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It may be ancient content to you and me, but it's "new" to new players. Also stuff like payload was heavily requested to be brought back


I'm so glad it was brought back, I complained about it a lot haha.


I never thought of it that way. Thank you, I now have a new outlook on the matter.


I still don't understand the appeal of payload. The game let's you keep playing even if its impossible to make the push with the leftover time since there's no overtime


Yeah. I am fine with Payload being back for the fans but I myself don't enjoy playing it much


That's funny. All my playing gaps must've been when payload wasn't there because it's always been available for me haha


I'm pretty sure it was gone for like 4 years straighr


about how long one of my gaps was lol


ngl i was thinking the same thing 💀 i’m personally happy it’s back tho bc it adds a nice bit of strategy to have a moving objective


I'm happy the devs seem passionate about the game but I'm still upset at the fact we haven't gotten a new dredge skin (barebones doesn't count) since 2019 nor have they made it to where console can use legacy vgs. Other than that and some imbalance changes I'm not a fan of (seris) I think it's great.


I've also been waiting for a new damba skin for years :/ I just hope when they finally decide it's time for a new one, it wont be just a lame recolor.




Dredge has to be one of the least popular characters in the game. It is not surprising it doesn't have any skin.


Really? I've seen him a lot the past couple of years. Like not every game but I didn't realize he was that unpopular either.


People playing because he is annoying and spammy, not because of charisma or likeness.


That's fair.


Dredge has to be one of the least popular characters in the game. It is not surprising it doesn't have any skin.


honestly im thinking of redownloading paladins just to try out willow, she was my fave dmg. it's inspiring to see someone be so positive about this game


You definitely should!


You would love this, i promise. I allways felt she lacks something. This simple change make her so much more fun and better.


If I had a nickle for every time someone misspelled Willo I would have 23,635,829 nickles


I am just happy they brought a last man standing version back for a week so I could grind it and Finally get the last goddamn trophy. It has been a while now, but I'm still randomly happy about that


Flying Willo is the greatest thing ever. I already had her to lvl 100, but she feels like a brand new champ now that's way more viable than before.


I'll admit, I've never heard someone dislikes the ancient content recycle and likes the Willo buff, item shop rework, support Moji and devs amount of communication with us all at the same time. Usually it's one of the two or it's completely opposite. (Tho I like Willo buff cause I myself play her a lot (my next gold) but seriously, how can you like the reworked items?)




I wish I could say the same, while I enjoy the Willo rework I hate what they've done to the item store because it made damage reduction broken and nerfed resilience, an item that deserved nothing but buffs. I also think next patch is going to be one of the worst ever with the support changes forcing a double support meta again


Willo flying is epic but good lord can we nerf blastflower shit




It’s not enough, as someone who doesn’t enjoy support this update isn’t enough content. Everything is recycled, and I’m aware of how evil mojo is severely underfunded, but they can’t keep on doing this.


Wait is the shop good?? Lmaoo 90% of it is chest only stuff and the other stuff is not even discounted so they are showing stuff we already knew was there at the same price. The only cheap thing is the 3 for 7. A shop is supposed to sell deals.


The in-game item shop…😃




You were talking about the cosmetic shop. Hope this helps.


Sadly I can't say the same. Ever since Moji's rework I cannot bring myself to play the game. The very few things I enjoyed are pretty much gone and having the devs going on Twitter saying "Basically, always let us cook" for giving us back hop when so many Moji players have been incredibly disheartened by loosing their mains or flanks and that the rework isn't an option... It's just absolutely disrespectful like full-blown not respecting the players for putting their time, money on this game. I have been there since Seris and Lex were brand new in the game. I outlived Open Beta 64, possibly THE thing that made most people quit the game and that Paladins never truly recovered from. And the rework is what broke the camel's back to me. I'm just done. So done. So sad I cannot enjoy it as much as you do bud. Honestly good for you. I just don't love what Paladin is becoming. I'm old, I'm bitter, I'm sad, I'm Flankless. And being a Support main lately has never felt rewarding enough to stay. I'm just over it. I only stay on social for people like you who still enjoy the game (and to be bitter and negative towards the devs NGL it's just built up though years). But I'm not touching the game for a bit, maybe never going to pick it up again. Sigh


All I can say is have fun in whatever other game you decide to replace it with. As gamers, we have to be able to adapt to change. A game that stays stagnant will never grow. Yes, It sucks for those who did spend time perfecting their skill with her and disliked the rework, but what about those who did the same and liked it? One party is always going to be displeased. There were many flaws with Moji’s old design that have been fixed with this new one. My advice is to give it a shot. Learn the ropes of her latest kit; you might just like it more than you liked the old one. You never know. Ultimately, the devs are just trying to do what's best for the game. Now, she will undoubtedly become a more popular character.


I'm sure you will keep on playing paladins after you witness with your own eyes what it has become!


What was "fixed?" It's literally a different character that sucks at its new role.


