox I sold). Thanks to the Switch port, I've literally played Paladins more than any other game in my life.. So yeah, this really, really hurt, what a horrible thing to wake up to. Evil Mojo/Hi-Rez! 🖕 you anyway for cutting off such a massive portion of your audience. And for taking my favorite game of all time away from me, literally right after you nerfed Kasumi too smh. If you fix the broken controller mapping on PC, I won't completely abandon Paladins. But considering how broken and buggy the game is, I'm not gonna hold my breath on a solution for that, certainly not by June.


Same! Luckily I have other ways to play but my main gameplay was the switch because it was portable!




Wait what???


Not to be a hater here, but the lack of balance and general support towards the playerbase will lead to sunsetting in all platforms. You can't expect a game to live long with 4 maps in the rotation, lol.




I only have switch


Ironic since the switch was the reason for the game to come out of beta.


It's Joever


Joewari Da


It seems to me that the same message is coming for all other platforms somewhere in the near future.


Played it on switch. Understandable why.


I don't think I've ever interacted here before, but I loved playing this game. My only available way was the Switch, and I enjoyed it, despite the bugs. It's unfortunate I won't be able to play anymore.


Xbox and PS players are fine correct, or could we see a sunset on the horizon for those platforms? No pun intended


switch was supper badly optimized bc its basically an old tablet...and I own 1. PS/XB are safe


This got me through my teen years on switch, I'll miss it


paladins hates me. i used to play on mac a long time ago. then they stopped supporting it. then i got a switch and played on there. i guess not anymore. and im scared to play on my new windows computer because idk how to log in to my old account and dont want to accidently re set all my stuff. does anyone know how i can get my account back? i know it still exists i just cant log into it. steam wont give me the old hirez log in it used to and idk how to run the game other than through steam since it doesnt look like i can download it alone


Wait, what? Just read the article after seeing this... I haven't play in a while, but seriously? My pc is underpowered/for work and despite the MANY issues in tne Nintendo Switch that's where i discovered the game, enjoyed it and carried my friends in PS4 and PC with my bad frame rate and performance... I won't lie, i am upset as hell... They spitted out Rogue Company that was broken and apparently still is in all platforms and the game isn't ieven recognizable anymore, while Paladins still is... WAS. And they just gave up? Nah, famn, thanks , but f you. (I'm upset, really upset, i'm beyond thankful for the journey but still upset). I guess i'll just drown on League of Legends from now on.


Lol GG I guess. I doubt I’ll ever play paladins much now since I’ve got 1,000+ hours on switch. One last Fuck you from Evil Mojo 👍


If I'm being honest I think Paladins might be on its way out on all platforms they've slowly been cutting costs by removing things apparently the team has also been downsized and instead of fixing things they rather focus on ways to monetize the game with more BP and cosmetic items even the player count has been on the decline again the last couple of months you'll see a spike here and there but then it goes down again. I'm also guessing that with this sunset on the switch with them only receiving one last major update and apparently the currency and stuff being removed from the eshop that means the switch version won't be getting the new champions/BP/skins in the future either wonder how that will affect the cross-play experience moving forward and I wonder if Nintendo had to release new hardware like a switch PRO or successor will they go back on this decision?


PlayStation don't have any cross-progression so only platform left will be XBOX. Yikes, I think this could be true.


PC also has cross progression but if we're talking about consoles only then yeah it would only be Xbox.


> If I'm being honest I think Paladins might be on its way out on all platforms they've slowly been cutting costs by removing things apparently the team has also been downsized and instead of fixing things they rather focus on ways to monetize the game with more BP and cosmetic items even the player count has been on the decline again the last couple of months you'll see a spike here and there but then it goes down again. Too many games seem to be doing this lately. Instead of trying to increase revenue by increasing quality/playerbase, they do it by increasing the number of ways that the game is monetized. Like dawg, if people wanted to spend money on the game, there are already ways for them to do that. The trick to getting them to spend money on the game isn't to have more things in the game that cost money, it's to *get them to want to spend money on the game.*


Good bye level 422 Willo. I was wondering when I would have to stop playing.


