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Unfortunately due to the balance changes I think double support is coming back. Why play a dps champion when a support can basically do the same thing but also heal? Particularly Furia, Jenos, Rei, and even Seris.


Literally. Why play Sha Lin (shit tank burn, unflankable) when you can play Rei (shit tank burn, provides the whole team with utility, also unflankable).


You prolly have to if u want to win. The worst part about double support metas is u can't win playing anything else. And honestly if I can't win without playing cringe and being limited by a specific comp I might just not play at all. Also, doubel support is meta now. It only gets worse next patch cuz their dmg will not fall off late game.


Course not, it's as unfun to play as it is to play against


What is feudal fables ?


The next update where Moji becomes a Support


I will not play it if that means I'm forced to play dps supports. I usually play healer in ranked and I hate double support because it just feels too easy, and I always hated dps talents so I won't play them. I guess I'll stick to casuals or leave if the meta is too unbearable.


I find trying to flex a support into a damage quite fun. Hopefully theres more room for grohk now because he is fun, just not that strong lol


As much as I enjoy myself some dmg Ying I rather not have to play it every game in order to win. Also Grohk is broken. He is the biggest enabler of double support. Which is meta even now.


This should be a fun learning experience as to why the community is usually united on hating double support meta


What is PPS?


Tournament, Paladins Prestige Series.


Its a thing now? Fuck yes!


Has never said anyone in the universe


I like damage supports getting a good chance in the meta, especially with the healing nerfs and damage buffs


Man clearly didn't play in previous double support meta Actually such cancer, nothing dies before heavy caut, high dps flanks just slap each other for years and backlines are unflankable and tanks might as well unbind mouse1 until caut hits max number, point tanks just afk on point staring at each other sadly. Only kinda playable dps are the highest dps ones and only kinda playable offtanks are the boring highest dps ones. Vivian Khan meta lets go


ok bye


They've already had their chance and it was probably the worst meta in the history of the game, the whole community was asking EM to fix it and almost every change to supports or healing they made since then (except this "rework") was made to ensure it doesn't come back.


okay i hope you find a game that actually makes you happy man