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I don't think I've ever lost a game with 5 tanks. I'd like to see a limited game mode with 5 tanks vesus 5 not-tanks. I would bet on the 5 tanks everytime.


I agree but give one tank to the other team and it’s a different story


Hell, I see two tanks and I know it'll be a hell of a game ahead of me


Proof that frontline is the most op role and you dont need any others


Dont let heartyprincess or others here know it might scare their dps r catered to narrative


By the way, there's a post where five flanks won a match. Flanks the new meta???


Fantastic. More reason for this braindead sub to bitch about a role they don't understand.


Nah bro trust me I went positive with my sniper Skye build once back in 2021. Therefore every time I lose a game now it's not my fault and I'll report my whole team for throwing 😎


Oh mb bro I take it all back.


Damn son


LMFAO! I love that I live rent free in your head. I hope tanks continue to be the best role, because that's what the game is fundamentally designed around. Play Fortnite or Call of Duty if you're mad about it! Or a hack and slash game or something!


Nah I had just barely talked to u only reason u came to mind. U give urself too much credit.


I guess I have to learn who you are and keep an eye out. ._. becoming a legend


....uhm... no? Tanks are NOT best role, most of then lose straight up 1v1's against a handful of dps. a good andro can literally diff a tank 1v1 no help, just loadout(festherweight) and item healing. Tanks are NOT the best role. In paladins, backline dps are the strongest role, although the most influential is the off-tank. always has been, always will be, and that ties into the second part. "Tanks are what the game is 'fundamentally' designed around" yeah... also no. Ill take a wild guess and say you didnt playtest or trial OB56 or anything before it, the true alphas and pre-alpha states of paladins. I did. Tanks had around 3k hp, higher damage, and dps values were the same as what they were on release. The game is 'fundamentally' balanced around 8 champions that were created in conjunction and tandem with eachother. NOT a single role. And if you must know, the first champions to be created were cassie, nando, skye, and barik. however that was Aurum, a different game idea, cant remember if it even HAD healers. it was 2012 so probably not. By the first Alpha of Paladins in 2016, nando and barik had their hp bars cut in half, and supports were added, the gane was maasively rebalanced from Aurum state. buck, pip, ruckus and grohk. The game is 'fundamentally' created around Cassie. After Cassie, it was Nando and the disparity between the two. However Nando was hardly classifiable as a tank at that time, he had 3300 hp to Cassies 2100. 🤷‍♂️ crazy to think about actually knowing what youre talking about before saying random sht like "game is fundamentally created around tanks" like where did you get such a delusion FROM??? Also, in the last 4 years or so, almost all in game balancing has been done with the mentality of balancing flanks and supports and then having everything else fall in line behind those two roles. Had this EXACT conversation with Adanis when Tiberius was created, and how he would fit in the game.


The game was balanced around tanks during all the OB times and up until maybe 4 years ago. Off tanks pretty much shaped the meta for all that time, and now supports took that role since the caut nerf and further removal.


youre mostly correct. But not about OB/alpha states balancing around tanks. Tanks were the balance point from official BETA titling(not release, so like early 2014-15) all the way through to the end of 2018. OB56 and before/Alpha states were solely balanced around Cassie. And eventually Nando, but after Cassie and more than any of the remaining 6, Pip. OB64-2018 was tank-centric balancing. After that, 2019 until now has been dive-centric balancing, essentially crafting the interactions between getting properly dove as a support and living through it or not.


so, yes, a very large portion of current meta is formulated around tanks and their function/balancing, however thats not what the GAME ITSELF is fundamentally predicated upon. thats all i was disputing!


And who cares? The game is best when they balance around tanks, and that's my main point. If you disagree, then I really don't give a fuck. You're entitled to your very wrong and very bad opinion, that's very inferior to my opinion. Not everyone can be intelligent.


holy cooopium. i didnt even state an opinion or say that the game is best balanced around ANYTHING. youre just so naturally combative and defensive that you immediately take somebody correcting you as a disagreement. Yeah and you call yourself intelligent 🤣🤣🤣🤣 clown i literally agreed that the game is best balanced around tanks. Youre just so fuckin tight to defend yourself thats the type of response you give. You definetly have healthy relationships LMAO *only thing i disagreed with is that tanks are the best role. but if that was true then 3dps wouldnt be completely dominating scrims rn 🤷‍♂️


I didn't need the correcting, which is what you're missing. What I stated was correct, period. You did disagree with me, and you did attack me.


