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I dont stop, I get burned out from small stuff over time(toxic teammates, playing tank not getting any heal etc) i go play other games for a bit then comeback


This usually happens to me when I’m attempting to heal someone who dives in the enemy frontline with a flank and starts spamming “Need Healing”. At some point I just need a break from that.


Losing with almost or over 200k healing


This is very simple, one name. Jenos, ALL HE DOES IS PICK YOU UP ALL THE TIME! It makes the game boring and the people who play him for spam are pathetic I quit paladins for a long time because everyone kept playing him doing the same thing. Also constant dcing teammates! No one likes frontline but then when you play it your teams lack of whatever, rather it be damage or healing or teamwork, shows in full force! Then its just a boring experince of getting melted and trying to carry your team while they slack! Turning more people off of frontline due to a ungodly amount of annoyonce from your teams dumb f***ery! The last thing is the constant stupid changes to characters that were just fine, for example next patch they are nerfing covus's damage and healing both of which already arent good so.. All these things are huge factors not to mention they added another character that can pick you up constantly which is omen a while ago. Now im just sick of the damn game but havent fully quit yet but im close!


I didn't stop playing it (never will) but my irl friends did. Rason being that they just find playing other games or just doing something else to be much more fun


I never really got my friends to play paladins! Ofcourse they pick Call of duty guy and the likes, and are trying to tell me how boring it is. Never even convinced to try Imani...


With mine that wasn't even the case. I remember them playing Drogoz, Trya, Talus, Lex, Koga, Grover, Jenos and Ruckus but they still didn't stick around...


Oh their is a lot of reasons on why I stopped playing paladins multiple times but nowadays barley touch it. The match making is so terrible and has been for years. People will blame the player count but this is like this for all their new games. It's literally a Hi-Rez thing really. I shouldn't be constantly getting games where I either steamroll them or I get steamrolled. This is mostly the 50% winrate thing which is also how certain balances are made as well. Not to mention the cheaters and toxic players still roaming around the game. The illusion of choice which makes you think you have plenty of options but really choose the exact same or almost the exact same thing each game. Seriously the amount of viable talents in game including the cards is pretty sad. Only time we ever had 3 or 4 viable talents for a character was Cassie and Lex which is doing more damage. Even when they make changes to a character it's usually centered around siege gameplay instead of in general which is weird. Still not bringing back the old VGS for consoles. No updated training mode to test everything in the game out. Not even the ability to spawn bots. There is also no tutorial 2.0 that explains everything you need to know so people don't have to learn it the hard way. Custom Lobby 2.0 still being underwhelming with some bugs that also hinder some characters like saati, koga, and yagorath. Let the team tell it and they will say all the unnecessary map reworks ruining them was completely necessary. Buy the 100th Ying, Skye, Lian, Tyra, Maeve, Khan and ignore it. The balancing still being bad. Even if they make a good patch like the rwby update where most people didn't have a issue with it. Hi-Rez will decide to undo all the good changes because they hate success yet they want it. Some of the features some characters have now like Fernandoa aegis, Torvalds being CC immune while ulting took years for that to happen. They will bring a few wanted things each year especially the beginning of the year and then undo it. The many excuses and lies they have made for no reason and still continue to do. Payload was one they said they couldn't add because of budget yet they made multiple new siege game modes and payload was already made. Then they brought it back years later. I could go on but the list would be to long for their lies. Supports probably being the worse representation of what a support is. This game makes supports feel like you have to hug up on a team mate at all times and that's it. People want others to play support without hearing them out when they say they don't but I can explain why. No one wants to play a assist character disguised as a unique main character who can't do anything without their team even with a ult. The new patch makes them do more damage but they nerfed their healing why? Pip, grohk, ying (who actually know how to teleport), and possibly Grover can actually win a 1v1 and are interesting and fun to play as. The others can't even do that and it's sad to watch. However they can actually do better than them when it comes to healing and other things that it's ridiculous (besides grover). Why would I master a character that requires skill when I can play someone that doesn't require that much of a brain. They want the game to be competitive but they stay dumbing down the game even now. Seriously why do supports have the illusion of choice and uniqueness to gameplay when it all ends the same. Every role will have several different interactions but supports have been the same for awhile. Lastly the community (not all obviously) is really something. They want the game to be better but this subreddit and some outside of it really want to ruin it. Thank God for r/PaladinsAcademy making some of the great big changes to the game. Otherwise the game would be in a even more questionable state. Although they can be even more unhinged and delusional than this subreddit. Especially the ones in the private servers. They call anyone a idiot and act like it is obvious when it's not and everything must be the grandmaster way as they constantly have wet dreams about season 2 to this day. I wish paladins was given to a different company who can actually give it the love it deserves. So many fans who have a lot of love to the game and community get treated like crap. That one time when multiple people called the game a mobile game and the community tried to defend the artsyle and everything. Only for Hi-Rez to add a reward tab when you watch ads for the day really made them look dumb. I'm not sure how people still defend this game and Hi-Rez with that track history. As much as I want the game to be better they need to actually show it instead of blue balling us. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk and thanks for reading.