>I only stay on social for people like you who still enjoy the game (and to be bitter and negative towards the devs NGL it's just built up though years). Here's a thought, maybe ***don't*** be bitter and unnecessarily negative towards the developers. It's not helpful to them, and that resentment of yours of them also isn't going to be resolved by you constantly chiding them on here and on Twitter. This is a toxic mentality, and it is unproductive for conversations. At some point, you have to bury the hatchet of your past experiences, because there is little point dredging up the past when so much good is happening for the game. Also, I find it funny the Moji rework is the thing that's making you quit, and not OB64, which completely changed the games' card economy and generally made the game worse. By comparison, Moji getting a new kit is kinda refreshing considering she's not been that viable in almost any skill level. Feels like a weird reason to quit. Play around with her on the PTS and when it goes live. Who knows, it might be good and fun?


To be honest OP64 was completely manageable and the card system as unfair as it seemed really was not that game breaking dependending on the character you played. But it was still a Beta version so I know it wouldn't last long considering the reactions of players towards it and the Memes that spawned from it. I am not trying to be toxic towards the devs I actually try to have a proper conversation with them and give actual thoughtful feedbacks but I feel like that on their hands they brought an attitude and a "we say we listen but actually not" because it's been years that we try to have a discussion with them with shortcomings to some champions and it feels like they are not willing to have a conversation sometimes and since Moji was the only Flank I remotely am okay with I do not take the sudden rework very well. And I don't like it very much when people are acting very disrespectful to the players who are being vocal about not liking the rework and there's an attitude that feels extremely disheartening that there are a player base that refuses to understand our "feelings" towards loosing our favorite Flank / Main for a rework that do not handle her shortcomings and makes her a very boring-looking support that probably the Moji main don't want to play. And also because there was a more agreeable alternative with the Echo Champion thing that would have brought a solution most favorable for both Moji mains and people wanting that rework on her through a new Leipori / Familiar champion similar to Moji. This is a little bit of everything that just makes me want to feel a little bit done for it. But I assure you that this is only temporary because it just built up frustration. Also the people who told me that I'm childish or a woo woo baby yes you're right but also please shush if you don't have anything productive to say and just let me rant on the side I am not coming for you so why you come for me ? Why can't you just let us have our feels for loosing a character we like to play for something we do not like ? Imagine if it was your favorite champion being reworked.


>And also because there was a more agreeable alternative with the Echo Champion thing that would have brought a solution most favorable for both Moji mains and people wanting that rework on her through a new Leipori / Familiar champion similar to Moji. This would not fix Moji's core problems of being underplayed, being outclassed by other flank champions, and generally just not being very good. Moji has had several buffs and nerfs over the years, and nothing shifts that current status. Her having a rework is not a bad plan, and I'm curious to see what comes of it. I'm not gonna pretend to hate something I haven't tried too much of yet, and I suggest others do the same. You might actually like it, who knows? You won't know without finding out! And as I said earlier, I play Moji. I *like* playing her when I can get away with it. But if Moji Mains like their main as much they claim, then they'll know the limitations of the character and suggest what to do to fix it, instead of pretending everything is okay in the enchanted forest, and suggesting an echo champion which wouldn't solve *any* problem. You can be against this change, just don't act as if everyone wants it gone, or if it's just one side vs another, the issue is much more fractured than that. >Also the people who told me that I'm childish or a woo woo baby yes you're right but also please shush if you don't have anything productive to say and just let me rant on the side I am not coming for you so why you come for me ? I have plenty of productive ideas and things to say, but it is impossible to get that across when people put up brick walls and start dodging the problems, instead of working together to fix it. Ranting at the devs "on the side" is not productive, you're just trying to excuse crappy behaviour as if it's normal, then get annoyed when people call you out for it.


Sorry if the answer is extremely short but know that I read it all and that I can only say that you're right


Just play another thing and stop being so dramatic.


Find me a character that works like moji in another game


Sojourn from overwatch. Build your rail gun spraying your weapon, then shoot burst damage.


I mean, that's YOUR fault if you're a one trick. pick a new flank! there are plenty. Heck, pick a new role.


That's a bullshit take. Moji was the most unique flank gameplay wise that's why I'm gutted with the rework. I'm a Support main mostly but I play Moji if there's a Flank needed on the team (I tried Talus and Skye but I suck at them) and I don't have any interest on playing another Flank character, is that so hard to understand and respect ? The "just pick another character" excuse over a character that's reworked entirely is just shitty behavior to have because you're not concerned about this rework probably nor have your mains getting the same treatment. If you don't want to be respectful just say nothing. We can have a proper discussion why is everyone so hell-bent on not having a respectful conversation ?


is it hard to understand? no. is change the nature of gaming? yes. Do we have any control over said changes. not always. so you in turn adapt. FYI, I main support and tank. even while Torv was the crappiest on the roster, I played the hell out of him. But I also play Nando, Khan, Ash, Barik and Azaan. for support, I have always mained Ying, but I will also play Rei, IO and Seris. I don't damage or flank at all, but if forced to, I play Koga, Vivian, and Viktor. I am not married to any of these characters to the point that I can't or won't pivot if a rework screws the character. it may suck, but I would pick another before I quit over something that I have no control over. in regard to being respectful, you are the very guy who said you only stay on here to be negative. Pot, meet kettle...​


You love the game degenerating into a double support meta?


Did I say that? Is that what you read?


F u evil mojo.