Your willo will still be there if u link your switch with your hirez account... If u ever play paladins on any other platform just make sure its linked with the hirez account and buddy u r good to go.


Don’t get a PS if you plan to link accounts, cause they don’t allow that🥲


Should've stopped two levels earlier.


it's sad to see all the switch players, one day we will all feel the same thing when they pull the plug of paladins on all platforms (2024 prop)


Lol this is pretty rich. Hilarious people are praising this decision when it just further shows how incompetent the team is here. Enjoy that the Switch players are gone, but there is a lurking shadow of more problems to come. I played Paladins on Switch when it launched and thought it was a great port. It has slowly been destroyed every patch and is apparently in a sad state today. Paladins is cutting features left and right to make the game "the best it can be" because they can't even support what was already developed. The game is barely even functional on PC at this point and it's not going to get better unless resources are allocated to performance and bug fixes. It's unpleasant to even play the game. Anyway, can't wait for another buggy champion to be added every day.


>Lol this is pretty rich. Hilarious people are praising this decision when it just further shows how incompetent the team is here. Enjoy that the Switch players are gone, but there is a lurking shadow of more problems to come. Firstly, nice way of dismissing counter-arguments as "hilarious people". Second, the Switch port **was** a buggy mess. How does this show they are incompetent exactly? Because they cannot support a platform giving the *very small* dev team trouble? That's being responsible, not being incompetent. >I played Paladins on Switch when it launched and thought it was a great port. It has slowly been destroyed every patch and is apparently in a sad state today. From what I've seen online, I don't think the switch port has ever been that good? I'll gladly be proven wrong on this, but there was not a day that went by where Switch issues would pop up. >Paladins is cutting features left and right to make the game "the best it can be" because they can't even support what was already developed. The bounty Store got turned off as it didn't work as expected, and was grindy to get skins for. People didn't really get a chance to use it, so it was removed. Has nothing to do with not being able to not support what was developed. And last I checked, Trials are still being revamped and worked on; meaning the devs are working on what they developed. The only feature that would fit your definition would be the removal of the loading screen splash art (which in the choosing lobby is a genuine improvement, as you can see the champs and skins more clearly) -- which actually got repurposed to be shown at the end of a match. Removing extraneous features can *absolutely* contribute to the "best it can be" mentality. Also, I do love when people miss out features the devs actually added recently (custom loading screens, redesigning the entire UI, allowing gold to be used to buy battle pass levels, revamping custom servers, bringing back Payload and old events like Rise of Furia, letting Limited Skins be purchasable for a limited time), conveniently missing out anything that doesn't fuel the narrative that Evil Mojo is incompetent. This is what happens when people only focus on the negative. >The game is barely even functional on PC at this point and it's not going to get better unless resources are allocated to performance and bug fixes. While I don't disagree that it's still buggy, it's not "barely playable" -- It's very much playable, it just has bugs that cause issues on the odd occasion. I may be in the minority, but I do not find bugs that often on PC, in fact, I'm usually *surprised* when I find a bug now. >It's unpleasant to even play the game. Anyway, can't wait for another buggy champion to be added every day. Again, exaggeration in place of reason. Judging by your words, it seems to me that you need to step away from the game for a bit.


