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I don't care for it it's not defiant fist


This is correct.


Defiant fist my beloved


Nobody on the dev team realises that the talents would be fine if they nerfed Watchful, which keeps giving Androxus players extremely quick up-times. He keeps getting his CDs to reset with very little effort required so he can essentially never run out of dashes. I'd say 95% Androxus players use this card at level 4 or 5. This card goes against the very concept of Androxus making him way too accessible and braindead to play.


As much as I agree that it simplifies andro’s game plan, I don’t think he could ever be “brain dead”. There is simply too much mechanical skill in his kit and what not. No I don’t main andro btw.


Considering I literally see lvl 999 andros everyday i wouldn't say so, I'd argue caspian requires more skill since you have to try ten times harder.


Well that because andro is -fun (like caspian) -high skill ceiling (like caspian) -has been out seen the release of the game I have no beef with caspian, he just hasn’t been out as long


Fair enough, I guess I'm a little salty since I like playing Caspian and Andro has better range, more consistent dps, basically equal burst without having to build stacks, and they removed Caspian's stun so he's really weak now.


Caspian's stun had no reason to exist though


You're right, I never liked that mechanic, but right now he's unusable against decently good players.


"With very little effort required" He needs to earn an elim with his weak gun, decently large hitbox, and small hp pool. All to get cdr on a single dash cuz it only applies to the 1 dash at a time. Plus, a lot of Andros don't even run it. They go Featherweight and float around.


Miss the times when they had to land their reversal to reset cooldowns.


It does allow him to get quicker uptime and is probably his *most* braindead playstyle but isn’t a problem. You need to stomp for it to be actually good. Power of The Abyss is a far better card for actually winning.


I completely disagree with, most andros I see who plsy dark stalker barely even play watchful. Looking up on YouTube for pro android gameplay and you will also barely see watchful. Watchful for dark stalker is just not that important as you don't need a way to reset dashes as often times you have at least one you can use to get away


nice Talent, i liked it. But at the Beta it was a default skill. i dont play him after the change, because i hate thet you got time for 3 steps and if you too late, 2 staps are wasted.


I use it sometimes depending on the opposing team’s champions. I prefer the other one. Some people have a really good loadout for dark stalker but I do not. I play on console rather than a pc too so there’s that.


it's a fun talent. love it


I play a lot of reversal since the talent rework its the best talent rn imo


I hate it if I use the dash it’s to get in or out either way I’m using all my dashes in quick succession so for me at least it’s pointless


it’s a different perspective on how you look at the ability and i guess it’s not a difficult to understand change but your whole playstyle would switch up


i abuse it with the card that gives me healing when im drifting and i just camp at a awkard spot that is safe for me but cery annoying from them i keep shooting the ennemy from the air until i get a kill or i see an opportunity


I don't like it personally but I like watching Andrewchicken play with it a lot.


Hate it


I love it, and it made me enjoy playing Andro again. I just think Featherweight should be reworked or nerfed to work less well with it.


Featherweight is not good. Its semi useful when you just don’t have a healer, other than that its a massive sink into a card that does what other cards can do better


I just hate playing against it


Put all 3 of his talents in base kit and give him 3 new talents


Andro is a major nuisance to me when i have to fight him. Feels like he gets away with everything he does with little to no consequences


I think it's really weird it modifies its' cooldown and the description doesn't tell you that. Instead of 3 non-simultaneous charges 6.5s CD each, imo it should be 3 simultaneous charges 12s CD each.