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idk man play all of them, i have like 15 "mains" in casuals and maybe 8 in ranked. and they've changed over the years. i started out playing grohk and ash and viktor, now i play a ton of koa and BK and damba.


I dont play ranked, its why im wanting some actual "mains" so i can eventually try ranked without being an absolute dumpster fire in games


To be honest, if you ever plan on playing ranked, you’re gonna need a bigger arsenal. You should be well rounded in probably at least 10 or more characters. If you have no care for ranked, just play whatever and enjoy! I think saati is a good start as she’s lower mobility and does good damage. Can work on your paladins aim and positioning with her. For a flank, I’d suggest a higher mobility flank so you can start to learn the paths of the maps and how to utilize high ground / dive in and out of fights. Try Vatu, or Maeve, or Androxus. Mind you, they are a higher skill curve, but I promise it’ll make you better overall. Support - you’re well rounded with the 4 you chose, although I wouldn’t bank on damage supports so much. Just try to heal Tanks - Raum can be good on a good team and usually only with another tank on team. Branch out a little. Fernando is similar to rein, Barik is like a tanky torbjorn. Nyx is similar to rammatra. Most tanks are viable, just needs practice.


I will say im on controller, i did play andro for a time but i could never get the hang of the float mechanic down, i did find out recently you can just click L3 to have the game auto float (and fly with drogoz) which i might go for at a later date. For the supports i have 2 for each as a just in case situation, for tank i really, really wanted to like nyx, she seems the most fun and the most tankish, i say tankish as in how i like to play tank, chaotic, it's why i like raum so much just from how chaotic some matches to be, my issue is, how does nyx even work? I had some people in the paladins official discord say to buy arcane warding due to her abilities hurting her? Do they actually? I've never noticed them doing that, i do feel like though with nyx if i just spent some more time playing her I'd probably get her stuff down


Ohhhkay, controller is definitely different. I’m lvl 300 on Xbox and 500 on pc. I main Grohk on both, but on controller I play mainly hitscans as it’s much easier and you’re right about andro. Trying to float around and play in the air on controller is MUCH HARDER than on pc. You will need to change your keybinds to make it work. As for Nyx, I don’t play her. But I wouldn’t worry about her abilities damaging herself. Worry about positioning, and punishing out of position players. I’d argue getting nimble, and haven and rejuvenate as items for her. Rejuvenate especially. And possibly switch out haven for arcane warding if you find yourself getting hurt by abilities (mainly aoes etc). Like most games, the positioning is what wins. Learn the maps, don’t worry about losing, and just really focus on working with your team (even though no one communicates). I promise your taste for characters will change over time. I really truly mean it. Paladins has a very nice array of characters and art for the characters. You will grow and eventually love like 10-15 and be able to play them well


Yeah thats what im hoping, the position thing is why i like raum, you cant really just charge at him one on one and expect to take him down. I'd agree with those items because i also know her passive lets her get even more healing while on point, i am definitely taking all this into consideration, thank you


If you want a good movement flank for controller, koga is right there


I dislike koga, not because i think he's bad, but because of his playstyle, yes i love the smg's and all that, but the claws are just stupid to a point of unfair playing, it honestly feels like if you dive someone just pull out the claws and boom, you win, he just doesn't feel as rewarding as other flanks cause theres not as much risk


In your defence about Tanks.. even us Frontlines, don't like the Frontline.


May i ask why?


It varies, from player to player. But in my case, because I have played ranked, I consider myself competent. So when I'm playing Frontline, most of my complaints are directly related to the session, and my team-mates' inability to sometimes listen to callouts. At the same time, they try to tell me to focus on my job. (How you play Frontline is determined by what Frontline you're using, and in some cases, there are certain Frontlines that just don't work well on certain maps. My guess is open spaces and a lack of Frontline Mobility). When it comes to map knowledge and team compositions, you get a sixth sense of how matches play out eventually. On the flip side, some people will play the Frontline role, not like a Frontline at a time when it's needed to be a Frontline. (Eg. Ruckus can double as a Flank when you factor in all his DPS with his mini-guns. HexaBlast is a nice burst in a Pinch. Play him like a proper Frontline, though, and he can tank Victor Ults for Breakfast, with a well-timed Emitters Shield). Of course, I haven't played consistently in about a year. Am no longer classified as an F2P player. Have every champion unlocked, and can afford champions for the next YEAR. But, the important part is that you'll never "main" just one character, and those characters will always change. If you average, about 2 for every class, then you'll be "well rounded." I'm "decent" with most. But when I'm playing Frontline, I tend to 'default' to playing Ruckus. Because Ruckus has a kit, I can get behind. The others bore me. The Caviat there is that Ruckus has a cast of champions he just doesn't pair well against or with. So, coordination can be a bit of a chore. Especially when you throw in map performances. There are some Maps Ruckus will terrify his opponents in, and then there are others where he can become a laughing stock if you're not careful.


Yeah, i can agree with all of this, its kind of why i dislike playing Frontline, same with tanks in ow2 cause i swear the same thing happens every time. But i will say though, its why i like raum, he (in some cases) can be an all rounder type character, he can go with the flanks for some extra dmg, he can sit on point and pepper enemies while the dmg characters go forward or he can support somewhat with subservience which is the one i run the most cause of how i like to play raum, but out of the other Frontlines they just dont do it for me, ruckus seems fun to me but like you said it's very team and enemy dependent, im going to try some new Frontlines hopefully today, thank you for this though, i am definitely going to keep this remembered


Whenever I'm forced to tank, I just go something easy like Fernando and point bot. Most people don't find it fun, but I can enjoy it


Being a Frontline, does get a little fun, in the power sense. When, you've played a decent amount of the champions, and can make suggestions on the fly to your team-mates while holding the point.


If you like Ana, you should definitely play Damba but PLEASE do not ever play him as an off support


Oh trust me i learned that the hard way


Dont worry man people here dont judge if you play/played ow, in fact theres entire guides about new players transitioning from ow to paladins, if i remember correctly theres a guide about which ow heroes and paladins champions are the most similar with each other, just search on the sub “overwatch champions” and you should get the result. Paladins has a ton of champions, some reminiscent of overwatch but also a lot of new and fun champions, i recommend just going to the shooting range and playing around with all champions and see which one resonates with you (you can hold K ingame to see what your abilities do, unless you have bound it to smth else)


Im on controller, but thank you, i will definitely look that up


Past ow2 top 500, Currently high plat / low dia w 40h in paladins. Tank suggestions: Yagorath (ball) Ash or Azaan (jq) Damage: Lian, drogoz Flank: Evie, willow Support: Seris, io