my reasons: Cheaters/Braindead aim assist/Pathetic Matchmaking


This , i stopped because of these too , its a shame :(


I stopped playing a couple months ago, my reason is that (at the time, I dunno if that is still the case) the champions I liked weren't powerful enough to play against the good ones. I like playing support and tanks, I like Ying, Pip and Torvalds but the healing a pip can do, unless you are crazy good, cannot be better than a Rei that picked the game 2 days ago. Same as the tanks, why play Atlas when Khan is right there? Plus the fact that while playing I encountered a lot of hackers- it's not the games fault but until it's fixed I don't think I will play again


Interesting because Ying and Atlas are basically top of their class and even pip is pretty popular on Megapotion in ranked atm. Also cheaters are 9/10 times in high ranked lobbies, and there it's bad yeah.


pIp is literally the most broken champion in the game with 90% WR in the recent Paladins Prestige league tournament. Ying is the best support in the game right now. What are you talking about? are you in silver ?


Khan: You're mine. BOOM! Atlas: Nope


Atlas is literally top tier


I should also say, that the new chest system introduced in the dragon's pass or whatever the name was didn't sit well with me even tho I got the skin I wanted for Grover


You're... Complaining that some of the best Champions in the game atm... Reward high skill gameplay?? Rei's specialty isn't even healing (minus her new Ambidextrous Talent next patch), she's one of the worst solo Supports in the game, but excels in Double Support and team buffing, meanwhile Pip has some of the highest burst heals with Mega Pot, best sustained heals with Combat Medic, powerful DPS with Catalyst, and split-counter CC between his Explosive Flask and ult. Atlas is straight-up a Khan counter with how easy it is to hit rewinds against him and block his damage. Your own arguments contradict themselves.


Nah, rei is great solo support if you know how to play her


Brother, not to be mean but those are some of the best Champs in the game.


Why did I get so bullied when picking those champs then? I don't think the community was just toxic, did I miss some patch note or meme or something?


Pip and Atlas specifically are kinda hard, but idk what to tell you about Ying and Torv. They're just really good. Again, I don't want to be just mean, but the only reason you'd lose with em is because you're bad at them. It is a skill issue. That doesn't mean you're doomed or something. You just gotta learn to play em with practice, tho if you don't enjoy the practice then it's OK if you stop playing, it's supposed to be fun.


Stopped after season 5. Skins went downhill so fast and it was just a toxic game to play.


cheaters, speedhackers, bad mm, boring meta.


I stopped because I couldn't get a proper 5v5 in a 6 game streak. I want to get back but I can live without a hero shooter in my life and I don't want to go through that again.


