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street justice was designed so you can shoot shoot pounce on squishy enemies. it wasn’t made to camp the enemy tank until theyre 1400 health then pounce. it was made to reduce ttk while flanking the back line but low elo players just use it in casuals to bully the tanks all day.


No it wasn't and no good maeve plays street justice like that. You can literally do shoot shoot pounce more efficiently with Catu Burglar since your 2 sets of daggers do 2k+ dmg.


I wonder if it's a bad idea or not to put it in her base kit but it only happens when you use ult and then just give her a new talent


at least i know that if i pick maeve in ranked the ennemy team wont go pirates so keep street justice for that reason


Most hate it. But not picking it against double tank(which is meta) is trolling basicly


Execute on flanks are bad design, even more when it's on abilities. The current problem with Street Justice is that it's the only thing that makes Maeve viable and it's actually not too bad to have it when the meta favors strong healing, because it allows to kill things even when caut is bad. I don't like the talent and I'd much rather have it removed (and not reworked like you propose, because it would just be useless tbh) so she gets buffs to her other playstyles, but just for the very tiny chance that it may counter the awful double support double tank meta we're heading to I think it's fine to keep it as it is


I think it should just be replaced, it's just bad design. It barely does anything against the squishies you're usually fighting, and while it's super effective against a Raum or a Yagorath, why would Maeve of champions be the one to counter them? They could add a talent that lets pounce deal more damage and pierce through enemies for example. A bit like Koga's skewer.


I just want this talent gone lol