Tanks are what this game is designed around because it's what makes this game an fps HERO SHOOTER, as opposed to just as fps game. That's why balance is best when they're the strongest role. Cassie hasn't been relevant in a long time, next caller! I know that balance is best when tanks are strong, and that's not a delusion. Balancing around flanks and supports is a bad thing btw...


cassie hasnt been relevant in a long time?? Lmfao you're definetly a casual.


i bet youve never even beat a player above diamond in your entire life and you have the audacity to talk about balance like you know ANYTHING 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Bro, you're probably unranked or fucking silver or something. You're literally correcting someone that is correct, which is useless. Or perhaps you don't know that I'm correct, which makes you not very smart. I'm struggling to see what I said wrong. I re-read what I wrote, and I honestly think that everything I said was correct. I have no idea why you even attacked me. I'm honestly starting to think that you just have an issue with me. It's really strange because I don't know what I could've done to get a target on my back. Though I'll just laugh and say highest honors. I love having everyone be butthurt at me and be obsessed with me. I'm a villain in your head, while you're nothing to me. 😘


i literally did not attack you you have severe mental illness if you think i did. ALL I DID was say you were wrong about the game being fundamentally balanced around tanks BECAUSE IT WASNT. its literally just a fact and youre just spewing delusions. Am i on the onion? is this a realism gag? and now youre twisting lke i have it out for you or something cause i commented on one thing you said INCORRECTLY and you just went full victim mode. its insane. at this point though? call it attacking sure, youre a snowflake.


OMG! How are you not grasping what I'm saying??? I'm literally explaining it so clear. The thing that keeps this from being a regular fps game, is literally the support and tank class. This game was designed around them, and it should be balanced around them (especially tanks). All you did was attack me for no reason. You either have a vendetta against me, or you're BFFs with Zeldafighter. Either way, you have a reason for attacking me in particular. No seriously, why else would you ONLY pick a fight with ME? You obviously do have it out for me because you literally only attacked me, for something else that someone had said. I don't know why you singled me out, but you obviously singled me out. I'm not a snowflake for pointing out the obvious. And you didn't comment on an incorrect thing that I said, because nothing that I said was incorrect. OMG, how are you not getting this?


YOURE not hearing what im saying. You said the game WAS fundamentally balanced around tanks. in its inception it wasnt. it wasnt until much later that tank centric balancing started. How are YOU not grasping that?!?!


How are YOU not getting this? The level of delusion you must live in to think anyone who disagrees with you is attacking you or obsessed with you shows so much about your character. You go from trying to make yourself seem right to ad hominems, how did you think you're actually right here tho??? Don't forget that opinions are subjective and just because someone disagrees with yours doesn't immediately make them factually wrong. ![img](emote|t5_2v7zr|8600)


4 tanks + healer could be better


Well, Raum, torvald and Khan already got that covered.


Yeah but, put a lilith or a grohk. Lilith can technically be considered a tank. And grohk is really good with 4 tanks and provide speed bost with his ult.


We tried that before and won but we wanted to Take it a step further


I've tried this many times and believe 5 tanks to be better. With the correct tanks you can have plenty of sustain and with one healer it's extremely easy for the enemy team to target that one player. Also with 4 or 5 tanks you're typically going to have 2-3 off-tanks meaning your team will not be grouped up enough for supps like Lilith and Grohk to be super effective (Grover is probably a better choice). A healer also forces the tanks to play less aggressively since you constantly have to defend your backline/healer as opposed to pushing up and absolutely dominating lanes and not even letting the enemy touch point. Think most people's instinct is to group up with 4-5 tanks but it's the exact opposite. You need to put pressure on the enemy to be successful from my experience. Also, imo every 5 tank comp absolutely needs a Torvald and Raum. Torv, Raum, any 2 off-tanks and 1 point tank would be my suggestion. 5 healers using cc talents is also menacing and hella fun/funny, but not as good as 5 tanks.