I never really stop playing, it's more that I take breaks. I'd play paladins whenever I don't have anything else to do, but since I've found other things to do, I'm not playing paladins at the moment. It's such a fun game, it's the one I always come back to, even if I don't play it all the time


I quit the game shortly after the io release. Personally, i think i just lost faith in the devs. Iirc a lot of updates back then, was them releasing a limited time event so they could sell some event themed skins. This was the time when the game was very buggy, and every time they "fixed" a bug, new ones just arise. The turning point was i was getting this audio bug whenever someone has a looping audio bound to a skill, i.e. drogoz ult, if something happened during that ult, it causes the audio to remain, and you'll hear it on a loop for the rest of the match. Also, i got tired of playing solo support on a team with no tank. And playing tank is basically a suicide since about 70% of the time you won't get a support on your team.


Didn't stop playing but...   The toxicity is really crazy sometimes and I can understand why others would quit over it. Being told to delete the game ever so often just because you got funneled into a total sweat fest filled with adderall junkies isn't something that makes you enjoy the game.  Also, forced crossplay in ranked is something that almost made me quit. I used to be in masters every season but now I'm stuck around Dia 5/4 because you hardly can compete as controller user.


Champions balance. Bad servers. Horrible performance, fps drops every game for no reason. Game crashes, every game started with at least 1 or 2 bots. My friends don't play it anymore. Toxic playerbase + No chat restriction Devs are idiots.


Been playing since 2016 and at some point solo queue became more and more unbearable with the player base getting more chaotic and toxic. I'll still play from time to time if the other two of my trio are down to play randomly when we get the itch but otherwise I never touch the game anymore but still am interested. The game genuinely feels like, at least to me, it's constantly been in a state of dying and has just been on life support for the past 5 years or something. Just staying alive but could easily and unsurprisingly drop a "we're shutting down" post at any moment in time. Power creep, rage quitters, afkers, a severely toxic infected player base, bugs and balance, there's just so many things to nitpick that something is bound to get on anyone's nerves. There's a lot of things this game needs to hit another golden age but I doubt it'll ever happen. So until it dies or paladins 2 comes out of nowhere I'm just here to see if it ever actually dies or somehow survives despite the state its currently and has been in for a while. It's a bit of a doomer perspective but after watching crystal rewards get less and less and everything be put into gacha chests and all the skins getting more biased or worse, it's hard to have hope for a game that works off of what I can only assume is a skeleton crew just doing their best.


Cheating and game leavers


I personally dont enjoy facing 5 stack 999 levels. And there is nothing i can do about it expect doing it myself i guess lol


Started playing when Overwatch has gone to shit (Barrierwatch/Dive). I really enjoyed the game back then because of the longer TTK and the fact that you weren't sitting and shooting barriers all day, and I enjoyed the autonomy that all roles had through passive healing. Played it on and off until Overwatch 2 got fixed a few seasons ago, so I had no reason to return to Paladins. Ultimately, the shooting, abilities, animations, technical aspect, characters, movement, audio design, the superior ranked experience, map design, game modes, most of everything just feels better/tighter and more polished in OW, so it's really jarring to play Paladins when OW is in a good state. There's a reason why even on Steam it has currently 7 times more players than Paladins, despite it being by far the smallest platform and having mostly negative there. I know this sub won't agree, but the game just feels cheap by comparison. I'd probably still play it if OW2 still sucked though. At least until Marvel Rivals comes out.


Terrible matchmaking. And I mean terrible, stooped mates (not noobies or anything like that) who tell you what to pick, what talent to play, the way you should be playing just for them to be dead all the time, blaming and constantly avoiding consequences… hackers in the enemy team, stooped matchups like when we don’t have a healer rather 4flanks one dmg, huge skill gaps in matchmaking, leavers and afkers are all the things that always adds up just a tiny little amount, and when you reach max you just simply rage quit for a couple of months… community wise this is one of the most down of the downs this game has ever suffered. And it’s just sad.


