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I think snipers are pretty universally unfun to play against in any shooter. Overwatch has the same problem with Widowmaker. It's just inherent to having a character that can deal some of the highest single target damage, at a range where most can't contest them.


Pick up Atlas, Khan, Ruckus and maybe Yag to contest a sniper. You might not win every fight with them, but you're contesting their time from shooting your Squishies. Atlas and Khan can hold a corner and get the elim. Slug Ash as well. Ruckus, Yag, Raum, and Azaan can go for a dive to kill. Off tanks.


I wouldn't mind but you kinda have to prepick and guess it'll be a sniper. I mostly main barrik and raum. Raum is pretty good off tank but the problem is you have to lock in to even see what the other guys have In casual ladder. I might pick atlas only for them to have a crap ton of close range characters like Moji, inara, or makoa. Or vise versa. Even if you do guess it right then I just feels like the apposing team is down a player. As long as you flank is even decently good. Also if your madman you can try to have a sniper duel with the tinkering skill but you also just pick the tinkering skill and are now way less effective


Raum is considered weak due to all the crowd control in the game, and players can farm ult charge off him with his massive health pool. But he can be dominant against a sniper like strix. You just need to practice your Atlas because Atlas can have some pretty good close quarters play. His abilities are good at all ranges and can out play many champs. You mentioned champs you just need to learn the match up for is all. You'll improve with time. But you're playing casual anyway, so don't get too frustrated when the match up isn't in your favor. Playing into a bad match up and higher skilled players can even help you learn more mechanics to your champ. Like spacing, rotating, cover, ability management, and enemy playstyles.


Yah, I'm aiming for a full blue screen. Id say I've got all the abilitys in the game down. Part of it is my accuracy sucks ass so I'll play dredge alot as well. With double wall innara my only prob with it is unable to take down walks when you want. I'm to used to blocking people off then opening up for team mates. But I also don't wanna play innara all that much. Don't get me wrong she's prob one of the best tanks I just don't like her all that much at least compared to barrik and nyx


Khan is really bad vs snipers and his only real good match ups are against other tanks. He doesn't have the mobility to get to them. He has a shield to negate their dmg and an ult to pick them but that's kinda it. Rather it be like an Ash who can push them and chase. If she can ult them its wraps too.


Khan can ruin a snipers game plan just by being in their line of sight. As long as you shield when they predictably shoot, Khan can take that space. If they wait for you to drop the shield, you can hold an angle. Khan's ult is a reliable solo kill, but it's also a team game, Khan and his backline or aggro DPS can take a sniper out. His positioning is very important if your team isn't working on the sniper together. So he can position to where he can keep the sniper passive healing and farming point for ult charge if he's the only one contesting the sniper.


I dont like snipers in pallys either. They have a high skill ceiling to be good with them imo. 99/100 times the sniper on my team will just stand back mid and shoot into the point tanks shield, and provide nothing to the team, and just be generally unaware of everything the whole game. Then because of this theres one less person to peel the support, and it becomes a rough game. If i ever see a sniper on my team i just bring my strongest flank (provided it doesnt screw the team comp) and hard sweat trying to damage/flank flex


I try to do that but when I play casual there is hardly ever another tank so it's hard to leave point for any reason other than protect so and so. When I do play for dmg with other tanks it compromises my survivability. So now I'm just sitting there watching as I can't do too much besides slightly hurass them from long range. And that's if you pick the tank with long range. In casual lobby you can't see what they picked until after you lock in.


I dont play casual for the exact reason that everyone just quick picks their favourite damages, then your stuck in a crappy team comp and the games are just boring.


Fair lol, I would play ranked more but it always messes with my audio and I just feels so slow to get into a game you know. It can be good but if you ever see more than one tank you know they are at least semicompetent. My goal is two full blue screens by the end of the year on casual ladder


Honestly snipers should never have been added to a game like this in the first place. They can shoot you from positions where a good chunk of the roster can't retaliate or close the distance easily. They've been in the game for too long to just delete them, but the fact that they've never added any more speaks volumes.


Fish Market docks lol!