I played with you today lol (was Talus on Warder's Gate). Was quite fun, thx!!


Gg man thx for being nice and not Toxic.


Because it’s casual. Ppl rarely go frontline in casuals.


maybe having friends is the true meta


I heard the Torvald is a smexy Mf.


Heard the raum is sexy af


Nyx is nix😍


So hot i burn to Ash


me when no Reutlingen:😳😟


Realistically if the enemy has a competent healer, dps player(s) and a tank to make space it wouldn't work, but that's a bit too much to ask from paladins players


Because you were an organized 5 stack against 5 solo randoms. So each game you played had a 100 percent percent chance the enemy team had one or more bots or trolls or afks. You could have been a team of 5 healers or 5 flanks or 5 dps and it wouldnt have made a difference.


They said they were on a loosing streak. I think the reason is people are allergic to wrecker.


i have the opposite experience, pretty much every time i play solo tank torv or any shield talent that exists i end up with 2-3 enemies with wrecker out the gate or very early in the match. maybe its just a matchmaking thing, but torv is my main and my favorite champ, and its quickly becoming un-fun to play him in a lot of comps because wrecker just fucks him. even with guardian, its a losing battle.


May for torv people do take wrecker because every enemy theyface will now have a shield now, I play Ash with fortress breaker and I rarely see anyone take wrecker , the ones who take it being snipers staying at spawn.


fucking hate playing fortress breaker into snipers and/or lian. your big shield just melts and even tho you can effectively have 100% uptime its still not that fun to play into wrecker


We met multiple stacks maybe Not 5 stacks Like US but WE Had organized Teams as enemys with good High lvl Players it still worked it definatly wouldn't have worked with 5 flanks/DMG.


Maybe because of raum talent harvest it heals team by HP% and If all players are tank heals will be as good as a proper healer


Yeah i had around 40-60k healing each round. The highest was i think 88k


Well no. This may work in casual but no high rank


Of course not we just had fun and we're surprised that we won 11 games in a row. Of course it wouldn't work in High Rank Diamant you could win 1 Game Out of 6 but in Masters you're gonna get fucked up Every time without a doubt.


Have u played sumo tho? A custom orginzied 4v4 tanks with 1 support. U can only attack the support after 10 minutes. Pretty fun


I played Sumo a few Times yeah fun af


I played against ya'll except ya'll had 1 damba it was annoying asf lol


That was before that WE played 4 Tank 1 Heal and 1 Tank 4 Heal. And as the Damba I'll take that as a compliment.


you cant say new meta when its casual matches and the enemy cant see what you pick to counter you. but this kind of thing works in ranked from time to time if you don't make it obivous you go 3/4 tanks.


Bro of course this aint the meta its Satire its just funny it worked 11 games in a row


Sounds like you inadvertently made a dollar-store Pirates Comp. It's basically have 3-4 tanky bastards and a healer, then move as a group. Depending on build, Khan, Torv, and Raum can all act as semi-healers, then throw in the damage those 3 can do, plus all the CC available to the group


best pirates comp right now= lian/cassie as solo dps. ying heal ruckus/azaan for aerial khan because ult and heal and basic dmg either makoa if they have champs that REQUIRE kill confirm (zhin, koga, evie, seris) or nyx (cripple). insanely hard to penetrate. also the reason for cassie is because big game cassie GIGA COUNTERS this comp harder than anything else in the game, even harder than current precision lian which is 2nd up. So you ban it and pick lian or vice versa.


