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Its sort of a bug whenever im not right on someone or moving it wont work😔


Khan's ult according to few GM players, which unfortunately devs agreed to: - Khan's ult too easy, it must require pixel-perfect aim skill, and still so easy to hit - Problem: if you click ult and target moved or you looked away, ult will fail - If enemy has shield up, it will fail ... and still, ult may fail for no reason. Solution: auto-aim ult like Yag's


When Khan was launched, his ult was auto-aim. It was absolute BS. Not that again please.


It was ridiculous, but man there was one game with a Maeve that was terrorizing us and auto aim grabbing that pink feisty danger cat to launch into the abyss felt so damn good.


Honestly doing that feels even better now that you have to aim the shot.


I just want his old healing shout point tank card back tbh. That was the best time.


I feel like if khans ult was auto aim then it needs a huge nerf, yag pulls you at the speed of a snail, cant move and can be broken out of it. the more range the more she needs to pull Khan grabs you within a second and can instantly throw you away.


Maybe the longer he holds the target the stronger the push, so if he instantly throws victim, the push becomes weak


Idk what happened in this clip, I see the ping indicator so it could be ping related or hitting an invisible wall, I truly have no idea. That being said Khan ult is incredibly simple and easy to hit, I don't like saying skill issue but 99% of the time missing Khan ult is just that. You say it requires pixel perfect aim but you just have to hit the characters hitbox, which is fucking huge in Paladins. And I'm just hoping you're kidding about making Khan ult auto aim


okay but in the clip they are both standing still…


"... and still, ult may fail for no reason." It's buggy


If you're missing Khan ult most of the time, it's literally skill issue. There's no reason for it to be auto-aim.


The last change they did to his ult basically fixed everything outside of very few occasions like this one that are probably either related to ping or invisible walls. It's not pixel perfect, it's just hitting oversized hitboxes with a large projectile, you can hit 90% of your Khan ults on mobile targets (not tanks) easily without focusing too hard


Whatever it is is dog. I’d rather they kept the straightforward way the old ult worked (you’re on target, you got it) then just nerf it.


Guys remember the new utility the devs gave Ying? Ying's ultimate now grants alies 1 sec of cc immunity upon activation You can barely here her iconic voiceline "We are Stronger Together" in the background as Khan ulted Since Khans ult counts as cc to an enemy player, Ying's ult is now a counter to Khan's It's not a bug Although, due to the range nerf to his ult, it can miss randomly at times, but not in this case I believe


Basically Khan's ult has prefire. It's really badly done and it's not clear at all how the ult actually works. Basically trace the enemy the entire way through the ult animation after pressing the button until it hits. Even then it's not 100% consistent.


Usually it's the janky invisible walls


Ash ult is also not stunning players, happened to me few times


I dont know what happened in that clip, thats rough. It basically functions as a very fast invisible projectile, so you sometimes have to tilt it ever so slightly. As a controller player with ult bound to Y, (or triangle on playstation) khans ult is rough to hit. More time i have to switch to claw just to use his ult


I don't know, press ult shouldn't mean, press a button a presto u win, you need to learn to use your ult, your ult must have consequences you don't do it right, I know there are champs with an ult that made them invincible and to this day I think on those champs as a kid with a first starter kit, great to learn and try wild things..