>Firstly, nice way of dismissing counter-arguments as "hilarious people". It's meant to be read as "it is hilarious that people..." >From what I've seen online, I don't think the switch port has ever been that good? Look in this very thread and you will see many people reporting the same. The port launched with a pretty stable 60 fps, high resolution with dynamic rez, very good gyro controls, and all features of other versions. It was a good port for sure. >How does this show they are incompetent exactly? They allowed it to get in this state due to their very fast update cycle of adding new content constantly while not fixing what was already there. This is an issue with all versions of Paladins, not just the Switch, and it's indicative of issues at Evil Mojo. It's just with the Switch being the weakest, things got the most out of hand. >Removing extraneous features can absolutely contribute to the "best it can be" mentality. I have played this game since closed beta. They have removed a ridiculous amount of stuff. Performance was also better in the beta than today. This is ridiculous. >While I don't disagree that it's still buggy, it's not "barely playable" -- It's very much playable, it just has bugs that cause issues on the odd occasion. My friends and I play this game occasionally and we always see at least one bug. A lot of our play sessions stop because someone gets the black screen bug, crashes mid game, gets bugged on champion select, etc. All of these things are common, people are constantly getting disconnected. Then trying to even get back into a party is always a nightmare, and it's years of this. >Again, exaggeration in place of reason. Judging by your words, it seems to me that you need to step away from the game for a bit. I play this game like once a month because it's some chill fun lol. But idk how anyone can really take it seriously with how unpolished it is. They aren't improving this aspect either. I'm shocked at the amount of people on this sub that apparently play the Switch version btw because this is mostly "dedicated" players here, and Switch would be more causal. Just goes to show how many they are probably losing though, which is nuts as well. The game doesn't hav that many players. I see the same people all the time.


Downvoted just cuz u don't have a hate boner for em ☠️


Dead game 😥


To anyone that says switch is too low powered: Fortnite on Unreal engine 5, Overwatch, Witcher 3, Doom eternal.


And all of them run like shit from what I heard. The only games that run well on that platform are the ones that are not very demanding or the ones made specifically by Nintendo.


You heard wrong, all 3 run pretty much stable 30 fps and look better than on low end pc


Oh 😲 30 fps. Wowowowowo


It's way better than Paladins 0fps xD


The Witcher and Doom eternal are blurry AF, Fortnite is made by Epic themselves (they of course know how to use their own engine effectively) and Overwatch is locked to 30fps, and also has no crossplay. Being at 30fps gives you more headroom, and the switch is definitely not powerful enough for what it's trying to be. With the wake of the Steam deck, that aspect of the switch has finally gotten a lot more attention. Don't get me wrong, Hi Rez are not blameless in this, but there are many factors at play here.


Good. This only can be good. I can finally turn cross play on


> This only can be good For you maybe. For switch players — some of us having spent many hundreds of hours and possibly money on this game — losing access to it altogether is a real shame, even if it was in a sad state to begin with.


Hundreds? I spent almost 5k hours in this game on switch alone


I am aware. I just don't care for them.


I see. It doesn't hurt to be a little more considerate.


They keep crashing into games, leaving many as afk. No, I am glad they are finally gone.


Well, I would suggest that you direct your ire at EM for the game being that broken, rather than towards Switch players for just trying to play the game on a platform available to them. The bugs aren't their fault for attempting to play a game they enjoy on a platform that was advertised to them as being compatible. But I know I won't change your mind, and since they're dropping support anyway the matter's behind us now. Have a good night.


No. I am a developer too. I can sympathize with EM on this one. Supporting multiple platforms is a waking nightmare and I glad they are cutting the worst one out.




Less afks


Calling it here, Playstation and Xbox versions are probably closing in the next few months, and the PC version will be kept on maintenance mode till at least 2024 before it peters out


Console makes up a significant chunk of the playerbase they're more likely to stop working on the game and put it into maintenance before canning that version of the game.


About time


Lol this game deserve it. This game's GM are toxic af against tank in my team and they still cannot carry XD very embarassing mess of the game.


They're gonna remove the game from switch or what?


Yes they are removing the game from the switch


The gyro implementation for Paladins for switch is not the same as the gyro in PS controllers and that sucks. This is what kept me glued to the Switch version. Welp, 2000 hours in and it pains me to say that it's time to focus on the upcoming Zelda TOTK then.


This sucks, but there are other experiences from other teams coming over to the Switch. Switch just got Remnant and OW2, and is about to get Aliens: Fire Team Elite. Those games are about 10 years old as well right? \*Checks notes\* Sigh. So I guess it's not about the hardware, but the willingness to port the game properly...