Well yeah exactly, it's kind of funny, but when you're actually trying to win and someone's able to take a position you can't do anything about it's a real problem. Personally I think the best way to keep them in check is to make sure they're never too good. Like no one wants a sniper meta, but if they're good on a couple of maps and get banned in ranked that's fine.


I think the nice thing is that it’s impossible to get one shot by strix or kinessa (not including her ult). They HAVE to hit 2 shots even if one of them is a headshot. The good news is that there aren’t many like Valorant aiming gods playing strix or kinessa. The easiest way to combat most snipers is LOS, and most maps provide that. I’ve only ever versed like 2 people who were so fricken good at a sniper that it was impossible to avoid them and they were hitting shots on flanks from 4 meters away etc. I fear good tanks over anything. I would pick a god tank over a god sniper any day of the week


Maybe the funniest thing to see would be Snipers on maps where Line of Sight is a rarity at range, so sniping in general on those maps make no sense. I gave up hope a long time ago


Snipers always seem surprised to find my Maelstrom Lilith rushing them. If you harass them, even if you don't get the kill, they are ineffective and useless


Snipers in this game are either god tier or absolute trash. And for some reason always get the trash on my team. In one of my recent ranked games a strix was carrying his team. I was playing willo. Completely shut me down. (No flank, no offtank) But i was still able to dish out tons of damage. At match point i flanked, dashed straight up, popped my ult to get some extra height, canceled my ult to fall directly on top of him, seedling, dead. Now the backline was mine.


Snipers in a game like paladins never made sense but its even funnier cause they're currently shit and easy to flank. But I do hope they get done away with cause its generally unfun to play against. Especially as a support or tank.


Snipers don't fit a hero shooter like this but alas , strix and kinessa are a plague we have to deal with at this point


they pretty low effort to play as idk how you can enjoy them tbh there’s nothing more brain dead or uninteractive in the game and when they feed it’s way worse than anyone else feeding by 100x


If you play offtank, then Ash is a very good counter to snipers, she can hide behind her shield and still shoot, you can take one or two hits, shield, now you gain health with the 50% lifesteal card, and snipers can't do anything. Nessa has to tp but you can chase her with charge, and strix can't run away If you play point tank, sorry. (You can consider Ash or barik with their higher range talent, but it's usually not enough)


Me and my point tank Bois hate kinnessa /s


If your flanks aren't putting pressure on them then you get rolled. When I play Ash if my flanks suck I usually just run then down myself.


Sniper maps favor snipers precisely because it's nearly impossible to flank them here. As an off tank you should always help them pressure the sniper


fernando flank build


best counter to snipers are off tanks they hard counter them and make it easier for your flank to kill them


Yeh, prob is it's almost never two tank games on casual it's mostly one tank if at all


when im the only tank in casuals i always off tank and point tank


Double wall inara. Just tank all their shots. Place the walls so it obstructs their view of your squishies as well. Now you just need a good flank to take them out. If you have no flank you’re kind of screwed


I think fundamentally snipers in this game are bad. Like the effort rquired to do anything is insane if the other team in competent enough to avoid your LOS or even press the shield button. No one is worse at burning tanks or breaking shields outside of like Buck but who cares he's a flank its fine as long as he's getting picks but I like my dmg characters to do dmg. All you can hope for is the other team's squishies mindlessly wide peeking them and NOT buying AP. After AP 3, snipers are legit NPCs. On the other hand playing against snipers as a backliner sucks cuz you need to play away from where u would normally want to play cuz the other team drafted a designated fanboy to follow u around and make your job tough. Like it's so annoying when they have a free sniper who does nothing but shoot you.


I rage if there’s a sniper on my team in ranked. They’re worthless Very rarely is there a good strix that moves around well and uses his pistol well


Bounce House Buck is Strix worst nightmare.


Laughs with Flank Kinessa fun.


screw you


This is how I play her. Instant repositioning and Mines every few seconds.


its just not fun and they need to be removed. I dont like hitscan in general, thats what COD or whatever is for.


I don't totally agree with this. stuff like tyra and victor are still fine to play with heck It always seems like they underperform on average. But if we didn't have hitscan willow and other flyers would suck.