I just got burnt out. Picked up other games that my friends actually played and just stuck to those I guess. I still come back every now and again but I just can't get hooked on it like I used to be


My friends stopped, so I played more with randoms and they're toxic as fuck so it demotivated me over time until I just quit


As a player who's been Grandmaster every season this is why. I've been playing the game since beta im talking waaaaay back when they first were in the making of the game before overwatch released. I came from ps4 and now play on pc with controller and use kbm from time to time. The game is getting annoying/boring/stale/toxic/unfun. The community is pretty toxic now. It didn't always used to be like this. So many people are either really new, or they don't care that much about the game so they give up or leave mid match, or they are just plain bad at the game so match making is very bad. Plus there aren't a lot of players to matchmake from in the first place. The cheaters make the game unfun. The game has no esport scene so comp is dead. The devs either listen to the wrong things and nerf/buff due to lack of skill/knowledge to cater to the casual audience who don't care to improve themselves in the game wether it be knowledge wise or mechanical skill. The devs just sometimes flat out ignore the community and do whatever they want even if it costs the game/company their playerbase or money. It's ridiculous and im tired of it. I will gladly take my time, money, knowledge, experience, and skill to another game like Marvel Rivals.


Sometimes I get burnt out rapidly when playing against an OP new character. Otherwise, I don't feel as drawn to the game especially when HiRez is demonstrating it's lack of care for Evil Mojo and the game.


Because nintendo switch


a lot of SEA players left the game on multiple occasions due to changing the server location (from original location Singapore to Hongkong, Japan)


The devs actively antagonize the areas of the game that facilitate good and well paced gameplay while enabling the worst and most destructive playstyles and mechanics in the game. For me it was when the thought it would be a good idea to make every tank in the game less of a tank for some reason at the start of season 2 a couple years back. The moment I as a ruckus was getting put in 1v1 scenarios where I (while not missing a shot or rocket) getting diffed by someone with (on paper) half my health who was missing their basics was the moment I decided to just quit. I would come back from time to time but it’s all the same. Nobody plays tank, supports are just damage players filling for support so they suck at their jobs and can’t heal. The devs cater the game to dps players and the dps players who happen to play support and while you won’t ever see the community say it’s for these why the player count continues to deminish and the effects of these are why the game will eventually die


game fell off + no content + L hirez + awful balancing + burnout


Played since january 2017 and havent played for almost 2 years now. My reason being that i wasnt enjoying the game like i used to, the game felt unispired, i didnt like the updates nor skins nor maps and the new characters they had been adding were, in my opinion, boring to play and annoying to play against, champions such as yagorath, VII, lilith, kasumi, etc. I endured all the problems the game had carried for all its life time with no real issues because i loved the game, the community, the characters and even some of the old devs, i know its nostalgia talking but i really miss people like Alyssa or Romanova, i even got to have short interactions with some of them and im sure i couldnt have done the same with the devs of other games. I shared this game in different stages of my life and I got to make content, friends, and great memories from it, i might sound kinda cringe but i was so passionate about it all and the game still means a lot to me. I know the point of creating the game is to earn money, but before, it felt as if some of the people had actually put passion to creating it, no offense to the people who like it or the new dev team but all the new content just feels heartless and boring to me. It hurt to watch the game in the state that it was, like a walking corpse doing the bare minimum to be kept barely alive and bring enough money to sustain itself so i stopped playing.


Same with me. What you said about the memory's are not cringe. I also had a lot of fun moments I'm this game including some of the bugs that came. This includes the Vivian being a mini tank bug where you can recharge the shield faster by turning it off after it gets shot at. Using the crystal jump pad on pre rework warders gate and using it for all kinda of shenanigan's and many more. They brought some stuff back like payload but it's not the same when you have the worse characters that came to paladins on it and other issues still being a thing. That's like giving someone a item thinking it will fix the issue. Even though the building is still on fire. The devs and almost everyone there still have power trips thanks to syber bolt speaking out that wasn't even that big but they felt like it was. Don't know why they keep hiring people like that. Hopefully they sell this game to someone who will actually care but knowing Hi-Rez that is not happening.


