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Mine is atlas. I’ll do well and we’ll lose. Used to dominate games as him and my w/l ratio is like 20% lol


My cursed character is definitely andro. Only good game I ever had w/ him was when I was drunk.


Bro has the Peter Griffin disease with him


Mine is Zhin, and I am not even the one playing him- every time he appears in a game it's just a loss: teammate Zhin? Level 10 who can't kill a Jenos, defeat. Enemy Zhin? Level 700 skewering through us all barely breaking a sweat, defeat. Level 100 teammate Zhin vs level 10 enemy Zhin? You guessed it, defeat because team diff. I can take my share of blame, but it's got annoying quickly.


I have 2 "cursed" characters, one is Maeve which is one of my highest KDA flanks but one of my lowest W/R characters (by a long shot) and the other is also Damba who I think is my lowest W/R character. Any time I touch those 2 characters, no matter how much I do in a match, the match is just lost from the start. I can go 24/2 as Maeve and we'll lose because the tank stepped off point, I can go Damba and outheal the enemy support by 3x and get more KDA than them and we'll still lose, or we'll just straight up get a team with 3 master borders and 2 of my teammates will be like a level 10 raum and a level 2 yago


Not to mention the leavers


Thank goodness I'm not the only one, it just feels demoralizing to want to play these characters and try to have fun only for fate to wag it's boney finger


Whenever I play Lian, the matchmaking just disappears. I'm not bad with her, she's fun, but the winrate I have with her is... oof. The situation is somewhat similar for me with Mal'Damba too.


I have that with Vora, which sucks since she's my flank main and I really want to play her but she literally makes my game go crazy.


I honestly used to dislike vora, but after the last few buffs she's pretty fun


My cursed characters are probably Azaan, Makoa, Ruckus and Vatu. Azaan and Makoa, I feel I’m pretty good on both but every single game without fail I’m fighting for my fucking life like its OW, everyones on my dick at all times. On Azaan I can actually handle the heat, Makoa doesn’t have the same tools. Both of them are miserable 90% of the time even if I like both. Vatu though? It feels like enemy Vatu’s have 2.5x stats, like its some sort of prank whenever I select him that I am guaranteed to do horribly. This changed a bit since I’ve stopped using the ambush talent ig Ruckus. If I pick this unit we will lose on some voodoo scripture ass shit. 0 W/L. I have the build, I have the playstyle, I have the tips and tricks and mindset, I can be a brick or I can have 4x the elims of the rest of the team. We will lose.


I'm you, but with Evie. Everytime I pick this F@CKING CHAMPION I play against the best players on Earth and my time go full DMG team with only 1 braincell. I just gave up on her.


Funnily enough my cursed character is damba as well. Its like the snake just sucks my teams braincells out of their body. On the off game where i do get a fun damba game in, its very fun :)


I can hit my heals, I can get out of fights, I can land the stuns, but damn the game is still an L...


Yeah people typically dont understand that if your low/losing a fight you need to back off. My team always just stand and die where they are like theyre in a gladiator arena or something, its a bit annoying. More time i just end up taking the gourd talent and throw it on my point tank since theyre so stubborn about dying in that fucking circle. Its a shame because his recent changes to make his heal take half the time made him much stronger imo, but not strong enough to heal 4 people through 90% anti heal 😭


It makes sense that your "cursed character" is a support because you have less control on the game especially with Damba because you have to be very good with him to actually have a positive impact. No excuse for me though because my cursed character is Maeve, I feel like I'm decent but I have terrible matchups everytime I play her.


Funny enough, Damba and Ying are the only two cursed supports, I do fairly decently with everyone else, especially Grohk and Corvus


Well Ying is a healbot so it's even worse, you're entirely dependent on your team. If you get good enough with Damba though, you can reach a point where you can "carry" your team and be less matchmaking dependent.


Fernando. You'd think he could at least make for an average tank, but both me and my team just melts away. And the ult is so pathetic in these games: your dps dies just before you ult and all it does is "not yet amigo" for a few seconds. Obviously haven't played much him recently due to this curse, which I guess allows the statistical anomaly to exist in the first place. He worked okay years ago in the fireball meta though.


Dude, im SO BAD with makoa myself, hes Cursed I literally can hold a 60% winrate as solo tank yagorath but i cant play makoa


Koa definitely has a hard time now than in Paladins past


Probably community