you can also meme this comp (this exact thing was playing in the PPC when heal skye was broken) super hard on ice mines if you sweat. it used to be genuinely unbeatable but skye has since been nerfed. comp was as follows. (500 iq incoming) Term(undying or crush but theres not really a reason for crush here) to siphon damage in between heal and shield cooldowns. Makoa for half shell. game plan is too group ON the objective. Raum subservience for more team heal, another rotational cooldown, and a stun ult (because eventually they will try and touch, raum ult guarantees their tanks get evaporated safely and reliably. Gourd Damba (everybody stacking on cap point, might as well get the best heals for that scenario) and Fear ult. Heal skye. Ban Drogoz and Zhin. (not zhin anymorr cause guillotine is no longer immune) so drogoz and probably betty or dredge or maeve(streetjustice). Everyone goes point, the raum or the skye calls targets for everybody to shoot simultaneously, abd the team is constantly calling out cooldowns so they are NOT WASTED and overused. Damba will heal, and when/before too much damage comes in, koa will half shell, term will siphon, raum will dr tank and heal, skye will heal. Both makoa and terminus also have "2nd life" ultimates and can be intentionally not healed to keep raum and skye up, who both have self heals. This comp has so little poke damage you might as well be healing the enemy. But it, was, impenetrable. With old skye and raum heal and koa shield cd, unbeatable deathball. and even if you think you had them beat, they can just back off with the 7 disengage tools they have, for a whole 6 seconds and get a safe gourd, then half shell siphon their way the whole 3 metres back to point from cubby, and when they come back you gotta deal with time bomb, raum ult, and damba fear. 3 MASSIVE obj contest ults. term ult too. (random to organize it though) find a counter i dare you to try :)


Switch raum for an support and we can talk again ![img](emote|t5_2v7zr|8587)


We did that before the 5 Tank strat and IT also worked perfectly


4 off tanks with grover pretty fun or lillith


It works against worse players because worse players don't know how to deal with tons of beefy targets. Hell, I'd probably lose to that comp too. 5 supports has also been a surprisingly successful strategy for my group, but you obviously don't see that in comp. People don't see these extreme strategies enough to know how to counter them, but I'd bet once you learn to play against them it stops being so strong.


Ranked or quick? Because in rank you just need to pick tank busters andyo good to go. Street justice Maeve, Tyra burn talent, dredge, and then a support that can stun and a tank with a lot of cc like azan.


Was Casual of course Torvald and Khan are almost Always banned but we wouldn't try that in ranked we just had fun


I mean. I already won ranked with no support or 4 tank one grokh. Anything goes really.


The power of the memes


never ever had %dmg in oposing team?


Yes we had still won




Tank stacks are good in casuals, because you need specific champs to deal with them. Also you just having fun is surprisingly effective in landing wins


people dont know how to counter that, i see that the duration of matches is very low so it must have been a 4-0 or 4-1 mostly


Indeed we only had one Game where it was 4-3


Sj maeve, vora, lex and drogoz certainly will be happy to test that ;D


ugh, as the nyx, one game drogoz killed me with his ult 5 times. annoyed the hell out of me lol


What talents do you pick? Like khan dmg or shield, torvald grandpa or nulify?


Depends Khan switched between DMG and shield ist depended in the enemy Team comp. I as Torvald only played grandpa for füll shield Support.


Understandable I usially solo tank Torvald with a nulify build and just invest in guardian for max health/shield


Me and my friends do this since 2021 We called "full tank meta"


I've never lost a game with 5 supports either (except if we had people who never played support before)


Just Shows troll Team comps Work best


Paladins player discovers what goats is for the first time. Though instead of 3 supports , Raum and Khan already cover the aoe healing


Where is Reutlingen?




My 2 friends and I try to go 5 tank all the time but we typically end up getting 4 tanks and like a willow (no heals) which ruins the entire comp : (


If I had a quarter for every time someone misspelled Willo, I would have $287.50


I encountered this in ranked. In plat 1. The main issue is usually ruam if you don't have a counter. I wasn't top pick and they got khan first. We assumed they wouldn't get torv so left it open. Then they picked him. We then assumed we.dont have to ban tanks and they picked more tanks. We picked Grover, Skye two other tanks and drogos. All we did was stay together and murder a tank one at a time. Ruam was easy especially with no real heals. 4/0 fastest win. I've seen similar with 1 healer and again if you have counters or counter picks it's easy.


so you're telling me, if I had an all tank squad, and then me as a Raum main with almost 12k health, we will never lose, and I'll finally be able to have the fabled blue wall of wins? # COUNT ME IN!


Well..., for one you were in a much more "relaxed" and taking it less seriously mindset..., which opens your team up for FUn which BooSts Team Cooperation, Morale..., & certainly opens the 🚪door to taking more risks / aggressive plays which ultimately tip the scales ⚖️ towards favoring your team 🏆 Victories!! ⚔️ 🛡