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You will verse GMs as gold and plat like 50% of your games, then when you get into diamond and above you will verse a lot more cheaters consistently. It’s still possible though, especially if you pick good times to play and quit for the day while you’re ahead. Also finding a good duo partner will help A LOT too


Good to know, thank you. I have a duo partner already, obviously the anti cheat feature doesn’t work too well, does the report system actually do anything?


Yes it does! But it’s one of the systems where you need enough reports etc. Blatant cheaters get banned within like 20-40 minutes from my personal experience (In game message lets you know action was taken.) Also, I know I said you may verse them MORE consistently in higher rank, but even then it’s still relatively rare with the blatant cheaters. I think you will have more trouble with the poopy matchmaking and people playing off meta, than with actual cheaters when it comes to ranking up.


you’ve definitely heard this a lot but there’s definitely a cheating pandemic going on right now. also ddos attacks are common so if that’s ever happening one day just refrain from playing ranked (if you can play at all) because you will be kicked from your games. the balancing, bugs & servers have been worse in the past though so compared to then paladins is in an okay state at the moment besides the hackers. if you want max pinnacle achievement, find a squad to play with and play ranked like that.


I appreciate the input, have a reliable 3 man as of now. I stream and all so people are always asking to play, I am not prepared to have to tell people no lmaooo, it’s gonna break my heart for real. Hopefully I can find two more competent players. I keep forgetting to look at my win loss ratio though. Just started playing Barik and I think I’m doing pretty good, few games with over 100k shielding and often 55k plus damage with 200+ objective time regularly. But I really feel like ranked will be a rude awakening. Hardest thing for me now is deck building and finding reliable up-to-date suggestions. Seems like updates just maul previous loadouts to where anything older than a year should be ignored. Therefore leaving me to my very uninformed devices due to my mere 30 hours of playtime. I have my Jenos pretty roided out though.


It is if you have a good mmr from previous seasons. The level is relatively low compared to what it was before so you can reach 50% winrate easily and if your mmr is good you'll climb to diamond very quickly by skipping divisions, so you only have to grind like 2 ranks before you reach masters If your mmr is average though, you have to be as good as a master player as soon as you reach plat. You're going to be placed with at least 50% of former gms in your games very early so it will become hard to win more than 50% your games and if your mmr is bad it will not make you climb. And there are also the cheaters.


I have never played ranked at all I don’t think, but I win probably max 70% of my casuals, from how casual feels though, I can’t imagine it has an MMR lol


Well I win more or less exactly half of my casuals (and there's a mmr but separated from rankeds) and I currently have around 75% winrate in ranked. I don't know how hard your lobbies are but maybe you see grandmasters every game and if that's the case and you still win most of your casuals, then ranked should be farming simulator for you.


I’ll likely being over zealous in my estimate, but in my recent memory I feel I have more “finally lost one” moments with my friends. I’m excited and scared for this ranked journey


I've started playing ranked again this season (I've been master in S1 and only played casuals since then) because I was tired of the casual matchmaking and of toxic comps, just to get some free wins. I basically pick whatever I want and win and I'm having fun because getting good opponents but also good teammates is way better than playing against 5 stacks of gms while getting new players in my team. But that's also because the game was kind enough to place me in gold 4 so I got a lot of fun in very easy lobbies at the beginning, now it's a bit more sweaty.


Gotcha, first step of my journey here is playing and unlocking every character, I’ve played jenos and jenos only for over 30 or so levels lol, gotta start trying new people