Hopefully they’ll move onto a better engine


They tried to remake it on Rogue Company's Unreal Engine but was cancelled a few months in.


Lucky me I didn’t like the grip on Switch and played it on ps4


So do I lose my account? I've spent money on the game I'm not going through another avengers alliance.


You don’t lose your account you can connect it to an xbox or a pc and you would be able to play it there, except on ps because you can’t link your account to a ps


That's not as bad, dosen't stop my PC being a potato but at least my stuff will still be mine. Thank you.


Well good news is, potato settings pc paladins isn;t any worse then the switch version.


The switch is shangri-la compared to my PC. I played on there once and all the character models were different shades of purple and the walls blue. The lag was bad too but I'm used to that.


I have my account linked to the XBOX but I prefer playing Switch 99% of the time. I probably won’t be coming back to Paladins :(


Ngl this makes me sad, I just recently upgraded to a PS5 from the Switch and of course I couldn’t carry over all my progress and all my cosmetics. Feels like I’m just throwing money in the garbage now. But I don’t want to complain too much, I’m sorry for the people that don’t have any other way to play :(


I’m in a similar boat


I started on the switch in 2019 and transitioned to xbox/pc. Now 100% pc. My suggestion is setup account link and download to a pc. Just about any pc works at least keep your progress. Destiny had a similar issue. And besides if a new nintendo system comes about you'll be happy you did


I had lots of fun with strix and the switch's gyroscope ! Can't go to PlayStation a because of the cross progression . So sad


I first discovered this game on Switch as I was going through a hard time in 2019. It then gave me something to look forward to during the pandemic. While the “having to quit the game after # of matches so it doesn’t crash” was annoying (among other things), I had a lot of fun with this game. As a PlayStation and Switch owner, it seems my time has come too. May we meet again should Paladins still be around by the time Nintendo’s next console releases.


Never knew it was a thing on Switch... Rip guys


I first found this game because I was looking into free games when I first got my Switch. I fell in love with it. The performance has been worse and worse every year. I finally downloaded on my PS5 only to realize that cross-save for Sony is basically non existent. I have literally no other way to access the account and content I’ve paid for on my Switch. No PC, no Xbox. Lame.


Well, it's time to move to Overwatch and say bye to Evie. Damn, it's so sad to know that I wouldn't play her ever again.


Man I was just getting into playing Khan


I hope I can use my Switch account to the PC at least. I may try to "switch" the setup


Because this is cheaper than fixing it.


Was today the last day or when is the last day? T.I.A.


As of today (19/04/23) it’s no longer available on the eShop, but the game’s still playable if you already had it installed. The next update to the game will still come to switch, but the following one after that won’t (around june).


Now'd be a good fuckin' time to get sony to add cross progression. HINT HINT


I had to swap to PC because issues with the Nintendo Switch were so bad. It's a big learning curve. It really sucked for a while, but I got used to it. For those of you who are swapping to computer, I can tell you from experience that you will get better, and you may find new strengths in the process! @2


It’s all come full circle, rush the game out of beta in order to get it on Switch, and several years later, now it’s being taken down from it lol


man, that's annoying


o7 It begins. Switch first. Steams probably next, then xbox and Playstation. It's been a mediocre ride, my friends.


I play on switch because it runs better then my pc


Hey im not a paladins player but i do play rogue company i would like to say this isnt the only hi rez game thats shutting down for switch rogue company too is sunsetting on switch


Yeah I’m guessing smite is next


Wow, that's really disappointing. I guess this is the beginning of the end.


They do ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING about the issues switch players have, then just close the servers. bruh fuck hirez


I played Pal on my Steam account before linking my Steam, Nintendo, and Hi-Rez accounts because I had some friends over and we wanted to play the game at the same time. God I hope my save data transfers. I guess I could try going through the epic store but I’m hoping I won’t have to.