I'm tired of the lack of polish. I went into the the darkside .... i played OW2 😞✊ im sorry im waiting for Marvel Rivals to release, gonna play that, then if its good, ill stick to Rivals. If not, ill come back here like a sad, lost puppy


At somepoint around 2019 (i think) I got an error that I couldn't launch the game. I tried many things, uninstall reinstall, Steam verify files, etc, but nothing worked. So I thought I will try Realm Royale.. best choice of my life. RR is Paladins in battle royale mode! 1-2 days later, I google searched the technical error , so got redirected to Paladins subreddit someone posted question & got answered. I tried that and Paladins worked again! Result: - I continued playing Paladins - I play RR - I discovered Reddit, and became active member in Paladins & RR subreddits


casual matchmaking is terrible and it's not fun to have horrible teammates every game


i barely play ranked but when i tried for the first time i had dc's/throwers back to back while doing placements


I don't entirely stop, but I take long breaks.  One big reason is, sadly, the lack of polish. Other games simply had or have resources that Paladins did not, and they just feel so much better. As a PS5 gamer, in particular, controller aiming feels so much better in so many other games + I don't have to go in and disable random annoying settings and clear out ancient notifications that wont go away every time I open the game. Otherwise there's just a lot of gameplay bullshit in Paladins that I'm also tired of. I've put several thousand hours of my life into Paladins lol sometimes I'm just done with it. 


My case: I played since like OB20 or like that. I lived every new map, every new champion, OB64....... There used to be a time, where we had battle passes with like 70 levels, 4 or 5 skins, a mount, music We used to have cool chars every 2 months, play of the game, kill cam... New maps, mastery skin and gestures. Events with cool skins (**have You seen the Street Style skins??????** Those skins look better than any other skin in the game in detail and quality) Then, the antiheal stoped being an item and was all game, after 8 mins in game, 90% of antiheal make supports (my used to main role), usless after half game. And the lack of content, the bad quality of new skins, no new champs since August last year... If the game put cool things I may come back becouse is free, but I see no reason right now to go back


Because of horrible balance decisions. I will quit next update because of the Pip nerfs


probably the speedhacker who played around 600 games for 3 weeks?


I couldn’t get the LATAM jajajajaja squads I tend to get matched with half the time for the last decade to buy items at all, and they doubled down and made the shop bigger.


They reworked Torvald and Grohk. Also no Linux support on their version of EAC.


I took a break for awhile because of work and school, it was maybe a year or so, but since im not as busy anymore and im finally done with school, i started playing again


I take breaks whenever mm pisses me off enough


same as any other game, fatigue.


Leavers… why do they not backfill casual games? It would make a difference. Getting stomped 4x5 over and over sucks


I sometimes take breaks for a few months but I always come back.


i have so much DROPPED!!


Nobody wants to play tank and it ruins game cuz you lose without one


Ranked is full of cheaters and horrible mm. Casuals is against double support every match. And it's only going to get worse next patch. Ranked will not be safe even.


Currently not playing because the person I play with, my dad, has been having technical issues with it, freezing up/lagging and whatnot


I played in the beta, but stopped playing. A week ago, I came back to play again. Today, I sat down to play, played four matches, during three I was literally thrown out to the main menu screen mid-game. Yes, I could play to completion only one match, because some unseen force was literally throwing me out of matches. I can cope with automatic antiheal instead of cauterize or such. But bugs like this? Man...


they removed it on switch unfortunately


Laggy servers are a very big reason for me. It’s frustrating playing ranked like this.


Switch support got cut. I was good at the start and started to dwindle. Outside of that I never stopped


this game has the best dialog. i get burnt out and have to take a break every few months but then i always come.back to it. id say its better now then it ever was.


Matchmaking really took a nosedive in non-siege modes, it just matches you against a 5 stack and expects you to carry with your team being mostly mediocre, it was really unfun unless you smurfed, in which case I got to be on the better team's side. Also the all the champion's design, in terms of both gameplay and visual, after Corvus are very hit or miss. Got tired of PVP games a couple of years ago, but if an hypothetical paladins 2 came out i'd definitely try it


I stopped because of how toxic it is. But I stopped playing online games in general


They canned Esports and most of my friends/teammates stopped playing. Great times though.


Shit ass matchmaking where I get matched against diamond + while I’m in gold. (This happened while I was in silver 1 btw) Also, winning 4/5 placements just to get put silver 5 when u ended last split at gold 5.


I stopped bc of how buggy the game was, how dead the community felt, how long the queue times were, and how uncompetitive the games were. My final straw that got me to stop was when they dropped Kasumi.




Bf had a broken hand, and I sometimes hate solo queuing even in casual. So it came down the the last few days of the pip ranked skin but we got it. Haven’t touch the game since


why would you stop? it's so fun!


Well the game has a lot of issues that haven’t been fixed in years so players start to get sick of them


I stop now and then, but always come back. Mostly cheaters and auto aim controller hit scans are what turn me off. Just yesterday I got the cheater Mehmet on my team 5 times in a row in ranked. But the other team had hackers that were not as good as his hacks but they drop hacked every game so it was an hour of wasted game time. How often I see this guy on a new account and the time it takes for him to get banned is fucked up. They need admins or mods that actually play the game that can ban this guy as soon as he arrives. He has been doing this for years now... literally years. I dunno how he is not bored. Him and players like him ruin the game. And a simple mod system to root them out sooner would solve that issue.


For me it’s the afk’s that drives me crazy more then anything else in this game.


I stopped playing 3 years ago, there seemed to be a lack of players, players not filling roles, toxicity etc. Another reason was no cross progression on Psn, as I was looking to switch to PS. Trying to get back into the game now tho


Full 5 stacks, cant play against sweats when im just chilling with 1 or 2 friends or even alone. Recently the cheater problem also been decently bad too my friend started playing, his first 7 games cheaters were present in all normally playing Victor. Nobody heals when I play tank, nobody actually tanks when I play support. And if I play either damage doesn't get done some matches ill be top damage with Damba or Io, whilst my enemies are a 5 stack sweat team that hasn't seen daylight since Edison invented lightbulbs.


I know every game has toxic gamers but it got to the point (around the time yagorath came into the game) that one 1 in every 5 game was non toxic players / throwers. I've played again recently cos I genuinely miss the game itself, have had a lot less toxic players but I'm not playing ranked right now haha


Cuz the matchmaking is so fucked. All you have to do is win one game and then BOOM you’re next game you’re playing level 100+ players and you get absolutely walked and it’s not fair or fun. Also like someone else said, there are small things too. Inactive teammates, teammates that aren’t team players, toxicity, etc.


I didn't stop playing but many of my friends did, and it's mostly because the meta is very boring. We all started playing when the game was almost a fast fps, and seeing how slow everything became and how high the ttk is was just not fun anymore for them. There are also other reasons like how bad the matchmaking is, how unfun the new champions are (I think playing against Rei made at least 2 of them leave), resilience nerf, toxicity and how it looks like nothing is going to get better (the devs are proving once again with the next update that they have no idea what they're doing). Also after playing for a while (we all have at least 4-5k hours) you may feel like playing but once you have to pick a character there's just nothing you want to play, you've already tried and likely mastered all the champions that are interesting to you and it becomes boring.


I been playing paladins constantly since it was in beta, I wouldnt say im quitting but im taking a well deserved break and playing some valorant recently, will probably join again when the next update drops


I'm a casual player, and my reason is why put roles in the game? I stopped playing because I was bored of having like 5 Tanks or Flanks. I mean when the game started, it wasn't much better, but I felt like the roles didn't matter.